Socialist Worker

British army terrorism in Northern Ireland

Published Tue 2 Jun 2015
Issue No. 2456

The British state is guilty of murder and terrorism. A BBC Panorama programme, Britain’s Secret Terror Deals, examined security force collusion with Protestant Loyalist paramilitaries in Northern Ireland. 

The British state claimed it kept two warring sides apart. In fact it either allowed or organised the murder of large numbers of mainly Catholics.

Former Northern Ireland Police Ombudsman baroness Nuala O’Loan has said that “hundreds and hundreds” of deaths happened as a result of collusion.

For example in 1992 Loyalists killed five Catholics in a betting shop in Belfast. Police recovered an assault rifle used in the attack. 

Later, when it was required for forensic tests, they said they had “disposed of” it. 

It was recently found on display in London’s Imperial War Museum.

The government told Panorama the “vast majority” of those who served with the security forces “did so with distinction”. 

In reality army terror units set up in the early 1970s were given licence to operate a shoot-to-kill policy. 

Others armed Loyalist death squads and supplied addresses and photographs of targets. The murders continued for decades. The officers in charge took their techniques on to the Middle East.

The British occupation of Northern Ireland was repressive and murderous—and all done in the name of defending democracy.

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What We Think
Tue 2 Jun 2015, 15:45 BST
Issue No. 2456
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