Humanities left behind in the dash for open access

About this time last year, open access had apparently come of age. According to a study published in the journal PloS One, freely accessible publishing had passed from an early experimental phase into a period of consolidation, with the number of papers showing steady growth. The model had been shown to work.


Humanities left behind in the dash for open access

About this time last year, open access had apparently come of age. According to a study published in the journal PloS One, freely accessible publishing had passed from an early experimental phase into a period of consolidation, with the number of papers showing steady growth. The model had been shown to work.


Humanities left behind in the dash for open access

About this time last year, open access had apparently come of age. According to a study published in the journal PloS One, freely accessible publishing had passed from an early experimental phase into a period of consolidation, with the number of papers showing steady growth. The model had been shown to work.


New and exciting kid on the block: PeerJ | A Blog Around The Clock, Scientific American Blog Network

“As many of you know, before accepting a job at Scientific American, I worked at PLoS for three years (and became a vocal Open Access Evangelist even before that). While there, I worked closely with Pete Binfield who replaced Chris Surridge as managing editor of PLoS ONE shortly after my arrival there. Pete and I became friends, bumped into each other at meetings, he came to ScienceOnline at least a couple of times, and we remained in frequent contact after my move.”


New and exciting kid on the block: PeerJ | A Blog Around The Clock, Scientific American Blog Network

“As many of you know, before accepting a job at Scientific American, I worked at PLoS for three years (and became a vocal Open Access Evangelist even before that). While there, I worked closely with Pete Binfield who replaced Chris Surridge as managing editor of PLoS ONE shortly after my arrival there. Pete and I became friends, bumped into each other at meetings, he came to ScienceOnline at least a couple of times, and we remained in frequent contact after my move.”


Fair Cite – Towards a fairer culture of citation in academia

The Fair Cite initiative sprung forth from a series of conversations beginning in November 2011 that asked how best to cite a web-based collaborative project developed in the humanities. Whose names should be included in the citation? What types and levels of contributions constitute “enough” to be listed as an author of this non-traditional form of academic output? Should authorship be limited to principal investigators, or should we also include project managers, database builders, web designers, and student assistants?


ATLAS (Applied Technology for Language-Aided CMS)

ATLAS (Applied Technology for Language-Aided CMS) is a project funded by the European Commission under the CIP ICT Policy Support Programme. Its main purpose is to facilitate the multilingual Web content development and management, in particular the authoring, versioning and maintenance of multilingual Web sites.

The ATLAS consortium was formed on the basis of a strong, collaborative working relationship between the partnering organizations. Tetracom IS, Atlantis Consulting, and the Institute of Technology and Development share years of experience related to supporting the development of innovative ideas in the ICT field. Furthermore, other members of the consortium from Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Poland and Germany have worked together on the LT4eL and CLARIN initiatives – DFKI, University of Hamburg, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Computer Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi. In addition, DFKI and the University of Hamburg have collaborated for more than thirty years in various fields of research.


Google déploie sa librairie numérique en France

Parmi les éditeurs partenaires figurent Hachette, Editis (La Découverte, Le Cherche-Midi, Nathan), Gallimard et Média participations. M. Colombet n’a pas voulu préciser les termes de ces accords. A titre comparatif, Apple prend une commission de 30 % sur chaque livre vendu. La vente des livres numériques sur Google Play sera soumise à la législation du prix unique en vigueur en France. Elle sera soumise à la TVA irlandaise à 23 %, lieu d’implantation de la plateforme.


Pourquoi ne faut-il pas ouvrir les liens dans une nouvelle fenêtre ?

À l’activation ils ne s’attendent donc pas à voir le lien s’ouvrir dans une nouvelle fenêtre. Et surtout ils savent que s’ils souhaitent ouvrir le lien dans une nouvelle fenêtre ils pourront le faire avec un « click molette », un « contrôle-click » ou un menu contextuel.
