

  1. Chinese investors hopeful

    Investors in China are hoping for more good news as the week ended with the country's stock market in the black.

  2. China fights panic selling

    Michael Every from Rabobank discusses China's attempt to stop panicked selling by retail investors.

  3. Intervention is futile

    The Chinese share market crash is teaching its government a clear lesson about its inability to stop market forces, writes Matt Sherwood.

  4. Worsening China crash

    China's share rout is now eclipsing Greece's debt crisis, and a leading analyst says the response of Chinese authorities is in large part to blame.

  5. Ratings and economies

    The disappearance of all political capital from both sides of the Parliament is a genuine crisis for the economy.

  6. Loyalty tested

    China's share crash is a test of the Chinese government's courage and the true feelings of the emerging Chinese middle-class, argues Kerry Brown.

ASX Quotes

Table showing ASX index quotes for today (as of Fri Jul 10 2015 16:11:00 GMT+1000 (AEST))
Index Opening Closing Change
5456.30 5478.10 0.4%
5471.00 5492.00 0.4%
1808.50 1813.30 0.3%
10624.00 10713.00 0.8%
6408.70 6419.10 0.2%
18309.40 18269.40 -0.2%
778.20 781.90 0.5%
8445.10 8572.50 1.5%
4692.00 4688.60 -0.1%
8481.90 8499.00 0.2%
2184.40 2193.70 0.4%
6358.70 6409.70 0.8%
2052.20 2055.30 0.2%

Last updated

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