* *
Tainted Love - coverDown & Out in Shoreditch and Hoxton - cover
69 Things to do with a Dead Princess - coverCunt - cover

The 9 Lives of Ray The Cat Jones (Test Centre, London 2014).
Mandy, Charlie & Mary-Jane
(Penny-Ante Editions, Los Angeles 2013).
Blood Rites Of The Bourgeoisie
(Book Works, London 2010).
Memphis Underground (Snowbooks, London 2007).
Tainted Love
(Virgin Books, London 2005).
Down & Out In Shoreditch & Hoxton (Do-Not Press, London 2004).
69 Things To Do With A Dead Princess (Canongate, Edinburgh 2002).
Whips & Furs: My life as a bon vivant, gambler & love rat ‘by’ Jesus H. Christ (Attack Books, London 2000).
Cunt (Do-Not Press, London 1999).
Blow Job (Serpent’s Tail, London 1997).
Come Before Christ & Murder Love (Serpent’s Tail, London 1997).
Slow Death (Serpent’s Tail, London 1996).
Red London (AK Press, London & Edinburgh 1994).
Defiant Pose (Peter Owen, London 1991).
Pure Mania (Polygon, Edinburgh 1989).

No Pity (AK Press, London & Edinburgh 1993).
Confusion Incorporated: A collection of lies, hoaxes & hidden truths (Codex, Hove 1999).
The House of Nine Squares: letters on neoism, psychogeography and epistemological trepidation (Invisible books, London 1997).
Cranked Up Really High: Genre theory & punk rock (Codex, Hove 1995. New edition 1997).
Neoism Plagiarism & Praxis (AK Press, London & Edinburgh 1995).
Neoist Manifestos (bound with The Art Strike Papers edited by James Mannox - AK Press, Edinburgh 1991).
The Assault On Culture: Utopian currents from lettrisme to class war (Aporia Press, London 1988. New edition AK Press, Edinburgh 1991).

Market Forces: Or Why Despite My Money Grabbing Change In Career Trajectory It Is Impossible For Me To Sell Out To The Institution Of Art (Vargas Organisation, London 2014).
Amputee Sex
18 X-Rated Stories by Stewart Home (Sabotage Editions, London 2006).
Bubonic Plagiarism: Stewart Home on art, politics & appropriation (Sabotage Editions, London 2006).
The Easy Way to Falsify Your Credit Rating
(Sabotage Editions, London 2005).
The Correct Way to Boil Water (Sabotage Editions, London 2005).
The Intelligent Person’s Guide to Changing a Light Bulb (Sabotage Editions, London 2005).
How I Disovered America (Info Pool, Copenhagen 2002).
Fasting On Spam & Other non-aligned diets for our electronic age (Sabotage Editions, London 2002).
Jean Baudrillard & The Psychogeography of Nudism (Sabotage Editions, London 2001).
The Psychogeography Of Zeros And Ones (The Arts Council of England, London 2001 - e-diffusion booklet).
Repetitions: A collection of proletarian pleasures ranging from rodent worship to ethical relativism appended with a critique of unicursal reason (Sabotage Editions, London 1999).
Out-Takes (Sabotage Editions, London 1998).
Anarchist Integralism: Aesthetics, Politics & the Après-Garde (as Luther Blissett - Sabotage Editions, London 1997).
Disputations On Art, Anarchy & Assholism (Sabotage Editions, London 1997).
Analecta (Sabotage Editions, London 1996).
Cunt Lickers Anonymous (Imprint 93, London 1996).
Green Apocalypse (as Luther Blissett & Stewart Home - Unpopular Books, London 1995).
Conspiracies, Cover-Ups & Diversions: A collection of lies, hoaxes & hidden truths (Sabotage Editions, London 1995).
The Festival of Plagiarism (Sabotage Editions, London 1989).


a) Books

Suspect Device: Hard-Edged Fiction (Serpent's Tail, London 1998).
Mind Invaders: A reader in psychic warfare, cultural sabotage & semiotic terrorism (Serpent's Tail, London 1997).
What Is Situationism? A reader (AK Press, Edinburgh and San Francisco 1996).
Black Mask & Up Against The Wall Motherfucker: The Incomplete works of Ron Hahne, Ben Morea & The Black Mask Group (as Jacques Vaché editorial group - Unpopular Books & Sabotage Editions, London 1993).

b) Pamphlets

: Stewart Home, Searchlight & the plot to destroy civilisation (as “Larry O’Hara” & Friends – Sabotage Editions, London 2000).
Art Strike Handbook (Sabotage Editions, London 1989).
Plagiarism: Art as commodity & strategies for its negation (Aporia Press, London 1987, revised edition 1988).
Anon (with others, catalogue for installation at 33 Arts Centre, Luton 1988).
Ruins of Glamour/Glamour of Ruins (with Richard Essex – Unpopular Books, London 1986).

A number of these titles have been issued in both English and translated editions in various parts of the world by publishers others than those listed here. Please also note that there are a number of texts, including the novel Stone Circle, which have been attributed to Stewart Home despite the fact that he played no role in their production.

See also Britpulp! edited by Tony White for Stewart Home’s twenty thousand word short story Sex Kick. Please also note that the many magazines and newsletters (among other things) edited and largely written by Stewart Home have been left off this bibliography, which is selective.

Critical writing about Stewart Home includes "Stewart Home: Pulp, Parody, Repetition and the Cut-Up Renaissance" which is Chapter 4 of Shift Linguals: Cut-Up Narratives from William S. Burroughs to the Present by Edward S. Robinson (Rodopi, Amsterdam & New York 2011, pages 199-247). Further academic writing on Home's fiction can be found in "'This Light was Pale and Ghostly' Stewart Home, Horror and the Gothic Destruction of 'London'" by Alex Murray, in Lawrence Phillips & Anne Witchard (eds) London Gothic (Continuum, London 2010. Pages 65-79); and "The War on the Home Front: Comedy and Political Identity in the Work of Stewart Home" which is Chapter 5 of Comedy After Postmodernism: Rereading Comedy From Edward Lear to Charles Willeford by Kirby Olson (Texas Tech University Press, Lubbock 2001, pages 113-125). For non-academic takes on Home there are numerous press reviews as well as extensive coverage in books such as Lights Out For The Territory by Iain Sinclair (Granta Books, London 1997).

Stewart Home's London by Ed Robinson

Commentary on Stewart Home's Dead Princess by Kevin O'Neill