LAS may stand for:
Las may refer to:
NTN24 en VIVO con las noticias más importantes de América Latina y el mundo
Huevocartoon - Las comadres (para conocedores del albur)
GTA V - Las Piruletas e o Doctor NÃO VALE NADA
EN LAS GARRAS DE SLENDERMAN - iTownGamePlay VS Creepypastas #7
TODAS las gamberradas de Froilán (Recopilatorio)
Cristiano Ronaldo orinando en las calles de Saint Tropez • 2015
Las 20 NOVEDADES de Android M - Objetivamente.
Play Doh Pizza Party - Play Dough Fiesta de Las Pizzas NEW 2015 Pizzeria Playset пицца πίτσα
Las Canciones de la Granja 2 Enganchado
Copa Clausura LAS - Jornada 1
NTN24 en VIVO con las noticias más importantes de América Latina y el mundo
Huevocartoon - Las comadres (para conocedores del albur)
GTA V - Las Piruletas e o Doctor NÃO VALE NADA
EN LAS GARRAS DE SLENDERMAN - iTownGamePlay VS Creepypastas #7
TODAS las gamberradas de Froilán (Recopilatorio)
Cristiano Ronaldo orinando en las calles de Saint Tropez • 2015
Las 20 NOVEDADES de Android M - Objetivamente.
Play Doh Pizza Party - Play Dough Fiesta de Las Pizzas NEW 2015 Pizzeria Playset пицца πίτσα
Las Canciones de la Granja 2 Enganchado
Copa Clausura LAS - Jornada 1
GTA V Online - ME SUBO POR LAS PAREDES!! - Carreras Épicas - Funny Moments - GTA 5 Gameplay
Las Inolvidables Junio 2, 2015 Parte 1
el RETO de las FOTOS MÁS GRACIOSAS y ridículas
Las Pastillas del Abuelo -Acústico-
Las 6 Personas Más Sanguinarias y Aterradoras De La Historia
Acabar con las narcopandillas: militares de Panamá y Colombia se entrenan conjuntamente
Las Pastillas de Abuelo-Las Pastillas de Abuelo(2006)(Album Completo)
Las ruedas del autobús | Y muchas más c | ¡57 min de LittleBabyBum!
Las Pelotas - Vivo [AUDIO, FULL ALBUM 2011]
Pelicula completa Las Hermanas Vampiro en español
Planetary Confinement - Las Dunas - Ep.9 - Una mina!! - con Frigoadri
Copa Clausura LAS - Jornada 6
E3 2015 ¿Que paso con las consolas? Microsoft agresivo y Sony dormido.
Fallout Shelter - Parte 2 El Dia de las Tarteras - Español
Lo Que Callamos Las Mujeres - A tiempo
Planetary Confinement - Las Dunas - Ep.8 - Decostructor - con Chincheto77
Planetary Confinement - Las Dunas - Ep.10 - Decostructor - con Chincheto77
Lo Que Callamos Las Mujeres - El peso de lo que fue
Las Hurtgen - II WS - CAŁY FILM - Lektor PL
Las Canciones de la Granja Videos Enganchados
Enganchado Las pastillas del abuelo
Lo Que Callamos Las Mujeres - Sin salida
Las Jilguerillas 24 Exitos Rancheros CD Completo Original mix
Compilado Las Pastillas del Abuelo 08/05/2012... 5 horas y media
Lo Que Callamos Las Mujeres - Equivocada
Mascaras de sal Las Pelotas (audio CD)
Las MEJORES alternativas a la Play Store | Tiendas de aplicaciones | Android Evolution
Rubia mostrando las tetas
Se Nos Fue De Las Manos Pelicula Completa En Español
Las mil y una noches capitulo 3
Las mil y una noches capitulo 41
El sistema "anti ojos rojos" de las cámaras, un problema para los terminators - El Mundo Today 24H
Papa: Los seres queridos que fallecen no están en la oscuridad, están en las manos de Dios
Planeta Adelante: “Real Zaragoza - UD Las Palmas: llega la hora de la verdad en la Liga Adelante”
Casas en alquiler con 3 habitaciones y 250 metros - Punta Galea, Rozas de Madrid (Las) | yaencon...
ONLINE TV/////Live streaming Real Zaragoza v UD Las Palmas Football 2015
STreaming Live Video UD Las Palmas. vs .Real Zaragoza Football Game 2015 June 17
live Wednesday streaming Spanish Segunda Football Real Zaragoza vs UD Las Palmas
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Real Zaragoza v UD Las Palmas live streaming
Watching^ Real Zaragoza v UD Las Palmas live streaming
Live Streaming((Real Zaragoza)). vs .(( UD Las Palmas)) Spanish Segunda Football 2015
Watch Real Zaragoza vs UD Las Palmas Live.Streaming Free Online Spanish Segunda
HD LIVE^ Real Zaragoza ::vs:: UD Las Palmas Live Stream
Full Match : Real Zaragoza vs UD Las Palmas [Spanish Segunda 2015 ] HD
Give me one last kiss
Before I walk out of this
Give me some money
'Cos I'm right in a hurry
To get a way out of this
But I'm telling you this
That I don't aim to miss
To get a way out of this...
Give it all you got now
Give it all you got now - Yeah give a little
Give it all you got now
Give it all you got now - Yeah give a little
Let me tell you this
Before I walk out of this
Some say it's sunny but
I don't think that's funny
And I'm telling you this
'Cos I don't aim to miss
To get a way out of this...
Give it all you got now
Give it all you got now - Yeah give a little
Give it all you got now
Give it all you got now - Yeah give a little
Bid me one last wish
Before I walk out of this
Give me the hammer to shatter the dream
To get a way out of this...
Tell me where I'm going...
Tell me where I'm bound...
Turn the pages over
Turn the world around
Open up the broken door for all lost will be found
Walk into the empty room but never make a sound
Oh tell me where I'm going
Tell me why I'm bound to tear the pages open
Turn the world around...
I've seen everybody
Everybody's seen me
In the lookin' glass
I'm in everybody
Everybody's in me
In the stone is cast -
The glass is smashed
The past - it never says it
It never makes a sound
Whispered ways were chosen
Echoes will be found
Mirrors that were broken
Lay there on the ground
Though the way lies open
Will the way be found
Oh tell me where I'm going and
Tell me why I'm bound to tear the pages open
Turn the world around...
So the story goes it
Everybody knows it
Look into the past
We can't live without it
We can't live within it
Everything must pass
The change is cast...
I've seen everybody
Everybody's seen me
In the lookin' glass
I'm in everybody
Everybody's in me
In the stone is cast -
I am the toiler the old ship-slave
I stoke the fire that keep you brave
And this I give for all mankind
Sail away on an ocean wave
I am the voyager of the ocean grey
I wayfarer see fairway
And this I give for all mankind
Sail away on an ocean wave
I am the sailor - the ocean slave
Fill your sail with the breath I gave
And this I give for all mankind
Sail away on an ocean wave
I am the captain of the love brigade
With every breath I am your slave
And this I gave for all mankind
Sail away on an ocean wave
..sail away on an ocean wave
I was lookin' thru my window
I was lookin' thru my eyes
And there's a big black car coming
Get off the street outside - come in
Go into a pipedream no-one listens anyway
When I say I'm so sad about, Not so glad about,
I'm so mad - I can't sleep tonight
I was going thru a nightmare
I was layin' on the line
And there's a big black train coming
D'you think it would be a shame running
Go into a bathroom
No-one looking anyway
When I say I'm so sad about, Not so glad about,
I'm so mad - I can't sleep tonight
I was lookin' thru my window
I was lookin' thru my eyes
And there's a big black cloud coming
Get off the street outside - come in
Go into a pipedream no-one listens anyway
When I say I'm so sad about, Not so glad about,
All this world seems bent upon
Contemplating Babylon
Fate is sealed inside a bomb
Where has all the freedom gone
There's a place for everyone
Live and die our Kingdom Come
But until the web is spun
Everybody must have fun
I'm not scared to die - God help me
We went to the same schools and we
All learned the same rules of lament
The knot will never come undone
Accidents show mercy none
There's isn't anywhere to run
The masterpiece is done
No you can't throw failure over your shoulder
If you don't look after - you gonna look back
No you can't hurry's holding you back
In the grip of an onset you run for a cover
To hide from your Mother and your sister
Your brother...through you long to tell of
The stone that remains - you can't move a
Muscle - you're wrapped up in you
Wait in your room - bound to the doom
To talk with the skeleton in the closet...
So you waited for days and you walked
In the maze and you lay on your bed
With your head in a daze and high in
A corner in a cupboard on a shelf
You turn a corner and walk into yourself
And you check your condition and your
Shape and your health...
So you open the door with a look
On your face, your hands in your
pockets and your family to face
And you go downstairs and you sit in
Oh no don't go down to Doledrum
Oh no don't go down to Doledrum
If you know what's good for you
Then you know what you can do
Just 'get up a fuss and shout'
Get on the bus get out of Doledrum
All my life goes by in Doledrum
I'll see ninety-five in Doledrum
I can't see much down for me
I think I'll run away to see
I'll just get on my coat and shout
If you want I'll sell you a life story
About a man who's at loggerheads with his past all the time
He's alive and living in purgatory
All he's doing is rooming up in hotels
And scooping up lots of wine
There was once a boy of life
Who lived upon a knife
He took his share of everywhere
But he never took a wife...
He was born to live like a mercenary
Well personally I think that's fine
If you're in the right mind
He was burned by the twentieth century
Now he's doing time
In the back of his mind
He can hear them outside
Better run, Rabbit run
Run into the sun
Kick your heels in the killing fields
Run rabbit run
There she goes
There she goes again
Racing thru' my brain
And I just can't contain
This feelin' that remains
There she blows
There she blows again
Pulsing thru' my vein
And I just can't contain
This feelin' that remains
There she goes, there she goes again
She calls my name, pulls my train
No-one else could heal my pain
And I just can't contain
This feelin' that remains
There she goes
There she goes again
Chasing down my lane
And I just can't contain
Het beste van de wijne dat is er voor mijne mond
Al lag ik ziek te bedde dan werd ik weer gezond
Al lag ik ziek te bedde gekweld door menig venijn
De wijn geneest de pijne
O wijn, weest welkom wijn
Men mag de wijn wel loven, zij is er het prijzen waard
En ook de schone vrouwen die zijn er naar onzen aard
Ik heb er nog meer te doen dan enkel dit glaasje klein
Daarom wil ik ze roemen
O wijn, weest welkom wijn
De wijn die komt van verre, zo menig mijl gereden
Op wagens en op karren tot hier al binnen de steden
Zij komt er uit het land van Keulen, al over de Rijn
Getond in volle vaten
O wijn, weest welkom wijn
En is ze rood en helder dan is ze ons goed gezind
En streelt zij onze tongen dan is zij ongekend
O als de mensen drinken met vrienden al bijeen
Uit glazen die daar klinken
O wijn, weest welkom wijn
Ach vrienden hebt geen zorgen, al hebben wij nu geen geld
De waard zal ons wel borgen, zo heeft hij mij verteld
We zullen hem laten schenken en vrolijk zullen we zijn
Kom laat ons vanavond blijven
O wijn, weest welkom wijn
Vrienden 't is tijd om uw pakske te maken.
Roept al uw pottekes en pannekes bijeen.
Tracht als ge kunt nog wat vreugde te smaken,
vreugd en verdriet springen 't langst op de been.
Want de aarde die is al aan 't verdoven.
't Schijnt dat de zon en de maan ons verlaat.
Niemand verplicht ik toch mij te geloven,
maar 't is de roep dat de wereld vergaat.
Sommigen zeggen : 't is triestig om te horen,
dat heel het mensdom zal worden verbrand.
Anderen zeggen : men zal ons versmoren.
't Een en het ander en is niet plezant.
't Was verduiveld wat ver toch gedreven,
ons te behandelen als vis en gebraad.
't Is om te schrikken, te schudden en te beven
als ge 'r aan denkt dat de wereld vergaat.
Waarom nog goed ons te wassen en te scheren?
Waarom nog goed een nieuw hemd aan te doen?
Laat ons maar drinken en laat ons maar smeren.
Laat ons maar gans ons fortuintje opdoen.
Toe Jan, gij moet nog kiekens halen,
kiekens die lopen toch genoeg op straat.
't Is onnodig ervoor te betalen,
aangezien dat toch de wereld vergaat.
Is er hier iemand die kleren wil kopen?
'k Laat heel mijn boel aan de prijs van factuur.
Ik ben van zin in mijn hemd rond te lopen.
't Is nog te goed voor de warmte van 't vuur.
Ik ga mijn gereedschap verkopen omdat
er het werken tot niets meer en baat.
'k Neem er geen stukskes nie meer van mien handen,
aangezien dat toch de wereld vergaat.
Eindelijk 't moest er toch eens van komen.
't Werd ons voorspeld door de ster met de steert.
Ik heb gelukkig mijn voorzorg genomen,
mijn laatste cent is goddank reeds verteerd.
Ben ik gedwongen nu schulden te maken,
zet men mij morgen of heden op straat,
'k lach ermee want 't kan mij toch niet raken,
aangezien dat toch de wereld vergaat...
Ja de wereld vergaat
Give me one last kiss
Before I walk out of this
Give me some money
'Cos I'm right in a hurry
To get a way out of this
But I'm telling you this
That I don't aim to miss
To get a way out of this...
Give it all you got now
Give it all you got now - Yeah give a little
Give it all you got now
Give it all you got now - Yeah give a little
Let me tell you this
Before I walk out of this
Some say it's sunny but
I don't think that's funny
And I'm telling you this
'Cos I don't aim to miss
To get a way out of this...
Give it all you got now
Give it all you got now - Yeah give a little
Give it all you got now
Give it all you got now - Yeah give a little
Bid me one last wish
Before I walk out of this
Give me the hammer to shatter the dream
In this heart lies for you
A lark born only for you
Who sings only to you
My love
My love
My love
I am waiting for you
For only to adore you
My heart is for you
My love
My love
My love
This is my grief for you
For only the loss of you
The hurting of you
My love
My love
My love
There are rays on the weather
Soon these tears will have cried
All loneliness have died
My love
My love
My love
I will have you with me
In my arms only
For you are only
My love
My love
My love
The melody always finds me
Whenever the thought reminds me
Breaking a chain inside my head
The melody chord unwinds me
The rhythm of life unties me
Brushing the hands of time away
If you look in your mind
Do you know what you will find
Open your mind...
Even the words they fail me
Oh look what it's doing to me
I never say what I want to say
It's only a word believe me
If only the world could see me
I promise I'd send the word away
If you look with your eyes
Do you know what you will find