Darius III (the Great) (c. 380 – 330 BC), also known by his given name of Codomannus, was the last king of the Achaemenid Empire of Persia from 336 BC to 330 BC.
After Artaxerxes III of Persia and all of his sons were killed by the vizier Bagoas, the vizier installed a cousin of Artaxerxes III, Codomannus, to the Persian throne as Darius III. When Darius tried to act independently of the vizier, Bagoas tried to poison him, but Darius was warned and forced Bagoas to drink the poison himself. The new king found himself in control of an unstable empire, large portions of which were governed by jealous and unreliable satraps and inhabited by disaffected and rebellious subjects. However, he lacked the skills and experience to deal with these problems.
In 334 BC, Alexander the Great began his invasion of the Persian Empire and subsequently defeated the Persians in a number of battles before looting and destroying the capital Persepolis, by fire, in 331 BC. With the Persian Empire now effectively under Alexander's control, Alexander then decided to pursue Darius, but Darius was killed by a satrap Bessus before Alexander reached him.
Alexander, the King of Macedonia, leads his legions against the giant Persian Empire. After defeating the Persians he leads his Army across the then known world venturing further than any Westerner had ever gone all the way to India.
Keywords: 25-year-old, 285-bc, 323-bc, 3rd-century-b.c., 4th-century-b.c., african-lion, alexander-the-great, alexandria-egypt, ambition, ancient-egypt
Fortune favors the bold
The greatest legend of all was real
Alexander: I've come to believe the fear of death drives all men, Hephaistion. This we didn't learn as schoolboys.::Hephaistion: I've always believed, Alexander. But this seems so much bigger than us.::Alexander: Did Patroclus stare at Achilles when they stood side by side at the siege of troy?::Hephaistion: Patroclus died first.::Alexander: If you do... if you were to fall Hephaistion, I will avenge you, and follow you down to the house of death.::Hephaistion: I would do the same.::Alexander: On the eve of battle it's hardest to be alone.::Hephaistion: Then perhaps this is farewell, my Alexander.::Alexander: Fear not, Hephaistion. We are at the beginning.
Alexander: Conquer your fear, and I promise you, you will conquer death.
Hephaistion: You know better than any great deeds are donned by men who took, and never regretted. You're Alexander! Pity and grief will only destroy you.::Alexander: Have I become so arrogant that I am blind?::Hephaistion: Sometimes to expect the best from everyone is arrogance.::Alexander: Then it's true. I have become a tyrant!::Hephaistion: No! But perhaps a stranger. We've come too far. They don't understand you anymore.::Alexander: They speak of Phillip now as if I were a passing cloud, soon to be forgotten. I've failed. Utterly.::Hephaistion: You're mortal. And they know it. And they forgive you because you make them proud of themselves.
Olympias: My little Achilles.
Olympias: My poor child. You're like Achilles; cursed by your greatness. You must never confuse your feelings with your duties, Alexander. A king must make public gestures for the common people. You will be nineteen this summer, and the girls already say you don't like them, you like Hephastion more. I understand, it's natural for a young man. But if you go to Asia without leaving a successor you risk all.::Alexander: Hephastion loves me. As I am. Not who.
Cassander: Alexander, if we must fight, do so with stealth. Use your numbers well; we should attack tonight when they least expect us.::Alexander: I didn't cross Asia to steal this victory, Cassander.::Cassander: No, you are too honorable for that, no doubt influenced from sleeping with tales of Troy under your pillow. But your father was no lover of Homer's.::Parmenion: The lands west of the Euphrates, Alexander, and his daughter's hand in marriage! Since when has a Greek ever been given such honors?::Alexander: These are not honors, Parmenion, they're bribes! Which the Greeks have accepted too long! You forget, Parmenion, that the man who murdered my father lies across the valley floor.::Parmenion: Come, Alexander, we're not really sure if it was Persian gold behind the assassination. It is no matter! Your father taught you never to surrender your reason to your passion! I urge you, with all my experience, regroup! Fall back to the coast, raise a larger force!::Alexander: I would, if I were Parmenion. But I am Alexander. And no more than earth has two suns will Asia bear two kings. These are my terms. And if Darius isn't a coward who hides behind his men then he'll come to me tomorrow. And *when* he bows down to Greece, Alexander will be merciful.
Alexander: May all those who come here after us know, when they see this altar, that titans were once here.
Alexander: A thousand ships we'll launch from here, Hephaistion! We'll round Arabia, and sail up the gulf to Egypt. From there, we'll build a channel through the desert, out to the middle sea. And then we'll move on Carthage, and that great island Cecily; they'll pay large tribute. After that the Romans - good fighters, but we'll beat them. And then explore the northern forests, and add the pillars of Heracles to the western ocean. And then one day, populations will mix and travel freely. Asia and Europe will come together. And we'll grow old, Hephaistion, looking out our balcony at this new world.
Young Alexander: One day I'll be on walls like these.
Hephaistion: [on his death bed] I'll feel better. Soon I'll be up.::Alexander: We leave for Arabia in the spring, I can't leave without you!::Hephaistion: Arabia... you used to dress me up like a sheik and wave your wooden scimitar...::Alexander: You were the only one who'd never let me win. The only one who's ever been honest with me. You saved me from myself. Please don't leave me, Hephaistion.::Hephaistion: ...I remember the young man who wanted to be Achilles, and then out did him.::Alexander: And then what happens? That was a myth only young men believe!::Hephaistion: But how beautiful a myth it was.::Alexander: How we reach, we fall! Oh, Hephaistion.::Hephaistion: I worry for you without me.::Alexander: I am nothing without you!
Curses on thee, cruel iron
Curses on the steel thou givest
Curses on thee, tongue of evil
Cursed be thy life forever!
Once thou wert of little value
Having neither form nor beauty
Neither strength noe great importance
When in form of milk thou rested
When for ages thou wert hidden
In the breasts of gods' three daughters
Hidden in their heaving bosoms
On the borders of the cloudlets
In the blue vault of the heavens
Thou wert once of little value
Having neither form nor beauty
Neither strength nor great importance
When like water thou wert resting
On the broad back of the marshes
On the steep declines of mountains
When thou wert but formless matter
Only dust of rusty color
Curses on thee, cruel iron
Curses on the steel thou givest
Curses on thee, tongue of evil
Cursed be thy life forever!
Surely thou wert void of greatness
Having neither strength nor beauty
When the moose was trampling on thee
When the roebuck trod upon thee
When the tracks of wolves were in thee
And the bear-paws scratched thy body
Surely thou hadst little value
When the skillful Ilmarinen
First of all the iron-workers
Brought thee from the blackened swamp-lands
Took thee to his ancient smithy
Placed thee in his fiery furnace
Truly thou hadst little vigor
Little strength, and little danger
When thou in the fire wert hissing
Rolling forth like seething water
From the furnace of the smithy
When thou gavest oath the strongest
By the furnace, by the anvil
By the tongs, and by the hammer
By the dwelling of the blacksmith
By the fire within the furnace
Curses on thee, cruel iron
Curses on the steel thou givest
Curses on thee, tongue of evil
Cursed be thy life forever!
Now forsooth thou hast grown mighty
Thou canst rage in wildest fury
Thou hast broken all thy pledges
All thy solemn vows hast broken
Like the dogs thou shamest honor
Shamest both thyself and kindred
Tainted all with breath and evil
Tell who drove thee to this mischief
Tell who taught thee of thy malice
Tell who gavest thee thine evil!
Tell me! Now tell me!
Did thy father, or thy mother
Did the eldest of thy brothers
Did the youngest of thy sisters
Did the worst of all thy kindred
Not thy father, nor thy mother
Not the eldest of thy brothers
Not the youngest of thy sisters
Not the worst of all thy kindred
But thyself hast done this mischief
Thou the cause of all our trouble
Come and view thine evil doings
And amend this flood of damage
Curses on thee, cruel iron
Curses on the steel thou givest
Curses on thee, tongue of evil
Cold autumn rain, fields new-plowed
A sludgy bane, far from home
The time has come, our troops march on
A silent hum, a cheerful song
Den snöiga nord är vårt fädernesland,
där sprakar vår härd på den stormiga strand,
där växte vid svärdet vår seniga arm,
där glödde för tro och för ära vår barm.
Vi vattnade i Nevans bad vår frustande häst
han sam öfver Weichseln så glad som till fest,
han bar öfver Rhen vårt hämnande stål,
han drack utur Donau kejsarens skål.
Och rida vi fram öfver slätter och däld,
så springa ur hofvarna gnistor af eld,
så haglar vårt hugg som ett hammarslag,
så ljusnar för världen en framtids dag.
In morning mist, dark lines stand still
With clenched fists, against her will
At the break of dawn, our forces assemble
A distant horn, soon cannons will rumble
A shroud of smoke, an iron breeze
A man of hope, hell unleashed
A glove of steel (sweeps the) front line down
A white lone steed, a fallen crown
Den snöiga nord är vårt fädernesland,
där sprakar vår härd på den stormiga strand,
där växte vid svärdet vår seniga arm,
där glödde för tro och för ära vår barm.
Vår tröst, du som suckar i mörker och band,
Vi komma, vi komma, vi lösa din hand.
Där pustar ej träl i vår frostiga nord ;
friborne vi rida i fält för Guds ord.
Vid Breitenfeld vi togo Pappenheim i vår famn;
vi skrefvo på Kronenbergs brynja vårt namn;
vi svedde grått skägg för Tilly vid Lech;
vi blödde med kungsblod vid Lützens häck.
Och rida vi långt från vårt nordliga spår
till glödande drufvor och blödande sår,
så smattra trumpeterna segerbud.
Hugg in, tappra led! Fram! Med oss är Gud.
Out of the dust, past our ranks
Came a mount without a master
Blood-stained it strode all alone
Each one knew The Oak had fallen
Hakkaa plle Pohjan Poika!
Ride for revenge, we march again for the King and the mighty
Feel no fatigue, your wounds will heal when we've slain the foe
Time to raise a toast to our generous host
Ruler of the Rus from coast to coast
May beer flow as long as we can stand on two
All the pretty girls, come, keep us warm!
Tonight we drink, no room for depressing thoughts
New friends
Last night
An offer was made
Would leave
Five hundred strong
Long is the hour when lying awake
Sleeping his hard when so much is at stake
I've reached my goal, called the final door
Behind it- three doors more
Lying in my bed
Thinking of the things they said
Time is running out
What to do I moon about
Out in the open sea I've swum without a sight
A sight of an opposite shore, a sight of some light
Turning back, staying here, my strength is running out
Forward, or I drown
Rising from my bed
Thinking of the things they said
The moment draws nigh
One chance a year when the water is high
I run
Heavy doors
Which one?
Where did I come from? Was I already here?
It all seems familiar, yet I have no idea
New friends
Last night
An offer was made
Would leave
Five hundred and one
"Joy and sorrow we have encountered
Always stood as one
Your heart will follow, and maybe tomorrow
You will find what you seek
Go now, and don't look back!
Bring my greetings to the Greek King!"
The wind flew the raven banner with pride
Eagles were soaring aloft
Filled with hope and excitement side by side
Five hundred and one cast off
So long is the way to the unknown
Long is the way we have come
At the head of the ships a horn was blown
We sailed off with the morning sun
Long is the way we have come
Still, nothing changes under the sun
The day we lay ahold
The wind rocks the fields of gold
Zer sum is the name of the game?
Gain or lose
My win
Is your loss
Have your cake and eat it too
Long is the way we have come
Still nothing changes under the sun
Few have found the stone
Searching for the fields of gold
The finest of craftsmen forged
For day and night
Deep down
Lost at sea
Their great feat now lies
Is a draw the only win?
Would a tie double the loss?
A fight
For existence
Life-death: 0-0
Long is the way we have come
Still nothing changes under the sun
Firmly we keep our course
Ladies and gentlemen! The main event of tonight:
On chariots of fire!
The Greens! The Blues!
Open the gates!
Dust fills the air, stallions cry under the whip
Cars come crashing in the turn
Dragged by the reins around the track, of poor man
Thundering hooves to seal his fate
Venetoi! - Prasinoi!
The partisans drive
Venetoi! - Prasinoi!
The sun rose over the wasteland
As far as the eye can see
Sand fills the vast plains of Serkland
It's vultures jeering at me
But they can circle until they drop dead
I have not come this far
To end, but to pursue my own thread
To join The Varangian Guard
Guards of glory and of might
Red as blood and black as night
Flies our banner as we march
In the East, for the king of the Greek
There's men of the cross and the hammer
A few of the moon crescent
Men simply searching for glamour
Some concealing their royal descent
The axe-bearing foreigners they have aptly named us
All we've come from afar
Diversity is what unites us
We are The Varangian Guard
Guards of glory and of might
Red as blood and black as night
Flies our banner as we march
In the East, for the king of the Greek
Miklagard, in the second indinction, in the 6542 year of the world
To Holmgard and beyond
This is where the winds have us guided
For fame and for gold
We once set sails for these lands unknown
Guards of glory and of might
Red as blood and black as night
Flies our banner as we march
So there it was, the thing we dread the most. Time had caught up with us. The
Thread ended.
I felt betrayed and disappointed. Was that really it?
And looking down at myself lying on the ground of Piraeus harbour, snowflakes
Falling down on me... The night the Bosphorus froze
We watch the sand trickle, anxious about it's steady flow.
But what we really fail to see is, that any minute, the glass might just burst
Into pieces.
You see, it's not about what you take with you, it's what you leave behind.
And there, on the side of a lion, this story found it's end.
[Hakon Halfdansson - appr. 1043]
Viimeistä virttään kirjoittaa
Harva meistä saa
Muistoihin jää
Laulumme tää
Päättyy ikävään
Kaiuissa vuosisatojen
Haaveissa kuolleiden
Kohtaavat päät
Tähdissä näät nyt sen
(Black Sabbath cover)
I want to reach out
And touch the sky
I want to touch the sun
But I don't need to fly
I'm gonna climb up
Every mountain on the moon
And find the deeds to run
Away with the spoon
Come on!
I've crossed the ocean, turned every bin
I found the plastic on the golden rainbow's end
I've seen through magic and through life reality
I've lived a thousand years and never found the key
Here we fucking go, come on!
(Solo: Wickström, Skog)
What is Supernaut anyway?
They have like, astronauts and um, taikonauts and spationauts.
Maybe it's from Sweden
IKEA's from Sweden
They have great meatballs in IKEA. I like meatballs.
Meatballs come from cows. I once saw a cow in Denmark.
Maybe it's from Denmark...
Got no religion
Don't need no friends
Got all I want
And I don't need to pretend
Don't try to reach me
'Cause I'd tear up your mind
I've seen the future
And I've left it behind
Come on!
"Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey"
"Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey"
There lived a certain man in Russia long ago
He was big and strong, in his eyes a flaming glow
Most people looked at him with terror and with fear
But to Moscow chicks he was such a lovely dear
He could preach the bible like a preacher
Full of ecstasy and fire
But he also was the kind of teacher
Women would desire
Lover of the Russian queen
There was a cat that really was gone
Russia's greatest love machine
It was a shame how he carried on
He ruled the Russian land and never mind the tsar
But the kasachok he danced really wunderbar
In all affairs of state he was the man to please
But he was real great when he had a girl to squeeze
For the queen he was no wheeler dealer
Though she'd heard the things he'd done
She believed he was a holy healer
Who would heal her son
Lover of the Russian queen
There was a cat that really was gone
Russia's greatest love machine
It was a shame how he carried on
But when he's drinking and musting
And hungers of power become known to more and more people
Their demands to do something about this outrageous man
Grew louder and louder
"Hey hey"
"This man's just got to go!" declared his enemies
But the ladies begged "Don't you try to do it, please"
No doubt this Rasputin had lots of hidden charms
Though he was a brute they just fell into his arms
Then one night some men of higher standing
Set a trap, they're not to blame
"Come to visit us" they kept demanding
And he really came
Lover of the Russian queen
They put some poison into his wine
Russia's greatest love machine
He drank it all and he said "I feel fine"
Lover of the Russian queen
They didn't quit, they wanted his head
Russia's greatest love machine
And so they shot him till he was dead
Nyt täyttyy mahlainen malja
Tuoppeihin virtaa sahti ja kalja
Uusi polvi kun päätänsä nostaa
Vanha tapa ei kuole koskaan
Murtumaan ei kristityn miekkakaan meitä saa
Käymme teistoa ainiaan
Nyt laulumme jumalille raikaa saa
Siis tuoppinne nostakaa!
Tummat pilvet, ilkeä taivas
On kaukana korpien kätköissä maa
Kyiset pellot, katajainen kansa
We've sailed across the sea
Rowed for miles and miles upstream
Passed by Aldeigjuborg
Seen Lake Ilmen gleam
Ingvar took the lead
After Holmgard as agreed
What the end of Lovat meant
Was soon to be seen
Dripping with sweat a new day dawn on
The ropes cut flesh, as they've done in times foregone
I see my breath, my hands are going numb
Far from home we have come
An endless trail in front my eyes
A swift take off, had no time for goodbyes
What will we find and what was left behind
There's no return, get it off your mind
The water's changed to sand
Lakes and rivers turned to land
Plough up the rocky seas
Ride felled down trees
Foot by foot we edge
Once a ship, now a sledge
Six regular edges and six vertices
Six equilateral triangles
Six square faces in another direction
Plato's earth transparent
Give me all you have!
Pull as hard as you can
Plough up the rocky seas
Ride felled down trees
The water's changed to sand
Lakes and rivers turned to land
The rug has been pulled from under my feet
All my life made of lies and deceit
All I have left is a symbol on my chest
My only lead on my desperate quest
Branded at birth with the sign of Perun
East of the sun and West of the moon
The road now continues, Northwind be my guide
Far beyond the sea and distant lands
Came men with thirty ships
Had wanted to reach the Neva by night
But the weather was not on their side
And as the wind grew stronger and stronger
The rain ran down our cheeks
The bow was turned towards Gardar
The sail flew up again
Holmgard and beyond
That's where the winds will us guide
For fame and for gold
Set sail for those lands unknown
Osmo and Dalk, Kyy, Kokko and Ulf
Were glad to be off the oars
Turo had eaten too much again
Now hanging himself overboard
The Tostensson twins were excited as always
Adventure was their game
Myself, Hakon the Bastard
was out to find my name
Holmgard and beyond
That's where the winds will us guide
For fame and for gold
Set sail for those lands unknown
Who is "I" without a past?
A river without a source?
An event without a cause?
Threads of different lengths
Some longer, some shorter
So many of them spun together
The crones keep on weaving
The algorithm of our lives
Cause and effect, the fates of men
We know the way to Aldeigju
Upstream the river Alode
You take us to the portage
And further (South)
Long is the way to the unknown
Long are the rivers in the East
Far lies the land that Ingvar
And his men desire to reach
Many dangers lie ahead
Some of us may never return
Rather sold as a slave to the Saracens
Than chained to your bed, chained by your life!
Holmgard and beyond
That's where the winds will us guide
For fame and for gold
Far away, Beyond the bay
Rugged hills tower over the woods
A fort stands steadfastly on each top
No pinewood this enchanting at night,
Nor water so blue or bright
This is the land of the Fenns
Once the trees were as old as the world
Whole Tavastia was quiet and tranquil
Now those days have gone by
Left: mourning and loud war cries
A chain of six bonfires blaze
People start running back and forth
In these distant towns of North
Hundreds of years We've fought
Thousands of men dropped their sword
'til the last man falls - We vow
Blow Your horns, Prepare for war
War ships float towards the town
With crosses sewed on their sails
The huge fort gates are boomed
The ones left outside are doomed
United agaist the cross We stand
Suddenly all the people fell quiet
The cloudless heavens turned scarlet
Drumskins strongly boomed from the skies
The signs of warfare were infront of our eyes
See the battle raging - Grab Your sword
A distant thunder rumbling - Bend your bows
The great arrows fly, Stallions whine
Long chains creak, Heath echoing
Finally the victory is achieved
Last enemies retreat
Much blood have been spilled
Hundreds of men been killed
Cheering and celebrating can be heard
Far away, Beyond the bay
Rugged hills tower over the woods
A fort stands steadfastly on each top
When will the old Gods fall?
For how long will the spirit live on?
Once upon a time there was a tavern,
Where we used to raise a glass or two.
Remember how we laughed away the hours,
think of all the great things we would do.
Those were the days my friend,
We thought they'd never end,
We'd sing and dance for-ever and a day,
We'd live the life we choose,
We'd fight and never lose,
For we were young and sure to have our way.
Lalala lah lala, lalala lah lala
Just tonight I stood before the tavern,
Nothing seemed the way it used to be.
In the glass I saw a strange reflection,
Was that lonely soldier really me.
Those were the days my friend,
We thought they'd never end,
We'd sing and dance for-ever and a day,
We'd live the life we choose,
We'd fight and never lose,
For we were young and sure to have our way.
Lalala lah lala, lalala lah lala
Through the door there came familiar laughter.
I saw your face and heard you call my name.
Oh, my friend, we're older but no wiser,
For in our hearts the dreams are still the same.
Those were the days my friend,
We thought they'd never end,
We'd sing and dance for-ever and a day,
We'd live the life we choose,
We'd fight and never lose,
For we were young and sure to have our way.
I saddle my horse as fast as I can
"The message is urgent, find the man!"
The camp soon vanishes out of my sight
As I rush my black steed into the night
I am the messenger of fate
I spur on my horse, the hour is late
I am the herald, I am the sign
My only enemy is time
Hooves hit the rocky ground
The clatter echoes all around
Alone I ride, come what may
The stars in the nightsky guide my way today
On my arrival, will you welcome me?
The sign is given, can't you see?
All hail the Messenger
Strong by heart, wind or rain
Won't stop the Messenger
The news are on the way
The faith of man lies in my hands
At last I fly through the gate
Men, woman, children... "Out of my way!"
Up the winding alley with fury I ride
I jump off my horseback and push the doors aside
All hail the Messenger
Strong by heart, wind or rain
Won't stop the Messenger
The news are on their way
You are the Messenger
Strong by heart, wind or rain
Won't stop the Messenger
The news are on their way
Far away, where the sunshine never fades
There lies this land, the greatest of tales
A strong golden gate now slowly moves aside
In walks a man, exhausted by the tide
Finally, I've reached my destiny
I've crossed the western sea for the land of hope an glory
In front of me stands the glorious grand city
A feeling that I can breathe, and be free
Surrounding golden walls, finest marble covers the halls
Silver-plated streets that glimmer and shine
Statues, monuments and fountains filled with wine
And trees nearly touching the sky
In the land of hope and glory
I head to the greatest hall,
Take a deep breath and open the door
Is this the land of hope and glory?
Sitting on a golden throne,
An ape holding a scepter of bone
It utters: "The die is cast."
Surrounding golden walls...
Echoes from the homeland
Kaikuen laulu raikaa takaa ulapan
Kotimaan rannat kutsuu poikaa Pohjolan
Hoist the sails, it's time to leave these lands behind
Rain or hail won't stop me, I have made up my mind
Surrounded by dark emptiness
The sea is cold and merciless
All alone, I'm heading home
Over the vast sea, wide and so deep
Ahti I greet thee, I'm heading home!
The wind is rising, cold and biting
Ilmarinen I greet thee
Northern shores - I'm home
No surrounding golden walls, no marble covered halls
No silver-plated streets that glimmer and shine
No statues, monuments nor fountains filled with wine
Only trees touching the sky
Far away, where sunshine never fades
At the tables of the North
Man is used to blizzards and storms
Their arms are tempered by the work of their swords
Gallantness and faith fills their hearts
The heart of Turisas was forged by four winds
In a smithy high up in the skies
On an anvil of honour, with a hammer of blood
The four winds pounded
The heart of Turisas was forged by four winds
In a smithy high up in the skies
On an anvil of courage, with a hammer of sweat
The four winds pounded
Over vast steppes
Horsemen ride for day and night
With honour and glory in their minds
The Eastmen ride
Under the sun
The soldiers of the South sing their songs
Endless scorching deserts
Have trained these men
Take this sign into Your heart and be brave
Let it lead You to Your glory or Your grave
Hear Me, My warriors
Soldiers from all the edges of the world
Let us join Our forces
To an army, united
The four winds guide Us
The heart of Turisas leads Our way
Our drums echo: Forward march
Our horns cry for victory
Beyond the ocean
The warriors of the West bend their bows
In the name of the Eagle
These brave men fight
The heart of Turisas was forged by four winds
In a smithy high up in the skies
On an anvil of glory, with a hammer of tears
Word I bring from far up North
Songs I sing from you nephew's court
Convened Ting on the death of Harthacnut
Proclaimed king and the Danes salute
End you exile Your claim to the throne is strong
Svein's your ally The Swedes will fight along
Norway awaits me It's time to cross the north sea
First I must break free We could ask Constantine?
I'm needed elsewhere... No way, my troops I can not spare!
This seems quite unfair... Can't you hear? My answer is NO!
My Basileus, my Emperor
I have honourably served this kingdom
Sand have I won, and furthermore
Blood of Saracens have flowed by my work of sword
My Basileus, my Emperor
You have left me no choice but to escape
Taking my men, and from the Horn
We are breaking our way out after nightfall
"This is insane, we're trapped in the sound!"
Row for all you're worth, despair to mirth!
"The chain will not break, there's no way around!"
Over we shall go! So, hasten now, from stern to bow
Tilt the galley over, for no emperor nor chain will stand in my way!
Man the oars! Out to the sea!
Bid farewell and wave goodbye
Because gentlemen, we are heading home!
Rising, a new rising
New kingdoms await
New lands there to take
Your son's heading home
He's a viking, the last of The Vikings
With chests full of gold
Great tales to be told
A terrible noise heard from far away
Drowning all other sounds
No cry of the birds nor voice of men
Just an awful groan
Silence fell over the men
As the river seemed to end
Clouds of spray, Pechenegs prey
The Insatiable One is hungry today
Avoid the rocks for all you're worth
Whirlpools gaze from the depths of earth
Like dominoes six locks will fall
One after another
The World Serpent will rise from the silt
And poison the sky
Clouds of spray, Pechenegs pray
The Insatiable One is hungry today
The violent current swept Karl away
One mistake- with your life you pay
Silence fell over the men
As the river seemed to...
A sight they had dreamed of
Now opened in front of them
Fraught with danger and travail
Long is the hour for the waiting man
The front line is to be ours, awaiting the command
Some sit silently on the floor, bemused and empty-gazed
I go through my gear once more, already knowing all is in place
And as the bugle call goes blaring
We know that this might be our final call
From the line, you have had your rest!
- Rising! Fighting!
When the going gets tough they send in the best
- Lightning! Striking!
The wait is over, we are taking the head
- Bring it on we are not afraid!
Keep your head clear or you'll end up dead
- Blood's left no room for rust on our blades
- Take the day!
Scattered remains of our own troops, we meet as we advance:
"Turn around while you can fools, you won't stand a chance"
But deep within their eyes you see, hope mixed with respect
They're here, the men from beyond the sea, the fight is not over yet
And as the bugle call goes blaring
We know that this might be our final call
From the line, you have had your rest!
- Rising! Fighting!
When the going gets tough they send in the best
- Lightning! Striking!
The wait is over, we are taking the head
- Bring it on we are not afraid!
Keep your head clear or you'll end up dead
The pouring rain,
Sticks my hair to my face,
An empty gaze is all I have left,
The stars that once lit my way have dimmed,
The sky turned grey,
The path once so clear
Faded away,
Blessed are the days when life is intent and clear,
No falter or doubt,
I know the way,
They are the days, I hoped,
I have never stepped from this road,
The spark I once had,
Seems to have died,
Stand Up and Fight,
Stand Up and Look Into The Light,
Pushing the clouds away...
Stand Up and Fight,
Stand Up and See The Sky Turn Bright,
Fight for a better day...
What a relief it would be to end this all,
How easy to fly the white flag and give up,
But would I run today just to die another day,
Give up now and every fight has been in vain,
Stand Up and Fight,
Stand Up and Look Into The Light,
Pushing the clouds away...
Stand Up and Fight,
Stand Up and See The Sky Turn Bright,
Fight for a better day...
The pouring rain,
Sticks my hair to my face,
Stand Up and Fight,
Stand Up and Look Into The Light,
Pushing the clouds away...
Stand Up and Fight,
Stand Up and See The Sky Turn Bright,
Fight for a better day...
As you sit in your quiet home, surrounded by peace, comfort and civilization...
Do you, listener, remember those memories...
Grand and tearful, which still, after hundreds of years,
Remain now radiant with the brightness of sunlight,
And now darkening, like indelible bloodstains...
The variegated pages of history.
Can your thoughts, torpid with repose,
Transport themselves back to the horrors and joys of the past...
Not straying indifferently from one thing to another which excites your curiosity,
But taking a warm and vital interest, as if you yourself stood in the midst of those struggles,
Now long since fought out... bled in them, conquered or fell in them,
And felt your heart beat with hope or apprehension according as fortune smiled or betrayed...
Standing on the heights of history, looking far around the wild arena of human destiny,
Can you transfer yourself into the well of the past?
A life physically buried and decayed, but spiritually inmost,
Which constitutes the essence and substance of history...
Did you ever see history portrayed as an old man with a wise brow and pulseless heart,
Waging all things in the balance of reason?
Is not rather the genius of history like an eternal, imploring maiden, full of fire,
With a burning heart and flaming soul, humanly warm and humanly beautiful?
Therefore, if you have the capacity to suffer or rejoice with the generation that had been...
To hate with them... to love with them... to be transported to admire, to despise,
To curse as they have done - in a word:
To live among them with your whole heart and not alone with your cold, reflecting judgement...
... then follow me.
I will lead you down into the well.
My hand is weak and my sketch humble, but your heart will guide you better than I.
Gathered round the wooden table
Same tavern as the nights before
I brace myself against the gable
Sunlight pushes its way through the gap in the door
As the golden sunbeams reach my eyes
I stand up and raise my pint up high
One more for our brothers who fought beside us
One more and forward again
Once more, we'll fight and conquer
Until we'll meet again
Staring at the stools not taken
I reach for my tankard of ale
The silence remains unbroken
All you hear is a tinkle of mail
As the golden sunbeams reach my eyes
I stand up and raise my pint up high
One more for our brothers who fought beside us
One more and forward again
Once more, we'll fight and conquer
We'll see you when we die
We'll see you when we die
Like a raging thunderstorm we flew down the forested hill
Tree-trunks and rocks passing by
The endless ranks stood waiting out in the open field
My fingers gripped the handle of my sword
With full power we smashed into their lines
The ground shook, swords tasted their flesh
Hooves trampling over men screaming for their lives
The battle raged until both troops were threshed
Grief no more over friends who died
That day will come to us all
Until then we shall fight with pride
Raise our pints till the dawn
Grief no more over friends who died
That day will come to us all
Side by side we shall ride once more
When the Horn calls for War
Feeling low and heavy hearted
Interrupted by a distant alarm
Seems like the war has started
May it be for our brothers in arms
Once again the golden sunbeam reaches my eyes
I stand up and raise my sword up high
One more for our brothers who fought beside us
One more and forward again
Once more, we'll fight and conquer
Until we'll meet again
One more for our brothers who fought beside us
One more and forward again
Once more, we'll fight and conquer
Until we'll meet again
One more, And forward again
One more for ever
We'll see you when we die
Long have I drifted without a course
A rudderless ship I have sailed
The Nile just keeps flowing without a source
Maybe all the seekers just failed?
To Holmgard and beyond
In search of a bond
Far from home I've come
But the road has just begun
Breathing history
Veiled in mystery
The sublime
The greatest of our time
"Come with us to the south
Write your name on our roll"
I was told;
Sui generis
The saints and emperors
Of bygone centuries
The man-made birds in their trees
Out load their paean rings
In astonishing colours the East meets the West
The hill-banks arise in their green
In wonder I sit on my empty chest
As we glide down the strait in between
To Holmgard and beyond
In search of a bond
Distant church bells toll
For their god they chant and troll
Breathing history
Veiled in mystery
The sublime
The greatest of our time
The Norwegian of rank
In the court of The Prince
I was convinced
Ten gates to eternity
Seen all for centuries
Your inconquerable walls
Your temples and your halls
See all, hear all, know it all
My sun rose in the North and now sets in the South
The Golden Horn lives up to its name
From tower to tower a chain guards its mouth
Unbreakable, they claim
To Holmgard and beyond
In a search of a bond
Adventures lie ahead
Many knots lie unravelled on my thread
Breathing history
Veiled in mystery
The sublime
The greatest of our time
Queen of the cities
Your welcoming smile
Made all worthwhile
The sweat and the pain
Bathing in gold
Endless rooftops unfold
The sun sets for a while just to rise again
Great halls
Great halls
In the darkest shadows, under the black rocks
And ancient moss
Where steam arises from the cracks in the crust of ground
The spiteful dwell
Fast, fast, fast, fast, faster than the lightning strikes
Trying to make it in time
Hide, hide, hide, hide, hide from the bright demise
Rush away from the...
Midnight Sunrise
The night embraces these lands
People stand in a circle holding hands
A blaze over a peaceful summery lake
Enlightens their faces and gilds the lanscape
Under cover of darkness they have arisen
And set their feet on the ground
As the people celebrate they head to their homes
To wreak havoc with their property
Fast, fast, fast, fast...
Midnight Sunrise
The night embraces these lands
People stand in a circle holding hands
A blaze over a peaceful summery lake
Enlightens their faces and gilds the lanscape
The hourglass' sand stops flowing, currents stand still
The distant horizon glowing, a glimmer over the hill
Three golden kings come riding across the midnight skies
Three golden blades shining, a sight for sore eyes
Time stood still as sons of the dawn rode by
As the daybreak approaches
And the sunbeams close in on them
Horror fills their hearts
Running for their lives as fas as they can
In panic they flee
Fast, fast, fast, fast...
Midnight Sunrise
The night embraces these lands
People stand in a circle holding hands
A blaze over a peaceful summery lake
Enlightens their faces and gilds the lanscape
Twelve golden hooves come smashing down on earth
And chase the creatures to the holes
Where they once were given birth
The ones who are not that lucky to escape
Are burning down to ashes in the midnight sunrise
Three golden kings come riding across the midnight skies
Three golden blades shining, a sight for sore eyes
Full sails ahead, oceans painted red
When the soldiers of fortune hunt for pirates
No questions asked, we fulfil our task
Tones all turn grey after sunset
Slaying a man, taking what you can
What is right, what is wrong, who can answer?
Sailing the seas, we do just what we please
Emperors, pirates; all cancer
Hoist the sails! Wipe them out now
Kill them all! Let them die
Scum they are! Foe of mankind
Clear the sea! Show no ruth
We have no choice, it's you who are the bad guys
You've taken it all and yet you still dare to fault
Who are you to judge and to condemn us
Underneath the paint your flag is still black
Hoist the sails! Wipe them out now
Kill them all! Let them die
Scum they are! Foe of mankind
Clear the sea! Show no ruth
Yes we can, and therefore we do so
Please understand, that there's nothing you can do
The world has changed, your justice is outdated
What is right, is what is right for me
Full sails ahead, oceans painted red
When the soldiers of fortune hunt for pirates
No questions asked, we fulfil our task
Tones all turn grey after sunset
Slaying a man, taking what you can
What is right, what is wrong, who can answer?
Sailing the seas, we do just what we please
Emperors, pirates; all cancer
Share the wealth, your holdings should be ours
It's all a smile on our sunny bright kolkhoz
Where's the crime, when no-one's really losing?
Out of cash? Why don't you print some more
Full sails ahead, oceans painted red
When the soldiers of fortune hunt for pirates
No questions asked, we fulfil our task
Tones all turn grey after sunset
Slaying a man, taking what you can
What is right, what is wrong, who can answer?
Sailing the seas, we do just what we please
Emperors, pirates; all cancer
Both we are but selfish chancers
As we've all seen on TV
Explosions and swords
Hot girls in reward
And in the games you play
You are the hero of the day
But outside that land
Your head's in the sand
And you think you are bold, and you think you are brave
When push comes to show, you know it's a feign
You're better off if you choose to abstain
Your fear is your true grave
Turn your head
From all the things you dread
It will keep you alive
At least for a while
And all your sympathy
Is like flowers and tea
Sent by the man
Who betrayed your clan
You have covered your eyes, you have covered your ears
So easy to hide from confronting your fears
Sooner or later it will all end in tears
The cry that no-one hears
Good morning world, this is your wake-up call
It's not your war you say, while you turn your head away
A thousand deaths for you to die before you fall
Mayday, Mayday, S.M.S. Save My Soul, forget the rest
Good morning world, this is your wake-up call
Those who stand for nothing at all, for anything are bound to fall
A thousand deaths for you to die before you fall
Your lame excuses you can spare, they only live who dare!
Coins you toss
Weighted by your fear of loss
Both sides are heads
The tails between your legs
And just as well as I
You know what you should do and why
But just falter on
And hope it'd gone
And you think you are bold, and you think you are brave
When push comes to show, you know it's a feign
You're better off if you choose to abstain
Your fear is your true grave
Good morning world, this is your wake-up call
It's not your war you say, while you turn your head away
A thousand deaths for you to die before you fall
Mayday, Mayday, S.M.S. Save My Soul, forget the rest
Die! Die you sucker die!
Let me go! Let me free motherfucker!
Die! Die you sucker die!
Let the coward die!
Time stands still
For you to write your will
What's left behind
The time is here
Time to be brave, while others fear
Fear the stars, the moon and the Holy Ghost
It's what lurks in the dark that scares us the most
You're damned if you do, you're damned if you don't
What tomorrow brings is still the unknown
But can you condone? How to atone?
I'm so alone
How can I know I won't bemoan?
Every tale, needs it's star and knave
Which part I play is yet to be unveiled
History: just what's agreed
Yet it will judge both you and me
Shield and swords, will win you wars
But in the end, the battle's for our hearts
Fought by bards
You look back in time
No-one heard the bells chime
You wonder how
How could they this allow?
Exactly the same
Are the questions aimed your way
When looking back on today
The time is here
Time to be brave, let others fear
We know the walls will fall
But out of the ashes a new day will dawn
We've enslaved the world
We have slaughtered, we've burned
All, in the name of our faith
Only a fool would except
Others to settle for anything less
The tide is about to turn
The sea has pulled away
Like small children we play
What is this?
Come take a look at all these fish!
As long as you spend
There is more for you to lend
Someone always saves us in the end
The time is here
Time to be brave, let others fear
We know the walls will fall
But out of the ashes a new day will dawn
We've enslaved the world
We have slaughtered, we've burned
All, while knowing what is best
Might take a year or ten,
Generations of men,
We've passed the point of no return
Fifty-three days in fifty-three
Fifty-three steps for you to acknowledge your defeat
The last in line: Ultimus Romanorum
Evolution through revolution
A frozen river, enough to tip an empire
Stalingrad, Waterloo, Bastille, Poltava, Stamford Bridge,
At Manzikert it all would end.
Tough are times ahead
With care you tread
Before you know
Out we need to bow
Enjoy it while it lasts
Soon forgotten in the past
Our time here ended so fast
Open your eyes
Yourself apprise
All empires find their demise
The taller they are, the harder they fall
The snowball
Is on the roll
Open your eyes
Yourself apprise
New powers are on the rise
So strong is our faith, (in that) the world stays as is
Until it hits, like shattering glass to bits
How did this happen? How could this happen?
A name uttered with fear
No smile, no tears
They'll crush your skull with a blow
And pile them in a row
The heart of Turisas was forged by four winds
In a smithy high up in the skies
On an anvil honour, with a hammer of blood
The Four Winds pounded
Battle Metal!
As the battle rages the dearest to you, you hold in your hand -
And stick in their lungs!
An iron gaze of a hawk
Out of sight they stalk
Their arrows cut the air an they fly
Death from the sky
Thunder in their eyes
A riding demise
Storming over the men on the field
Breaking their shield
Take this sign into your heart and be brave
Let it lead you to your glory or your grave
Hear me, my warriors
Soldiers from all the edges of the world
Let us join our forces
To an army, united
Four winds will guide us
The Heart of Turisas will lead our way
Our drums echo: Forward march
Our horns cry for victory
Boldest of them all
They've answered the call
Their arms were strenghtened by the work of their swords
They'll march till they fall
The heart of Turisas was forged by four winds
In a smithy high up in the skies
On an anvil honour, with a hammer of blood
I take a look around,
The blood of our men has painted the ground
There are corpses lying everywhere
Some try to pray, some cry in despair
As our enemy cuts its way through our lines
Desperate thoughts take over our minds
Is this to be the end of our days?
The overwhelming enemy
Rides our front lines down
With hate in their faces, with hate in their sound
Houndreds of men lying wounded on the ground
No one can help them,
To their destiny they're bound
I think of my family, I think of my home
Interrupted by a fearful tone:
"We're practically dead, they'll slaughter us all!"
Through a cloud of dust I see our right wing fall
This cursed war will swallow us all
What will happen to our loved-ones,
The ones we're fighting for?
I will not stand and watch this army fall
We will fight back, hear us roar
Pull our lines together
Our fury is greater than the worst stormy weather
I grasp the sword in my hand, this is for my brothers,
This is for my land
With blood on my face to battle I ride
With dust in my eyes, with faith in my heart
Until death do us part
From the skies a man came down to earth
He lead our way and rode first
How dark the night may seem
A new day always heals
I stroll across the field, the morning has broken,
Our victory's been sealed
The hooves have plowed the ground to mud,
Familiar faces in ponds of blood
A snowflake lands on my face,
Melts and runs away
A peaceful grove,
In treetops above the whisper of the wind
It echoes over fields, over endless wilderness
You close your eyes and there you are
Among your ancestors
They greet you,
Welcomed to enter the war
For freedom of their heirs
Over the vasted fields, bearing the strongest shields
Our fathers rode
Through the thickest brakes,
Armed with the sharpest stakes
To none they bowed
The Northern blow cuts through your skin
As swells beat your vessel
The open sea surrounding seems dark and cold
You wonder why men around
You sit quiet for themselves
Staring into the darkness...
They know what awaits them there
It is victory, or death
The calm Baltic Sea
Reflects the first morning sunbeams
A rosy-fingered dawn over the seas,
An illusion of peace
Straight ahead a palisade steep
The time has come, "Hit the beach!"
Over the vasted fields, bearing the strongest shields
Our fathers rode
Through the thickest brakes,
Armed with the sharpest stakes
To none they bowed
A peaceful grove,
In treetops above the whisper of the wind
It echoes over fields, over endless wilderness
You close your eyes and there you are
Among your ancestors
They greet you welcome to enter the war
For the freedom of their heirs
At last, the moment you've been waiting for
Now it's time to fight or fall
The enemy line getting closer and closer
You distinguish his eye-whites
And pull your sword..."Strike!"
You see your blade cut off his head
Another father ends up dead
No time to think who will miss him at nights
Another slash and someone's husband dies
See the fear in their eyes
"Their lines are scattered, hunt them down!"
For your own good
call me tonight
Don't you think you should
call me tonight?
Life isn't easy
so why don't you stay
with the lover you need
and not the devil you pay?
For your own good
call me tonight
For your own good
call me tonight
Don't you think I could
make a difference tonight?
When you need a lover
and it's so cold outside
I could help you recover
from pain that you hide
Life isn't easy
so why don't you stay
with the lover you need
and not the devil you pay?
For your own good
Call me tonight
Come on, call me
Call me tonight
I'll make you feel good
Come on, call me
Come on, call me
Call me tonight
I'll make you feel good
Want your body
Want your body
Come on, call me
Come on, call me
For your own good
Far beyond the sea and distant lands
Came men with thirty ships
Had wanted to reach the Neva by night
But the weather was not on their side
And as the wind grew stronger and stronger
The rain ran down our cheeks
The bow was turned towards Gardar
The sail flew up again
Holmgard and beyond
That's where the winds will us guide
For fame and for gold
Set sail for those lands unknown
Osmo and Dalk, Kyy, Kokko and Ulf
Were glad to be off the oars
Turo had eaten too much again
Now hanging himself overboard
The Tostensson twins were excited as always
Adventure was their game
Myself, Hakon the Bastard
was out to find my name
Holmgard and beyond
That's where the winds will us guide
For fame and for gold
Set sail for those lands unknown
Who is "I" without a past?
A river without a source?
An event without a cause?
Threads of different lengths
Some longer, some shorter
So many of them spun together
The crones keep on weaving
The algorithm of our lives
Cause and effect, the fates of men
We know the way to Aldeigju
Upstream the river Alode
You take us to the portage
And further (South)
Long is the way to the unknown
Long are the rivers in the East
Far lies the land that Ingvar
And his men desire to reach
Many dangers lie ahead
Some of us may never return
Rather sold as a slave to the Saracens
Than chained to your bed, chained by your life!
Holmgard and beyond
That's where the winds will us guide
For fame and for gold
The sweetest morning call
Last marking on the wall
Bundled sheets across the floor, tangled hay galore
I've counted down the time
The souls blood in my mind [?]
Today is the day I leave all of this behind
My time here is over
The future starts today
A new beginning, somewhere far away
I did my time, it's over
I served my days and swore
The day I walk out through that gate, I'm coming back no more
This evil knight's walking fore this day [?]
The time I've wasted, what did I gain? FUCK ALL!
Not coming back, I have no doubt
My time is done, I am checking out, I AM FREE!
My time is done I'm free!
And when some nights have past
The day is here at last
Seasons came and seasons went
They all went by so fast
Hear the distant knell
The chiming of my bell
The time to move on has come, this is farewell
My time here is over
The future starts today
A new beginning, somewhere far away
I did my time, it's over
I served my days and swore
The day I walk out through that gate, I'm coming back no more
My time is done I'm free!
My time is done I'm free! (Oi oi!)
Free! (Oi oi!)
Free! (Oi oi!)
My time is done I'm free! (Oi oi!)
Free! (Oi oi!)
Bist verzeifelt und
Du weiß nicht mehr wohin,
Wohin die Straße gegen
Das ewig Labyrinth.
Es kommen auch die guten Tage
Und es gibt für dich nur eine Frage.
Wann is es den soweit?
Frage nach der Zeit und
Wann ist es jetzt soweit
Den Jungen deiner Träume
In die Arme zu schließen
Du denkst der ist Gebrochen
Und willst dich noch Erschissen
Doch Gott gib nicht auf
Sieh nach vorne steh jetzt auf.
Du willst eine Person,
Mit der du kannst auch reden
Und die schönsten Dinge deiner Träume erleben,
Also hör zu wir sind zum Lieben geboren
Schmeiß dein Leben nicht weg,
Denn du hast noch nichts verloren.
Sei nicht verzweifelt
Blicke stehts nach vorn,
Denn zum Lieben sind wir geboren.
Denk jetzt nicht du hast deine Seele
Schon verloren,
Denn zum Lieben sind wir geboren.
Wir sind zum Lieben geboren
Sei stark du hast noch nichts verloren
Bei ihm fühlst du dich immer sehr geboren,
Nutze nun die Zeit um dich zu erholen
An manchen Tagen denkst du deine Seele
Wurde gestohlen.
Doch hat der dich so oft Belogen
Denkt jetzt nicht der hat dich immer Betrogen
Den zum Lieben sind wir geboren(den zum Lieben geboren)
Sei nicht verzweifelt
Blicke stehts nach vorn,
Denn zum Lieben sind wir geboren.
Denk jetzt nicht du hast deine Seele
Schon verloren,
Denn zum Lieben sind wir geboren.
Dein Ex hat dich Belogen
Und du fragst ob auch Betrogen
Doch er läugnet es
Und sagt er Bereut es nicht
Doch du bist am Ende
Und sagst Gott reich mir die Hände
Schalt dein Kopf ein und gib dir jetzt die Wände
Sonst wird dein Leben leben ein trauriges Ende.
Sei nicht verzweifelt
Blicke stehts nach vorn,
Denn zum Lieben sind wir geboren.
Denk jetzt nicht du hast deine Seele
Schon verloren,
Daily life, an inconvenient burden
A winding road we all have to take
Sorrow, stress and numbing fear are overwhelming me
Guide me through these cloudy days so I can regain control
Embrace your soul to regain control
To silence your fear
Embrace your soul to regain control
The moment is near
You drag yourself through dark and anxious places
You blame your god for mistakes nobody made
Questions asked, answers hiding in plain sight
Doors they close, reflections of a truth once so bright
Cry so lonely / I tried so hard to please
Try so slowly / I try to find my peace
Fearing these moments of confrontation
Cleaning my mind to avoid my frustration
Give up your contaminated disguise
Disinfect your intoxicated eyes
Look through the mirror of ilusions
Caught within these dark and foul days
We chose to go our seperate ways
It all seemed right and justified
But the sickened feelings were growing inside of me
A years flew by and things were growing dim
Two unseperate souls each went their way in sin
Nothing more to discover
The passion's gone but the guilt still remains
I know this gesture wasn't meant to be
some unhealed scars between you and me ... I'm losing you
When the pain emerges and strikes my heart
and the longing for your touch carves in my mind...
I'm begging you
And as pain strikes my heart
And the longing for your touch still stands
I know this wasn't meant to be
As nothing's more destructive
Nothing's more relentless
Welcome to the obscene
A carnival fest you've never seen
Fille with desire and comfort in pain
where no man can resist
convince yourself and step right in
Comfort yourself for you know it's a sin
give in to your most selfish emotions
And enter a world of oblivion
Misfits and freaks are welcoming you
Into this brothel filled with decay
Where all hope for salvation
Is just fading away
Brace yourself
And step right in
The trip of a lifetime
Is about to begin
Whores and Gents, please cast away
Your last bit of pride and decency
Lean back and enjoy the ride
You're the one we'll sacrifice tonight
Your most perverted skills
won't satisfy your greedy mind
All is set for you to leave it all behind this time
My insanity is growing inside me
It's the delight of failure
Amorphous creatures are laughing and dancing
Leaving their marks to defeat me
The stench is draining my sense of reality
These images burn inside
Silhouettes of pure demise
Are roaming through the night
Echoes of insanity
The splendour of evil inside
Your most perverted skills
won't satisfy your greedy mind
All is set for you to leave it all behind one final time
Ladies and gentlemen step right in
And embrace yourself for the trip of a lifetime
Give in to your most intimate desires
And enter this realm of lust
Unlike all others places
Welcome to the carnival of miscreation
Narrowed down the voices in my head
To those who speak in silence
'Cause all the others loudly shouting out
Resorts in utter violence
Feels like a storm is gathering inside my chest
Because of all your silence
How can you do what you have done
With sich a childlike innocence?
Seems like it's just me who never knew
What you were hiding
So what am I to do with all those hopes
Life seems so very frightening
Feels like I'm draining myself inside
Oblivious and silent
shuffling feet come slowly towards me
I looked myself in the eyes
Perhaps a glance of misperception
the weary twilight in my soul
I long for comforting words
I'm scared but I try to smile
repentant for all my sins
Will I ever be the same again?
I'll wait to face the prison of my life
The remnant of old and painful memories
Imperceptible to come, yet so harmful to all
I taste love and hate
A blindfold for a clear insight
Incomprehensible delusions and denial
I agonize my self-hatred
I reminisce the endless afterbirth
I fall on my knees
And surrender to my demise
I conceal myself right now
Just in case your darker half should try to get out
Is it all woth while?
No more vengeance, no more pain*
I know your soul bleeds again
I know I've lost the game this time
Because your fear is mine...
Somewhere between night and day
I witness your light fading away
That look in your eyes is trying to reach me
While the demons tear you away
Please... come back... again
I'm lost... without you
Please come back into the light
We'll embrace your soul tonight
We can still make things right
All grief will fade away
No more vengeane no more pain
All hate is quiet again
And as my soul yearns for peace
The growing of life*
The change I could feel
The hope for a turning
Not yet to reveal
The power of life
Is within mij reach
Softly awakening
A newborn
Not for me to see
Anxiously waiting
For the big day
Anticipating your coming
Fulfilling our dreams
We try to pretend
Our minds are preset
To a happy end
Life will never be the same
Hope's taken from me
reliving the moment
That came to be
But now there's a pain
Where my heart used to be
A million blank pages
Are staring
Right back here at me
All I ever had is fading
Like a leaf drawn to the ground
Still I feel my heart is yearning
Since that day
Since that day of hope and dispair
I knew life would never be the same
All the aching all the pain
Come stay with me
Someone please help me
Distorted spine and legs of lead,
Unbearable silence and a spoiled stench
I cry dry tears, and hope with sudden fears
I try to hide my shame for you... this time
I close my eyes and try to hide
I blame myself for all the pain
Will I regret my life on the other side?
Is it worth playing this game
I won't even bother to explain
so don't ask me to share my burden again
Please, don't judge me now
for I must leave all of this behind
I hear the sound of absent voices
deep inside my head
What made me behave this way?
How could this happen?
I thought I've left this behind, I'm cold inside
Lost in search for the answers, I'm lost this time
I'll try to hide my shame but it's me I'll betray
I'm cold now, I'm going back, tomorrow I'll find another way
Today started as a promising day
But my grief has taken control
It's too late now, all harm is done
Please don't cry in compassion
I thought I've left this behind... I'm cold inside
Lost in search for the answers... I'm lost this time
In silence I fade away