At the end of his marriage, David leaves on a business trip to give his wife much-needed space. When airplanes start mysteriously falling out of the sky and cell towers fail across the nation, he finds himself trapped. The Earth falling to an alien invasion, David fights to return to whatever is left of home.
A man separated from his wife fights to return home while the Earth falls to invasion.
Never mention Sam Mitchell's name in our town.
Snape: God, I'm gorgeous!
Professor Minerva McGonagall: Am I Slytherin?::Snape: No dear, I can understand every word you're saying.
Eddie is a New York limo driver and a fanatical follower of the New York Knicks professional basketball team. The team is struggling with a mediocre record when, in mid-season, "Wild Bill" Burgess, the new owner, as a public relations gimmick, stages an 'honorary coach' contest, which Eddie wins. The fans love it, so "Wild Bill" fires the coach and hires her. She takes the bunch of overpaid prima donnas that make up the team and turns them around. But the owner hopes to move the team, now the darling of the New York fans, to St. Louis. He may OWN the team, but it BELONGS to the city and the fans!
Keywords: basketball, basketball-movie, character-name-in-title, coach, female-protagonist, nba, new-york-knicks, one-word-title, sports-team, tall-man
The Newest Coach In The NBA Has Got The Knicks Right Where She Wants Them.
Coach John Bailey: (now as coach of the Charlotte Hornets) Hey, Zimmer, where's your coach - still in the ladies' room?::Carl Zimmer: I don't know where she is.::Coach John Bailey: Well, if she doesn't show up here pretty quick, you're going to have awfully big shoes to fill, even if they are high heels.::Carl Zimmer: Uh, John, I've been around for a lot of years. I learned from the best.::Coach John Bailey: Well, thanks, Carl. I appreciate that, really. Thank you.::Carl Zimmer: I wasn't talking about you.::Coach John Bailey: Chump.
Edwina "Eddie" Franklin: You know ["Wild Bill"] takes a chance every time he comes riding out on that dumb old horse, not realizing that eventually somebody's going to hit him upside the head with a hot dog.
Referee: That's no basket! Charge! Knicks win!::Ivan Radovadovitch: Ivan take charge!::Coach John Bailey: (to referee) You cost us the game. You stink.
Patton's Mama: My baby is not gonnna go to St. Louis. Howdy, Bill!::"Wild Bill" Hastings: Why, howdy, ma'am.::Patton's Mama: (while hitting "Wild Bill") Game over! How dare you try to take my son away!
ESPN Radio Announcer: ESPN.::Edwina "Eddie" Franklin: Yeah, put me on with this clown.::ESPN Radio Announcer: (to Chris Berman) We've got a hot one on Line 4 - Eddie from Manhattan.::Himself: Eddie from Manhattan, you're on live with "Wild Bill" Burgess.::Edwina "Eddie" Franklin: Billy, you really want a mascot, baby? You need to put a saddle on Bailey and ride his behind around Central Park all night. That's what you need.::"Wild Bill" Burgess: Ha ha. Well, you know, if that would sell tickets, I might consider it, hon.::Edwina "Eddie" Franklin: Ha ha. Yeah, right, and don't call me "hon". (Eddie then realizes that "Wild Bill" is in her limousine.)
Edwina "Eddie" Franklin: Bailey! Bailey! Bailey, you gonna try something new tonight, like trying to coach? It's the NBA, buddy - no buttheads allowed, but you keep coming back. I don't understand it.
Edwina "Eddie" Franklin: You see the sign back there? It says John 3:16. That is not a biblical quote, baby. You know what that is? That's your sorry road record 'cause you're the anti-coach!
Edwina "Eddie" Franklin: Do you have 666 on your head?::Coach John Bailey: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Bye-bye! Bye-bye! Say, Eddie, come back again when you can afford the seats back here.::Edwina "Eddie" Franklin: Soon as you start winning, I'll be back.::Coach John Bailey: So long!::Edwina "Eddie" Franklin: Hey, Zimmer, get a life, get a face, get a new coat, buddy!
MSG Announcer: At forward, 6'9", Anthony "Pig" Miller!::Edwina "Eddie" Franklin: Boo!::Claudine: Why do they call him "Pig"?::Edwina "Eddie" Franklin: 'Cause he's not kosher.
[after live fireworks set fire to Walt Frazier's retired jersey in the rafters of Madison Square Gardens]::Edwina "Eddie" Franklin: That was Walt Frazier's jersey!::Fair Weather Fan: That's Walt Frazier's jersey!::Walt Frazier: Hey, yo, that's my jersey!::"Wild Bill" Burgess: And that's just the beginning, folks. We got more surprises for you. And don't forget the honorary coach contest at halftime. Let's play some basketball.::Marv Albert: Say goodbye to tradition. "Wild Bill" Burgess has just torched Walt Frazier's jersey.::Coach John Bailey: A freak show. He's going to turn it into a freak show.
In a small town, a polygraph examiner learns that a doctor she's just met is the prime suspect in a sex murder. She administers a polygraph test which clears him, and they proceed to have an affair. But then a witness places him at the murder scene, and he's found to have concealed being a suspect in a previous murder elsewhere. The evidence mounts, the doctor is arrested, and the woman tries to keep believing in him and find the evidence that will clear him.
Keywords: murder, polygraph
Flaming youth in a thrill-a-second sensation!