Nord may refer to:
NORD may refer to:
Nord Stage 2 - Demo (Full version)
Nord at NAMM Show 2015 - Robi Botos, Joey DeFrancesco, Rachel Flowers
Nord Electro 5 - Official Demo
NORD - Morfina
Corée du Nord, la grande illusion
Classic Keyboard Hooks- Programming Sounds with the Nord Stage 2 (best watched in HD)
Korg Kronos Vs Nord Stage 2
Puissance Nord - Kodo Style [clip Officiel]
883 - Nord sud ovest est (videoclip)
Nord Stage 2 Demo
Elena Gheorghe & Adi Cristescu feat. Uddi - Polul Nord (Brrrrrr...) Official Video
Kraft Music - Nord Electro 4D Keyboard Demo with Chris Martirano
Corée du Nord: La liberté ou la mort - Reportage choc 2014
Dictature, paranoia, famine : Bienvenue en Corée du Nord ! - Enquête exclusive
After his wife is murdered and his son kidnapped, a gangster is forced to betray his best friend who is also a deadly killer, in this raucous, off-the-wall satire that is to action films what Scream (1996) is to horror movies.
Keywords: car-chase, comic-relief, fight, gun, satire, shoot, violence
In this town, two wrongs don't make you right - THEY MAKE YOU EVEN!
Bertha: What happened to the boys?::Savitch: They came down with something.::Bertha: The flu?::Savitch: No, more like rigor mortis.
[in subtitles]::Crucifix: Hi there.::Savitch: I'm still not talking to you.::Crucifix: Would you like a cookie?::Savitch: Damn you and your cookies... DAMN THEM ALL TO HELL!
Mona Dervish: His parents tried everything... some of the finest orthodontal specialists in Europe. Nothing worked... Just another symptom of life in this supersonic age.
After the 8th September 1943 north of Italy is occupied by Germans. Italian army collapsed and the soldiers are escaped to the mountains trying to set up a resistance. Many civilians did the same and Johnny, an English literature student, is among them. Johnny avoids to band together the red partisans (communists) and tries to be part of the azure bands (former regular soldiers). But in both cases he is deluded by the partisan bands and discovers that the partisan war is less poetic and genuine that he thought. At one point anyway the partisans free Alba from Germans. When the city falls again in German hands Johnny escape with Ettore and Pierre. But, one after another, German army and Italian fascists captures the partisans and Johnny will pass the winter alone and isolated. He then finds the way to participate to one of the last attack to occupants, in fact the war will be over two months later.
Keywords: 1940s, armistice, based-on-novel, civil-war, communist, fall-of-fascism, fascism, italian-alps, italian-civil-war, italian-fascism
When novelist Alessandro Battavia commits suicide, a taxi driver named Evangile and her brother Nord believe they are characters imagined in a novel, probably one written by God. Because they see their lives as "merde," they go in search of God to get their story rewritten. Along the way, believing everything is imaginary anyway, they shoot people, rob pharmacies, and tie up the residents of places they squat. They also gather a taxi full of eccentrics, including a priest, Battavia's suicidal widow, and a policewoman; various couples pair off. Soon life imitates art: the events and ellipses seem lifted from modern fiction as the group's quest for God continues. What's real?
Keywords: based-on-novel
Dieu existe... Helas, ils l'ont rencontre
The polar ice caps have melted, and the earth is covered by water. The remaining people travel the seas, in search of survival. Several different societies exist. The Mariner falls from his customary and solitary existence into having to care for a woman and a young girl while being pursued by the evil forces of the Deacon.
Keywords: bag, bare-butt, blockbuster, boat, boat-chase, boots, box-office-flop, cage, child-prostitution, cigarette-smoking
Beyond the horizon lies the secret to a new beginning.
Deacon: Don't just stand there, kill something!
Deacon: Well, I'll be damned. It's the gentleman guppy. You know, he's like a turd that won't flush.
Deacon: If I ever see him again, I'm going to cut open his head and eat his brain.
Deacon: Dry land is not just our destination, it is our destiny!
[speaking of dry land]::Mariner: Because I haven't seen it. And I've sailed further than most men have dreamed.
Deacon: Look, it's the gentleman guppy.
Deacon: He'll see what's left of you in a goddamn jar!
Enola: He doesn't have a name so Death can't find him!
Deacon: Wanna cigarette? You're never too young to start.
Mariner: What are the markings on her back?::Helen: Some say it's the way to dry land.::Mariner: Dry land is a myth.::Helen: No, you said it yourself, that you've seen it.::Mariner: You're a fool to believe in something you've never seen.::Helen: But the things on your boat...!::Mariner: The things on my boat, what?::Helen: There are things on your boat that no one has ever seen. These shells, the music box and the reflecting glass. Well, if not from dry land, then where? Where?::Mariner: You wanna see dry land? You really wanna see it? I'll take you there.
The executive of Zting Air is blackmailed. He has to pay 3,000,000 SEK or else his wife will be killed and a plane will explode mid-air.
Keywords: based-on-novel, blackmail, bomb, crayfish-party, explosion, murder, police, sequel
The little town Västerköping needs a new police man - but the only applicant is the small and tiny Fridolf. He gets the job but has to work with the big and strong police inspector Göransson. The town is visited by a crook who has specialized in stealing from local councils. Can this unusual pair stop him ?
Keywords: actor-shares-first-name-with-character, police, small-town
Nord Stage 2 - Demo (Full version)
Nord at NAMM Show 2015 - Robi Botos, Joey DeFrancesco, Rachel Flowers
Nord Electro 5 - Official Demo
NORD - Morfina
Corée du Nord, la grande illusion
Classic Keyboard Hooks- Programming Sounds with the Nord Stage 2 (best watched in HD)
Korg Kronos Vs Nord Stage 2
Puissance Nord - Kodo Style [clip Officiel]
883 - Nord sud ovest est (videoclip)
Nord Stage 2 Demo
Elena Gheorghe & Adi Cristescu feat. Uddi - Polul Nord (Brrrrrr...) Official Video
Kraft Music - Nord Electro 4D Keyboard Demo with Chris Martirano
Corée du Nord: La liberté ou la mort - Reportage choc 2014
Dictature, paranoia, famine : Bienvenue en Corée du Nord ! - Enquête exclusive
Nord bei Nordwest Käpt'n Hook Krimi, D 2014 HD
Nord Lead 4 Performance Synthesizer
Kraft Music - Nord Electro 5D Keyboard Demo with Chris Martirano
Nord Nord Mord: Clüver und die fremde Frau Krimi, D 2013 HD
Corée du Nord Vue de l'intérieur HD
Nord Lead A1 - Official demo
7 Choses interdites en Corée du Nord
Nord Electro 5 Electric Stage Piano - Andertons Exclusive Demo
Reportage en Corée du nord
Pu darsi a un ristorante si starà
com gli occhi intorno cerchi non si sa
fa niente, tanto un gioco che si fa
stando soli, stanchi e forestiere, ma
guardando fuori un paesaggio avrai
e laggiù montagne languide, vedrai
e sempre te ne invaghirai,
grande amore e ancora tu le vorrai
Nord, nord, nord
mille e una notte laggiù
luna nel viaggio
tra le aquile
Complesso questo aroma che hai il caffè,
opaco e scintillante ma ormai in te
tostata è tutta l'Africa e gli dei
si divertono e ridono in fondo,
in fondo agli occhi di lei
Ad angoli e a spigoli sarà
voluta e constuita ogni città
e quadrata ogni nuvola sarà
e il cielo cupo lansia degli abissi avr
e pi darsi a un ristorante si star
con gli occhi intorno cerchi non si sa
fa niente, questo un giocco che fan gli dei
e si divertono, e ridono in fondo,
Izginjajo barve izginja nebo,
Iz teme pristaja nekdo,
V srebrnih oblekah ob spremstvu lučI,
Prinašajo vest da te več ni.
Na listu papirja je njeno slovo,
Templ venus in notri adijo,
Kam je šel moj ponos,
Moj trud moj pogum,
Kaj je razlog da izgine stran od tu.
Vem jaz sem bil platina a hotela si kič,
Jaz sem bil angel a zate hudič,
Jaz sem bil kralj celotnega sveta,
A ti na Veneri si doma pa ne znam priti tja,
(Pa ne znam).
Ostaja njen vonj in v okvirju obris,
Raztrgane pesmi in zvok,
V prazni puščavi še čakam na njih,
Strah ostaja vem da jih več ne bo.
V pesek zdaj rišem besede za njo,
In upam v odsev na Venero,
Vse bi dal da bi izvedel zakaj in kako,
Vse bi dal da pokažem kaj lahko.
Vem jaz sem bil platina a hotela si kič,
Jaz sem bil angel a zate hudič,
Jaz sem bil kralj celotnega sveta,
A ti na Veneri si doma pa ne znam priti tja,
(Pa ne znam).
In spet je večer,
Spet je nad mano planet,
Izgubljam vso svojo moč,
Postajam slep,
Prisluhi prividi vse se podira,
Vse se krivi a ne smem,
Pa vem, da lahko,
In vem, da lahko...
Jaz sem bil platina a hotela si kič,
Jaz sem bil angel a zate hudič,
Jaz sem bil kralj vsega,
A ti na Veneri jaz kralj vsega,
A ti si na Veneri.
Saj bil sem e platina a hotela si ki,
Jaz sem bil angel a zate hudi,
Jaz sem bil kralj celotnega sveta,
A ti na Veneri si doma pa ne znam priti tja...