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‘I totally respect the press’
‘I totally respect the press’
Over the holiday weekend, the presidential campaign of Hillary Rodham Clinton made headlines...
On the Cuban side, talks are all take and no give
On the Cuban side, talks are all take and no give
President Obama’s Cuba initiative represents, as Dr. Johnson said of second marriage, the triumph of...
Greece is the latest battleground in the financial elite’s war on democracy
Greece is the latest battleground in the financial elite’s war on democracy
Greece may be financially bankrupt, but the troika is politically bankrupt. Those who persecute this nation wield illegitimate, undemocratic powers, powers of the kind now afflicting us all. Consider the International Monetary Fund. The distribution of power here was perfectly stitched up: IMF decisions require an 85% majority, and the US holds 17% of the votes. ...
Post-Senescent Stage of Advanced Capitalism; EU and Greece
Post-Senescent Stage of Advanced Capitalism; EU and Greece
Why mince words, EU-sponsored austerity, Greece its present victim, carries forward the...
No ‘Crisis in Islam’: Just Apathy of So-called ‘Historians’
No ‘Crisis in Islam’: Just Apathy of So-called ‘Historians’
On the “” program, historian Tom Holland labored to counter the argument that the so-called Islamic...
Greek Eurozone Exit Unlikely to Impact TTIP, Global Economy
Greek Eurozone Exit Unlikely to Impact TTIP, Global Economy
Greece's exit from the Eurozone should not affect the future of the Transatlantic Trade and...
The Case of Jonathan Mitchell and the Killer Cops of Albuquerque
The Case of Jonathan Mitchell and the Killer Cops of Albuquerque
Police violence is ravaging the country. Here in Albuquerque police violence is perhaps too well...