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Gary and Bill Koening look at the role of Iran in current events and Bible prophecy.
Indians are Indo-European. Infact, they are the OLDEST Indo-Europeans. Non-negros like Indians and Chinese have African genes bcoz they lived in Africa with ...
Iranian businessman Alireza Tari discusses why investors are now interested in doing business in Georgia.
Keeping an eye on Washington's own allies, including the EU, is a key priority for the US National Security Agency, just behind the likes of Russia, China and Iran. That's been revealed by German magazine Der Spiegel which has seen documents leaked by fugitive US whistleblower Edward Snowden. Peter Oliver looks at who ranks where on the NSA's watchlist. Join my facebook page - Tune into GUNN - Glasgow Underground News Network, every sunday 8pm-10pm on A news based show that covers and connects a whole host of topics from geopolitics to oculted information and history. Download Show Archives Cip's Youtube Show Music by Fractal Distracions Dais Independent Media LOVelution, cause it just right that we do it with love and not violence ______________________________________________________ extra tags 2012, phenomenon, pole shift, solar flare, nibiru, planet x, conspiracies, prophecy, annunaki, Evidence, Alien hybrid, ancient, top secret, disclosure, Earth Changes, Mayan, end times, doomsday, illuminati, nostradamus, suppressed knowledge, Disaster preparedness, new world order, giants, holy bible, 666, antichrist, reptilian, UFO, ancient texts, conspiracy, nasa, cataclysm, paranormal, ghost, theory, armageddon, survivalism, technology, Alternative history, forbidden knowledge, Anomalies, experiment, experiments, Alien, Aliens, Extraterrestrial, grays, underground bases, Cattle mutilations, ufo, ufos, mystery, myth, Evolution, Education, science, Weird, Bizarre, hybrids, visitations, prophecy, ET, ET's, hollow earth theory, mankind origins, alien agenda, Reptoids, area 51, alien bases, phobos, abduction, ancient aliens, civilizations, lunar base, disclosure, ancient scrolls, discovery channel, history channel, hidden truth, Anomalies, space,conspiracy theories, Mars, Moon, Sun, Mystery, Mayan, news,end times, comet,collision, doomsday, civilization, Armageddon, chaos, secret knowledge, Solar System, black hole, mass extinctions, universe, cataclysm,tsunami, humanity, catastrophe, survival death, obe, nde, bio warfare, tornado, hurricane, haarp, superstorm, dwarf star, orbit, questions, answers, information, mankind, social collapse, government agenda, super storm, economic collapse, Mystery Booms, Black Eyed Children, NWO, Bilderberg, Obama, JFK, moon landing hoax, crop circles, Time Travel, angels, demons,religion, Nephilim, Reincarnation, Astrology, UFO Disclosure, UFO crash, Cryptozoology, Vampires, Werewolves, Zombies, Dreams, Human Psyche, ESP, PSI, Spirit, Economy, Millitary, War, Terrorism, Politics, World Events, Occult, Secret Societies, Bigfoot, Mothman, Alantis, Magic, Stargates, Numerology, Universe, pyramids, remote viewing
War never achieves peace. If I kill your father, mother, brother, sister, daughter, son your heart will be full of hate for me. Every killing due to war will...
Shame on AvangMusic Gives Copy Right Strike to Iranian, who Uploads Persian Music شرم بر آونگ موزیک Shame on UEFA, LaLiga Blocks My 94 Minutes News Video world wide For Few Second Reports of Football Your Beautiful Eyes Mojgan مژگان تو که چشمات خیلی قشنگه Iran The Legend of Love افسانه عشق Afsaneh Eshgh Music: Fardin Lahore Poor Artist: Vahid Taj آهنگساز: فردین لاهور پور خواننده : وحید تاج IODA an American Company claims copy rights on most Iranian Songs and music, even the national anthem of Islamic Iran. ??? Plese Voice Your Opinion. Tribute to Imam Khomeini by Googoosh AghaJoon ادای احترام به امام خمینی (ره) توسط گوگوش Happy New Year Amou Norouz تبریک سال نو UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS PREAMBLE Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world, Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people, Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law, Whereas it is essential to promote the development of friendly relations between nations, Whereas the peoples of the United Nations have in the Charter reaffirmed their faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person and in the equal rights of men and women and have determined to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom, Whereas Member States have pledged themselves to achieve, in co-operation with the United Nations, the promotion of universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms, Whereas a common understanding of these rights and freedoms is of the greatest importance for the full realization of this pledge, Now, Therefore THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY proclaims THIS UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS as a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations, to the end that every individual and every organ of society, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and international, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance, both among the peoples of Member States themselves and among the peoples of territories under their jurisdiction. Article 1. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. Article 2. Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty. Article 3. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person. -- Rabbits Born in Custody of San Diego County Department of Animal Services (SPCA Pet Killers & Animal Abusers) starved to death, and California spent over $100,000 to cover up their officer's crime, In Charge Lieutenant Lt. Harold Holmes , Eugene Cikanek , Lt. Laura L. Ward, , Shalimar Oliver , Dr. Julie Maher , Dr. David F. Johnson , Dr. Kerry S Mahoney , Vivian Bradley , Lori Weber , Dawn Danielson , Sgt Mike Tracy Justice delay, Justice denied. Have you seen Prince Shadow , born on July 4Th 2006 - Kidnapped on April 16, 2008 San Diego Police Suspects O Witnesses Dr. Officer Criminals in Uniform Lt. Harold Holmes , Eugene Cikanek , Carol Jo Rivers , Julie Maher , Shalimar Oliver , David F. Johnson , Rosemarie Noelle Townsend , SPCA Pet killers & Animal Abusers . Bahai Baha'i Programs TV Faith News Tehran derby Persian شهرآورد تهران
October 24, 2012-- On the eve of next month's presidential election Barack Obama may be preparing an "October Surprise" to shore up his sagging prospects for...
I don't give a f**k about copyright. Just don't ban 'em. Iron Maiden - Fear of the Dark Iron Maiden's official website: lyrics: I ...
For our second installment of The MUNCHIES Guide to Tehran, Gelareh visits Nayeb, a white-tablecloth restaurant that's been serving up succulent kebabs in Iran for over 120 years—and even got its initial footing in the bazaar. Their signature dish, koobedih, is a spiced meat kebab dipped in onion juice and cooked over an open flame, served with rice, somagh (sour powdered sumac) butter, and raw egg. After dining with Nayeb's fifth generation, great-great-great-great-granddaughter Sogol, Gelareh heads to the Baghe Saba Teahouse—a cultural hub akin to a Parisian salon that was once a mens-only enclave but now welcomes families. There, Gelarah is greeted by a buffet of salads, stuffed eggplant, barley soup, and every size of sabzi koofteh (Persian meatballs). Watch Part 1: Check out MUNCHIES Guide to the North of England: Subscribe to Munchies here: Check out for more! Follow Munchies here: Facebook: Twitter: Tumblr: Instagram:
Iron Man 2 Movie Hub: Read Iron Man digital comics: You wanted more "Iron Man 2"? You got i... Latest News Bulletin Watch English & Arabic World News Headlines Iranian Fo...
Dr. Kevin Clarkson and guest Bill Salus continue their discussion about Iran's nuclear sites and ambitions.
Greeting Unsettled Souls, Welcome to the show, reporting for The Media Speaks. ( There is some REALY SCARY happenings in Iran. How is ...
Song: Homo sapiens Band: Arsames CIty: Mashhad north east of iran PERSIAN Death Metal Band, ARSAMES: Hammering down your head wishing you were be dead suffer...
So close, yet so far. Iran and the West are close to accomplishing what so many in Washington and Tel Aviv are terrified of – a negotiated end to the Western standoff with Iran. Israel’s Netanyahu has made it clear: war is better than peace. Can Washington finally say ‘yes’ to peace? CrossTalking with Mohammad Marandi, Gareth Porter, and Chuck Freilich. RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ Listen to us on Soundcloud: RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
My name's Michael and I'm the Marketing Manager for Wild Frontiers. I'm here at the magnificent site of Persepolis in Iran. I've been in Iran for two weeks now and so far I've been enchanted by this fascinating country. CITIES The capital Tehran is most people's starting point, and in this busy city you can see ostentatious ornaments from the royal household in the crown jewels museum, and wander around the Shah's old residence, Golestan Palace. Just north of Tehran you can visit the Elburz Mountains for skiing in the winter or hiking in the summer. But the real highlights lie elsewhere. In the off-the-beaten-track city of Yazd you'll find a cityscape dotted with the ingenious wind tunnels -- which could be described as the world's first air-conditioning system - the ancient Zoroastrian site of the Towers of Silence, the magnificent Friday Mosque and a number of beautiful palaces and gardens. Shiraz meanwhile is a lovely university town, known as the city of poets, wine, literature and flowers, and is a real delight. I particularly loved visiting the atmospheric tomb of the Persian poet Hafez. In the evenings it has a magical atmosphere as people gather to read poetry and celebrate the life of this revered poet. Shiraz is also blessed with numerous picturesque mosques and beautiful gardens. The jewel in the Persian crown is undoubtedly the beautiful city of Esfahan, which has one of the largest squares in the world in the breathtaking Naqsh Jahan Square and probably the most stunning Islamic architecture found anywhere. Esfahan is unbelievably picturesque, with its famed bridges and lively bazaars. ANCIENT SITES Iran has a long and rich history, with the Persian Empire at one point ruling over 44% of the world's population. The country is home to some world-class archaeological sites, including the rock-carved tombs of Nagsh e Rostam, where Darius the great is buried, and the spectacular Achamaenid palace complex at Persepolis. This ancient palace was built by Darius the Great to celebrate events such as the Persian New Year, when representatives from the four corners of the empire would congregate. This vast site merits at least a couple of hours to explore the ruins and bas reliefs. SCENERY But it's not only about the cities and ancient sites, the scenery of Iran is an unexpected highlight. From beautiful picnic spots such as the Murgon Waterfalls, to fertile valleys in the Bavanat Mountains, where you can encounter Kashqai nomads and see a way of life that has changed little over centuries. In the Dena mountains around Yasuj you'll find an alpine scenery of snow-capped mountains, lakes and streams. It is well worth spending some time away from the better-known cultural sites to explore this lesser-known side of Iran. It really is a beautiful country. THE PEOPLE The people of Iran are another real highlight, being welcoming and keen to engage in conversation about everything from politics to football. You are likely to be surrounded by schoolkids asking you questions, offered tea and invited to share in picnics with the locals pretty much wherever you go. If ever a people were misrepresented by a regime it would be the Iranians. Thanks to a baby boom in the 80's, over 60% of its 70 million population are aged under 30. This generation is well-educated, worldly, and exposed to global media through the internet. Walking around the streets -- which are incidentally very safe - this certainly feels like a nation on the cusp of change. So forget about any preconceptions you may have about safety, security, or the welcome you'll receive in Iran. I've found the people to be the friendliest and most hospitable I've found anywhere in the world. So check out Wild Frontiers' tours to Iran and discover for yourself this fascinating country.
Islamic Republic of Iran جمهوري اسلامي ايران
a glimpse over Iran City's, Tehran, Shiraz, Isfahan, Yazd, Mazandaran climates and attractions.
Once again we went to the middle of Tehran and saw the beautiful Tehran Bazzar. Bazzar is not only a place for shopping, but also a place for visiting people especially seeing Iranian people and talking to them. So we went and saw the Persian Carpet Market in Tehran Bazzar. As the second part you can see some natural attractions of Iran in Mount Damavand. The last part of our journey was visiting Chaldareh in Mazandaran province. Available on Sahar TV website: The way of the mind, The way of the earning. iran travel guide for tourist & holidays,you must see IRAN before you die part 2 videos You can watch from. Iran - Travel and Tourism. Discover it with this video brought to you by Best Destination Travel TV channel (), travel guides and trav. 1. FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK: 2. OUR AWESOME TRAVEL WEBSITE: Iran blew our mind! The hospitality. My name's Michael and I'm the Marketing Manager for Wild Frontiers. I'm here at the magnificent site of Persepolis in Iran. I've been in Iran for two weeks n. When you're talking about travel and tourism to Iran, you can't overlook the question of U.S. and international sanctions imposed against Tehran as part of t.
Press TV's documentary program "Tehran, Iran" follows an Australian tourist who travels to Tehran for the first time; it depicts different aspects of life in Iran's capital, from art and culture to science and research. Follow our Facebook on: Follow our Twitter on: Follow our Tumblr on:
Watch Wild Frontiers travel guide to Iran and see all the highlights of this fascinating country in this short 60 second film - from the ancient site of Persepolis to the beautiful cities of Shiraz, Yazd and Isfahan, and the beautiful Zagros Mountains.
Take a tour of Historic Abyaneh in Iran -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats. In the mountains of Iran is a magical place where visitors can travel back in time. The small town of Abyaneh has adhered to old, traditional ways of doing things. The historic red clay buildings of their town climb up the slopes of Karkass Mountain. The Abyunaki can still be seen wearing the traditional clothing of their heritage. The village is believed to be one of the oldest in Iran. It is impossible not to feel the awesome weight of passing years when visiting Abyaneh.
Iran Travel Guide (Part 1 of 5) - Sahar English TV Live Show Production.mpg
Iran Travel Guide Part of Sahar English TV Live Show Production.
In this version, the last episode of Iran Travel Guide, Mohsen Nazaran , the host of the show traveled to Kish Island. It is part of the Hormozgan Province of Iran. Due to its free trade zone status, it is touted as a consumer's paradise, with numerous malls, shopping centres, tourist attractions, and resort hotels. Then he went to Tezerj waterfall in Hormozgan Province. Then, to The Borujerdi House, a historic house in Kashan. The house was built in 1857. It consists of a rectangular beautiful courtyard, delightful wall paintings by the royal painter Kamal-ol-molk, and three 40 meter tall wind towers which help cool the house to unusually cool temperatures. The house took eighteen years to build using 150 craftsmen. Then he went to Abyaneh, Shemshak ski resort in Tehran, Chehel Sotoun in Isfahan, the old bazzar of Isfahan and Shoormast lake in Mazandaran province.
Iran - Travel and Tourism. Discover it with this video brought to you by Best Destination Travel TV channel (, travel guides and trav...
Hi! Here is Tehran on 18th september 2012... The iranian people are the most friendly, helpfully and kind person i 've seen in my life... So i recommend Iran to any travellers... it's a fantastic country to discover... !!! Thanks to all iranian people for your warm hospitality !!!
When it comes to Tehran, it's impossible to avoid politics and easy to overlook the Iranian city's thriving culinary scene. In our first installment of The MUNCHIES Guide to Tehran, our host Gelareh Kiazand introduces us to the bustling street food offerings in the city. We begin our journey at the capital city's Grand Bazaar, since that's where commodities first arrive. Gelareh beelines for the market's food stands, where she samples dried fruits and nuts while waiting out the line at Moslem Restaurant, frequented by up to 5,000 kebab connoisseurs daily—well worth it for her favorite tah chin. At the more modest and bygone Tajrish Bazaar, she's the proverbial kid in a candy store, wading through copper and carpet vendors in search of sweet snacks, such as grape molasses and lavasak (fruit leather). Check out MUNCHIES Guide to the North of England: Subscribe to Munchies here: Check out for more! Follow Munchies here: Facebook: Twitter: Tumblr: Instagram:
Remarques: Je suis tolérant, respectueux et très ouvert d'esprit. Chacun a le droit de croire en ce qu'il veut... Personnellement je ne suis pas musulman, je...
JULY20,Iran Travel Guide Live Show (1 of 8),Sahar English TV Production 25fps.mpg. This is the summary of Lonely Planet Iran (Country Guide) by Andrew Burke.
Travel video about destination Tunisia. Tunis is a North African city with a long history. After the Hasfides and Osmans, the Spanish Moors came but then had to give way to French colonial rule until present day Independence. In the old town, there are more than 700 historic monuments which include 200 palaces, a colourful variety of buildings and numerous mosques.Among shoreline lava rock is the entrance to the Ghar El-Kebir, a collection of sandstone grottos. During Roman times, thousands of slaves were forced to bring building material for Carthage and El Djem from subterranean shafts. In Sousse, the simple fort of Ribat is probably the oldest Islamic building in North Africa, in which Muslim soldiers lived in monastery-like isolation and in the town’s Archaeological Museum there is a fantastic range of mosaics, predominantly from Punic and Roman excavations. Gabes is an oasis town which overflows with luxuriant floral splendour. By horse and carriage visitors can travel through one of the most beautiful maritime oases in Tunisia where, under 500,000 date palms, tobacco, henna, pumpkins, apricots and bananas thrive. The focal point of important caravan routes and trading centre for goods from Libya and Black Africa, Medenine is a very charming and lively city. Its reinforced honeycomb-shaped caves were the extraordinary-looking buildings that many will recall from the film ‘Star Wars’. The Sahara is the largest desert on earth, with different landscapes such as rock deserts, salt deserts and serene oases. Kebili is located on the edge of a huge salt lake and is a typical desert village with a green oasis and Artesian springs which provide water for its fruit and vegetable gardens. Nefta is also a green paradise in the desert, an oasis town that boasts no less than 152 Artesian wells. Dougga contains Tunisia’s most important ruins which nestle in the hills among shimmering olive trees and poppy fields. Endless deserts and fertile oases, busy towns and isolated mountain regions, Roman temples and Muslim mosques: Tunisia is tempting!
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FOLLOW ON FB : ▻MIXCLOUD : ▻TRACKLIST : ONLY FB CONTACT,ADD DJ ALCAPONE... . . . . tags NEW BEST NEWEST TOP HOT DISCO SONG SONGS AMAZING WONDERFUL BEAUTIFUL SONG'S MONTREAL CANADA MIX DANCE DANSE Axwell rock heavy metal alternative blues jazz official HOUSE PARTY HIT HITS RAVE TRANCE TECHNO ELECTRO CLUB REMIX DUB PROGRESSIVE EXTENDED COLLECTION COLLECTIONS SELECTIONS SELECTION SELECTED SELECT BASS JAMAICA CARAIBE CARIBBEAN REGGAE POP FUNKY FUNK winter summer RAP HIPHOP PORTUGAL HIP HOP POP HIPHOP BEAT BEATS SOCA DANCEHALL REGGAE REGGEA deadmau5 DOWNLOAD TRACK TRAK TRAKLIST ITALY ITALIAN ITALIANO bob david guetta pitbull TIESTO EURO EUROPEAN europe ROMAN romanesca ROMANIA ROMANIAN usa DUTCH great GREATS Greatest MIXTAPE love LOVERS LOVER CALVIN Konshens TOMMY January February March April May June july August September October Michael Woods SWIDISH MAFIA November December AKON INNA IBIZA LMFAO BLACK EYED JACKSON jacksons MADONNA SALSA REGGAETON MAMBO MERENGUE BACHATA FLO RIDA SINCLAR grand uk britain united kingdom britannia Rihanna MARTIN SOLVEIG SHARAM 2018 2006 2000 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 TURKISH Turks OZAN TARKAN ozen gokhan omid jahan hamed pahlan nosrati gherti karami spencer hill Steve Angello Laidback Luke SHAD GHERI BABAKARAM KARAM RAGHS BANDARI farsi PARS PERSIA PERSIAN IRANIAN IRANI original عربی دبكة ایرانی آهنگ آهنگای آهنگهای اهنگهای شاد شعر رقص خلیج خلیجی رقصی بندری ایران ایرونی غری بابا کرم بابا کرمی فارسی الجزایر لبنان کردی آزری ترکی لبنانية جديدعربي شرقی تركية راقصة طبلة مصري موسيقى مصرية بلدي لبناني مكسمغرب العربية رقصة ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΜΟΥΣΙΚΗ GREECE greek INTERNATIONAL DJ τραγούδια καλύτερος oryantal Gareth Emery Markus Schulz Ferry Sander van Doorn atb Infected Mushroom Dash SINGLE SELECTION afrojack BENNASI GAGA EDX ALI BLACK EYED prydz JEWISH TORONTO OTTAWA QUEBEC Extended Tags: dj irani shad, ahange shad, dj irani 2013, persian dj mix, shad irani, persian remixes, persian dance mix, persian songs, iranian music, persian dj music, persian house, dj mix persian, persian pop, bandari,, radio javan mix, ebi, hossein tohi, persian pop music, iran song, persian music channel, iran music, iran musik, music persian, music irani, iranian music bia2, persian songs, music, dj persian music, ahange shad irani, new iranian songs, remix, radio Persian dance music 2012 / Persian music 2013 New / Persian music mix 2013 / Persian dj mix 2013 dj ASH / iranian dj mix 2013/ iranian This Iranian music DJ Mix consists of: Persian house, Persian pop, Persian dance, shad Irani and slow Persian songs. Lighting ,Party Planners , DJ & Entertainment In Los Angeles. Persian DJ, Persian DJs, Best Persian DJ, Persian Wedding DJ, Best Persian Music, Persian Music for Weddings, Persian Armenian DJ, Persian Jewish Wedding DJ in San Diego, Persian DJ SD, Persian DJ San Diego, Armenian Music, DJs for Persian Weddings, Engagement Party, Birthday Parties, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Anniversaries, Special Events, Persian Wedding Songs, Persian Jewish Wedding Songs, Persian Armenian Wedding Songs, Best Persian DJ in Orange County, Los Angeles, San Diego, Inland Empire, San Francisco, California Persian Singers, Best Persian Singer, Famous Persian Singer, Popular Persian Artist, Persian Wedding Singer, Persian Wedding Musician, Persian Wedding Music, Persian Armenian Wedding Music, Persian Jewish Wedding Music, Persian Singer for Birthday Party, Engagement Party, Anniversary, Bat/Bar Mitzvah, Holiday Party, New Years Party, Best Persian Music for Parties, Best Persian Party Music in San Diego, Orange County, Los Angeles, San Francisco, USA, Californi Corporate theme parties, event planning orange county, ca, california, Party (Media Genre), bar mitzvah party, planning, bat mitzvah, affordable event planning, spandex chair covers, floral centerpieces,wedding theme parties,decorate my event, decorate ballroom hotel, unique party decorating, corporate event planner, decorate corporate events, decorations and chair covers, lighted tables, linens and much MORE! Romance Lighting: Persian Wedding Lighting, Persian Wedding Lights, Best Persian Wedding Lighting, Wedding Lighting Specialist, Iranian Wedding Lighting, Iranian Wedding Lights, Romance Lighting, Best Wedding Lighting Company, Persian Party Lighting, Armenian Wedding Lighting, Persian Jewish Wedding Lighting, Bat Mitzvah Party Lighting, Persian Wedding Stage and Sound, Armenian Wedding Stage and Lighting, Armenian Party Lighting, Armenian Wedding Lighting Specialist, Best Persian Wedding Lighting, Los Angeles, Orange County, San Francisco, San Diego, Southern California, California
DJ EBLIS PERSIAN HOUSE MIX 2015 ( CAR RIDE) . . . . . tags NEW BEST NEWEST TOP HOT DISCO SONG SONGS AMAZING WONDERFUL BEAUTIFUL SONG'S MONTREAL CANADA MIX DANCE DANSE Axwell rock heavy metal alternative blues jazz official HOUSE PARTY HIT HITS RAVE TRANCE TECHNO ELECTRO CLUB REMIX DUB PROGRESSIVE EXTENDED COLLECTION COLLECTIONS SELECTIONS SELECTION SELECTED SELECT BASS JAMAICA CARAIBE CARIBBEAN REGGAE POP FUNKY FUNK winter summer RAP HIPHOP PORTUGAL HIP HOP POP HIPHOP BEAT BEATS SOCA DANCEHALL REGGAE REGGEA deadmau5 DOWNLOAD TRACK TRAK TRAKLIST ITALY ITALIAN ITALIANO bob david guetta pitbull TIESTO EURO EUROPEAN europe ROMAN romanesca ROMANIA ROMANIAN usa DUTCH great GREATS Greatest MIXTAPE love LOVERS LOVER CALVIN Konshens TOMMY January February March April May June july August September October Michael Woods SWIDISH MAFIA November December AKON INNA IBIZA LMFAO BLACK EYED JACKSON jacksons MADONNA SALSA REGGAETON MAMBO MERENGUE BACHATA FLO RIDA SINCLAR grand uk britain united kingdom britannia Rihanna MARTIN SOLVEIG SHARAM 2018 2006 2000 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 TURKISH Turks OZAN TARKAN ozen gokhan omid jahan hamed pahlan nosrati gherti karami spencer hill Steve Angello Laidback Luke SHAD GHERI BABAKARAM KARAM RAGHS BANDARI farsi PARS PERSIA PERSIAN IRANIAN IRANI original عربی دبكة ایرانی آهنگ آهنگای آهنگهای اهنگهای شاد شعر رقص خلیج خلیجی رقصی بندری ایران ایرونی غری بابا کرم بابا کرمی فارسی الجزایر لبنان کردی آزری ترکی لبنانية جديدعربي شرقی تركية راقصة طبلة مصري موسيقى مصرية بلدي لبناني مكسمغرب العربية رقصة ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΜΟΥΣΙΚΗ GREECE greek INTERNATIONAL DJ τραγούδια καλύτερος oryantal Gareth Emery Markus Schulz Ferry Sander van Doorn atb Infected Mushroom Dash SINGLE SELECTION afrojack BENNASI GAGA EDX ALI BLACK EYED prydz JEWISH TORONTO OTTAWA QUEBEC Extended Tags: dj irani shad, ahange shad, dj irani 2013, persian dj mix, shad irani, persian remixes, persian dance mix, persian songs, iranian music, persian dj music, persian house, dj mix persian, persian pop, bandari,, radio javan mix, ebi, hossein tohi, persian pop music, iran song, persian music channel, iran music, iran musik, music persian, music irani, iranian music bia2, persian songs, music, dj persian music, ahange shad irani, new iranian songs, remix, radio Persian dance music 2012 / Persian music 2013 New / Persian music mix 2013 / Persian dj mix 2013 dj ASH / iranian dj mix 2013/ iranian This Iranian music DJ Mix consists of: Persian house, Persian pop, Persian dance, shad Irani and slow Persian songs. Lighting ,Party Planners , DJ & Entertainment In Los Angeles. Persian DJ, Persian DJs, Best Persian DJ, Persian Wedding DJ, Best Persian Music, Persian Music for Weddings, Persian Armenian DJ, Persian Jewish Wedding DJ in San Diego, Persian DJ SD, Persian DJ San Diego, Armenian Music, DJs for Persian Weddings, Engagement Party, Birthday Parties, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Anniversaries, Special Events, Persian Wedding Songs, Persian Jewish Wedding Songs, Persian Armenian Wedding Songs, Best Persian DJ in Orange County, Los Angeles, San Diego, Inland Empire, San Francisco, California Persian Singers, Best Persian Singer, Famous Persian Singer, Popular Persian Artist, Persian Wedding Singer, Persian Wedding Musician, Persian Wedding Music, Persian Armenian Wedding Music, Persian Jewish Wedding Music, Persian Singer for Birthday Party, Engagement Party, Anniversary, Bat/Bar Mitzvah, Holiday Party, New Years Party, Best Persian Music for Parties, Best Persian Party Music in San Diego, Orange County, Los Angeles, San Francisco, USA, Californi Corporate theme parties, event planning orange county, ca, california, Party (Media Genre), bar mitzvah party, planning, bat mitzvah, affordable event planning, spandex chair covers, floral centerpieces,wedding theme parties,decorate my event, decorate ballroom hotel, unique party decorating, corporate event planner, decorate corporate events, decorations and chair covers, lighted tables, linens and much MORE! Romance Lighting: Persian Wedding Lighting, Persian Wedding Lights, Best Persian Wedding Lighting, Wedding Lighting Specialist, Iranian Wedding Lighting, Iranian Wedding Lights, Romance Lighting, Best Wedding Lighting Company, Persian Party Lighting, Armenian Wedding Lighting, Persian Jewish Wedding Lighting, Bat Mitzvah Party Lighting, Persian Wedding Stage and Sound, Armenian Wedding Stage and Lighting, Armenian Party Lighting, Armenian Wedding Lighting Specialist, Best Persian Wedding Lighting, Los Angeles, Orange County, San Francisco, San Diego, Southern California, California
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Join me as we go Live on YouTube bringing you Breaking News world headlines matching Bible Prophecy! We will be bringing up: - RUSSIA: U.S. setting Putin up for assassination by saying he has 'Aspergers' - IRAN: "American Officials are begging us for a deal" - JORDAN: "Won't stop till ISIS DEAD!" - WAR WITH U.S.: Word of Knowledge from the Lord - MEASLES: Vaccine used as a vice, the real danger we need to see on this targeted campaign and it targets parents God-given rights and much, much, more... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Evangelist Anita Fuentes Website: Join the Conversation and Get Breaking News Headlines @ my Facebook Page: Join me Live Mon, Wed, Fri 5PM PDT End-Time Broadcast: Our End-Time Prophecy Channel - Subscribe!: Pick up A CD and by doing so your helping the Urgent and Vital work of this end-time ministry! Will You Help Us Do Even More? Please Donate: tags NEW BEST NEWEST TOP HOT DISCO SONG SONGS AMAZING WONDERFUL BEAUTIFUL SONG'S MONTREAL CANADA MIX DANCE DANSE Axwell rock heavy metal alternative blues jazz official HOUSE PARTY HIT HITS RAVE TRANCE TECHNO ELECTRO CLUB REMIX DUB PROGRESSIVE EXTENDED COLLECTION COLLECTIONS SELECTIONS SELECTION SELECTED SELECT BASS JAMAICA CARAIBE CARIBBEAN REGGAE POP FUNKY FUNK winter summer RAP HIPHOP PORTUGAL HIP HOP POP HIPHOP BEAT BEATS SOCA DANCEHALL REGGAE REGGEA deadmau5 DOWNLOAD TRACK TRAK TRAKLIST ITALY ITALIAN ITALIANO bob david guetta pitbull TIESTO EURO EUROPEAN europe ROMAN romanesca ROMANIA ROMANIAN usa DUTCH great GREATS Greatest MIXTAPE love LOVERS LOVER CALVIN Konshens TOMMY January February March April May June july August September October Michael Woods SWIDISH MAFIA November December AKON INNA IBIZA LMFAO BLACK EYED JACKSON jacksons MADONNA SALSA REGGAETON MAMBO MERENGUE BACHATA FLO RIDA SINCLAR grand uk britain united kingdom britannia Rihanna MARTIN SOLVEIG SHARAM 2018 2006 2000 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 TURKISH Turks OZAN TARKAN ozen gokhan omid jahan hamed pahlan nosrati gherti karami spencer hill Steve Angello Laidback Luke SHAD GHERI BABAKARAM KARAM RAGHS BANDARI farsi PARS PERSIA PERSIAN IRANIAN IRANI original عربی دبكة ایرانی آهنگ آهنگای آهنگهای اهنگهای شاد شعر رقص خلیج خلیجی رقصی بندری ایران ایرونی غری بابا کرم بابا کرمی فارسی الجزایر لبنان کردی آزری ترکی لبنانية جديدعربي شرقی تركية راقصة طبلة مصري موسيقى مصرية بلدي لبناني مكسمغرب العربية رقصة ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΜΟΥΣΙΚΗ GREECE greek INTERNATIONAL DJ τραγούδια καλύτερος oryantal Gareth Emery Markus Schulz Ferry Sander van Doorn atb Infected Mushroom Dash SINGLE SELECTION afrojack BENNASI GAGA EDX ALI BLACK EYED prydz JEWISH TORONTO OTTAWA QUEBEC Extended Tags: dj irani shad, ahange shad, dj irani 2013, persian dj mix, shad irani, persian remixes, persian dance mix, persian songs, iranian music, persian dj music, persian house, dj mix persian, persian pop, bandari,, radio javan mix, ebi, hossein tohi, persian pop music, iran song, persian music channel, iran music, iran musik, music persian, music irani, iranian music bia2, persian songs, music, dj persian music, ahange shad irani, new iranian songs, remix, radio Persian dance music 2012 / Persian music 2013 New / Persian music mix 2013 / Persian dj mix 2013 dj ASH / iranian dj mix 2013/ iranian This Iranian music DJ Mix consists of: Persian house, Persian pop, Persian dance, shad Irani and slow Persian songs. Lighting ,Party Planners , DJ & Entertainment In Los Angeles. 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Romance Lighting: Persian Wedding Lighting, Persian Wedding Lights, Best Persian Wedding Lighting, Wedding Lighting Specialist, Iranian Wedding Lighting, Iranian Wedding Lights, Romance Lighting, Best Wedding Lighting Company, Persian Party Lighting, Armenian Wedding Lighting, Persian Jewish Wedding Lighting, Bat Mitzvah Party Lighting, Persian Wedding Stage and Sound, Armenian Wedding Stage and Lighting, Armenian Party Lighting, Armenian Wedding Lighting Specialist, Best Persian Wedding Lighting, Los Angeles, Orange County, San Francisco, San Diego, Southern California, California
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Follow: - news updated about the group Black Eyed Peas - Joanna Lumley Meets The absolutely fabulous Joanna Lumley meets...
I do not want the time to write XD maybe someday I will add it but now I do not want to XD 30. Iron Maiden 29. Blood Brothers 28. Killers 27. Be Quick Or Be ...
Fred Hampton BPP Infiltration
Fawn Hall (born 1959) was a secretary to Lt. Colonel Oliver North and a notable figure in the Iran-Contra affair, helping him shred confidential documents. B...
Q&A; portion for contestant number 2 March 6, 2012
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance of the Islamic Republic of Iran ) Iran's exports via Mehran ...
noodls 2015-04-14The Iranian minister further said it is India that currently owes Iran money over exports of crude to the country.
Press TV 2015-04-14MOSCOW (AP) — The head of the Iranian security council says Iran expects Russia to deliver the ... Iran.
Yahoo Daily News 2015-04-14Iran said on Tuesday it can increase its oil production to pre-sanctions levels "very fast". Iran’s ...
Press TV 2015-04-14Iran on Monday urged the formation of a new Yemeni government and offered to assist in a political ...
Topix 2015-04-14com/israel-alarmed-by-irans-advanced-air-defense-system-2015-4.
The People's Voice 2015-04-14Russia ended a ban on delivering the anti-missile system to Iran on Monday ... (Reporting by Emily Stephenson)Iran.
Yahoo Daily News 2015-04-14... have arrested a gang of smugglers who were trying to take more than 300 sheep illegally to Iran.
Khaama Press 2015-04-14Russia paved the way on Monday for missile system deliveries to Iran and started an oil-for-goods ...
DNA India 2015-04-14A finalized agreement on Iran's nuclear deal is expected to be reached by June 30 by Tehran and six world powers.
The Siasat Daily 2015-04-14French energy giant says it cannot ignore Iran’s natural gas potentials and will consider a comeback ...
Press TV 2015-04-14Iran then filed a USD 4-billion suit against Moscow at an arbitration court in Geneva ... Iran’s Supreme ...
The Siasat Daily 2015-04-14This would make Afkham the second female ambassador in the history of Iran and the first since the 1979 Islamic Revolution.
Yahoo Daily News 2015-04-14Coordinates: 32°N 53°E / 32°N 53°E / 32; 53
Iran (i/ɪˈrɑːn/ or /aɪˈræn/;Persian: ایران [ʔiˈɾɒn] ( listen)), officially the Islamic Republic of Iran (Persian: جمهوری اسلامی ایران Jomhuri-ye Eslāmi-ye Irān), is a country in Southern and Western Asia. The name "Iran", which in Persian means "Land of the Aryans", has been in use natively since the Sassanian era. It came into use internationally in 1935, before which the country was known to the Western world as Persia ( /ˈpɜrʒə/ or /ˈpɜrʃə/). Both "Persia" and "Iran" are used interchangeably in cultural contexts; however, "Iran" is the name used officially in political contexts.
The 18th-largest country in the world in terms of area at 1,648,195 km2 (636,372 sq mi), Iran has a population of around 79 million. It is a country of particular geopolitical significance owing to its location in the Middle East and central Eurasia. Iran is bordered on the north by Armenia, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan. As Iran is a littoral state of the Caspian Sea, which is an inland sea, Kazakhstan and Russia are also Iran's direct neighbors to the north. Iran is bordered on the east by Afghanistan and Pakistan, on the south by the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman, on the west by Iraq and on the northwest by Turkey. Tehran is the capital, the country's largest city and the political, cultural, commercial and industrial center of the nation. Iran is a regional power, and holds an important position in international energy security and world economy as a result of its large reserves of petroleum and natural gas. Iran has the second largest proven natural gas reserves in the world and the fourth largest proven petroleum reserves.
So now I got a Black Eye
Even though I never got smacked
But if I get a retry
Then I will try to give back
Your were the one who got jacked
And I hope you will forgive me
For whenever I capsize
I know that you can see it in my eyes
I'm not myself right now
My biggest problem is to compromise
But I'm sure I would know how
I show my tragedy with my Black eye
I've been the one to deny
Everything that you do
I said it's all a big lie
Always questioning you
Even though you've been true
And I know that I've been nothing more
Than just a jealous guy
But everybody's talking about you
All the time about things you do
And that's the only time I do realize
That I do love being close to you
And everybody's laughing with you
Guess taht's the thing that I just can't stand
am i confusing you with lots of stuff with no meaning? i can't help myself. i wake up in the morning, just like you there's no difference. i know sometimes you can't deal with me. i'm always pointing out stuff, you pointed out yesterday. i'm so annoying i wish i'd shut up. why can't you tell me that you hate me? you know you have nothing to lose. are you scared to hurt my feelings? don't you know i know the truth? so where are you right now? i bet i'm so far out of your mind. maybe you'll just drop by. i bet you wouldn't waste your time. i'm so scared now. you can't deal with me. maybe i'm an emotional case, that could use some fixing. you tried telling me that i was a friend to you. but by the look on your face anyone could tell you're lying. i know you hate my guts and i hope you never get your hands on me. i really wish i was someone else today.
Jane can't keep herself home tonight
Keep herself believing she'll be alright
Keep herself awake to a body
That's close to the hands
And the feet that nobody else knows
All the way from London
She looks away laughing at herself
And her black eye shade
Boy can't keep his pain under the glass
Laughing at the world as it just slides past
I know this black eye waste
These days waste this light
I know this black eye waste
These days waste this sunlight
Maybe permission ain't good enough
Maybe you need someone
Who can stand your love
Maybe somebody who's cool to the touch
So much I know
This black eye waste
These days waste this spotlight
Let me crucify you
Let me sacrifice our love
Let me resurrect you
Be my resurrection now
Let me celebrate you
Let me hold your head up high
Universal Eyes
Red Eyes
White Eyes
Black Eyes
Oh, oh, why you wanna give me a black eye
I'm not the best man in this world, but I know that I'll do
Oh, oh, why you wanna give me a black eye
I'm not the best man in this world, but I know that I'll do
Coffee at 7 and then I'm at work by 9
I always thought the carefree style would be the way I lived my life
Been trippin on 1992 when all you did was smile
I guess that that's what was on my mind the day I asked you to be my wife
Now I say oh, oh, why you wanna give me a black eye
I'm not the best man in this world, but I'm the best one for you
I put away one day this week it was just for you and me
There was nothing much to fight about as far as I could see
Do you remember when I was 8 and you were 5
I spent a lifetime with you girl and now you sock me in my eye
So I say oh, oh, why you wanna give me a black eye
I'm not the best man in this world, but I'm the best one for you
Black eye, the soul brains, human rights
Don't put on the cure
Don't put on the smiths
Don't put on the skinny puppy
Don't put on the cure
Don't put on the smiths
Don't put on the echo belly (She drives me crazy)
Don't put on the cure
Don't put on the smiths
Don't put on the duran duran (and I can't help myself)
Don't put on the cure
Don't put on the smiths or I'll put on the minute men
Don't put on the cure
Don't put on the smiths
Don't put on the o.m.d.
Don't put on the cure
Don't put on the smiths it'll be a catastrophe
Don't put on the cure
Don't put on the smiths
Don't put on the dead or alive
Don't put on the cure
Don't put on the smiths or I'll put on the capitol eye
Love and creation
Jah jah jah tell them bout jah nation
How we have to stand up and live
And give the children something to have (love)
And so they got a brand new soul (and devotion)
And everyone was in control (all commotion)
God bless jah to lay them
Yeah, come on in the family
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, ho
Oh, oh, oh, oh, ho
If you asked me I would cross the greatest ocean
With wieghts tied to my toes
I would do that
I would walk over burning coals I would even jump the grand canyon on a motor bike
I would do that
There's so many things that I would do if you asked me to
But there is this one thing
You shouldn't ask me, don't ask me
Don't never never ask me to turn down the Ziggens
I would not do that
He had a black eye
He was proud of
Like some of his friends
It made him feel somewhere outside
Of everything and everywhere he'd been
Like his brothers
He emptied himself
And played it safe
Like their father
He wanted to remember
But he almost always
Forgot what he was gonna say
Black eye
Black eye
When he realized
That this one was here to stay
He took down
All the mirrors in the hallway
And thought only of his younger face
Black eye
Black eye, you showed me in a painting
Buildings and chrome
Don't take that pill, and ill take you home
I said common and realize one day you're gonna die
Break free, we'll be back before the weekday
Your dad will never know
That you took the pill, and i saw the road
When the chemicals are in i said one day your gonna die
Blow up, well i got a miracle
And you wanna know why
You were a home, and i am on fire
When the chemicals are in i said one day your gonna die
Black eye you hit, black eye on me
I am your trampoline
Black eye, you showed me in a painting
Buildings and chrome
Don't take that pill cause ill take you home
Oh i said common and realize that we can never die
Black eye you hit, black eye on me
Take the pill and I'll watch you sleep
Drive all night and you let me free
I said ill tell you one more time i never gonna be....
Take what you need
All your jealous greed
You just want to see me bleed
You don't give don't know how to live
Burning down another bridge
I don't like it - I got no friends at all
I don't need it - I got no friends at all
I don't want it - I got no friends
Seein' myself in your own black eyes
You don't care You just don't care
Is there anybody there
No one's home I'm here all alone
Waiting on the telephone
But it's lost it's ring
I don't like it - I got no friends at all
I don't need it - I got no friends at all
I don't want it - I got no friends
Seein' myself in your own black eyes
My best friend til the very end
Hope you'll never comprehend
You don't way not another way
You don't even know the day
I don't like it - I got no friends at all
I don't need it - I got no friends at all
I don't want it - I got no friends
Seein' myself in your own black eyes
What you want what you wanna say
What you want doesn't go away
Once you're gone what you gonna do
I'm in here I'm in back of you
What you say when you've gone away
What you say when you run away
Once you're gone what you gonna do
Got no friends
Black eye
You will never see me cry
You will never see me cry
You will never see me cry
You will never see me cry
I'm gonna leave you, I'm gonna leave you
When I get the strength to
I'm gonna leave you, I'm gonna leave you
When I get the strength to
Black Eye
I need sometime to find out why
I need sometime to find out why
I need sometime to find out why
I need sometime to find out why
I'm gonna leave you, I'm gonna leave you
When I get the strength to
I'm gonna leave you, I'm gonna leave you
Now I've got the strength to
I don't need you, I don't need you
Now I'm gonna leave you
I don't need you, I don't need you
Now I'm gonna leave you
Black Eye
Want you to apologize
Don't want you to apologize
Don't want you to apologize
Don't want you to apologize
Don't want you to apologize
Don't want you to apologize
Cause you will never see me cry
You will never see me cry
You will never see me cry
You will never see me cry
black eye from staring through a keyhole at my lover
i swear it’s not from his fists
when stockholm syndrome
comes to where they’re keeping you
you never know what time it is
black eye is all it’s gonna take for me to love you
it’s written in my constitution
if you go, you know i’m coming with you
blind, bound by love
time is no friend to the ones who wait
for daylight to come
time looks the same at the ones who hate
and the ones that do nothing
black eye is what i’m gonna paint for your protection
to cover the tracks that you’re leaving
i misplace my face so we can be together
red lips change how you’re perceiving
BLACK EYE (West Arkeen)
Lead Vocals: Mike Shotton
Rhythm & Lead Guitars: West Arkeen
Bass: Jamie Hunting
Keyboards: Gregg Buchwalter
Drums: Abe Laboriel
Take what you need
All your jealous greed
You just want to see me bleed
You don't give don't know how to live
Burning down another bridge
I don't like it - I got no friends at all
I don't need it - I got no friends at all
I don't want it - I got no friends
Seein' myself in your own black eyes
You don't care You just don't care
Is there anybody there
No one's home I'm here all alone
Waiting on the telephone
But it's lost it's ring
I don't like it - I got no friends at all
I don't need it - I got no friends at all
I don't want it - I got no friends
Seein' myself in your own black eyes
My best friend til the very end
Hope you'll never comprehend
You don't way not another way
You don't even know the day
I don't like it - I got no friends at all
I don't need it - I got no friends at all
I don't want it - I got no friends
Seein' myself in your own black eyes
What you want what you wanna say
What you want doesn't go away
Once you're gone what you gonna do
I'm in here I'm in back of you
What you say when you've gone away
What you say when you run away
Once you're gone what you gonna do
Got no friends
Got no friends
He had a black eye he was proud of
But some of his friends
Made him feel somewhere outside
Of everything and everywhere he'd been
Like his brothers he emptied himself
And played it safe like their father
He wanted to remember but he almost always
Forgot what he was gonna say
Black eye
Black eye
When he realized
That this one was here to stay
He took down all the mirrors in the hallway
And thought only of his younger face
Black eye
She's got a black eye
I saw her try to hide behind her hair
She's got a secret
But couldn't keep it hidden from her stare
Was it his drinking?
His f$#@ed upbringing
That you're made to wear?
Didn't mean to see
and where
What does it have to do with me?
Nothing really but it's just that you remind me of
Someone I used to know
She's got a black eye
And as I noticed, she was gone
'S two people passing
The memory lasting for forever long
So was he sorry?
Or did he somehow justify the wrong?
You're getting on my case this time
You're good at causing hopes to fall
The last time you looked in the mirror
I don't think you liked what you saw
You've got and active imagination
And a lack of communication
You've got and active imagination
Can't get a reply
Won't get it for you
Gonna get a black eye
Gonna give it to you
You've got me bending over backwards
And this really makes me sad
Did you ever get a sneaking suspicion
Then realize you're being had
I don't want you participation
It only leads to agravation
I don't need your participation
Can't get a reply
Won't get it for you
Gonna get a black eye
Gonna give it to you
Can't get a reply
Won't get it from you
Gonna get a black eye
Gonna give it to you
Get it right in the eye
Give it all to you
Gonna get a black eye