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Nord Stream The Project
Nord Stream Hyperbaric Tie-ins
Nord Stream in 150 sec
Nord Stream Pipeline Inauguration
Nord Stream Race - TEAM FRANCE
Яхта "Благодарность-2". Дневник Nord Stream Race 2013
Putin and Schroeder get Nord Stream pumping
Putin und Schröder eröffnen Nord Stream - eine...
Nord Stream The Source of Gas
Nord Stream Barent Zanen-Dredging Completed in German Waters
Unterwasserschweißarbeiten an der NORD STREAM-Erdgas-Pipeline
Nord Stream Race 2013 Trailer
Nord Stream Race Trailer 2014
Nord Stream Race Trailer 2015
Nord Stream's vision is to establish a direct connection between the vast gas reserves in Russia and the energy markets in the European Union. The Nord Strea...
The Nord Stream Project is installing two 48" gas export pipelines from Vyborg in Russia to Greifswald in Germany, through the Gulf of Finland and the Baltic...
The Nord Stream Pipeline is one of the biggest infrastructure projects today. The project has set new benchmarks for technical solutions and international co...
On November 8, 2011, Nord Stream AG celebrated the start of gas transport through Line 1 of its twin pipeline system. The event held in Lubmin near Greifswal...
Nord Stream Race 2012 - TEAM FRANCE.
Ocean Sails --Team & "Blagodarnost'2". Nord Stream Race's diary. Репортаж об участии экипажа яхты "Благодарность-2" в трансбалтийской гонке.
A controversial pipeline to pump Russian gas to Europe has been officially inaugurated. The 8.8 billion euro Nord Stream project was agreed in 2005 by then R...
Nach rund anderthalb Jahren Bauzeit strömt russisches Erdgas durch die Ostseepipeline Nord Stream direkt nach Deutschland. Für Russlands Ministerpräsident Wl...
The Yuzhno-Russkoye gas field is located close to the unofficial gas capital of Russia, Novy Urengoy. In the heart of Siberia, the gas for the Nord Stream Pi...
The hopper dredger Barent Zanen is one of the 120 vessels which worked in the Pomeranian Bay for the Nord Stream project from May 2010 to the end of 2010. Th...
Um einen Teil des steigenden Erdgasbedarfs Europas zu decken, entsteht am Grund der Ostsee die neue Offshore-Pipeline "NORD STREAM". Nach der Verlegung müsse...
The Nord Stream Race 2013 takes place from September 12 to September 22. More than 800 nautical miles will be covered to cross the Baltic Sea from Flensburg ...
Nord Stream Race 2014 is made up of two legs going across the whole of the Baltic Sea from Saint Petersburg (Russia) to Rostock-Warnemünde (Germany) with a s...
Nord Stream Race 2015 - The ultimate Offshore Challenge 800 nm non-stop race from Flensburg/Germany to Saint Petersburg/Russia, covering the whole distance of the Baltic Sea Start: 20. September 2015 Open for: Gazprom Swan 60 yachts and boats under ORC handicap More information:
Some of the highlights from the 2012 Nord Stream Race - On-board footage - Nautor's Swan 60.
Saint Petersburg/Russia - Helsinki/Finland - Warnemünde/Germany, 29 May to 7 June 2014 more than 800 nautical Miles across the Baltic Sea.
After just 30 months of construction, the Nord Stream twin pipeline system is fully operational. Together the pipelines have the capacity to deliver 55 billi...
On board the pipelay vessels, the construction cycle is made up of several steps including bevelling, welding, testing and the lowering of the pipeline onto ...
Each of the two Nord Stream Pipelines is built in three sections. Once completed, the sections are welded together. This "tie-in" process takes place on the ...
Nord Stream's twin offshore pipelines run through the Baltic Sea from Russia, and exit at the German mainland at the Lubmin landfall facility. The Lubmin lan...
Construction of Nord Stream, a 7.4-billion-euro pipeline project designed to streamline Russia's massive gas supply to northern and western Europe via the Ba...
Saipem's Castoro Sei underwent extensive maintenance at STX shipyard in Turku, Finland in May 2011 soon after completing Line 1 of the Nord Stream Pipeline. ...
To krzyk małych przeciw dużym. To nie atak na Moskwę i Berlin, ale przeciwko polityce mocarstw, które nie liczą się z głosem pozostałych państw. Polska i jej...
1 канал 08.10.2012, 21:00 Россия СПб 08.10.2012 19:40 Россия 08.10.2012, 20:00 НТВ СПб 08.10.2012, 18:30 НТВ 08.10.2012, 19:00 Россия 24 - 08.10.2012, 23:00 ...
Курс на Nord Stream 2013.
Gas pipeline projects, specifically the joint Russia-Germany Nord Stream pipeline, were discussed during a media conference given by Angela Merkel and Dmitry Medvedev in Berlin. The fate of Mikhail Khodorkovsky was also discussed.
The Langeled pipeline (originally known as Britpipe) is an underwater pipeline transporting Norwegian natural gas to the United Kingdom. Before the completion of the Nord Stream pipeline, it was the longest subsea pipeline in the world. The project was launched under the original name Britpipe. In October 2003, Royal Dutch Shell, ExxonMobil and Statoil signed agreements to supply natural gas through the Britpipe. The pipeline's construction began in 2004. The largest part of the pipeline was installed by Acergy Piper, a pipe-laying ship of Acergy. Other pipe-laying ships, which were used, are Solitaire of Allseas, and Saipem 7000 of Saipem. The pipeline was opened in two stages. The southern section (Sleipner Riser platform to Easington) began piping gas on 1 October 2006, the northern section (Nyhamna to Sleipner Riser) opened in October 2007. The official opening of the project was held in London on 16 October 2006 by then-Prime Minister Tony Blair and his Norwegian counterpart, Jens Stoltenberg. The pipeline runs 1,166 kilometres (725 mi) through the North Sea from the Nyhamna terminal in Norway via the Sleipner Riser platform in the North Sea to Easington Gas Terminal in England. The pipeline is designated to bring natural gas from the Ormen Lange gas process terminal to the UK, but through the connector at Sleipner Riser it provides also an opportunity to send gas through Gassco's existing network to continental Europe.
Super Smash Bros. Melee Tournament in Hamburg, Germany. ____________________ Results Singles: Doubles: 1. Team Doppelkorn (Mavo + Snex ) 2. Team Rocket (Dr. L + Lip0 ) 3. Team Ranzshit (RanziD + alter, digga ) 4. Team Hax$ (KhAOS + Tatsu ) 5. Team BRAWL (Repus + Kel )
The Langeled pipeline (originally known as Britpipe) is an underwater pipeline transporting Norwegian natural gas to the United Kingdom. Before the completion of the Nord Stream pipeline, it was the longest subsea pipeline in the world. The project was launched under the original name Britpipe. In October 2003, Royal Dutch Shell, ExxonMobil and Statoil signed agreements to supply natural gas through the Britpipe. Robots toiled 3km under the sea to build the longest sub-sea pipeline in the world, connecting the UK and Norway. The pipeline runs 1,166 kilometres (725 mi) through the North Sea from the Nyhamna terminal in Norway via the Sleipner Riser platform in the North Sea to Easington Gas Terminal in England. The pipeline is designated to bring natural gas from the Ormen Lange gas process terminal to the UK, but through the connector at Sleipner Riser it provides also an opportunity to send gas through Gassco's existing network to continental Europe. The annual capacity of the Langeled pipeline is 25.5 billion cubic metres (900 billion cubic feet). That equates to some 20% of Britain's peak gas demand. With the energy content of natural gas at 39 MJ (megajoules) per normal cubic meter, the capacity energy flux is 31.5 GW (gigawatts). The Langeled pipeline supplements the Vesterled system with annual capacity about 12 bcm, which runs from Heimdal Riser platform in the North Sea to St. Fergus in Scotland. The project cost £1.7 billion. Nyhamna-Sleipner Riser section The Nyhamna-Sleipner Riser leg has a diameter of 1,067 millimetres (42.0 in) and can operate with a pressure of 250 bar. Hub at Sleipner Riser At Sleipner Riser the Langeled has a connection to the existing Gassled transport system. Sleipner Riser-Easington section The Sleipner Riser-Easington leg has a diameter of 1,118 millimetres (44.0 in), which makes it the largest submarine pipeline in the North Sea. Its pressure is 155 bar. Sea can go several kilometers deep. Laying a pipe at the bottom is a challenge. However, 6,000 kilometers of pipelines are laid at the bottom of the North Sea. Searching for obstacles Subsea gas pipelines account for 45 per cent of natural gas exports to Europe. Seabed is carefully surveyed along its entire route before laying the gas pipeline. Specialists must identify all potential obstacles including sunk ships, ammunition, and simply large boulders. These obstacles are either removed or bypassed. At this stage, specialists also identify locations where the pipelines should be buried or backfilled. Floating houses Pipes are laid on the seabed by special pipelaying vessels. Pipelaying vessels are huge floating platforms which can accommodate several hundreds of people at a time. As a rule, several vessels participate in the process of pipe laying. Special barges continuously supply pipes to a pipelaying vessel, which is preceded by a vessel monitoring the seabed. The supplied pipes are unloaded on storage sites located directly on the deck of the pipelaying vessel. They should have a stock of pipes for 12 hours of work. How pipes are laid Special conveyor is installed on the pipelaying vessel, which receives pipes that are welded here as well. Each welded joint is then ultrasonically tested for defects. Anticorrosion coating is applied to all joints after welding. Welded pipes are moving over the conveyor towards the aft. Stinger, a special boom, immersed in the water at an angle, over which the pipes are gradually lowered onto the seabed, is located here. It defines the required deflection of the top part of the gas pipeline, which prevents metal deformation. As a rule, pipes lie on the seabed under their own weight. They don’t need to be fixed, because each pipe weighs up to several tons after the concrete coating is applied. Pipes are laid in special trenches and backfilled with ground only in some locations, e.g. at landfalls, to ensure stability of the pipe. From sea to shore The process of laying a subsea gas pipeline normally starts not on the shore, as one could think, but in the sea. Gas pipeline can consist of several sections built at different times from different vessels and then connected to each other. Gas pipeline should be able to withstand different pressures in different sections, for this purpose pipes with different wall thickness are used. Upon the completion of the subsea section construction, pipes are drawn on shore using a special winch installed on firm ground which is connected to the pipe with steel ropes and is slowly drawing it from the sea. The pipeline is then connected with its onshore section – a tie-in is made. Hydro testing of the gas pipeline is a mandatory stage. For that, the pipeline is filled with water under requisite pressure and left for some time to identify possible defects. Condition of the gas pipeline is carefully monitored after its commissioning as well. Special electronic devices for in-pipe inspection are used in this process.
The Nords are coming! (Footage from the 12th March live stream) Game: Mount and Blade: Warband Mod: Nord Invasion ( Thanks for W...
The Nords are coming! (Footage from the 17th April live stream) The 77y (WS_) pile in to a private server on Normal difficulty to attempt the Prince. Game: M...
Youtube livestream of Nord Invasion from Mount & Blade with Snowhood42o
The Nords are coming! (Footage from the 17th April live stream) The 77y (WS_) pile in to a private server on Normal difficulty to attempt the Prince. Game: M...
The Nords are coming! (Footage from the 11th April live stream) The 77y (WS_) pile in to a public server on Normal difficulty to attempt the Prince along wit...
Conférence donnée le 7 février 2012 par Christophe Cassou , Centre Européen de Recherche et de Formation Avancée en Calcul Scientifique , dans le cadre des G...
The Nords are coming! (Footage from the 14th March live stream) A lot of the 77y recently got the mod so are pretty low level (Red shirts) which is why we ar...
We continue the fight against the Nords. The Game: Blog: Stream: Twitter: http...
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DayZ Standalone - German/Deutsch Let's Play/Gameplay im Nord Osten3 ▻DayZ-Playlist ☆Facebook ▻Bei MMOGA günstig Gam...
DayZ Standalone Alpha - German/Deutsch Let's Play/Gameplay ~Nord Militär✔Abonnieren - ►DayZ-Playlist ★Facebook ╔═════════╗ - Social Links - ╚═════════╝ ★ Spenden für den Kanal _ Server: Verbesserung zur Qualität, Kaufen von Equipment, Hilft + Supportet mich das ich weiter an den Videos Arbeiten kann. Jeder € zählt danke ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ♥ ✔ Follow me @ Twitter: ✔ Twitch Stream: ⌨ Mein Steam Profile: ►Auf Amazon Shoppen + mich Supporten ►Bei MMOGA günstig Gamekeys Shopen + mich Supporten ╔═════════╗ - Links + Infos - ╚═════════╝ ⇒ Mein Gaming Blog: ★ Fragen ? Info: DayZ Stanalone, Alpha, Lets Play Together, German, Deutsch, 1080p, Bohemia, Rocket, Steam Game, New, Neu, Release, Cherno, Map, Deadlegacy, Game
Vladimir Rogov of Slavic Guard gives a comprehensive view from the front and discusses the future path of Novorossia. Recorded 02 October 2014. How Putin subtly communicates his support for Novorossia (3:31), the 5th column seeking a deal with the West (6:50), eternal sanctions against Russia (9:26), the people's sanctions against companies advertising with neo-liberal traitor-celebrities (12:02), Nazi war of occupation, not civil war (14:48), Kiev lost 47,000 soldiers in 4 months (18:14), fabricated Holodomor data and revisionist WW2 context (21:13), Ukrainian Freedom = a mob chucking opposition politicians into dumpsters (27:42), Russian musician Makarevitch performs for Ukrainian attackers, donates guitar (29:46), the human and monetary cost of foreign private armies, in figures (31:12), evicting Nazi occupiers from Saur-Mogila – 70 years earlier (33:50), the deadly virus of Nazism (36:37), abducted and abused for having an opinion – Yuri Samoilov of Slaviansk, Aleksei Nazarenko of Kiev, and many more (40:27), the war against statues (43:04), MH17 false flag – predicted (44:46), Hong Kong's textbook Maidan (46:17), the Armenia Maidan attempts, the Caspian Sea “closed to Anglo-Saxons” agreement, Putin's de-escalation of Nagorno-Karabakh (49:03), organ trade in Kosovo and Ukraine (53:37), the blatant bias of OSCE (57:25), Hague Tribunal vs Slaviansk Tribunal (59:23), German ARD backtracks on allegations against Donbass (1:01:36), sanctions – an opportunity to develop domestic production (1:03:32), the future for the Rada, Galicia and Novorossia (1:06:58). English subtitles. Russian original from : Владимир Рогов Беседа 2 октября 2014 Related links: Identical leaflets from Maidan and Tahrir Squares (mosque on both):;=9m16s “Anyone not jumping is a moscal !” (mass psychosis) : Putin flanked by Aliyev (left) and Sargsyan (right), Presidents of Azerbaijan and Armenia, in Sochi. U.S. funding for a ‘color revolution’ in Uzbekistan: Vladimir Maretsky and others detained and tortured: Carla Del Ponte, Kosovo Serbs Were Murdered For Their Organs: BARRIER water filter adds fluoride to your water: Daily news & analysis on Ukraine-Russia: Additional tags: Ukraine, Novorossiya, Novorussia, New Russia, US, U.S., USA, American, USSR, Soviet Union, Russia, Customs Union, Eurasian Union, Eurasian Economic Union, China, Belarus, EU, European Union, Yugoslavia, Serbia, Kosovo, Nagorno-Karabakh, Armenia, Azerbaijan, BRICS, Slaviansk, Kharkov, Kharkiv, Zaporozhe, Zaporizhya, Odessa, Sochi, Baku, Telmanovka, Alexandrovsk, Ekaterinoslav, Moscow, Kiev, Kyiv, Church of the Holy Trinity, Mezhyhirya, Reichstag, Telmanovka, Krasnoarmeiska, Donbas, Donbass, Donetsk, Donezk, Lugansk, Luhansk, Caspian Sea, Slavyanoserbsk, World War 3, World War Three, Third World War, WW2, WWII, World War 2, World War Two, Second World War, Great Patriotic War, attack, invade, Orange Revolution, Euromaidan, Maidan, Bolotnaya, sanctions, Nürnberg, The Hague, Tribunal, ICC, International Criminal Court, International Criminal Tribunal on Yugoslavia, Swastika, gay pride, GM foods, Stone Soup, South Stream, Nord stream, energy wars, genocide, trolls, sixth fifth column, separatists, rebels, terrorists, mercenaries, militants, NATO, IMF, Bilderberg group, National People's Liberation Movement, PLM, Berkut, civil society, demonstration, demo, Nazism, Nazis, junta, Kosovo Liberation Army, Amnesty International, Red Cross, Aidar, Exxon Mobile, Halliburton, Shell, BP, Statoil, Euroset, MTS, Beeline, Bartłomiej Sienkiewicz, ASBS Othago, Graystone, Academi, Blackwater, Ashan, Evgeni Evgeny Fedorov Fyodorov Feodorov, Nikolai Starikov, Vladimir Matveev, Igor Strelkov, Daniel Estulin, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Kissinger, Andrei Andrey Fursov, Kiselev, Lyashko, Liashko, Yarosh, Tyagnibok, Poroshenko, Igor Ihor Kolomoisky, Tymoshenko, Timoshenko, Rinat Akhmetov, Heletey, Geletey, Avakov, Evgeny Zahar Prilepin, Serzh Sargsyan, Ilham Aliyev, Hashim Thaçi, Vladimir Maretsky, Otto von Bismarck, Dmitry Tabachnik, Boris Nemtsov, Mikhail Kasyanov, Aleksei Erëmenko Eryomenko, Yuri Samoilov, Aleksei Nazarenko, Echo Moskvy, Fox News, CNN, BBC, NBC, MSNBC, CBC, ITN, Poznavatelnoe, infowars, Voice of America, ARD, English 2014, 2015
Jump to a battle by clicking on the time: FINAL BATTLES 3:14:08 Junior Solo: Inner-G vs. Ede 3:23:17 Adult Solo: Sanzun vs. Bgirl AT 3:28:30 Crew Battle: Jet Force(RUS) vs. Floorphilia(FIN) Junior Solo Top8: 31:30 Freikka vs. Ede 33:50 Mooz vs. Pete Rock 36:26 Jarmali vs. Toby 38.15 Inner-G Vs. Oscar Adult Solo Top 16: 42:20 B-Girl AT vs. Noble Niels 45:20 A-Rock vs. Heavy Haiku 48:30 Ivan the Mexican vs. Vesa the Vice 51:28 Toast vs. Nord Diamond 54:35 Saki1 vs. Tutzi 57:23 Sanzun vs. Niklas 1:00:10 Kifle vs. Con-troll 1:03:35 Nikson vs. Twisted Adult Solo Top 8: 1:06:40 Heavy Haiku vs. Bgirl AT 1:10:40 Ivan the Mexican vs. Nord Diamond 1:14:58 Sanzun vs. Saki1 1:18:32 Kifle vs. Twisted Crew battle Top8: 1:25:10 King Contrast crew vs. Fusion Crew 1:32:50 Floor Philia vs. TFW Helsinki 1:40:58 Hips Don't lie vs. Jet Force 1:49:03 Joensuu Bboys vs. Free Down Crew 1:56:20 Sieva Showcase Junior Semi-Final: 2:07:35 Pete Rock vs. Ede 2:11:30 Inner-G vs. Jarmali Adult Solo Semi-Final 2:14:50 Nord-Diamond vs. Bgirl AT 2:20:00 Sanzun vs. Twisted Crew battle Semi-Final 2:23:50 Fusion crew vs. Floorphilia 2:35:45 Jet Force vs Free Down Crew 2:45:54 Rinkitauko 3:08:39 Tuomari Showcase - Mercy 1, Hoo Hoo & Movie1 FINAL BATTLES 3:14:08 Junior Solo: Inner-G vs. Ede 3:23:17 Adult Solo: Sanzun vs. Bgirl AT 3:28:30 Crew Battle: Jet Force(RUS) vs. Floorphilia(FIN) Suomen Breakdancen mestaruuskisat Glooriassa 7.12.2014. Finnish Breakdance Championships @Glooria on the 7th of December 2014. Koordinoija: Maria Mihhailova Kuvaajat: Dimitri Lisitsyn, Leo Rehunen. Ohjaus: Hiski. Ääni: Niko Liljeblad, Niikka Lius. Bboy-liitto, Hiskishow.
DayZ Standalone - German/Deutsch Let's Play/Gameplay Nord West Airfield #201 2160p 4K-HD ►Bei MMOGA günstig Gamekeys shoppen + mich supporten ► Facebook Folge1 DayZ Standalone Alpha - Hype bei Nacht ~ German/Deutsch Let_s Play/Gameplay #1 Unser DayZ Community Server IP: ★ Spenden für den Server/Kanal: ╔═════════╗ - Social Links - ╚═════════╝ ✔ Follow me Deadlegacy @ Twitter: ✔ Twitch Stream: ► Meine Steam Gruppe: (Meine Freundesliste ist voll!) ►Auf Amazon shoppen + mich supporten ►Bei MMOGA günstig Gamekeys shoppen + mich supporten ╔═════════╗ - Links + Infos - ╚═════════╝ ⇒ Mein Gaming Blog: ★ Fragen ? Info: DayZ Stanalone, Alpha, Lets Play Together, German, Deutsch, 1080p, Bohemia, Rocket, Steam Game, New, Neu, Release, Cherno, DayZ Standalone - dat aim ~ German/Deutsch Let_s Play/Gameplay #57 DayZ Standalone - mein Schulrucksack ~ German/Deutsch Let_s Play/Gameplay #59 [2160p, 4KHD] DayZ Standalone - das Hörspiel ~ German/Deutsch Let_s Play/Gameplay #58 [2160p, 4KHD] DayZ Standalone - Cherno Sniper ~ German/Deutsch Let_s Play/Gameplay #56 [2160p, 4KHD]
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The project to construct a new gas pipeline with a capacity of 63 billion cubic meters from Russia to Turkey has entered the execution stage, Russian energy giant Gazprom has said by a written statement on late Feb. 24. “The gas transmission route will be laid via the Black Sea and will annually supply up to 47 billion cubic meters of gas to the Turkish-Greece border. The gas pipeline will represent an alternative export route, which, in combination with the highly-reliable Nord Stream, Blue Stream and Yamal-Europe gas pipelines, will secure the entirety of Russian gas exports beyond the CIS and make it possible to abandon the transit corridor via Ukraine,” the company said. With a view to provide stable and well-balanced supplies of Russian gas to Europe, as well as to mitigate the risks related to gas transit via third countries, the company makes great efforts to expand the existing gas transmission routes and build up new ones, Gazprom said. The company noted it would also focus on supplying significant volumes of Russian pipeline gas to the Asia-Pacific region. “Work is underway to have the resource and transmission base in place for the start of gas supplies from Russia to China via the eastern route. The Agreement on Russian gas purchase and sales via the western route is being formulated,” the company said. Gazprom also said it will build up its presence in new markets primarily by increasing its own production activity. “We plan to construct LNG plants with a capacity of 10 million tons a year in the Leningrad Region and the Primorye Territory. We are also considering the possibility of constructing a new process train within the Sakhalin II project,” Gazprom said.
--= BOOK REVIEW OF YOUR FAVORITE BOOK =--- Where to buy this book? ISBN: 9783844392234 Book Review of The Nord Stream Gas Pipeline by Mateusz Radomyski If you want to add where to buy this book, please use the link above: If you are the Author, Publisher or Partner and want to send us a message, use this link: Report an error: ------- + Share the book of your favorite author + ------- See more at Subscribe on our Channel. Copyright note: this video only use public information about the book: Public Review, Cover, ISBN number, Author Name and Publisher Name. All rights belong to their respective owners. Contact us for any partnership enquiries, content submission or other requests at Contact us for any copyright issues at Music from: By JP10291655.49 ID: BD9783844392234-1516901
- 中方挺特首要國際別介入. 發表於 2015 年02 月08 日 由 admin. 大陸外交部發言人華春瑩昨天就香港占中行動表示,. 牛樟芝固態培養. ,北京當局反對在香港發生的 ...
Russia’s Gazprom has cancelled a plan to build two more branches of the Nord Stream natural gas pipeline because of the “complicated” political situation, sources at the state-controlled firm said Jan 28. “The political situation is currently complicated. We were not allowed access to OPAL (gas pipeline in Germany). Why build two more arms? We are not building them,” one source told Reuters. Gazprom said last year it could increase the pipeline that runs under the Baltic Sea to Germany with a line that would go to Britain, but a second source confirmed Gazprom currently had no plans to extend the pipeline to Britain. Nord Stream consists of two pipes with an annual capacity of 55 billion cubic meters, enough to supply around 10 percent of the European Union’s annual gas needs. The construction of two more pipes would have doubled Nord Stream capacity. Currently Nord Stream is running at around half its capacity because Gazprom is allowed only limited access to the Opal pipeline which runs through Germany to the Czech Republic and connects to Nord Stream. The Russian company has so far failed to secure greater access, with talks complicated by tensions between the EU and Russia over the Ukraine crisis. In November, the EU pushed back a deadline for deciding on Russian access to Opal until the end of January. Last year, Russia also scrapped its South Stream pipeline project over disagreements with the EU. Instead, Gazprom said it planned to build a pipeline across the Black Sea towards Turkey, bypassing Ukraine as a transit route to Europe. Gazprom was not available for immediate comment.
Team Europe - Spirit of Europe Sailing Team in the Nord Stream Race 2014
Application of the Espoo Convention to the Nord Stream gaz pipeline project.
Gourmet chefs prove their skills on board of three racing Swan 60 yachts.
Presenter Thorsten Lehmann went on board Swan 60 "SGM" to get an exclusive insight into life on board during an offshore regatta. He even gets to try a freeze dried meal.
The route of Leg 1 in Nord Stream Race 2014 led from Saint Petersburg/Rusia to Helsinki/Finland (150nm).
After 65 hours and 35 minutes Team Russia / "Bronenosec" crossed the finish line in Warnemünde on 5th of June 2014 at 03:35am; followed by Team China / "Windward" and Team Europe / "Spirit of Europe". The participants experienced an exciting and thrilling 600 nm leg from Helsinki to Warnemünde.
Swan 60 "Bronenosec" / Team Russia crossed the finish line in Warnemünde first in the early morning hours of Thursday, 5th of June 2014. Second were Team Chi...
While the yachts are on their way to Warnemünde, the NSR Media Crew analyze the race situation together with event director Arne Hirsch. Furthermore there is...
3. June 2014.
2. June 2014 - Helsinki to Warnemünde - 600 nautical miles.
A video shot onboard the Swan 60 s/y SGM, one of the yacht competing in the Nord Stream Race in the Baltic. The video is from the inshore race that was part of the program during the brief pit stop in Helsinki. Special thanks to skipper and crew for having me onboard!
01.06.2014, Helsinki/Finland.
30 мая 2014 года в Санкт-Петербурге стартует Третий сезон Nord Stream Race. Сегодня, 29 мая в северной столице организаторы парусной гонки и яхтсмены встречались с журналистами в залах Центрального военно-морского музея. По окончании пресс-конференции все отправились на яхты, принимающие участие в гонках. Яхты отшвартованы у Английской набережной. Я беседую с членом команды российской яхты "Броненосец" (класс Gazprom Swan 60), Савенковым Павлом на борту яхты во время подготовки всех экипажей международной парусной регаты Nord Stream Race 2014 к гонке. Перед Вами - фрагмент беседы. Снимала на мобильный телефон и беседовала Наталия Кирилова.
It rapidly broke Spotify’s single-day global-streaming record with more than 9.6 million streams.
The Independent 2015-03-22Or stream music? ... It's a good idea to subscribe to a paid plan of a music streaming service and sync ...
The Times of India 2015-03-22During the live stream event "William Forsythe on Stage," Forsythe chatted amiably with artistic ...
The Examiner 2015-03-22Live-streaming of a function from the manufacturing facility of Alstom Transport at Sri City in ...
The Hindu 2015-03-22Longtime readers of Field & Stream will recall the fishing output Ken Schultz shared as an editor ...
Buffalo News 2015-03-22... in Rocky Mount had a steady stream of vehicles this weekend coming to the new eating spot in town.
Rocky Mount Telegram 2015-03-22Add comment. Please log in to comment ... Log in. Please enable JavaScript to view the ... Rochester Aquinas Valley Stream South vs.
Newsday 2015-03-22Students who have cleared or are awaiting the results of Class XII or intermediate or A level or ...
The Times of India 2015-03-22Chandy was delivering his inaugural address at the renovated Town Hall here on Saturday, which was ...
The Hindu 2015-03-22PTI ... The programme would also be live-streamed on the Prime Minister's official website.
DNA India 2015-03-22This 14 track mixtape is currently available to stream and download on the Coast 2 Coast Mixtapes website ... @johnjunius6 ... com.
Seattle Post 2015-03-22Author Rating: ... While it didn’t win any awards, its quick pick-up by the streaming company drove interest in the film.
Celebrity Café 2015-03-22Links for live online video of the must-see Liverpool vs ... A. Galaxy ... Manchester United match begins streaming at 8:30 ... [Image:
The Inquisitr 2015-03-22