Upside Down World
Saturday, 04 July 2015
Brazil: Journalist Evany José Metzker Murdered While Investigating Drugs and Child Exploitation in Minas Gerais
Written by Flávia Tavares for Época; Translated by Holly Holmes   
Wednesday, 01 July 2015 18:59

evany jos metzkers scene of the crime

The life and death of the journalist Evany José Metzker, tortured and decapitated while investigating drug dealers and child trafficking and labor exploitation in the Jequitinhonha Valley, the poorest region of the Minas Gerais state.


Evo Morales Greenlights TIPNIS Road, Oil and Gas Extraction in Bolivia’s National Parks
Written by Emily Achtenberg   
Monday, 29 June 2015 08:33

On May 20, Bolivian President Evo Morales issued Supreme Decree 2366, opening up Bolivia’s national parks—which are protected under the Constitution as ecological reserves—to oil and gas extraction. Just two weeks later, Morales proclaimed that his on-again, off-again plan to build a highway through the TIPNIS national park and indigenous territory in the Bolivian Amazon will finally be realized.

Roger Burbach, Presente!
Written by Michael Fox   
Thursday, 18 June 2015 11:53

Roger Burbach passed away in Berkeley, California, on March 5 at the age of 70. The Latin Americanist academic, author and activist would have turned 71 on June 18.

Brazil: Demarcation of Indigenous Lands Stalls and Violence Worsens
Written by Santiago Navarro   
Monday, 15 June 2015 11:17

In reality, land distribution in this country seems to be only for the agro-industrial and real-estate sectors. According to the National Institute on Agrarian Reform (INCRA), in 2007 and 2008 the concentration of land owned by foreign capital, most of it from the United States and Europe, increased by 12 kilometers a day.

Peru's Tia Maria Mining Conflict: Another Mega Imposition
Written by Lynda Sullivan   
Wednesday, 10 June 2015 21:16

(AP Photo/Martin Mejia)

The Tia Maria project, an open-pit mine proposed by Southern Copper Corporation, threatens to poison land farmed by rural communities in the interior of Peru. Currently, the government has lent Southern the force of the national army, the bureaucracy of the courts, and the loudspeaker of corporate media to fight the opposition of local farmers and elected officials. To date, the conflict has claimed eight lives.

An Ecovillage Survives as a Haven for Deep Ecology in Mexico’s Central Mountains
Written by Christy Rodgers   
Friday, 05 June 2015 13:23

About an hour south of Mexico City, nestled in an extraordinary range of mountains called the Sierra del Tepozteco, whose fantastical rock formations studded with forest resemble those in ancient Chinese painted scrolls, an experiment in alternative living has been unfolding for more than 30 years now.

Indigenous Voices Ignored in Financing Panamanian Dam Project
Written by Kwame Buist   
Tuesday, 02 June 2015 10:49

“We did not give our consent to this project before it was approved, and it does not have our consent today,” said Manolo Miranda, a representative of the M-10.  “We demand that the government, GENISA and the banks respect our rights and stop this project.”

"We Live In The Forest:" Indigenous Ka'apor Community Fights Loggers in Brazil
Written by Ruy Sposati; Translated by Holly Holmes   
Thursday, 28 May 2015 12:46

Members of the indigenous Ka'apor community in Brazil's northeastern state of Maranhão are risking their lives to expel loggers from their land in the Amazon forest. Amidst the conflict, an indigenous leader was assassinated.

Fracking Expands Under the Radar on Mexican Lands
Written by Emilio Godoy   
Monday, 29 June 2015 08:40

“People don’t know what ‘fracking’ is and there is little concern about the issue because it’s not visible yet,” said Gabino Vicente, a delegate of one of the municipalities in southern Mexico where exploration for unconventional gas is forging ahead.

Mexico’s Grassroots Caravans for Water, Land, Work and Life
Written by Victor M. Quintana   
Tuesday, 23 June 2015 12:55

The three contingents of the Caravan in Defense of Water, of the Land, and of Work and Life converged in Mexico City on May 22. The Yaqui tribe led the caravans, heading out May 11, to traverse the entire country from three routes: northwest, northeast and the south. When they arrived at their destination, their numbers had swelled with hundreds of grassroots activists from many different causes, organizations and locations.

Cycles of Oppression, Cycles of Liberation: The Nasa People of Colombia Are Dispossessed Once Again
Written by Natalia Fajardo   
Monday, 15 June 2015 11:34

An intense struggle for dignity and the right to land is being waged right now in the green mountains of south western Colombia, and chances are, you haven´t heard of it.

“Our Struggle Has No Borders:” Ayotzinapa's Caravana 43 Circulates Through South America
Written by Armando Carmona   
Thursday, 11 June 2015 10:54

The Caravana 43 has emerged as a strategy to circulate struggle, disrupt misinformation, and create a context for a deeper discussion on how state violence and repression has become systematic in Mexico and in other parts of the world. The Caravana 43 has travelled throughout the United States, Canada, several countries in Europe and most recently has crossed through Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil.

Ni Una Menos: The Cry Against ‘Femicides’ Finally Heard in Argentina
Written by Fabiana Frayssinet   
Monday, 08 June 2015 12:38

In the wake of the massive response to their call to protest violence against women in Argentina, the organizers of last week’s demonstrations are starting to plan the steps to be taken to get results for their demand “Ni Una Menos” (not one less), taking advantage of the strength in numbers shown to obtain political support for public policies aimed at protecting women.

Sexual Violence as a War Crime in Guatemala: Mayan Women Struggle for Justice
Written by Kelsey Alford-Jones   
Wednesday, 03 June 2015 09:53

Interview with Gabriela Rivera, Lawyer with Mujeres Transformando el Mundo (MTM, or Women Transforming the World) in Guatemala, on the Sepur Zarco sexual violence and sexual slavery case.

A Gathering in New York: Ayotzinapa, El Barrio and San Sebastián Bachajón
Written by Jessica Davies   
Tuesday, 02 June 2015 10:08

Toward the end of the visit of Caravan 43 to the United States, a remarkable gathering of dignified struggles took place in New York. Representatives of the relatives of the 43 disappeared students of Ayotzinapa met in an exchange with Mexican migrants from Movement for Justice in El Barrio, and, through video messages, also with the indigenous Tseltal ejidatarios of San Sebastián Bachajón in Chiapas.

Mexico: Ayotzinapa Caravan Forges European Alliances
Written by Richard Arghiris   
Wednesday, 27 May 2015 11:08

“We are here to say that the struggle around the 43 students is a live struggle, it is alive today, and it’s not something that’s staying in the past and that they’re dead. This is a live struggle.” - Román Hernandez, a human rights defender from the Tlachinollan Human Rights Center in Guerrero, Mexico.

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"If the world is upside down the way it is now, wouldn't we have to turn it over to get it to stand up straight?" -Eduardo Galeano

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