Java (Indonesian: Jawa) is an island of Indonesia. With a population of 135 million (excluding the 3.6 million on the island of Madura which is administered as part of the provinces of Java), Java is the world's most populous island, and one of the most densely-populated places on the globe. Java is the home of 60 percent of the Indonesian population. The Indonesian capital city, Jakarta, is located on western Java. Much of Indonesian history took place on Java. It was the center of powerful Hindu-Buddhist empires, the Islamic sultanates, and the core of the colonial Dutch East Indies. Java was also the center of the Indonesian struggle for independence during the 1930s and 40s. Java dominates Indonesia politically, economically and culturally.
Formed mostly as the result of volcanic eruptions, Java is the 13th largest island in the world and the fifth largest island in Indonesia. A chain of volcanic mountains forms an east-west spine along the island. It has three main languages, though Javanese is dominant, and it is the native language of about 60 million people in Indonesia, most of whom live on Java. Most of its residents are bilingual, with Indonesian as their first or second languages. While the majority of the people of Java are Muslim, Java has a diverse mixture of religious beliefs, ethnicities, and cultures.
Java Programming
Java Programming - Step by Step tutorial
Java для начинающих программистов. Часть 1
Como programar em Java para Iniciantes Aula 0001
15 Cosas increíbles hechas en Java
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Learn Java Simply Full (Part 1/3)
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Inside Java's Hidden Sex Festival
In an age long ago, the last village of clever, peace-loving Hobbits is attacked and enslaved by the Java Men, komodo-worshiping, dragon-riding cannibals. Now the young Hobbit Goben, along with his father and sister, must seek help from the "giants" (human hunters) to find the Javas' lair and rescue the last surviving Hobbits, Goben's mother among them. In their quest to destroy the Javas, the heroic partnership of humans and Hobbits will transform both species forever.
Keywords: 100th-century-b.c., dragon, dragon-rider, dragon-riding, dragonrider, dwarf, flying-dragon, giant-lizard, giant-spider, group-name-in-title
In an age long ago, the last village of clever, peace-loving Hobbits is attacked and enslaved by the Java Men, komodo-worshiping, dragon-riding cannibals. Now the young Hobbit Goben, along with his father and sister, must seek help from the "giants" (human hunters) to find the Javas' lair and rescue the last surviving Hobbits, Goben's mother among them. In their quest to destroy the Javas, the heroic partnership of humans and Hobbits will transform both species forever.
Keywords: 100th-century-b.c., dragon, dragon-rider, dragon-riding, dragonrider, dwarf, flying-dragon, giant-lizard, giant-spider, group-name-in-title
In an age long ago, the last village of clever, peace-loving Hobbits is attacked and enslaved by the Java Men, komodo-worshiping, dragon-riding cannibals. Now the young Hobbit Goben, along with his father and sister, must seek help from the "giants" (human hunters) to find the Javas' lair and rescue the last surviving Hobbits, Goben's mother among them. In their quest to destroy the Javas, the heroic partnership of humans and Hobbits will transform both species forever.
Keywords: 100th-century-b.c., dragon, dragon-rider, dragon-riding, dragonrider, dwarf, flying-dragon, giant-lizard, giant-spider, group-name-in-title
This year May the 1st comes on Friday the 13th.
The movie that will close the theaters... forever!
400 million dollars are hidden in a boat in some harbor in South America, hidden by Dani Servigo's brother. When his brother gets killed, Dani is a wanted man - by undercover DEA agent Cole Parker and also by Armor O'Malley, who is working for drug boss Loomis. Together, Servigo and Parker search for the boat.
Keywords: air-strike, ak-47, arms-dealer, bare-breasts, battle, black-comedy, boat, buried-alive, chase, cleavage
[Loomis orders his men to bury his newlywed wife alive]::Loomis: You don't think I'm overreacting, do you?::Armor O'Malley: What did she do?::Loomis: Nothing. Commitment frightens me.
Dani Servigo: You shot me! I can't believe you shot me in the leg! That's very dangerous!
Armor O'Malley: [yelling down to Dani, who is hanging upside down on a rope from the helicopter] How the hell are ya? Hey! You know what I like to do in the morning? I like to dunk my donuts into my coffee! How 'bout you?
Cole Parker: Put the gun down before I take it from you.::Dani Servigo: Put the gun down? Put the gun down? I'm gonna put the gun down your fuckin' throat!
Armor O'Malley: [to a little girl after he just killed her parents] Trust me, sweetheart, you're much better off.
Dani Servigo: How'd you find me here?::Cole Parker: You just got out of the joint, and now you're thinking with your joint.
Armor O'Malley: [to Dani] So, you jump out of helicopters, huh? What are you, made out of? Fuckin' rubber?
Armor O'Malley: [after finding the yacht's time bomb too late, to the camera] Fuck me. [BEEP! BOOM!]
Dani Servigo: [after the hooker reaches a very loud orgasm] Wow.::Orgasmic Hooker: [She slaps him hard across the face] More!::Dani Servigo: More? What do you mean, "more"? I don't have more!
Java Programming
Java Programming - Step by Step tutorial
Java для начинающих программистов. Часть 1
Como programar em Java para Iniciantes Aula 0001
15 Cosas increíbles hechas en Java
Programar em Java - Olá Mundo | Netbeans - Aula 2
[Curso] Aprende Java facil en NetBeans 7.3 Desde Cero - Parte #1 [Primer Programa]
Learn Java Simply Full (Part 1/3)
Java clip officiel "J'me marre"
[Curso Java Básico] Aula 01: Introdução e Dicas para quem está Começando
Программирование на Java для начинающих: #1 (JDK и Hello World!)
Tutorial Java - 1. Introducción y Primer Programa "Hola Mundo"
Java Forever And Ever Movie (JAVA vs Windows .Net)
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From the east to west,
Seek Jah, Rasfari, righteousness.
For Jah is liberty, Selah.
(.. Java!)
(.. Java!)
(.. Java!)
Long time, I and I,
Suffer in the worst, you know.
A no need is, Babylonians to sustain,
But I and I have no fear,
For Jah, is always near, Selah.
(.. Java!)
(.. Java!)
(.. Java!)
(.. Java!)
(.. Java!)
(.. Java!)
(.. Java!)
(.. Java!)
Seek Jah first, and all things,
Shall be added unto the I, you know.
(.. Java!)
(.. Java!)
(.. Java!)
(.. Java!)