Socialist Worker


Beckett report can't work out how Labour lost in 2015

A Labour balloon The Labour Party got around to publishing its thoughts on why it lost last year’s general election. It doesn’t offer much in the way of insight.

Has the Turkish regime overplayed its hand?

Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan Now president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan has dominated Turkish politics since his Justice and Development Party (AKP) first won parliamentary elections in 2002.

European Union isn't on migrants' side

European Union (EU) leaders are backing David Cameron’s clampdown on migrants claiming benefits.

Don’t let Cameron’s racist bile divide us

David Cameron David Cameron’s discriminatory attacks on Muslim women this week have come under fire. Even former Tory chair Baroness Warsi called his plan to target those who don’t learn English “lazy” anti-Muslim “stereotyping”.

Corbyn must stand firm on Trident nukes

Does the Labour Party support spending tens of billions of pounds on new nuclear weapons that threaten the future of the earth?

Cameron’s contempt for the poor

David Cameron launched a fresh attack on poor people this week, in the name of helping them.

Does the left only represent a 'north London clique'?

Nick Clark takes issue with Labour right wingers’ simplistic and patronising view of what it means to be working class

Corbyn is right to stand up to his opponents—but he must go further

It is in the interests of everyone who hates austerity, racism and war to support Corbyn against the right. But we also have to urge him to go much further.

Religion—is it just ‘the opium of the masses’?

For some, religion lies behind conflict and oppression. For others it’s a comfort. Sadie Robinson looks at the complex reality

Divisions on Europe will dominate Tories

One thing’s certain about 2016. The struggle within the Labour Party will continue, but divisions among the Tories will become high profile.

Capitalism is teetering on the edge of crisis

The New Year began with a new shock to global stock markets. For the first time ever, all of China’s main stock exchanges had to use emergency measures to halt trading after shares plummeted on Monday of this week.

Times tables twaddle reflect Tories' testing times

The Tories have announced yet another plan to make life harder for school pupils.

Political disillusion in the US has boosted Donald Trump

Donald Trump’s racist words targeting Muslims have had a cancerous effect.

Poor choice for voters in the Spanish State as Podemos shifts to the right

Andy Durgan looks at the roots of the political crisis gripping Spain—and says this month’s election won’t resolve the turmoil

Obscene system lies behind war and refugee crisis

The plight of refugees exposes all that is rotten about capitalism.

Shoot first smear later

Could a police officer face prosecution for murder? Perhaps.

Don’t get tangled up in imperial rivalries

Alex Callinicos argues that socialists and anti-imperialists have to build the broadest and biggest anti-war movement possible. But this task faces new complications

Join the struggle to topple their system

The ruling class loves a war. They pretend that we all have a “national interest” against an outside enemy and distract us from the attacks they are raining down on us.

Blairites back war in Syria to take aim at Jeremy Corbyn

The drama over whether Britain should join the bombing campaign in Syria irresistibly recalls the feverish climate in February and March 2003, in the lead-up to the Anglo-American assault on Iraq.

It's up to us to stop Cameron's bombing plan in Syria

Politicians meet in committee rooms and sit on the green benches making decisions that can mean life or death.

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