In physics, the electron volt (symbol eV; also written electronvolt) is a unit of energy equal to approximately 1.602×10−19 joule (symbol J). By definition, it is the amount of energy gained by the charge of a single electron moved across an electric potential difference of one volt. Thus it is 1 volt (1 joule per coulomb, 1 J/C) multiplied by the electron charge (1 e, or 1.602176565(35)×10−19 C). Therefore, one electron volt is equal to 1.602176565(35)×10−19 J. Historically, the electron volt was devised as a standard unit of measure through its usefulness in electrostatic particle accelerator sciences because a particle with charge q has an energy E=qV after passing through the potential V; if q is quoted in integer units of the elementary charge and the terminal bias in volts, one gets an energy in eV.
The electron volt is not an SI unit and its value must be obtained experimentally. Like the elementary charge on which it is based, it is not an independent quantity but is equal to (1 J/C)(2 h α / μ0 c0)0.5 It is a common unit of energy within physics, widely used in solid state, atomic, nuclear, and particle physics. It is commonly used with the SI prefixes milli-, kilo-, mega-, giga-, tera-, or peta- (meV, keV, MeV, GeV, TeV and PeV respectively). Thus meV stands for milli-electron volt.
The electronvolt
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The electronvolt
The electron-volt
The Electron Volt
Voltage and the Electron Volt
A Level Physics - The Electronvolt
The Electronvolt - A level Physics
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