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Critter Corner Shows Eurasian Lynx
Link with the Lynx - The Secrets of Nature
"Hazard" the Eurasian Lynx meets Adel the Guide Dog at Little Ray's Reptile Zoo
Rare Eurasian Lynx in Ladakh
LODJUR Lynx Lynx (Eurasian lynx) Klipp - 344 (Lång Version.)
Eurasian Lynx jumping for food
Eurasian Lynx (Lynx lynx) kitten attacks
Eurasian Lynx hunting. Exclusive video!
Euraziatische Lynx, Eurasian Lynx
Eurasian Lynx During The Day
lynx - felis lynx - eurasian lynx #04
Eurasian Lynx ヨーロッパオオヤマネコ
シベリヤオオヤマネコ Eurasian Lynx
Eurasian Lynx
With large tufted ears, a short tail and a trusting look, one could almost believe that lynxes are just big cats. In their hearts, however, they are wild and...
Tommy's Big Brother Paul and his Adorable Little Girlfriend Laura worked as Wildlife Educators for Little Ray's Reptile Zoo doing travelling zoo shows all ov...
Only Lynx ever captured on film in 1989 from the Bedi Brothers' documentary 'Ladakh : The Forbidden Wilderness' on Discovery Channel.
Lodjur. Försiktigt och ljudlöst smygande på Sork. Västmanland 11-Maj 2011, Lynx in Sweden, AROS FILM Fotograf: Gunnar Fernqvist.
The Eurasian Lynx showing it's jumping skills whilst catching lunch at Wildwood Kent.
Hi there, I decided to rewrite the description after seeing so many comments on this video, here it goes. This video is about a small eurasian lynx kitten th...
To see more, visit
Totally unexpected! A very nice surprise/ bonus (well bonus.. this was definitely our highlight of the trip!!) while we were searching for the Caucasian Blac...
Footage of the Eurasian Lynx (Lynx lynx) during the day captured on our camera traps.
Looking for a lynx? Don't shoot! Contact © - A lynx is any of four medium-sized wild cats. The Lynx is easily recognized for their t...
名前 ジジ(♂) [動物園での食べ物] 馬肉、カンガルー肉、牛レバー、内臓、ブロイラー、鶏頭 6回/週、ウサギ1回/週 耳は三角形で尖り、先端に黒く長い房毛があり、 尾は短くずんぐりし、先端が黒色です。長い頬ヒゲが生えています。 体長/体重等 0.7~1.1m 20kg 生息地 ヨーロッパ北部、シベリア 福岡市動...
名前 ジジ(♂) [動物園での食べ物] 馬肉、カンガルー肉、牛レバー、内臓、ブロイラー、鶏頭 6回/週、ウサギ1回/週 耳は三角形で尖り、先端に黒く長い房毛があり、 尾は短くずんぐりし、先端が黒色です。長い頬ヒゲが生えています。 体長/体重等 0.7~1.1m 20kg 生息地 ヨーロッパ北部、シベリア 福岡市動...
Моя домашка по биологии)
Martins part.
This video was taken during our birding tour in Belarus. It was a great suprise, Lynx is a very difficult animal to see during the birding tours. They tend t...
Lodjur i Västmanland. 7-Maj 2011, Lynx in Sweden, AROS FILM Fotograf: Gunnar Fernqvist.
1 of the Eurasian Lynx calling out at Wildwood in Kent.
Video monitoring of prey remains of female Eurasian lynx in northern Dinaric Mountains in Slovenia. Radiocollared female named "Maja" was returning to her pr...
Davids part.
The lynx is a medium-sized, short-tailed feline native to the forested north of Eurasia. It is a mostly nocturnal predator well adapted to living and hunting... Eurasian Lynx Angara with toys. This video was taken in October of 2004.
A Hargita hegy lábánál természetfilmesek éjjel és nappal egyaránt üzemelő kamerát helyeztek üzembe. Az élőhely az európai nagyvadak egyik utolsó menedéke, a szarvasok és vaddisznók mellett jó eséllyel bukkanhat fel barna medve, vörös róka vagy akár a farkas és hiúz. A kamera kihelyezésével a természetfilmesek ezek a sokszor félreértett, és méltatlanul üldözött élőlényeket akarják közelebb hozni a nagyközönséghez. Hogy távol tartsák a nagyaragadozókat a közeli településektől, és csökkentsék az esetleges vadkárt, a kamera látóterében egész éven át rendszeres etetésre kerül sor, így még nagyobb az esély rá, hogy az élő közvetítés nézői nagyvaddal találkozhatnak. A közvetítés a Termé és a Filmdzsungel Élő Adás programja keretében, a támogatásával valósult meg. EUROPEAN BROWN BEAR CAM Here is our new livestream from Romania, the Harghita Mountains - one of the last refuge of large carnivores of Europe. This is the domain of Eurasian lynx, the Eurasian wolf and the European brown bear. By setting up this camera we want to bring this often mistreated and misunerstood animals closer to the general public. For the harsh winter season we will set up a feeder which will keep the carnivores away from human settlements and prevent potential loss to the livestock of local farmers. The feeder will also help our viewers to catch a glimpse of these amazing creatures. The broadcast was established with the technical support of by Filmjungle Society. Sub poalele muntelui Harghita producătorii de documentare despre viața viețuitoarelor sălbatice au instalat o cameră care funcționează zi și noapte. Habitatul este una dintre ultimele refugii naturale rămase, pe lângă cerbi și mistreți avem o șansă bună să observăm urs carpatin, vulpe, sau chiar lup și râs. Cu plasarea camerei producătorii de documentare vor să își aducă mai aproape aceste animale persecutate și înțelese greșit. Ca să țină departe de localități, pentru reducerea pagubelor aceste carnivore mari sunt hrănite aici în tot timpul anului și așa telespectatorii acestei emisiuni directe au mai multă șansă să vadă animale sălbatice. Această emisiune directă este realizată prin cadrul programului între Termé și Societatea Filmjungle, cu finanțarea lui
Spain Documentary: The Beautiful but Endangered Iberian Lynx in its Stunning Natural Surroundings Watch the endangered but truly beautiful Iberian Lynx as it overcomes all the odds to survive in the stunning Spanish countryside. Predators are all around but somehow this amazing creature manages to carve out a life in the dangerous scrub lands of the Iberian Peninsula region. Why not join the channel at: The Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) is a critically endangered species of felid living mainly in the Iberian Peninsula in southwestern Europe. They are categorized as critically endangered by many institutions, including the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. The Iberian lynx is a rabbit specialist with a low ability to adapt its diet. A sharp drop in the population of its main food source, a result of two diseases, contributed to the feline's decline. The lynx was also affected by the loss of scrubland, its main habitat, to human development, including changes in land use and the construction of roads and dams. According to the conservation group SOS Lynx, if the Iberian lynx died out, it would be the first feline species to become extinct since prehistoric times. Captive breeding and reintroduction programs have boosted their numbers. As of 2013, Andalusia has a population of 309 living in the wild. As an attempt to save this species from extinction, an EU LIFE Nature project is underway that includes habitat preservation, lynx population monitoring, and rabbit population management. Formerly considered a subspecies of the Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx), the Iberian lynx is now classified as a separate species. Both species occurred together in central Europe in the Pleistocene epoch, being separated by habitat choice. The Iberian lynx is believed to have evolved from Lynx issiodorensis. For more on the Iberian Lynx: For more on the Iberian Peninsula: To see more about Murcia: For Spain: For Spanish Wildlife: For more on history: For more on documentaries: For up to date world news: or: or: finally: See also: Iberian Lynx (Organism Classification),Endangered Species (Literature Subject),Lynx (Animal),Spain (Country),Animal (Film Genre),spain documentary,wildlife in spain,spanish animals,animals in spain,spanish wildlife,spanish wildlife documentary,Nature (TV Genre),nature programme,spanish lynx,spanish countryside,Murcia,endangered species,big cats,wildlife,animal documentary,Animals,natural world,YouTube,Iberian Peninsula (Geographical Feature)
BIOPARC VALENCIA - Spain / Spagna / España / Spanien / Espagne - HD - Bioparc Valencia has a large collection of African fauna. The concept of immersing visi...
Steppe Nomads : Documentary on the lives of Eurasian Steppe Nomads . 2013 2014 This documentary as well as all of the rest of these documentaries shown here ...
Pure nature, pure nature special, Surfing And Sharks, The Wild Bush Budgie, Wild and Woolly, The Return of the Buffalo, Return of the Prime Predators, The Last Mahout, Bird Without Borders, Saved By the Seals, Saving the Slumdog Donkeys, Ocean Voyager, Feast of Predators, Myths of the Great White, Gerbil Plague, Samurai Fighting Spiders, A Kingdom For The Dzanga Gorillas, Africa's Super Seven, Black Bears Unleashed, Jaguar Man, Super Jellyfish, Badger Quest - Honey Hunters, Bloody Suckers, Species Hunter, River of Death, Ghosts of the Cannibal Islands, Freediving With Killer Whales, A Chimpanzee's Tale, Deadly Dance Under the Sea, Wolverine X, Wild Iran, Wild Giants of Denali, Capturing the Killer Croc, Rise of the Desert Phoenix, Bird with the Golden Eye, Mallorca Untamed, Super Bat, Coral Reef Reborn, Buffalo Warrior, Camel's Empire, Mutation - The Science of Survival, Octopus Volcano, Nature's Palace, Phantoms of Vietnam, Tigers Fighting Back, Tiger Sharks and Sea Turtles in Nature's Warzone, Shark Gordon's Most Dangerous Moments, Tarsier Primate - The Littlest Alien, Wild Horses Return to China, Naughty by Nature, Lynx: Elusive Hunter, Living With Lions, Elephants of Kilimanjaro, The Sharks of Polynesia, The Last Wild Tigers, Ancient Steppes, Nomadic Lives, Are Elephants Headed Toward Extinction?, Birth and Death in a Lion's Domain, Return of the European Wolf, The Last of the White Giraffes, Monkey Hunters, Moon Bears - Journey to Freedom, Spider Power, Abdi's Return to Africa, Alien Reefs, White Shark: Nature of the Beast, The Mystery Of The Minkes, Aerial Spain,
Wild Balkan HD National Geographic Documentary The action takes place on Mount Durmitor in Montenegro, the where you can see all sorts of interesting things like a canyon Tara, a variety of animals such as bears, wolves, beavers, lynx and many other interesting stuff. One of the most interesting details in this documentary is that there are still people who live there, alone in divljni, somewhat remote from civilization, one of the inhabitants of the Stena Cerovic who told us how to live in a place like the Durmitor mountains.Later we go to Croatia, river Kopacki Rit and many more places. The Balkan Peninsula is notorious for being one of the great battlegrounds of history. And yet, it possesses another side unknown to many, where ancient forests and vast wetlands harbor pristine wilderness, and sheer cliff walls and desolate plateaus preserve a seemingly unchanged past. Surveying these striking and stark landscapes, one might think they’ve ventured into the Middle-earth of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings
Lynx-O is back for more adventures in Skyrim! This time we're using a lot of mods to update the visuals and add a few tweaks to the interface and gameplay. L...
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✔Ры́си (лат. Lynx) — род хищных млекопитающих семейства кошачьих, наиболее близкий к роду собственно кошек (Felis). К нему относятся несколько кошек средних размеров: Обыкновенная рысь (Lynx lynx) Канадская рысь (Lynx canadensis); некоторые источники считают её подвидом обыкновенной рыси Пиренейская рысь (Lynx pardinus). Водится на юго—западе Испании (большая часть — в Национальном парке Кото Доньяна). Один из самых редких видов млекопитающих. Внесена в Приложение I CITES (Конвенции о международной торговле вымирающими видами дикой фауны и флоры), а также в списки Всемирного союза охраны природы (IUCN), в категорию 1 (животные, подвергающиеся угрозе исчезновения). Рыжая рысь (Lynx rufus) Иногда к роду Lynx относят также каракала (Caracal caracal) и мраморную кошку (Pardofelis marmorata). Рысь — типичная кошка, хотя величиной с крупную собаку, которую отчасти напоминает своим укороченным телом и длинноногостью. Очень характерна голова рыси: сравнительно небольшая, округлая и очень выразительная. От других кошачьих рыси отличаются коротким хвостом и кисточками на концах ушей. Масса тела рыси от 5 до 30 кг. В скандинавской традиции рысь была священным животным богини Фрейи. Считалось, что рыси впряжены в ее колесницу. Древние греки верили, что острый взор рыси способен пронзать насквозь непрозрачные предметы. Свое научное название это животное получило от др.-греч. λύγξ, рысь. ◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙ ✔Lynxes (Latin Lynx) — a genus of predatory mammals of family cat's, the closest to a sort actually cats (Felis). Some cats of the average sizes treat it: Ordinary lynx (Lynx lynx) Canadian lynx (Lynx canadensis); some sources consider it as subspecies of an ordinary lynx Pyrenean lynx (Lynx pardinus). Is found on Hugo — the West of Spain (the most part — in National park of Koto Donyan). One of the most rare species of mammals. It is brought in the I CITES Appendix (Conventions on international trade in endangered species of wild fauna and flora), and also in lists of the World union of conservation (IUCN), in category 1 (the animals who are exposed to disappearance threat). Red lynx (Lynx rufus) Sometimes carry to the sort Lynx also the caracal (Caracal caracal) and a marble cat (Pardofelis marmorata). Lynx — a typical cat, though size about a large dog who partly reminds the truncated body and a dlinnonogost. The head of a lynx is very characteristic: rather small, roundish and very expressive. Cat's lynxes differ in a short tail and brushes on the ends of ears from others. The body weight of a lynx is from 5 to 30 kg. In the Scandinavian tradition the lynx was a sacred animal of the goddess Freyi. Was considered that lynxes are put to her chariot. Ancient Greeks believed that the sharp look of a lynx is capable to pierce through opaque subjects. The scientific name is an animal received from other - Greek λύγξ, a lynx. ◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙ ✔Link to video: ✔Ссылка на видео: ✔Channel: ✔Канал:
A recording made at the workshop "New Creatures of the Forest" looking at the reintroduction candidates for Britain's woodlands. Here's a presentation given ...
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Naturalist Nights Winter Speaker Series 2013 Presenter Jessica Metcalf, ancient DNA sleuth Hosted by Aspen Center for Environmental Studies (ACES), Wildernes...
SPAIN'S LAST LYNX [Big Cat Nature Documentary] animal attack The Iberian lynx is on the brink of extinction. These majestic predators are top of the food chain in a land where hungry eyes are always watching. The threats of hunting have reduced their population to less than 200. This film gives us an intimate view of this most gracious of predators. SPAIN'S LAST LYNX [Big Cat Nature Documentary] animal attack A lynx is any of the four species within the Lynx genus of medium-sized wild cats. The name "lynx" originated in Middle English via Latin from the Greek word "λύγξ", derived from the Indo-European root "leuk-", meaning "light, brightness", in reference to the luminescence of its reflective eyes. SPAIN'S LAST LYNX [Big Cat Nature Documentary] animal attack Neither the caracal, sometimes called the Persian lynx or African lynx, nor the jungle cat, called the swamp lynx, is a member of the Lynx genus. SPAIN'S LAST LYNX [Big Cat Nature Documentary] animal attack
The bobcat is a North American mammal of the cat family Felidae, appearing during the Irvingtonian stage of around 1.8 million years ago . With 12 recognized...
Season 1, Episode 3 - “Blood In The Snow” Chris heads to Norway, joining members of the Sami community, who have the oldest living culture in Europe. Each of the 3,000 members are responsible for herding 10,000 reindeer. He begins in the capital city of Kautokeino, attending the reindeer racing championships. Plus heads with the group on their migration to the coast. He heads through dramatic terrain, by snowmobile and skis. He goes on the six week-trek hoping to capture a reindeer birth on tape for the very first time. They have to be wary of predators with lynx, wolverine, bears and golden eagles ready to attack at any moment. On the trip, he learns how the reindeer inform the group and their beliefs and meets a man named Siri, a reindeer herder who now lives in town. Living On The Edge Blood In The Sea | Season 1 Episode 3 | Blood In The Snow Living On The Edge Blood In The Sea | Season 1 Episode 3 | Blood In The Snow Living On The Edge Blood In The Sea | Season 1 Episode 3 | Blood In The Snow
Pure nature, pure nature special, Surfing And Sharks, The Wild Bush Budgie, Wild and Woolly, The Return of the Buffalo, Return of the Prime Predators, The Last Mahout, Bird Without Borders, Saved By the Seals, Saving the Slumdog Donkeys, Ocean Voyager, Feast of Predators, Myths of the Great White, Gerbil Plague, Samurai Fighting Spiders, A Kingdom For The Dzanga Gorillas, Africa's Super Seven, Black Bears Unleashed, Jaguar Man, Super Jellyfish, Badger Quest - Honey Hunters, Bloody Suckers, Species Hunter, River of Death, Ghosts of the Cannibal Islands, Freediving With Killer Whales, A Chimpanzee's Tale, Deadly Dance Under the Sea, Wolverine X, Wild Iran, Wild Giants of Denali, Capturing the Killer Croc, Rise of the Desert Phoenix, Bird with the Golden Eye, Mallorca Untamed, Super Bat, Coral Reef Reborn, Buffalo Warrior, Camel's Empire, Mutation - The Science of Survival, Octopus Volcano, Nature's Palace, Phantoms of Vietnam, Tigers Fighting Back, Tiger Sharks and Sea Turtles in Nature's Warzone, Shark Gordon's Most Dangerous Moments, Tarsier Primate - The Littlest Alien, Wild Horses Return to China, Naughty by Nature, Lynx: Elusive Hunter, Living With Lions, Elephants of Kilimanjaro, The Sharks of Polynesia, The Last Wild Tigers, Ancient Steppes, Nomadic Lives, Are Elephants Headed Toward Extinction?, Birth and Death in a Lion's Domain, Return of the European Wolf, The Last of the White Giraffes, Monkey Hunters, Moon Bears - Journey to Freedom, Spider Power, Abdi's Return to Africa, Alien Reefs, White Shark: Nature of the Beast, The Mystery Of The Minkes, Aerial Spain,
Taiga (/ˈtaɪɡə/; Russian: тайга́, IPA: [tɐjˈɡa]; from Turkic or Mongolian), also known as boreal forest or snowforest, is a biome characterized by coniferous...
The Saudi Monarch, Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz has reportedly slipped into a coma and is clinically dead nearly a week after a 14-hour-long back surgery in a hos...
EPISODE 4... For the first time in the nation's wildlife history, a hot air balloon has been used to shoot wildlife. "Wild Adventures -- Ballooning with Bedi...
A few days ago, we saw some slightly snowed over tracks in our back yard that might have been a Lynx. Knowing that I have to be extremely lucky to film it, I set up the camera. I have never seen a lynx myself, but now I have filmed one... Filmed in my back yard, Sala, Sweden Filmed with a Raspbery Pi model A with RaspiCam NOIR, an IR motion sensor and some IR diodes.
A cat and a Eurasian lynx continued to enjoy each others company in Leningrad Zoo in St. Petersburg on Thursday after the unlikely pair have become the best of comrades. The pair first met seven years ago when zoo workers decided to put them in the same enclosure. Dusja, the cat, and Linda the lynx were just a few months old when they were paired up. The zoo did however have previous experience in successfully pairing up a cat with a lynx. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To use this footage please contact the Ruptly Client Desk: Video ID: 20150115-015 ---------------------------------- Facebook: Twitter: LiveLeak: Vine: Instagram: Google Plus: YouTube: DailyMotion: Video on Demand:
The Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) is a medium-sized cat native to European and Siberian forests, Central Asia and East Asia. It is also known as the European lynx, common lynx, the northern lynx, and the Siberian or Russian lynx. While its conservation status has been classified as "Least Concern", populations of Eurasian lynx have been reduced or extirpated from western Europe, where it is now being reintroduced.More info visit: Watching wildlife in Norway’s north Eurasian lynx & wolverine, Reisa National Park eurasian lynx vs pitbull eurasian lynx vs gray wolf eurasian lynx for sale eurasian lynx pet eurasian lynx diet eurasian lynx habitat eurasian lynx fun facts eurasian lynx population
The Balkan lynx (Lynx lynx martinoi) is a subspecies of the Eurasian lynx in the Lynx genus. It is found in eastern Albania and western Macedonia, with smaller populations in Kosovo and Montenegro. It is believed that in Macedonia there are from 35 to 40 remaining Balkan lynx, mostly found in Mavrovo National Park. This cat is considered to be the largest cat in the Balkans. It has been sighted in 2011 and 2012 in the northern mountainous region of Albania and within the boundaries of the Shebenik-Jabllanice National Park. It is classified as Critically Endangered in Albania and has been protected de jure since 1969, but despite this illegal poaching and habitat destruction threatens the remaining Balkan lynx populations in both Albania and Macedonia. There are an estimated 15-20 individuals still alive in Albania. The Balkan lynx has been on the brink of extinction for nearly a century, with total numbers estimated to be fewer than 50. The Balkan lynxes decrease in number have been thought to be due to illegal poaching. The Balkan lynx start mating around January to February, and give birth in April. While the Balkan lynx is listed as a subspecies in much of the news coverage and taxonomic references, there has been some dispute over those claims.
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Click "Subscribe" if you want to receive notifications of my new videos. Chcesz otrzymywać powiadomienia o moich nowych filmach kliknij "Subskrybuj".
You can use any of the free content on this channel for your projects. Please follow the license stated below. Nederlands: Een lynx loopt met een dood konijn in zijn bek door een bos. Français : Un Lynx boréal (Lynx lynx) marche avec un lapin mort dans la bouche dans une forêt. English: A Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) walking with a dead rabbit in its mouth in a forest. Author: Enting Films (producer) / Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision (curator) License: CC BY-SA 3.0 NL Link:
The Big5 Of Europa 5: Wolverine (Gulo gulo) 4: Brown Bear :(Ursus arctos) 3: Eurasian Lynx : (Lynx lynx) 2: Wolf : (Canis lupus lupus) 1: European Bison : (B...
A lynx is any of the four species within the Lynx genus of medium-sized wild cats. The name "lynx" originated in Middle English via Latin from the Greek word...
Euraziatische Lynx / Eurasian lynx : (Lynx lynx)
You can use any of the free content on this channel for your projects. Please follow the license stated below. Nederlands: Twee lynxen in een bos. Ze liggen in de zon en kijken om zich heen en wassen zich. De opnamen zijn gemaakt in een natuurpark in Duitsland. English: Two Eurasian lynxes (Lynx lynx) in a forest. They lie in the sun and look around and wash themselves. The recordings were made in a nature park in Germany. Author: Enting Films (producer) / Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision (curator) License: CC BY-SA 3.0 NL Download:
W Wielkanoc, zespół Stowarzyszenia dla Natury "Wilk" zarejestrował przy pomocy wideopułapki rysicę ucztującą na upolowanej przez siebie sarnie. Nagrania wykonano w obszarze Natura 2000 "Beskid Żywiecki", utworzonym dla ochrony tych pięknych kotów. During the last Easter the team of the Association for Nature "Wolf" recorded with the camera trap a female of the Eurasian lynx foraging on a roe deer. Video footages were taken in the Natura 2000 site "Beskid Żywiecki" (Western Carpathians, S Poland) designated to protect habitats of large carnivores.
Recording of the path of the lynx begins in march 2013, and stops in february 2014. The tracking consists of 3 GPS records for every day. Playback speed appr...
Ryś euroazjatycki / Eurasian lynx / Lynx lynx © Więcej / more:
Eurasian Lynx (Lynx lynx) captured at night on our camera traps.
The three lynx cubs you see busy in the video were born 24 May 2013. It was a cold and greyish cloudy day, but they didn't mind at all. While they were playi...
Camera-trap footage of a Eurasian Lynx (Lynx lynx), from WLT's Armenian partner FPWC (Foundation for the Preservation of Wildlife and Cultural Assets). Furth...
Eurasian lynx ... The Eurasian lynx was the largest wild species of cat in Britain throughout the last ...
BBC News 2015-03-11The Eurasian lynx is a solitary animal and very secretive in nature ... Greatly varied in size, Eurasian ...
The Times of India 2015-03-09A public consultation has been launched ahead of formal licence applications to reintroduce the Eurasian lynx.
BBC News 2015-03-09The Eurasian lynx is a medium sized cat found in western Europe, Russia and central Asia ... Lynx UK Trust.
BBC News 2015-03-09At the zoo, get a chance to meet the elusive Siberian Tigers, Eurasian lynx and even Snow Leopards, ...
Huffington Post 2015-02-23Rise of the wolf ... the grey wolf ... But there are other species are still in decline, such as the Eurasian lynx.
BBC News 2015-01-19the Eurasian lynx ... The Eurasian lynx is the largest lynx species and, given the option, is something of a deer specialist.
The Daily Telegraph 2015-01-08... red pandas, guanacos, Turkmenian markhor, snow leopards, spectacled bears, Eurasian lynx and more.
Syracuse 2015-01-05More carnivore ... wolves, brown bears, the Eurasian lynx, and the wolverine ... culture," the study notes ... ) ... Ségolène Royal, a.
Deccan Herald 2015-01-05The charity said there was a "moral and ecological" case for the return of the once native Eurasian lynx.
BBC News 2014-12-29Great carnivores making ... Brown bears are found in 22 countries, Eurasian lynxes in 23, and wolves in 28.
The Columbus Dispatch 2014-12-28In addition to wolves, stable populations of brown bears, Eurasian lynx and wolverines are all on the up and up in Europe.
Stockhouse 2014-12-19Scientists studying populations of bears, wolves, Eurasian lynx and wolverines found they have ...
South China Morning Post 2014-12-19The Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) is a medium-sized cat native to European and Siberian forests, South Asia and East Asia. It is also known as the European lynx, common lynx, the northern lynx, and the Siberian or Russian lynx. While its conservation status has been classified as "Least Concern", populations of Eurasian lynx have been reduced or extirpated from western Europe, where it is now being reintroduced.
The Eurasian lynx is the largest lynx species, ranging in length from 80 to 130 cm (31 to 51 in) and standing about 70 cm (28 in) at the shoulder. The tail measures 11 to 25 cm (4.3 to 9.8 in) in length. Males usually weigh from 18 to 30 kg (40 to 66 lb) and females weigh 10 to 21 kg (22 to 46 lb). Male lynxes from Siberia, where the species reaches the largest body size, can weigh up to 38 kg (84 lb) or reportedly even 45 kg (99 lb). It has powerful legs, with large webbed and furred paws that act like snowshoes. It also possesses a short "bobbed" tail with an all-black tip, black tufts of hair on its ears, and a long grey-and-white ruff.