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London Police implicated in 1979 death of NZ anti-racism activist Blair Peach

From TV3 NZ:

Secret British report into Kiwi death to be released

British police are to finally publish a report this week into the death of New Zealand teacher and anti-racism activist Blair Peach at a demonstration in west London in 1979, which is expected implicate former officers.

The Press Association reported prosecutors have completed a review of the document and passed their findings back to the Metropolitan Police.

Relatives of Mr Peach have been campaigning to obtain a secret internal review of the killing for many years.

Some 2000 pages of documents are expected to be released, including the previously secret police report drawn up months after Mr Peach’s death which concluded that the blow which killed him was likely to have been struck by a police officer on duty, the Sunday Telegraph reported.

News brief · 29 April 2010

Hanson’s Muslim house buyer ban illegal

No, Pauline, you can’t stop a Muslim from buying your house.

From the SMH:

Pauline Hanson’s Muslim ban ‘illegal’
April 28, 2010

Former One Nation leader Pauline Hanson would be breaking the law if she refused to sell her home to a Muslim buyer on religious grounds, the Queensland Anti-Discrimination Commission says.

Ms Hanson, who is selling her home in Coleyville, south-west of Brisbane, before she moves to Britain, told Seven’s Sunrise program she would not accept any offers from Islamic buyers.

“Because I don’t believe that they are compatible with our way of life, our culture,” she said.
It’s not for everyone … Pauline Hanson says her home in Queensland’s Coleyville, above, won’t be offered to Muslim buyers.

It’s not for everyone … Pauline Hanson says her home in Queensland’s Coleyville, above, won’t be offered to Muslim buyers. Photo: Getty Images

“And I think we are going to have problems with them in this country further down the track, so I have no intention of selling my home to a Muslim.”

Acting Queensland Anti-Discrimination Commissioner Neroli Holmes said Ms Hanson’s intention to ban Muslim buyers put her at risk of breaching the state’s discrimination laws.

“The act clearly states a person must not discriminate against another person by failing to sell them land or by placing terms on which it is offered for sale,” she said in a statement.

News brief · 29 April 2010

Pauline Hanson’s house for sale, please bring proof of religion

This woman hasn’t learnt a thing in 14 years.

From the SMH:

Muslims unwelcome as Hanson’s home buyers
April 28, 2010

FORMER One Nation leader Pauline Hanson’s Queensland home remains on the market, but not for everyone.

Muslim buyers, for example, aren’t welcome.

Ms Hanson, who has put up for sale her million-dollar property in Coleyville, south-west of Brisbane, announced she was moving to Britain earlier this year.

Her hardline views on race sparked a national debate over immigration policy and Aboriginal disadvantage from the time she entered Parliament in 1996, the same election that made John Howard prime minister.

While taking the Seven Network’s Sunrise program on a recent tour of her home, she said she would not allow certain members of the Australian community to buy the property.

News brief · 28 April 2010

Ryder murder was racially motivated

From the ABC:

Five jailed for racist Alice Springs killing

By Jano Gibson

Kwementyaye Ryder died in the dry Todd River
bed in Alice Springs.  (Reproduced with
permission of Ryder family: NT Police, via ABC)

Five men who fatally attacked a man in Alice Springs last year did so in part because he was an Aboriginal person, the Northern Territory Supreme Court has found.

Anton Kloeden, Timothy Hird, Joshua Spears, Glen Swain and Scott Doody were today sentenced to jail terms of between four and six years after pleading guilty to the manslaughter of Kwementyaye Ryder.

The men, all in their 20s, received non-parole periods of between 12 months and four years.

In his judgement, Justice Brian Martin said the case had caused deep divisions in the Alice Springs community because of the belief that it was racially motivated.

News brief · 23 April 2010

Gold Coasters unimpressed by secret Nazifest

From the ABC:

Neo-Nazi festival outrages Gold Coast locals

By Charlotte Glennie

Residents on the Gold Coast are furious after a group of neo-Nazi white supremacists were allowed to hold a gathering on the Queensland tourist strip over the weekend.

Gold Coast Mayor Ron Clarke condemned the gathering, organised by a group calling themselves the Southern Cross Hammerskins, but said he was powerless to stop it.

The skinheads organised the gathering alongside the international hate groups Blood and Honour and Crew 38 but very little else was known about it.

Anyone who was interested in going was merely told to email an organiser named Tattooed Aryan.

That person would then arrange to pick them up and take them to a secret location.

Gold Coast police monitored the weekend event and say it passed without incident but they wouldn’t be interviewed about it and they would not say exactly where it took place.

They also would not comment on how many people turned up.

Councillor Clarke says while he was absolutely opposed to it happening, there was nothing he could do to stop it because it was held on private property.

“You can’t account for people’s political leanings, tastes, or stupidity, can you?” he said.

The gathering started about 7:00pm on Friday when a group of about 30 skinheads turned up at a suburban restaurant in Ashmore on the Gold Coast.

Some of the heavily tattooed and shaven-headed men displayed swastikas. Others were wearing t-shirts with the slogan “Blood and Honour”.

Blood and Honour is a global skinhead network which was banned in Germany in 2000 for spreading Nazi messages.

Sociologist Alec Pemberton from the University of Sydney says Australians should be worried about the group’s activities here.

“These are white supremacists and they’ve actually been engaged in other countries in real acts of terror,” he said.

“[Oklahoma bomber] Timothy McVeigh and people like that, they’re along those lines.

News brief · 21 April 2010

Julian Burnside: Abbott has missed the boat on migration

John Howard and Peter Costello used to frequently blow the racism dog-whistle regarding ‘Muslims who refuse to integrate.’

In the misguided hope it’ll draw votes, the Liberal Party under Abbott are back to milk fallacies about asylum seekers.

Julian Burnside explains:

From The Age:

Abbott ignorant on boat arrivals
April 9, 2010

Tabloid readers might not realise the numbers are tiny, but the Liberal leader should.

On Monday night’s Q&A, Tony Abbott got his chance to market test some recycled refugee policies, but in the process showed himself to be profoundly ignorant about the subject. Sadly, his ignorance is reflected in some sections of the media, and provides a perfect excuse for bigotry to masquerade as logic.

Stripped to its essentials, Abbott’s position comes to this: floods of asylum seekers are coming here by boat; they pass through other countries to get here; they can and should stay in those other countries but they come here because, after all, Australia is such a great country who wouldn’t want to come here?

When he was asked how Jesus Christ would respond to boat arrivals, he sidestepped the sting in the question, saying that Australia cannot be a ”lifeboat to the world”.

The rate of people arriving here by boat has always been tiny. The largest number to arrive in any 12-month period over the past three decades is 4100. Compare that with about 200,000 new permanent migrants every year. Boat arrivals so far this year amount to less than three days’ worth of ordinary migration.

To suggest that Australia is anywhere near being a lifeboat to the world is ludicrous.

News brief · 10 April 2010

Nazifest on the Gold Coast


Coast’s ‘white pride’ music festival probe

Ben Dillaway | April 5th, 2010

POLICE are investigating a white pride festival planned for the Gold Coast this month, however they may be powerless to prevent it.

White supremacists from around the world are expected converge on the Coast for the Hammered music festival.

The Queensland chapter of the Southern Cross Hammer Skinheads is publicising the festival which is ‘proudly presented’ by Crew 38 and Blood and Honour, a race-hate group banned in Germany for spreading Nazi messages.

“Hell yeah, this is going to be one hell of a week! Sun, Surf and Racialist Music,” wrote tattooed-aryan on the SCHS website, but the venue for the festival was not named.

News brief · 6 April 2010