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The Gnostic Origins of Christianity
Gnosis - The Gnostic Gospels | Documentary
Dr. Michael Heiser: Gnosticism Lecture (Full)
Graham Hancock - Gnosticism and Duality
Gnosticism and The Matrix - lecture by Stephan Hoeller
Gnosticism and Duality lecture by Graham Hancock
Carl Jung & Gnosticism
Terence McKenna - On Gnosticism
Full Documentary 2014 The Gospel of Judas - Gnosticism
Sex - The Secret Gate to Eden (Gnostic Teachings)
John Lash - Gnosticism and Mythology
Gnosticism: The Sorrow of Sophia - lecture by Stephan Hoeller
A BBC documentary that explores the Gnostic Origins of Christianity and helps to clarify some of the confusion of the around the ideas and beliefs of what Gn...
Melvyn Bragg and his guests discuss Gnosticism, a sect associated with early Christianity. The Gnostics divided the universe into two domains: the visible wo...
A brief overview of the beliefs of gnosticism is explained in this video excerpt taken from our DVD "Hollywood's War on God." Gnostic ideas are often found i...
The word gnostic comes from the Greek word gnosis, meaning "knowledge", which is used in Greek philosophy in a manner consistent with "enlightenment" in English. The name Christian gnostics came to represent a segment of the Early Christian belief system who found salvation by learning to liberate themselves from the material world via revelation. According to this tradition, the answers to spiritual questions are to be found within, not without. Furthermore this approach does not require the intermediation of a church or priest for salvation. This is a video originally posted by Guy Malone of Dr. Michael Heiser is the academic editor for the Logos Bible Software, a Ph.D. in Hebrew Bible and Semitic Languages with expertise on Ancient Israel and Egyptology. He's also the author of the novel The Facade, and he runs several blogs including PaleoBabble, UFO Religions, and he was featured on Chris White's recent debunkumentary Ancient Aliens Debunked, Naked Bible Podcast. He also runs MEMRA (online institute for ancient languages and Biblical theology) This video is all 8 parts of his lecture from back in 2006. Part 1: Introductions Although the hype surrounding the DaVinci Code has left the mainstream media, the ideas persist. Here, speaking in 2006 at the height of the DaVinci controversy, ancient languages scholar and Biblical Hebrew expert Michael Heiser gives us a solid and plain spoken introduction to Gnosticism. Part 2: Reliability of New Testament Scriptures (esp vs the Nag Hammadi) Dr. Heiser compares the oldest scriptural texts with the gnostic texts and explains why the New Testament texts are reliable while the gnostic texts aren't. Special attention is paid to the precise dating of New Testament texts, and serves as a primer for all serious students and teachers of the Bible. Part 3: Were Jesus and Mary Madelene married? Dr. Heiser compares the Gnostic Jesus with the Jesus of the Bible. Was Jesus, as a rabbi, required to marry? Was Mary his companion? His wife? Were these and other secrets buried along with Jesus? These and other questions are examined. Relevant texts, including the gospel accounts and the gnostic texts, are examined. Mr. Heiser shows what is in the text and what isn't. You might just be surprised. Part 4: Gnosticism and Women Heiser offers an honest examination of the supposed "pro-woman" message often ascribed to the gnostics. Is gnosticism really "enlightened" in terms of womens' roles. Looking at the actual texts the gnostics themselves wrote, their customs, rituals and spirituality, Heiser makes sense of the nonsense surrounding this ancient and mysterious religion's place for women. Part 5: Neither Lord nor Christ? The Belief in Jesus as God before The Council of Nicea and the Exalted Christ of Gnosticism. This is a refutation of two ideas put forth in The DaVinci Code: That Constantine invented the idea that Jesus was God at The Council of Nicea, and that the Gnostic texts portray Jesus as only a mortal man (hint: they do not). Part 6: What Really happened at Nicea? An examination of Constantine's spiritual commitments and the documentary evidence left to history concerning the proceedings at the Council of Nicea. Part 7: The Conspiratorial Logic of The DaVinci Code and Jesus Bloodline Theorists Part 8: Jumping the Shark from the Newsroom to the Ivory Tower: Assessing the Gospel of Judas Frenzy Original individual videos can be found on AlienResistanceHQ Channel.
Scientist received a deep transmission today; decoded message Humanity's consciousness had been hijacked and it's time to be free...
Profound and animated explanation of 'The Matrix' from a Gnostic perspective. Gnosticism and Cinema: The Matrix and The Matrix Reloaded - Stephan Hoeller. An...
Graham Hancock, international bestseller author, whose unconventional ideas had raised controversial questions about humanity's past. Here he's giving a lect...
This is a clip from a British documentary, however the exact source is not identified (if you know, please let us know in the comments section). Whatever the...
In this short excerpt, the great noetic archaeologist Terence McKenna discusses his views on the Nag Hammadi Library, dualism, the archipelago of Gnosticisms throughout antiquity, and more. Note: the historical facts and opinions given in this talk are those of Terence alone and by no means reflect those of this channel and its poster (well… at least not entirely - much new research has been done on the subject since Terence recorded this talk, and off the top of my head I can think of a handful of mistakes he makes unintentionally – think for yourself – please do your own research. Otherwise, it’s a great talk from a great speaker. R.I.P. Terence) A Few Recommended Readings: Yates. Frances. Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition. 1964. Pagels, Elaine. The Gnostic Gospels. New York: Vintage Books, 1989. Scholem, Gershom G. Jewish Gnosticism, Merkabah Mysticism, and Talmudic Tradition. Philadelphia: Maurice Jacobs, 1965. Rasimus, Tuomas. "Ophite Gnosticism, Sethianism, and the Nag Hammadi Library." Vigiliae Christianae 59 (3), 2005: 235-263. Hoeller, Stephan A. The Gnostic Society Library: The Nag Hammadi Library. March 13, 2014. (accessed May 16, 2014). The talk is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License.
Full Documentary 2014 The Gospel of Judas - Gnosticism
All that you NEVER expected about SEX! What's the origin of Evil on our planet? What does ORGASM, the spilling of one's seed, have to do with it? Discover th... vid and art created by theduderinok
Where does Humanity's suffering come from? "Sophia" means Wisdom. Who is Sophia, one of the key figures in Gnostic systems of thought, and how does she relat...
The wordsmith of, Gordon White, joins THC to talk Gnostic ideas and philosophies, Archons, and the layers of manipulation they’re covered with. Also, being a practicing chaos magician, Gordon provides some insightful analysis for a lot of the deep level parapolitical themes we hear about in the conspiracy world that involve magic, rituals, esoteric symbolism, and contact with entities. In the Plus show, we talk more about Gordon’s personal experiences with magic, sigil making, and contacting ancestors. It’s fun for the whole family! Follow Gordon on twitter:
Hermetism, Gnosticism, & Neoplatonism. Doctrines of Hermes Trismegistus by Manly P Hall.
Astral Guest-- Acharya S./D.M. Murdock, author of A Pre-Christian 'God' on a Cross?, Who Was Jesus? Fingerprints of the Christ, Christ in Egypt: The Horus-Je...
Bart Ehrman. the truth about gnosticism gospel of Thomas. Gnostics are elitists.
Red Ice Radio interviews John Lash and reveals the Archons, extra-dimensional entities that interact with the Elites controlling this planet. The Archons wer...
To understand how people are being brainwashed by The Illuminati to hate God and accept the coming Anti-Christ ... You must understand gnosticism! Even the first century church had to deal with these heretics and now here in the end times with Hellywood again we have to fight these demon doctrines! They claim that the devil is the savior and our God is a devil! They invert the truth! In this video I share a awesome expose by Pastor Joe from Good Fight Ministries exposing these satanic teachings and lies. Often called the deeper secrets of satan this gnosticism is being preached subliminally to the masses and we must alert them to the reality of them being satanically brainwashed! God Bless Subscribe to Good Fight Ministries - The Noah Movie Deception - Website - Theater - Illuminati Media EXPOSED Playlist - Come and like us on Facebook @ Follow on Twitter - If you feel led to support this ministry and help equip us with materials for future projects you can make a donation here:;_button_id=VE9TTY4YX2YE8
Doctor Stephan A. Hoeller of the Ecclesia Gnostica gives a series of eight lectures on the subject of Hermeticism and Gnosticism at the Theosophical Society. Part I 00:01 Part II 00:34 Part III 01:16 Part IV 02:00 Part V 02:41 Part VI 03:40 Part VII 04:25 Part VIII 05:16 Don't forget to subscribe for additional similar content.
The writings of Elaine Pagels are possibly the most substantial contribution to the advancement of modern Gnostic studies. Her seminal book, the award-winnin...
This is an extract/demonstration from a larger project.Please follow the link below to find out more. note:some of our extr... One of the most accessible and dynamic forms of occultism in a postmodern age is Chaos Magick. It is more subtle than being a syncretic and artistic form of magical work, harkening back to the poetic mythopoeia of the ancient Gnostics—and just as daring in its exploration of inner realms and the outer spheres of reality. We explore the perils and opportunities of Chaos Magick, and how it relates to Gnosticism. And how both are the charged, approachable story of the adventure of the soul across the various dimensions of existence. From Valentinus to David Bowie, from Abraxas to Baphomet, we leave no chaos stone unturned. Astral Guest—Steve Dee, co-author of Craft of Chaos.
"As a corpus, the scriptures are nearly incoherent, like a crowd of sages, mystics and madmen all speaking at once."
New York Times 2015-04-10The Neoplatonistic Gnostics shared with Plato an uncritical adulation of the rational or ...
The Examiner 2015-04-10Some second -- and third-century Gnostic gospels do make several connections, however, which show ...
Huffington Post 2015-04-06... the Gnostic gospel of Mary Magdalene and explore the argument that Jesus was, in fact, her husband.
CNN 2015-03-31They look for "safe" voices who congratulate them for thinking and feeling a certain way -- a ...
Huffington Post 2015-03-30It is one of the premiere Gnostic movies and thus, deeply philosophical ... Yet, the Gnostic aspect ...
The Examiner 2015-03-21One quick side note: ... OK? OK ... (source) ... Gnostic Theism -- Religion and Spirituality for the 21st Century (Join the Movement!).
The Examiner 2015-03-19Translated from the Coptic in 2006, this recently discovered Gnostic gospel potentially sheds new ...
Huffington Post 2015-03-17God has given us enough proof of his existence, and some cults like the gnostics and atheists are ...
News24 2015-03-13(The branch of philosophy on the other side of the tree from agnosticism was Gnosticism, whose ...
The Examiner 2015-03-11We meet/he struggles with the Seven Deadly Sins, Biblical Miscreants, including the Queen of Sheba ...
Huffington Post 2015-03-04We meet/he struggles with the Seven Deadly Sins, Biblical Miscreants, including the Queen of Sheba ...
Huffington Post 2015-03-04Though they may have come to be deemed heretical with time, some Gnostic Christian texts say the ...
The Daily Beast 2015-02-20
Gnosticism (from gnostikos, "learned", from Greek: γνῶσις gnōsis, knowledge) is a modern scholarly term for a set of religious beliefs and spiritual practices found among some of the early Christian groups called "gnostic" ("learned") by Irenaeus and other early Christian heresiologists. The term also has reference to parallels and possible pre-Christian influences of the Christian gnostics.
Gnosticism was primarily defined in Christian context, or as "the acute Hellenization of Christianity" per Adolf von Harnack (1885), until Moritz Friedländer (1898) advocated Hellenistic Jewish origins, and Wilhelm Bousset (1907) advocated Persian origins. Consequent discussions of Christian Gnosticism included pre-Christian religious beliefs and spiritual practices argued to be common to early Christianity, Hellenistic Judaism, Greco-Roman mystery religions, Zoroastrianism (especially Zurvanism), and Neoplatonism. The base of discussion of gnosticism changed radically with the discovery of the Nag Hammadi library, and led to revision of older assumptions, and a reorientation of modern scholarship following the 1966 conference on gnosticism in Messina.