Billets marqués ‘ search ’

Rediscovering Discovery — How We Find Things, and Its Implications « The Scholarly Kitchen

31 janvier 2012

I recently attended the Midwinter ALA conference in Dallas. The longest line was at Starbucks.

What brought me to Dallas was an invitation to participate in a panel sponsored by Sage on discovery. Sage had commissioned a white paper on the topic, which you can find here. It’s a good paper, which I recommend to...
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Posté dans Veille de Jean-Christophe Peyssard | Commentaires fermés

Rediscovering Discovery — How We Find Things, and Its Implications « The Scholarly Kitchen

31 janvier 2012

I recently attended the Midwinter ALA conference in Dallas. The longest line was at Starbucks.

What brought me to Dallas was an invitation to participate in a panel sponsored by Sage on discovery. Sage had commissioned a white paper on the topic, which you can find here. It’s a good paper, which I recommend to...
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Posté dans Veille de Jean-Christophe Peyssard | Commentaires fermés

Searching in ebooks: A unique use case that requires a unique approach

19 août 2011
Searching in ebooks: A unique use case that requires a unique approach

This is part of an ongoing series related to Peter Meyers' project "Breaking the Page, Saving the Reader: A Buyer & Builder's Guide to Digital Books." We'll be featuring additional material in the weeks ahead. (Note: This post originally appear...

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Posté dans Veille de Pierre Mounier | Commentaires fermés

Search is the Web's fun and wicked problem

19 février 2010
Search is the Web's fun and wicked problem Search is the Web's most powerful and frustrating tool. It's the conduit to unfathomable amounts of information, yet it requires a fair degree of user education to reach its full potential. It's odd that something so important is so hard to harness. A...
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Posté dans Veille de Pierre Mounier | Commentaires fermés

Digital Campus » Episode 48 – Balkanization of the Web?

26 novembre 2009
What will be the impact of the loss of non-Anglophone books in the revised Google Books settlement? How about the loss of News Corporation content in Google’s search? Or the loss of physical books from the library? And what exactly does the loss of tens of thousands of editors mean to Wikipedia? Mills, Amanda,...
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Posté dans Veille de Nicolas Barts | Commentaires fermés

[#SOLR-1163] Solr Explorer – A generic GWT client for Solr – ASF JIRA

6 novembre 2009

# Simple query search # Sorting - one can dynamically define new sort criterias # Search results are rendered very much like Google search results are rendered. It is also possible to view all stored field values for every hit. # Custom hit rendering -...

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Posté dans Veille de Bruno Cenou | Commentaires fermés

[#SOLR-1163] Solr Explorer – A generic GWT client for Solr – ASF JIRA

6 novembre 2009
# Simple query search # Sorting - one can dynamically define new sort criterias # Search results are rendered very much like Google search results are rendered. It is also possible to view all stored field values for every hit. # Custom hit rendering -...
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Posté dans Veille de Bruno Cenou | Commentaires fermés

Scaling Lucene and Solr | Enterprise Search support for Apache Lucene and Solr by Lucid Imagination

9 septembre 2009

While many Lucene/Solr applications will never outgrow a single, well-configured machine, the fact is, more and more applications are pushing beyond the single machine limit due to either index size or query volume. In discussing Lucene and Solr best p...

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Posté dans Veille de Bruno Cenou | Commentaires fermés

Scaling Lucene and Solr | Enterprise Search support for Apache Lucene and Solr by Lucid Imagination

9 septembre 2009
While many Lucene/Solr applications will never outgrow a single, well-configured machine, the fact is, more and more applications are pushing beyond the single machine limit due to either index size or query volume. In discussing Lucene and Solr best p...
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Posté dans Veille de Bruno Cenou | Commentaires fermés

Why Faceted Navigation is Hard

2 septembre 2009
I was thinking about the relational model today, and I realized that a lot of people probably don't realize that faceted navigation is an example of an application that simply doesn't fit comfortably in the relational model. It also occurs to...
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Posté dans Veille de Bruno Cenou | Commentaires fermés