Networking 101: What is an ASIC?
Networking 101: What is an ASIC?
Networking 101: What is an ASIC?
Attend a workshop to learn more: http://bit.ly/Me3RCv. Is a custom application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) really a big deal in networking devices? Ji...
What is ASIC Quality and how does it affect overclocking?
What is ASIC Quality and how does it affect overclocking?
What is ASIC Quality and how does it affect overclocking?
Check out AlphaCool at www.alphacool.com
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Getting started BitCoin mining using ASIC mining hardware
Getting started BitCoin mining using ASIC mining hardware
Getting started BitCoin mining using ASIC mining hardware
I recently got into crypto currency after FinalHash contacted me and offered to teach me anything I wanted to know and provide me with some ASIC miners to get comfortable with. Now I'm sharing my experience with you!
Steps to get started...
1) Create account on Coinbase @ http://bit.ly/BarnCoinBase
2) Create account on BitcoinAffiliateNetwork @ http://bit.ly/BitAffNet
3) Add your Coinbase wallet address to BitcoinAffiliateNetwork account
4) Create workers for your ASIC hardware on BitCoinAffiliateNetwork
5) Configure your ASIC miner through web interface to point at BitcoinAffiliateNetwork pool (see help page) and worker you created.
6) Sit
USB ASIC miner unboxing and testing
USB ASIC miner unboxing and testing
USB ASIC miner unboxing and testing
I joined Maker Studios & so can you! Click here to see if your channel qualifies for RPM Network/Maker Studios: http://awe.sm/fEOSF Here is my unboxing and r...
What is the Difference Between an FPGA and an ASIC
What is the Difference Between an FPGA and an ASIC
What is the Difference Between an FPGA and an ASIC
The FPGA Design for ASIC Users course will help you to create fast and efficient FPGA designs by leveraging your ASIC design experience. This course will hel...
What is GPU ASIC Quality & How to Read it
What is GPU ASIC Quality & How to Read it
What is GPU ASIC Quality & How to Read it
Learn about ASIC quality, what it means and how it applies to the performance and overclocking factors of your GPU.
So how will ASIC Quality affect you? If you have a low ASIC Score, don’t fear! This simply means that your card will draw increased power which correlates to higher temperatures. If you bought a graphics card and you’re looking to overclock be aware that higher clock speeds leads to increased power consumption which leads to higher temperatures. In which case, air cooling may not always suffice.
So what’s a good ASIC Score? In the simplest terms, on air cooling anything above 70%. On water cooling anything above 60%. If you p
What is ASIC?
What is ASIC?
What is ASIC?
ASIC Technology Presentation.
FPGA vs ASIC Design Flow - (Ch 1)
FPGA vs ASIC Design Flow - (Ch 1)
FPGA vs ASIC Design Flow - (Ch 1)
How to create fast and efficient FPGA designs by leveraging your ASIC design experience. (For more info visit: http://www.xilinx.com/training ) This course w...
Bi•Fury - Fastest USB ASIC Bitcoin Miner in the world!
Bi•Fury - Fastest USB ASIC Bitcoin Miner in the world!
Bi•Fury - Fastest USB ASIC Bitcoin Miner in the world!
Unit testing facility.
Tested miners available IN STOCK on: www.cryptostore.io
Криптовалюта. Заработок на ASIC usb miner. Распаковка
Криптовалюта. Заработок на ASIC usb miner. Распаковка
Криптовалюта. Заработок на ASIC usb miner. Распаковка
Выгодный способ майнинга на COINTELLECT. Стоимость 2300 рублей. Получил посылку из Китая с usb ASIC miner gridseed gc3355.
Сейчас в интернете распронанен вид заработка - майнинг криптовалюты. Представленный "аппарат" как раз и предназначен для майнинга по двум видам шифрования: SHA-256 (для майнига биткоин), Scrypt (для майнинга лайткоин и производных от него). Данный экземпляр асика работает на частотах :до 500 KH/s по шифрованию Scrypt и до 8 GH/s по шифрованию SHA-256. Потребляемая мощность : 7 w.
Ссылка на продовца: http://www.aliexpress.com/snapshot/6484409297.html?orderId=65696863380941
Здравствуйте друзья, с вами Георий Хронов.
Вы смотрите мой канал, тут я вам показываю, как можно заработать в интернете без вложений, заработать хорошие деньги.
Мне пришла посылка из Китая с ASIC GC-3355 или в простонародье ёж и тут я показываю, как его настроить, как он выглядит.
(подробное видео о настройке и установке только подписчикам сайта)
COINTELLECT позволит вам зарабатывать без вложений, но нашелся способ заработка с вложением всего 2300 рублей ( 32 евро), за эти деньги вы покупаете ASIC GC-3355, который вам добывает в сутки в среднем 1.5 евро, (в месяц 45 евро) То есть меньше чем за месяц этот ASIC у вас окупается, ест в 1 час
1TH Dragon Bitcoin Miner (ASIC) - Basic Overview, Configuration & Performance Video
1TH Dragon Bitcoin Miner (ASIC) - Basic Overview, Configuration & Performance Video
1TH Dragon Bitcoin Miner (ASIC) - Basic Overview, Configuration & Performance Video
Unboxing, Config & Performance Video: 1TH Dragon Miner from IKETC Output: 1.08 TH/s @ 1130 watts.
How to Bitcoin: ASIC Block Erupter
How to Bitcoin: ASIC Block Erupter
How to Bitcoin: ASIC Block Erupter
Let me show you the ropes for setting up a ASIC Block Erupter cube.
Как купить Asic Antminer S2 S3 S4 S5 для майнинга Bitcoin
Как купить Asic Antminer S2 S3 S4 S5 для майнинга Bitcoin
Как купить Asic Antminer S2 S3 S4 S5 для майнинга Bitcoin
Как купить Asic Antminer S2 S3 S4 S5 для майнинга Bitcoin? В этом видео я расскажу, как купить асик и начать заниматься профессиональным майнингом биткойнов.
Ссылочка на сервис: https://www.hashnest.com/
HashNest - это китайский сервис по предоставлению облаков и продаже мощности GH/s и производству асиков фирмы Antminer.
Облачный майнинг биткойнов в этом сервисе отличается своей надежностью и стабильностью своих вложений, т.к. это и профессиональный пул и ведущий производитель оборудования для майнинга Bitcoin-ов.
Облачный Майнинг или Asic Miner - Что Лучше Выбрать?
Облачный Майнинг или Asic Miner - Что Лучше Выбрать?
Облачный Майнинг или Asic Miner - Что Лучше Выбрать?
Ссылка На EXMO: http://goo.gl/39Qle9
Меняем Bitcoin\Dogecoin На Реальные Деньги и Выводим На Любой Кошелек!
Cloud Mining or Asic Miner - What's best?
Облачный Майнинг или Asic Miner - Что Лучше Выбрать?
Ссылка На Мой Канал: - Best Vzlom -
Ссылка На Мой Канал: - Best Mining -
Группа ВК: https://vk.com/club75521164
BBT Episode 16: GPU vs ASIC Analysis
BBT Episode 16: GPU vs ASIC Analysis
BBT Episode 16: GPU vs ASIC Analysis
Anticipated GPU vs ASIC episode where the BBT team exposes our analysis of three months using a scrypt ASIC device pitted against two other GPU rigs and perform a deep dive on pricing, cost and overall ROI. Some may sound like im repeating, but for good measure, never has there been a better time to buy a GPU for mining!
Credits mentioned at end of video but for due diligence the quick reference links:
Bitcoin References
Dogecoin References (table data of splits)
Chart data
The Non Dutch Bitcoin Mining Operation - Super big Asic mining rig!
The Non Dutch Bitcoin Mining Operation - Super big Asic mining rig!
The Non Dutch Bitcoin Mining Operation - Super big Asic mining rig!
Get your Cloud mining contract today at: https://cex.io/r/0/ZetaOS/0/ (Only 4 dollar one gh/s) The Dutch/European webshop: https://www.usbminers.nl/Gridseed-...
Gridseed Mini ASIC Miner Review
Gridseed Mini ASIC Miner Review
Gridseed Mini ASIC Miner Review
How would you mine your cryptocurrency 20 times more efficiently? Read our full review of the Gridseed Mini ASIC Miner: https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/gridseed-mini-asic-miner-review-and-giveaway/
KnCMiner Jupiter - Bitcoin Miner 500GH/s+ 28nm ASIC chips - unboxing and setup 1080p
KnCMiner Jupiter - Bitcoin Miner 500GH/s+ 28nm ASIC chips - unboxing and setup 1080p
KnCMiner Jupiter - Bitcoin Miner 500GH/s+ 28nm ASIC chips - unboxing and setup 1080p
If you are interested in cloud mining, please help by clicking this link: http://bit.ly/Iyf6bM - It's an interesting and very easy alternative to hardware-ba...
How to setup multiple Gridseed Infinity ASIC Scrypt Miners using bfgminer
How to setup multiple Gridseed Infinity ASIC Scrypt Miners using bfgminer
How to setup multiple Gridseed Infinity ASIC Scrypt Miners using bfgminer
This video will show you how to setup many Gridseed miners at the same time using bfgminer. Bfgminer has an auto detect feature.
Bfgminer Software Download Link:
ASIC AntMiner U1 USB Bitcoin Miner Beginner Friendly Setup Guide For Windows
ASIC AntMiner U1 USB Bitcoin Miner Beginner Friendly Setup Guide For Windows
ASIC AntMiner U1 USB Bitcoin Miner Beginner Friendly Setup Guide For Windows
Download Links:
Like and subscribe for more!
Purchase In UK: http://goo.gl/U90xLs
Purchase in USA: http://goo.gl/pOAE04
This is a new product based on the BM1380 ASIC chip. As with other USB ASIC Bitcoin miners these have a very low power draw and run off a single usb port.
Rated hashrate: 1.6 GH/s (can be overclocked to around 2.2 Gigahash)
Electricity consumption as low as: 1.2 watts
heatsink will lower the chip up degrees celsius
Powered by the USB port without
What is the Difference Between an FPGA and an ASIC - (Part 1, Ch 1)
What is the Difference Between an FPGA and an ASIC - (Part 1, Ch 1)
What is the Difference Between an FPGA and an ASIC - (Part 1, Ch 1)
How to create fast and efficient FPGA designs by leveraging your ASIC design experience. (For more info visit: http://www.xilinx.com/training ) This course w...
VLSI ASIC Design Flow
VLSI ASIC Design Flow
VLSI ASIC Design Flow
This video lecture explains the different stages of VLSI ASIC Design.