Socialist Worker


'In our countries we aren't safe—so I preferred to risk death on the water' How refugees in Athens risked death on the seas

'In our countries we aren't safe—so I preferred to risk death on the water' How refugees in Athens risked death on the seas Dozens of people died early this morning, Friday, as their wooden boats sank off the coasts of Greek islands.

Protests in Austria as government sends troops to keep out refugees

Protests in Austria as government sends troops to keep out refugees Protesters took to the streets yesterday, Wednesday, as Austria’s government began a new clampdown on refugees’ freedom of movement.

German far right rides backlash but anti-racists outnumber them

Far right group Legida marching last month Around 7,000 people protested against racism in the German city of Stuttgart last Saturday, following a series of attacks on refugees.

Palestine: A people under occupation have the right to resist

Hijazi Abu Sabieh (left) and Samer Abu Eisheh (right) in the protest tent Bisan Abu Eisheh writes on the fight of Palestinians in East Jerusalem

Security forces arrest Egyptian socialist

Security forces arrest Egyptian socialist A doctor and socialist activist in Egypt was arrested by Egyptian security forces last week.

Greek lawyers stage indefinite strike against pension cuts

Marching through Athens Lawyers across Greece began an indefinite strike yesterday, Thursday, against pension cuts the Syriza government is pushing through to appease its creditors. Up to 15,000 lawyers and supporters marched through the streets of the capital Athens.

A cover up by Paris cops?

French police shot a man dead in Paris on Thursday of last week. Their version of events rapidly went around the world’s media.

Syrians fleeing war deported from Lebanon after EU-Turkey deal

Over 250 refugees were deported from Beirut airport in Lebanon to Syria on Friday of last week.

Refugees in French camps to resist cruel clampdown

French authorities were set to bulldoze huge swathes of the refugees’ “jungle” shantytown in Calais by the end of this week at just days’ notice.

Anti-racists in Germany take on politicians promoting panic over refugees

Racist politicians are trying to use horrific New Year’s Eve attacks on women in German cities to push back against solidarity with refugees. Their attempts are also boosting racist groups.

Sexism is not a foreign import—German socialists respond to Cologne attacks

Dozens of women were sexually assaulted on New Year’s Eve in Germany. But rather than connecting the events to everyday sexist violence, politicians and the media have turned to stoking up racism. Silke Stöckle and Marion Wegscheider respond in this article for socialist group Marx21

The British farce in Syria reflects a deeper crisis

Britain’s military intervention in Syria has been exposed as a farce. Westminster’s warmongers argued that it was essential.

Executions in Saudi Arabia spark protests across the region

Protests erupted in Saudi Arabia and across the region after the Saudi regime executed Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr last Saturday.

Catalonia set for new elections after failing to form new government

Catalonia’s parliament looked set to call new elections after failing to form a government last Sunday.

Israeli state announces new clampdown on Palestinians

Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu has announced a wave of repression against Palestinians in Israel.

Egyptian court refuses second appeal of three jailed Revolutionary Socialists

Egypt’s military-backed president Abdel Fatah el Sisi is trying to build a facade of democracy around his dictatorship with the opening of parliament due on 10 January. But his repression of all opposition continues.

The left is the real winner of Spanish elections as two party system crumbles

Elections last Sunday brought political instability--with big gains for left party Podemos, no prospect of a stable government, and a potentially decisive role for Catalan nationalists. The real test will be deepening resistance, argues Andy Durgan

Fascist Front National grabs a record vote in French elections as anti-racists organise

The fascist Front National failed to win control of any regional councils in last week’s elections—but it won a record vote, says Dave Sewell

Protest blocks Greek Golden Dawn Nazis

Anti-fascists marched through the port town of Piraeus, Greece, to stop an event by the fascist Golden Dawn party last Sunday.

Syrian dictator starves out key city

The regime of dictator Bashar al-Assad gained control of the last rebel-held area of the city of Homs on Wednesday of last week

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