The Indonesian archipelago has been an important trade region since at least the 7th century, when Srivijaya and then later Majapahit traded with China and India. Local rulers gradually absorbed foreign cultural, religious and political models from the early centuries CE, and Hindu and Buddhist kingdoms flourished. Indonesian history has been influenced by foreign powers drawn to its natural resources. Muslim traders brought Islam, and European powers brought Christianity and fought one another to monopolize trade in the Spice Islands of Maluku during the Age of Discovery. Following three and a half centuries of Dutch colonialism, Indonesia secured its independence after World War II. Indonesia's history has since been turbulent, with challenges posed by natural disasters, corruption, separatism, a democratization process, and periods of rapid economic change.
Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati was proposed as a candidate to take over the Bank Indonesia governorship earlier in 2009. However, the suggestion did not proceed and later she left the cabinet on 5 May 2010 and moved to the World Bank Group as Managing Director. [1][2]
Bank Indonesia was founded on 1 July 1953 from the nationalization of De Javasche Bank, a Dutch bank dating from colonial times.
For the next 15 years, the Bank of Indonesia carried on commercial activities as well as acting as the nation’s bank.
This came to an end with the Law No.13/1968 on the Central Bank, which was subsequently replaced by Law No.23/1999, freeing the bank from government interference.
Bank Indonesia merupakan bank sentral yang tugasnya mengelola perekonomian Indonesia melalui pengendalian inflasi dan menjaga stabilitas nilai tukar rupiah.
Dengan inflasi yang rendah dan nilai tukar yang stabil maka pembangunan ekonomi dapat dilakukan secara berkesinambungan.
Bank Indonesia mengajak Putra Putri terbaik Indonesia untuk berkontribusi sebagai upaya besar dan mulia dalam mengantarkan perekonomian menuju kemakmuran bangsa.
Bangga menjadi bagian dalam mengawal perekonomian Indonesia dan membawa negeri dan bangsa ini kearah yang lebih baik.
Ayo! Bergabung bersama kami menjadi keluarga Bank Indonesia
Pantau informasi mengenai l
Beginilah Proses Pembuatan Uang Logam Bank Indonesia
Beginilah Proses Pembuatan Uang Logam Bank Indonesia
Beginilah Proses Pembuatan Uang Logam Bank Indonesia
Beginilah Proses Pembuatan Uang Logam Bank Indonesia
Uang logam yang kita miliki saat ini mengalami proses pembuatan yang sangat panjang, sebelum akhirnya bisa digunakan dalam transaksi sehari-hari. Sejumlah ahli desain uang yang mayoritas adalah lulusan seni rupa bertugas membuat uang logam tersebut.
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Mengenal Kebijakan Moneter Bank Indonesia
Mengenal Kebijakan Moneter Bank Indonesia
Mengenal Kebijakan Moneter Bank Indonesia
Video grafis ini memberikan penjelasan mengenai kebijakan moneter yang dilakukan BI dalam menjaga stabilitas harga. BI berusaha menjaga tingkat inflasi berada dalam target yang ditetapkan oleh Pemerintah setelah berkordinasi dengan BI. Untuk mencapai target inflasi tersebut, BI memiliki beberapa instrumen kebijakan moneter, yang paling penting dan sering digunakan adalah BI Rate.
BI Rate diumumkan setiap bulannya oleh Dewan Gubernur Bank Indonesia melalui Rapat Dewan Gubernur. Cara BI Rate mempengaruhi inflasi adalah melalui transmisi kebijakan moneter baik melalui jalur suku bunga, jalur kredit, jalur nilai tukar, jalur harga aset, maupun
EXPERD Rekrutmen PCPM Bank Indonesia 2013
EXPERD Rekrutmen PCPM Bank Indonesia 2013
EXPERD Rekrutmen PCPM Bank Indonesia 2013
Seleksi dan Rekrutmen Peserta Program Pendidikan Calon Pegawai Muda Bank Indonesia 2013 bekerja sama dengan Experd Consultant.
PCPM 31 - Mencicipi Bank Indonesia
PCPM 31 - Mencicipi Bank Indonesia
PCPM 31 - Mencicipi Bank Indonesia
Our 1st video from many events to come.
Tugas Pokok Bank Indonesia
Tugas Pokok Bank Indonesia
Tugas Pokok Bank Indonesia
Animasi ini dibuat untuk mengikuti lomba yang diadakan oleh PNB dan Bank Indonesia. Enjoy guys!
[LUAR BIASA! MENGESANKAN!] Pidato Jokowi di Pertemuan Tahunan Bank Indonesia 2014
[LUAR BIASA! MENGESANKAN!] Pidato Jokowi di Pertemuan Tahunan Bank Indonesia 2014
[LUAR BIASA! MENGESANKAN!] Pidato Jokowi di Pertemuan Tahunan Bank Indonesia 2014
Pertemuan Tahunan Bank Indonesia 2014
Presiden Jokowi ungkap tiga kunci kesuksesan Tiongkok
Jokowi Memperoleh Tiga Tips Pembangunan dari Presiden China
Cerita Jokowi Minta Kunci Sukses Tiongkok Jadi Raksasa Ekonomi
20-11-2014 Pertemuan Tahunan Bank Indonesia 2014
Kamis, 20 November 2014 Bank Indonesia menggelar Pertemuan Tahunan Bank Indonesia 2014 di Jakarta. Dalam gelaran tahunan tersebut, Gubernur Bank Indonesia Agus D.W. Martowardojo menyampaikan sambutannya yang bertema “Mengawal Stabilitas, Bersinergi Mempercepat Reformasi Struktural”. Tradisi tahunan yang telah digelar sejak tahun 1969 menjadi lebih strategis mengingat dalam perh
JK: Sri Mulyani Ditipu Bank Indonesia
JK: Sri Mulyani Ditipu Bank Indonesia
JK: Sri Mulyani Ditipu Bank Indonesia
Rapat Timwas Bank Century dengan Jusuf Kalla - 19 September 2012 Transkrip Pernyataan Jusuf Kalla: Baik terimakasih, jadi tadi kronologis oleh Saudara Bamban...
Review Xiaomi Mi Power Bank Indonesia 16000 mAh
Review Xiaomi Mi Power Bank Indonesia 16000 mAh
Review Xiaomi Mi Power Bank Indonesia 16000 mAh
Ini adalah review dari power bank Xiaomi Mi Power bank bahasa Indoesia.
Untuk membeli produk-produk Xiaomi, klik :
Sejarah Uang dan Sejarah Bank Sentral
Sejarah Uang dan Sejarah Bank Sentral
Sejarah Uang dan Sejarah Bank Sentral
Video animasi edukasi mengenai sejarah uang dan bank sentral. Website - Twitter - Subscribe to BI on Yo...
[FULL] Pidato Presiden Jokowi Di Pertemuan Tahunan Bank Indonesia
[FULL] Pidato Presiden Jokowi Di Pertemuan Tahunan Bank Indonesia
[FULL] Pidato Presiden Jokowi Di Pertemuan Tahunan Bank Indonesia
Berita Terbaru Capres Jokowi & Cawapres Jusuf Kalla serta hal lain mengenai Indonesia Hebat (Salam 2 Jari).
Menyuguhkan pula debat dan dialog seru yang dikemas secara menarik serta gambar HD.
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Terima Kasih.
23 November 2014
jokowi jk, prabowo hatta, capres jokowi, capres prabowo, prabowo subianto, jusuf kalla, pilpres, calon, presiden, jokowi capres 2014, jokowi vs
Tugas dan Fungsi Bank Indonesia
Tugas dan Fungsi Bank Indonesia
Tugas dan Fungsi Bank Indonesia
Setiap 5 Juli diperingati sebagai Hari Bank Indonesia. Dan pasca ditetapkannya Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) sebagai pelaksana fungsi pengaturan dan pengawasan bank, BI kini lebih fokus pada tiga fungsi utama lainnya.
Official Website:
Jalan-Jalan di Museum Bank Indonesia
Jalan-Jalan di Museum Bank Indonesia
Jalan-Jalan di Museum Bank Indonesia
Museum Bank Indonesia yang indah ini ternyata menyimpan sejuta cerita tentang sejarah perekonomian di Indonesia.
Weekend List - Museum Bank Indonesia
Weekend List - Museum Bank Indonesia
Weekend List - Museum Bank Indonesia
Weekend List - Museum Bank Indonesia Subscribe Netmediatama Official Youtube Channel: Netmediatama Official Page Homepage...
Bank Indonesia merupakan bank sentral yang tugasnya mengelola perekonomian Indonesia melalui pengendalian inflasi dan menjaga stabilitas nilai tukar rupiah.
Dengan inflasi yang rendah dan nilai tukar yang stabil maka pembangunan ekonomi dapat dilakukan secara berkesinambungan.
Bank Indonesia mengajak Putra Putri terbaik Indonesia untuk berkontribusi sebagai upaya besar dan mulia dalam mengantarkan perekonomian menuju kemakmuran bangsa.
Bangga menjadi bagian dalam mengawal perekonomian Indonesia dan membawa negeri dan bangsa ini kearah yang lebih baik.
Ayo! Bergabung bersama kami menjadi keluarga Bank Indonesia
Pantau informasi mengenai l
Beginilah Proses Pembuatan Uang Logam Bank Indonesia
Beginilah Proses Pembuatan Uang Logam Bank Indonesia
Beginilah Proses Pembuatan Uang Logam Bank Indonesia
Beginilah Proses Pembuatan Uang Logam Bank Indonesia
Uang logam yang kita miliki saat ini mengalami proses pembuatan yang sangat panjang, sebelum akhirnya bisa digunakan dalam transaksi sehari-hari. Sejumlah ahli desain uang yang mayoritas adalah lulusan seni rupa bertugas membuat uang logam tersebut.
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Mengenal Kebijakan Moneter Bank Indonesia
Mengenal Kebijakan Moneter Bank Indonesia
Mengenal Kebijakan Moneter Bank Indonesia
Video grafis ini memberikan penjelasan mengenai kebijakan moneter yang dilakukan BI dalam menjaga stabilitas harga. BI berusaha menjaga tingkat inflasi berada dalam target yang ditetapkan oleh Pemerintah setelah berkordinasi dengan BI. Untuk mencapai target inflasi tersebut, BI memiliki beberapa instrumen kebijakan moneter, yang paling penting dan sering digunakan adalah BI Rate.
BI Rate diumumkan setiap bulannya oleh Dewan Gubernur Bank Indonesia melalui Rapat Dewan Gubernur. Cara BI Rate mempengaruhi inflasi adalah melalui transmisi kebijakan moneter baik melalui jalur suku bunga, jalur kredit, jalur nilai tukar, jalur harga aset, maupun
EXPERD Rekrutmen PCPM Bank Indonesia 2013
EXPERD Rekrutmen PCPM Bank Indonesia 2013
EXPERD Rekrutmen PCPM Bank Indonesia 2013
Seleksi dan Rekrutmen Peserta Program Pendidikan Calon Pegawai Muda Bank Indonesia 2013 bekerja sama dengan Experd Consultant.
PCPM 31 - Mencicipi Bank Indonesia
PCPM 31 - Mencicipi Bank Indonesia
PCPM 31 - Mencicipi Bank Indonesia
Our 1st video from many events to come.
Tugas Pokok Bank Indonesia
Tugas Pokok Bank Indonesia
Tugas Pokok Bank Indonesia
Animasi ini dibuat untuk mengikuti lomba yang diadakan oleh PNB dan Bank Indonesia. Enjoy guys!
[LUAR BIASA! MENGESANKAN!] Pidato Jokowi di Pertemuan Tahunan Bank Indonesia 2014
[LUAR BIASA! MENGESANKAN!] Pidato Jokowi di Pertemuan Tahunan Bank Indonesia 2014
[LUAR BIASA! MENGESANKAN!] Pidato Jokowi di Pertemuan Tahunan Bank Indonesia 2014
Pertemuan Tahunan Bank Indonesia 2014
Presiden Jokowi ungkap tiga kunci kesuksesan Tiongkok
Jokowi Memperoleh Tiga Tips Pembangunan dari Presiden China
Cerita Jokowi Minta Kunci Sukses Tiongkok Jadi Raksasa Ekonomi
20-11-2014 Pertemuan Tahunan Bank Indonesia 2014
Kamis, 20 November 2014 Bank Indonesia menggelar Pertemuan Tahunan Bank Indonesia 2014 di Jakarta. Dalam gelaran tahunan tersebut, Gubernur Bank Indonesia Agus D.W. Martowardojo menyampaikan sambutannya yang bertema “Mengawal Stabilitas, Bersinergi Mempercepat Reformasi Struktural”. Tradisi tahunan yang telah digelar sejak tahun 1969 menjadi lebih strategis mengingat dalam perh
JK: Sri Mulyani Ditipu Bank Indonesia
JK: Sri Mulyani Ditipu Bank Indonesia
JK: Sri Mulyani Ditipu Bank Indonesia
Rapat Timwas Bank Century dengan Jusuf Kalla - 19 September 2012 Transkrip Pernyataan Jusuf Kalla: Baik terimakasih, jadi tadi kronologis oleh Saudara Bamban...
Review Xiaomi Mi Power Bank Indonesia 16000 mAh
Review Xiaomi Mi Power Bank Indonesia 16000 mAh
Review Xiaomi Mi Power Bank Indonesia 16000 mAh
Ini adalah review dari power bank Xiaomi Mi Power bank bahasa Indoesia.
Untuk membeli produk-produk Xiaomi, klik :
Sejarah Uang dan Sejarah Bank Sentral
Sejarah Uang dan Sejarah Bank Sentral
Sejarah Uang dan Sejarah Bank Sentral
Video animasi edukasi mengenai sejarah uang dan bank sentral. Website - Twitter - Subscribe to BI on Yo...
[FULL] Pidato Presiden Jokowi Di Pertemuan Tahunan Bank Indonesia
[FULL] Pidato Presiden Jokowi Di Pertemuan Tahunan Bank Indonesia
[FULL] Pidato Presiden Jokowi Di Pertemuan Tahunan Bank Indonesia
Berita Terbaru Capres Jokowi & Cawapres Jusuf Kalla serta hal lain mengenai Indonesia Hebat (Salam 2 Jari).
Menyuguhkan pula debat dan dialog seru yang dikemas secara menarik serta gambar HD.
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Terima Kasih.
23 November 2014
jokowi jk, prabowo hatta, capres jokowi, capres prabowo, prabowo subianto, jusuf kalla, pilpres, calon, presiden, jokowi capres 2014, jokowi vs
Tugas dan Fungsi Bank Indonesia
Tugas dan Fungsi Bank Indonesia
Tugas dan Fungsi Bank Indonesia
Setiap 5 Juli diperingati sebagai Hari Bank Indonesia. Dan pasca ditetapkannya Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) sebagai pelaksana fungsi pengaturan dan pengawasan bank, BI kini lebih fokus pada tiga fungsi utama lainnya.
Official Website:
Jalan-Jalan di Museum Bank Indonesia
Jalan-Jalan di Museum Bank Indonesia
Jalan-Jalan di Museum Bank Indonesia
Museum Bank Indonesia yang indah ini ternyata menyimpan sejuta cerita tentang sejarah perekonomian di Indonesia.
Weekend List - Museum Bank Indonesia
Weekend List - Museum Bank Indonesia
Weekend List - Museum Bank Indonesia
Weekend List - Museum Bank Indonesia Subscribe Netmediatama Official Youtube Channel: Netmediatama Official Page Homepage...
Sejarah Bank Indonesia
Sejarah Bank Indonesia
Sejarah Bank Indonesia
DR KHM Luqman Hakim, Hakikat IMAN, Masjid BANK INDONESIA
DR KHM Luqman Hakim, Hakikat IMAN, Masjid BANK INDONESIA
DR KHM Luqman Hakim, Hakikat IMAN, Masjid BANK INDONESIA
Kumpulan Wacana SUFI :
Video Lengkap DR. KHM. Luqman Hakim :
Kitab AlHikam 263-266, BANK INDONESIA Jakpus, 11 Sept 2013
Video Pernikahan Gadis Tanpa Tangan dengan Putra Petinggi Bank Indonesia
Video Pernikahan Gadis Tanpa Tangan dengan Putra Petinggi Bank Indonesia
Video Pernikahan Gadis Tanpa Tangan dengan Putra Petinggi Bank Indonesia
Peristiwa mengharukan terjadi kemarin Minggu malam (13/10/2013) di Yogyakarta. Seorang gadis cantik berambut panjang, yang terlahir dan besar tanpa kedua tan...
Follow My Trip - Museum Bank Indonesia
Follow My Trip - Museum Bank Indonesia
Follow My Trip - Museum Bank Indonesia
Bosan nge-mall...kali ini @ersaherd dan @imcemat mencoba bertualang di Museum Bank Indonesia dan berbagi cerita seru mereka untuk kamu-kamu. Ada apa aja di Museum Bank Indonesia? Yang pasti ada emas batangan,uang kertas,uang koin.Kira-kira asli apa tiruan ya? Hanya di
Jingle NNS Bank Indonesia (DSSK)
Jingle NNS Bank Indonesia (DSSK)
Jingle NNS Bank Indonesia (DSSK)
Trust & Integrity | Profesionalism | Excelence | Public Interest | Coordination & Teamwork Recorded at C-Pro Studi Tebet Song written & Composed: Angga Maste...
Kontrol APBD, Basuki TP (Ahok) Tandatangani MoU Dengan Bank Indonesia
Kontrol APBD, Basuki TP (Ahok) Tandatangani MoU Dengan Bank Indonesia
Kontrol APBD, Basuki TP (Ahok) Tandatangani MoU Dengan Bank Indonesia
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Museum Bank Indonesia
Museum Bank Indonesia
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DR KHM Luqman Hakim, Bayang-bayang Allah, Masjid BANK INDONESIA
DR KHM Luqman Hakim, Bayang-bayang Allah, Masjid BANK INDONESIA
DR KHM Luqman Hakim, Bayang-bayang Allah, Masjid BANK INDONESIA
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Masjid BANK INDONESIA Jakpus, 21 Jan 2015
Bank Indonesia merupakan bank sentral yang tugasnya mengelola perekonomian Indonesia melalui pengendalian inflasi dan menjaga stabilitas nilai tukar rupiah.
Dengan inflasi yang rendah dan nilai tukar yang stabil maka pembangunan ekonomi dapat dilakukan secara berkesinambungan.
Bank Indonesia mengajak Putra Putri terbaik Indonesia untuk berkontribusi sebagai upaya besar dan mulia dalam mengantarkan perekonomian menuju kemakmuran bangsa.
Bangga menjadi bagian dalam mengawal perekonomian Indonesia dan membawa negeri dan bangsa ini kearah yang lebih baik.
Ayo! Bergabung bersama kami menjadi keluarga Bank Indonesia
Pantau informasi mengenai lowongan pekerjaan disini :
Bank Indonesia merupakan bank sentral yang tugasnya mengelola perekonomian Indonesia melalui pengendalian inflasi dan menjaga stabilitas nilai tukar rupiah.
Dengan inflasi yang rendah dan nilai tukar yang stabil maka pembangunan ekonomi dapat dilakukan secara berkesinambungan.
Bank Indonesia mengajak Putra Putri terbaik Indonesia untuk berkontribusi sebagai upaya besar dan mulia dalam mengantarkan perekonomian menuju kemakmuran bangsa.
Bangga menjadi bagian dalam mengawal perekonomian Indonesia dan membawa negeri dan bangsa ini kearah yang lebih baik.
Ayo! Bergabung bersama kami menjadi keluarga Bank Indonesia
Pantau informasi mengenai lowongan pekerjaan disini :
published:13 Jan 2015
Beginilah Proses Pembuatan Uang Logam Bank Indonesia
Beginilah Proses Pembuatan Uang Logam Bank Indonesia
Uang logam yang kita miliki saat ini mengalami proses pembuatan yang sangat panjang, sebelum akhirnya bisa digunakan dalam transaksi sehari-hari. Sejumlah ahli desain uang yang mayoritas adalah lulusan seni rupa bertugas membuat uang logam tersebut.
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Beginilah Proses Pembuatan Uang Logam Bank Indonesia
Uang logam yang kita miliki saat ini mengalami proses pembuatan yang sangat panjang, sebelum akhirnya bisa digunakan dalam transaksi sehari-hari. Sejumlah ahli desain uang yang mayoritas adalah lulusan seni rupa bertugas membuat uang logam tersebut.
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Video grafis ini memberikan penjelasan mengenai kebijakan moneter yang dilakukan BI dalam menjaga stabilitas harga. BI berusaha menjaga tingkat inflasi berada dalam target yang ditetapkan oleh Pemerintah setelah berkordinasi dengan BI. Untuk mencapai target inflasi tersebut, BI memiliki beberapa instrumen kebijakan moneter, yang paling penting dan sering digunakan adalah BI Rate.
BI Rate diumumkan setiap bulannya oleh Dewan Gubernur Bank Indonesia melalui Rapat Dewan Gubernur. Cara BI Rate mempengaruhi inflasi adalah melalui transmisi kebijakan moneter baik melalui jalur suku bunga, jalur kredit, jalur nilai tukar, jalur harga aset, maupun jalur ekspektasi..
Video grafis ini memberikan penjelasan mengenai kebijakan moneter yang dilakukan BI dalam menjaga stabilitas harga. BI berusaha menjaga tingkat inflasi berada dalam target yang ditetapkan oleh Pemerintah setelah berkordinasi dengan BI. Untuk mencapai target inflasi tersebut, BI memiliki beberapa instrumen kebijakan moneter, yang paling penting dan sering digunakan adalah BI Rate.
BI Rate diumumkan setiap bulannya oleh Dewan Gubernur Bank Indonesia melalui Rapat Dewan Gubernur. Cara BI Rate mempengaruhi inflasi adalah melalui transmisi kebijakan moneter baik melalui jalur suku bunga, jalur kredit, jalur nilai tukar, jalur harga aset, maupun jalur ekspektasi..
Pertemuan Tahunan Bank Indonesia 2014
Presiden Jokowi ungkap tiga kunci kesuksesan Tiongkok
Jokowi Memperoleh Tiga Tips Pembangunan dari Presiden China
Cerita Jokowi Minta Kunci Sukses Tiongkok Jadi Raksasa Ekonomi
20-11-2014 Pertemuan Tahunan Bank Indonesia 2014
Kamis, 20 November 2014 Bank Indonesia menggelar Pertemuan Tahunan Bank Indonesia 2014 di Jakarta. Dalam gelaran tahunan tersebut, Gubernur Bank Indonesia Agus D.W. Martowardojo menyampaikan sambutannya yang bertema “Mengawal Stabilitas, Bersinergi Mempercepat Reformasi Struktural”. Tradisi tahunan yang telah digelar sejak tahun 1969 menjadi lebih strategis mengingat dalam perhelatan kali ini Presiden Republik Indonesia Joko Widodo berkesempatan untuk hadir dan menyampaikan sambutannya di hadapan tamu undangan yang antara lain berasal dari kalangan Pimpinan Lembaga Negara, Menteri Kabinet Kerja dan Pimpinan Lembaga Pemerintah, Pimpinan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK), Pimpinan Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS), Pimpinan DPR RI, Gubernur Kepala Daerah, Pimpinan Badan Supervisi Bank Indonesia (BSBI), seluruh pimpinan perbankan dan korporasi non bank, akademisi, pengamat ekonomi dan perwakilan sejumlah lembaga internasional.
Kawal pemerintahan Jokowi, jangan lupa klik subscribe!
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Pertemuan Tahunan Bank Indonesia 2014
Presiden Jokowi ungkap tiga kunci kesuksesan Tiongkok
Jokowi Memperoleh Tiga Tips Pembangunan dari Presiden China
Cerita Jokowi Minta Kunci Sukses Tiongkok Jadi Raksasa Ekonomi
20-11-2014 Pertemuan Tahunan Bank Indonesia 2014
Kamis, 20 November 2014 Bank Indonesia menggelar Pertemuan Tahunan Bank Indonesia 2014 di Jakarta. Dalam gelaran tahunan tersebut, Gubernur Bank Indonesia Agus D.W. Martowardojo menyampaikan sambutannya yang bertema “Mengawal Stabilitas, Bersinergi Mempercepat Reformasi Struktural”. Tradisi tahunan yang telah digelar sejak tahun 1969 menjadi lebih strategis mengingat dalam perhelatan kali ini Presiden Republik Indonesia Joko Widodo berkesempatan untuk hadir dan menyampaikan sambutannya di hadapan tamu undangan yang antara lain berasal dari kalangan Pimpinan Lembaga Negara, Menteri Kabinet Kerja dan Pimpinan Lembaga Pemerintah, Pimpinan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK), Pimpinan Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS), Pimpinan DPR RI, Gubernur Kepala Daerah, Pimpinan Badan Supervisi Bank Indonesia (BSBI), seluruh pimpinan perbankan dan korporasi non bank, akademisi, pengamat ekonomi dan perwakilan sejumlah lembaga internasional.
Kawal pemerintahan Jokowi, jangan lupa klik subscribe!
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Rapat Timwas Bank Century dengan Jusuf Kalla - 19 September 2012 Transkrip Pernyataan Jusuf Kalla: Baik terimakasih, jadi tadi kronologis oleh Saudara Bamban...
Rapat Timwas Bank Century dengan Jusuf Kalla - 19 September 2012 Transkrip Pernyataan Jusuf Kalla: Baik terimakasih, jadi tadi kronologis oleh Saudara Bamban...
Video animasi edukasi mengenai sejarah uang dan bank sentral. Website - Twitter - Subscribe to BI on Yo...
Video animasi edukasi mengenai sejarah uang dan bank sentral. Website - Twitter - Subscribe to BI on Yo...
Berita Terbaru Capres Jokowi & Cawapres Jusuf Kalla serta hal lain mengenai Indonesia Hebat (Salam 2 Jari).
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Terima Kasih.
23 November 2014
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Berita Terbaru Capres Jokowi & Cawapres Jusuf Kalla serta hal lain mengenai Indonesia Hebat (Salam 2 Jari).
Menyuguhkan pula debat dan dialog seru yang dikemas secara menarik serta gambar HD.
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Terima Kasih.
23 November 2014
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Setiap 5 Juli diperingati sebagai Hari Bank Indonesia. Dan pasca ditetapkannya Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) sebagai pelaksana fungsi pengaturan dan pengawasan bank, BI kini lebih fokus pada tiga fungsi utama lainnya.
Official Website:
Setiap 5 Juli diperingati sebagai Hari Bank Indonesia. Dan pasca ditetapkannya Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) sebagai pelaksana fungsi pengaturan dan pengawasan bank, BI kini lebih fokus pada tiga fungsi utama lainnya.
Official Website:
Weekend List - Museum Bank Indonesia Subscribe Netmediatama Official Youtube Channel: Netmediatama Official Page Homepage...
Weekend List - Museum Bank Indonesia Subscribe Netmediatama Official Youtube Channel: Netmediatama Official Page Homepage...
Kumpulan Wacana SUFI :
Video Lengkap DR. KHM. Luqman Hakim :
Kitab AlHikam 263-266, BANK INDONESIA Jakpus, 11 Sept 2013
Kumpulan Wacana SUFI :
Video Lengkap DR. KHM. Luqman Hakim :
Kitab AlHikam 263-266, BANK INDONESIA Jakpus, 11 Sept 2013
published:25 Nov 2014
Video Pernikahan Gadis Tanpa Tangan dengan Putra Petinggi Bank Indonesia
Peristiwa mengharukan terjadi kemarin Minggu malam (13/10/2013) di Yogyakarta. Seorang gadis cantik berambut panjang, yang terlahir dan besar tanpa kedua tan...
Peristiwa mengharukan terjadi kemarin Minggu malam (13/10/2013) di Yogyakarta. Seorang gadis cantik berambut panjang, yang terlahir dan besar tanpa kedua tan...
Bosan nge-mall...kali ini @ersaherd dan @imcemat mencoba bertualang di Museum Bank Indonesia dan berbagi cerita seru mereka untuk kamu-kamu. Ada apa aja di Museum Bank Indonesia? Yang pasti ada emas batangan,uang kertas,uang koin.Kira-kira asli apa tiruan ya? Hanya di
Bosan nge-mall...kali ini @ersaherd dan @imcemat mencoba bertualang di Museum Bank Indonesia dan berbagi cerita seru mereka untuk kamu-kamu. Ada apa aja di Museum Bank Indonesia? Yang pasti ada emas batangan,uang kertas,uang koin.Kira-kira asli apa tiruan ya? Hanya di
Trust & Integrity | Profesionalism | Excelence | Public Interest | Coordination & Teamwork Recorded at C-Pro Studi Tebet Song written & Composed: Angga Maste...
Trust & Integrity | Profesionalism | Excelence | Public Interest | Coordination & Teamwork Recorded at C-Pro Studi Tebet Song written & Composed: Angga Maste...
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TOP 10 Video Terpopuler Bulan Maret 2015
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Menyuguhkan Update Berita Video Terbaru: Jokowi, Basuki TP (Ahok), Seputar Ibukota Jakarta Serta Pemprov DKI.
22 Juni 2015
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TOP 10 Video Terpopuler Bulan Maret 2015
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Menyuguhkan Update Berita Video Terbaru: Jokowi, Basuki TP (Ahok), Seputar Ibukota Jakarta Serta Pemprov DKI.
22 Juni 2015
Kitab Tajul 'Arus, Dunia SUFI :
Kumpulan Wacana SUFI :
Join Group WhatsApp - RCS : 085313230405 / 085781652277
Masjid BANK INDONESIA Jakpus, 21 Jan 2015
Kitab Tajul 'Arus, Dunia SUFI :
Kumpulan Wacana SUFI :
Join Group WhatsApp - RCS : 085313230405 / 085781652277
Masjid BANK INDONESIA Jakpus, 21 Jan 2015
Bali is one of the biggest provinces in Indonesia, and it encompasses a number of islands as well as the isle of Bali. Located in the westernmost point of the Lesser Sunda Islands, just between Java and Lombok, Bali is home to over four million people, with the majority of the population following the Hindu religion and culture. Bali is also the most visited place in Indonesia, and people from all over the world flock to the island to experience historic music, traditional food and a vast array of tourist markets.
The most important places to visit in Bali are: Ulun Danu temple (in the beautiful island of Bali, Indo
Indonesia / Java - Bali
Indonesia / Java - Bali
Indonesia / Java - Bali
In this movie from our trip through Indonesia, you will see all kinds of highlights from Java and Bali.
After landing in Jakarta we quickly go to Gunung Halimun National Park. We stay at home with a local guide and visit a tea plantation, a tea factory and of course the surrounding jungles.
It takes us 2 days to get from Citalahab (in Halimun) to get to Pangandaran beach. Here we learn to surf, take a swim in the Green Valley and visit a traditional Wajang puppet maker.
From Pangandaran we head to Yogyakarta by train and visit the Borobudur temple.
From Yogyakarta we travel to the magnificent Bromo volcano and its surroundings, followed by th
Travel Guide: Indonesia
Travel Guide: Indonesia
Travel Guide: Indonesia
This country's official motto is 'Unity in diversity.' continues our travel series with a look at Indonesia.
Help us caption & translate this video!
Indonesia Travel Guide
Indonesia Travel Guide
Indonesia Travel Guide
Welcome in The objective of building this website is to provide complete references before or when you travel to Indonesia. One day when we planned to do some traveling in Indonesia, which is our own country, we found that it was so difficult to get the information we required as a guide to do the traveling. Based on that experience we decided to build We hope that would help anybody (either you're foreigner or Indonesian citizen) who plan to travel Indonesia, who may need information as a reference and guide to travel in In
Jakarta Travel Guide
Jakarta Travel Guide
Jakarta Travel Guide
Jakarta Travel Guide: Jakarta is the capital and largest city of Indonesia, located on the northwest of the island of Java. Jakarta is the country's economic, cultural and political centre and the most populous city not only in Indonesia but in Southeast Asia as a whole.
Despite of the heavy traffic and heavy pollution the city is filled with exciting nightlife and vibrant shopping areas. The city is also the centre and melting pot of Indonesian culture which might be the thing for you to enjoy Jakarta.
One excellent surprise you'll find in Jakarta is that once you past the taxi drivers who offer their services at the airport and really mee
Lombok, Indonesia Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Lombok, Indonesia Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Lombok, Indonesia Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Lombok is an island in West Nusa Tenggara province, Indonesia. It forms part of the chain of the Lesser Sunda Islands, with the Lombok Strait separating it from Bali to the west and the Alas Strait between it and Sumbawa to the east. The provincial capital and largest city on the island is Mataram. It is somewhat similar in size and density with neighboring Bali and shares some cultural heritage, but is administratively part of NTB along with sparsely populated Sumbawa. It is surrounded by a number of smaller islands locally called Gili.
The most important places to visit in Lombok are: Suranadi Temple (in the beaut
THINGS TO DO IN BALI, INDONESIA | Top Attractions Travel Guide
THINGS TO DO IN BALI, INDONESIA | Top Attractions Travel Guide
THINGS TO DO IN BALI, INDONESIA | Top Attractions Travel Guide
Consider the following eight things to do in Bali, Indonesia as part of the attractions you consider during your travels.
When it comes to islands worth visiting in Southeast Asia, few can compete with the allure of Bali; however, if you're expecting a Utopian pristine paradise, as often is depicted in the movies and popular culture, you'll be in for a rude awakening. Bali is what it is -- unicorns and warts alike. Although there is stunning scenery, world class beaches and enchanting Hindu temples to explore there is also eyesore rubbish piles, filthy beaches and unscrupulous touts to content with.
If you can visit Bali with realistic expe
Bali Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Bali Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Bali Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Bali, located between the islands of Java and Lombok, is ready to welcome you.
The southern part of the island is a dream for anyone who loves the ocean; it is full of breathtaking beaches and top surfing spots. Visit Kuta, a one-time fishing village turned mecca for restaurants, shopping, and culture. Put on your flip-flops and head north to tranquil Seminyak, where you can grab a bite to eat before exploring the beautiful Petitenget Temple, a fascinating space originally built to ward off mischievous local spirits.
Any Bali sightseeing should include Ubud, the cultural capital of the island. Walk through stalls and galleries spotlighting
Bali Travel Video Guide
Bali Travel Video Guide
Bali Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Bali in Indonesia.
Bali - island of the gods and gateway to Paradise -- is a relatively small island, east of Java across the Bali Strait. In recent years, luxurious hotel complexes have appeared, tastefully re-creating the island's ethnic traditions.
Colorful dance and drama play an important part in the lives of the Bali people and almost every village has its own dance group, the favorite dance being the Barong.
In the north of the island, the 1,800 metre high Mount Batur volcano is still active, its slopes covered in lava fields, that extend deep into its crater.
Hindu temples abound, the Pura Kehen being
Bali, Indonesia Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Bali, Indonesia Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Bali, Indonesia Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Bali is one of the biggest provinces in Indonesia, and it encompasses a number of islands as well as the isle of Bali. Located in the westernmost point of the Lesser Sunda Islands, just between Java and Lombok, Bali is home to over four million people, with the majority of the population following the Hindu religion and culture. Bali is also the most visited place in Indonesia, and people from all over the world flock to the island to experience historic music, traditional food and a vast array of tourist markets.
The most important places to visit in Bali are: Ulun Danu temple (in the beautiful island of Bali, Indo
Lombok Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Lombok Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Lombok Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
The island of Lombok is situated in the vast Indonesian archipelago, between the islands
of Bali and Sumbawa.
Long overshadowed by it’s brasher, big sister Bali, Lombok offers a quieter, less
developed vacation alternative.
Mataram, the island’s capital, is home to Lombok’s largest Hindu Temple, Pura Meru.
Nearby, spend a quiet hour amid the rows of Mangosteen trees and bathe in the scent of
jasmine at the Mayura Water Palace.
Head north along the scenic west coast road to Senggigi Beach. This laid-back resort town
makes an ideal base to explore the rest of Lombok.
Pay your respects at the Hindu pagodas of Batu Bolong Temple, t
Travel Guide: Indonesian Culture
Travel Guide: Indonesian Culture
Travel Guide: Indonesian Culture
This country boasts one of the world's largest Muslim populations, though it is not an Islamic state. learns more about the culture of Indonesia.
Help us caption & translate this video!
InDonesia 2013 - A Travel Journal Through Bali, Lombok, Komodo and Sumatra
InDonesia 2013 - A Travel Journal Through Bali, Lombok, Komodo and Sumatra
InDonesia 2013 - A Travel Journal Through Bali, Lombok, Komodo and Sumatra
In Sept/Aug 2013, my girl and I spent a month touring the island chain of Indonesia. This is a journal, of sorts, from that adventure. It's messy. Less a story than a mush of video clips strung into more-or-less chronological order. I would apologise for the amateur mistakes with issues like sound, editing, and the slow bits, but I won't. It's not supposed to be a masterpiece.
For those who contributed to our voyage, thank you. This is for you. You know who you are. We'll see you in the world some time. X
Bali Indonesia Travel Guide - Bali Magic - World Travel
Bali Indonesia Travel Guide - Bali Magic - World Travel
Bali Indonesia Travel Guide - Bali Magic - World Travel
Bali Indonesia Travel Guide - Bali Magic - World Travel
Bali Indonesia
Indonesia Bali
Bali Indonesia Travel
Bali Indonesia Travel Guide
Bali Travel
Travel Guide
Bali Travel Guide
Bali Tourism
Top 10 must-see
top 10
Bali Attractions
Bali must-see
Bali Vacation
Bali Travel Tips
Travel Tips
Ulun Danu temple
Balinese dance
Tanah Temple
jimbaran beach
blanco museum
nusa dua
arma museum
elephant safari
Balinese culture
travel in Singapore
travel video
attractions in Bali
Bali attractions
Close2Lombok - A surf travel guide about Lombok, Indonesia
Close2Lombok - A surf travel guide about Lombok, Indonesia
Close2Lombok - A surf travel guide about Lombok, Indonesia
Let's dip into the beautiful country of Indonesia. Most of you will think about Bali, now. Close2Target doesn't - too much media available already. We decided to travel to the neighboring island Lombok. Tourism there is small and unexplored. Thus we have decided to light up the dark.
People travelling to Lombok waive hotel stars and gain best waves for low budget! You will always be taken to the best wave conditions of the Gerupuk Bay in a traditional fishing boat. A surf mecca will be disclosed which suits to all skill levels. Also Mawi and Ekas are in short distance to the camp located in Kuta.
Besides surfing we will show you the Indon
Indonesia Travel Documentary: Train Journey Across Indonesia, Beautiful Scenery in Jakarta.
Indonesia Travel Documentary: Train Journey Across Indonesia, Beautiful Scenery in Jakarta.
Indonesia Travel Documentary: Train Journey Across Indonesia, Beautiful Scenery in Jakarta.
Indonesia Travel Documentary: Train Journey Across Indonesia, Beautiful Scenery in Jakarta.
Explore the Indonesian countryside in this beautiful travel documentary, detailing a train journey from the city of Jakarta right through to Jogja in economy class! Stunning scenery is on offer as we rifle through the outskirts of Jakarta and passing towns and villages on the way. See what Indonesia has on offer for its tourists!
Why not join the channel at:
Indonesia officially the Republic of Indonesia, is a sovereign state in Southeast Asia and Oceania. Indonesia is an archipelago comprising 13,466 islands. It
Bali & Java - Indonesia Tourism & Vacations 2015
Bali & Java - Indonesia Tourism & Vacations 2015
Bali & Java - Indonesia Tourism & Vacations 2015
Bali & Java - Indonesia Tourism & Vacations 2015 - Bali & Java - Indonesia Trip 2015
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide
Indonesia straddles the Equator between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. While it has land borders with Malaysia to the north as well as East Timor and Papua New Guinea to the east, it also neighbors Australia to the south, and Palau, the Philippines, Vietnam, Singapore, and Thailand to the north, India to the northwest.
See in Bali & Java - Indonesia
Natural attractions
Indonesia is home to no less than 167 ac
(HD) Travel cheap in beautiful Bali, Indonesia!
(HD) Travel cheap in beautiful Bali, Indonesia!
(HD) Travel cheap in beautiful Bali, Indonesia!
"Gabe's Guide to Budget Travel", packed with practical travel info, is only $10 on Amazon! Click here for more info and to read reviews:
Indonesia is one of the most amazing and diverse countries in the world. It has ancient temples, beautiful beaches, hundreds of volcanoes, exotic wildlife, and abundant natural resources. Indonesia includes some of the largest and most famous islands in the world, including Bali, Borneo, Java, Komodo, New Guinea, and Sumatra—more than 17,500 islands in all.
The real beauty of Indonesia is found in the eyes and smiles of its people. Taking the time to learn some simple Indonesian words and phrases will help you unveil more of this country's wonderful treasures. Most Indonesians are happy, friendly, and curious people. They often will speak
Indonesia Travel Guide, luxury Hotels, Holidays, restaurants, Night club
Indonesia Travel Guide, luxury Hotels, Holidays, restaurants, Night club
Indonesia Travel Guide, luxury Hotels, Holidays, restaurants, Night club
Indonesia Travel Guide, luxury Hotels, Holidays, restaurants, Night club, Resorts, Vacations
InTomorrow Is your luxury Guide
Into The Jungle - Indonesia Research and Travel Guide
Into The Jungle - Indonesia Research and Travel Guide
Into The Jungle - Indonesia Research and Travel Guide
In 2011, I traveled to the Island of Borneo in Indonesia for a 6-month adventure doing anthropological research. The purpose was to study the behavioral ecology of non-human primates. I invite you to share the experience of overcoming fear, adversity, culture shock and going on to gain knowledge of a foreign world and having the adventure of a lifetime.
So how much does it really cost to travel through Indonesia? Here I break down accommodation, food, drinks, attractions and transportation!
Warning! Scams in Indonesia:
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Bali is one of the biggest provinces in Indonesia, and it encompasses a number of islands as well as the isle of Bali. Located in the westernmost point of the Lesser Sunda Islands, just between Java and Lombok, Bali is home to over four million people, with the majority of the population following the Hindu religion and culture. Bali is also the most visited place in Indonesia, and people from all over the world flock to the island to experience historic music, traditional food and a vast array of tourist markets.
The most important places to visit in Bali are: Ulun Danu temple (in the beautiful island of Bali, Indonesia, you will find such stunning temples as this one amidst inspiring scenery), Beaches (Bali's beaches are among the best in the world. Spectacular vistas surround you. Take time to surf and enjoy the sunsets), Balinese dance (an ancient art form, truly a captivating experience. It is a religious expression and an integral part of the culture), Terraced fields (a common sight in Bali, these fields have been cultivated for literally thousands of years and add to the island's allure), Tanah Temple (located on a rock and Bali's famous Sea Temple, it is a part of Balinese mythology, and said to be constructed in the 15th century) and many more.
This video offers a lot of tips to help you plan the perfect vacation. If you want to save time and money, the most important Bali travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
Background by Kevin MacLeod ( / Dan-O at
Bali is one of the biggest provinces in Indonesia, and it encompasses a number of islands as well as the isle of Bali. Located in the westernmost point of the Lesser Sunda Islands, just between Java and Lombok, Bali is home to over four million people, with the majority of the population following the Hindu religion and culture. Bali is also the most visited place in Indonesia, and people from all over the world flock to the island to experience historic music, traditional food and a vast array of tourist markets.
The most important places to visit in Bali are: Ulun Danu temple (in the beautiful island of Bali, Indonesia, you will find such stunning temples as this one amidst inspiring scenery), Beaches (Bali's beaches are among the best in the world. Spectacular vistas surround you. Take time to surf and enjoy the sunsets), Balinese dance (an ancient art form, truly a captivating experience. It is a religious expression and an integral part of the culture), Terraced fields (a common sight in Bali, these fields have been cultivated for literally thousands of years and add to the island's allure), Tanah Temple (located on a rock and Bali's famous Sea Temple, it is a part of Balinese mythology, and said to be constructed in the 15th century) and many more.
This video offers a lot of tips to help you plan the perfect vacation. If you want to save time and money, the most important Bali travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
Background by Kevin MacLeod ( / Dan-O at
In this movie from our trip through Indonesia, you will see all kinds of highlights from Java and Bali.
After landing in Jakarta we quickly go to Gunung Halimun National Park. We stay at home with a local guide and visit a tea plantation, a tea factory and of course the surrounding jungles.
It takes us 2 days to get from Citalahab (in Halimun) to get to Pangandaran beach. Here we learn to surf, take a swim in the Green Valley and visit a traditional Wajang puppet maker.
From Pangandaran we head to Yogyakarta by train and visit the Borobudur temple.
From Yogyakarta we travel to the magnificent Bromo volcano and its surroundings, followed by the even more stunning Ijen volcano.
After these long days we have some relaxing time on the route to Sukamade. In the evening we found a turtle on the beach laying eggs and visited the Turtle Hatchery.
At last, we arrive at paradise, Bali!! 4 days of relaxing, diving and snorkeling. From our lovely stay the Reef Seen hotel we have a truly remarkable reef in front of us.
Enjoy watching!!
For more movies, please visit our website:
In this movie from our trip through Indonesia, you will see all kinds of highlights from Java and Bali.
After landing in Jakarta we quickly go to Gunung Halimun National Park. We stay at home with a local guide and visit a tea plantation, a tea factory and of course the surrounding jungles.
It takes us 2 days to get from Citalahab (in Halimun) to get to Pangandaran beach. Here we learn to surf, take a swim in the Green Valley and visit a traditional Wajang puppet maker.
From Pangandaran we head to Yogyakarta by train and visit the Borobudur temple.
From Yogyakarta we travel to the magnificent Bromo volcano and its surroundings, followed by the even more stunning Ijen volcano.
After these long days we have some relaxing time on the route to Sukamade. In the evening we found a turtle on the beach laying eggs and visited the Turtle Hatchery.
At last, we arrive at paradise, Bali!! 4 days of relaxing, diving and snorkeling. From our lovely stay the Reef Seen hotel we have a truly remarkable reef in front of us.
Enjoy watching!!
For more movies, please visit our website:
This country's official motto is 'Unity in diversity.' continues our travel series with a look at Indonesia.
Help us caption & translate this video!
This country's official motto is 'Unity in diversity.' continues our travel series with a look at Indonesia.
Help us caption & translate this video!
Welcome in The objective of building this website is to provide complete references before or when you travel to Indonesia. One day when we planned to do some traveling in Indonesia, which is our own country, we found that it was so difficult to get the information we required as a guide to do the traveling. Based on that experience we decided to build We hope that would help anybody (either you're foreigner or Indonesian citizen) who plan to travel Indonesia, who may need information as a reference and guide to travel in Indonesia.
At the moment the information provided at might be limited to certain places only. However, our objective and our commitment are to provide travel information as complete as possible. Hence, you could expect that when you come back again to next time, you should see new information about traveling in Indonesia.
We wish and would be very glad if you could feel the benefit from browsing Happy reading, happy browsing, take your time, and come back again next time to see new information.
Welcome in The objective of building this website is to provide complete references before or when you travel to Indonesia. One day when we planned to do some traveling in Indonesia, which is our own country, we found that it was so difficult to get the information we required as a guide to do the traveling. Based on that experience we decided to build We hope that would help anybody (either you're foreigner or Indonesian citizen) who plan to travel Indonesia, who may need information as a reference and guide to travel in Indonesia.
At the moment the information provided at might be limited to certain places only. However, our objective and our commitment are to provide travel information as complete as possible. Hence, you could expect that when you come back again to next time, you should see new information about traveling in Indonesia.
We wish and would be very glad if you could feel the benefit from browsing Happy reading, happy browsing, take your time, and come back again next time to see new information.
Jakarta Travel Guide: Jakarta is the capital and largest city of Indonesia, located on the northwest of the island of Java. Jakarta is the country's economic, cultural and political centre and the most populous city not only in Indonesia but in Southeast Asia as a whole.
Despite of the heavy traffic and heavy pollution the city is filled with exciting nightlife and vibrant shopping areas. The city is also the centre and melting pot of Indonesian culture which might be the thing for you to enjoy Jakarta.
One excellent surprise you'll find in Jakarta is that once you past the taxi drivers who offer their services at the airport and really meet the locals, you will find that the people are among the most friendly, hospitable, and helpful people you'll find on earth, if you keep away from the midi-bus drivers who are notorious for being the harshest on earth. However, understand that Jakarta being a melting pot, you are guaranteed to meet people from all sorts of characters.
Jakarta may initially seem a bit overwhelming, but if you can overlook the pollution and indulge in her charms, you can discover what is also one of Asia's most exciting, most lively cities. There is plenty to do in Jakarta, from cosmopolitan shopping at the many luxurious shopping centres to one of the hippest nightlife scenes in Southeast Asia.
Have Fun in your Jakarta Travel Guide!
Jakarta Travel Guide: Jakarta is the capital and largest city of Indonesia, located on the northwest of the island of Java. Jakarta is the country's economic, cultural and political centre and the most populous city not only in Indonesia but in Southeast Asia as a whole.
Despite of the heavy traffic and heavy pollution the city is filled with exciting nightlife and vibrant shopping areas. The city is also the centre and melting pot of Indonesian culture which might be the thing for you to enjoy Jakarta.
One excellent surprise you'll find in Jakarta is that once you past the taxi drivers who offer their services at the airport and really meet the locals, you will find that the people are among the most friendly, hospitable, and helpful people you'll find on earth, if you keep away from the midi-bus drivers who are notorious for being the harshest on earth. However, understand that Jakarta being a melting pot, you are guaranteed to meet people from all sorts of characters.
Jakarta may initially seem a bit overwhelming, but if you can overlook the pollution and indulge in her charms, you can discover what is also one of Asia's most exciting, most lively cities. There is plenty to do in Jakarta, from cosmopolitan shopping at the many luxurious shopping centres to one of the hippest nightlife scenes in Southeast Asia.
Have Fun in your Jakarta Travel Guide!
published:05 May 2014
Lombok, Indonesia Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Lombok is an island in West Nusa Tenggara province, Indonesia. It forms part of the chain of the Lesser Sunda Islands, with the Lombok Strait separating it from Bali to the west and the Alas Strait between it and Sumbawa to the east. The provincial capital and largest city on the island is Mataram. It is somewhat similar in size and density with neighboring Bali and shares some cultural heritage, but is administratively part of NTB along with sparsely populated Sumbawa. It is surrounded by a number of smaller islands locally called Gili.
The most important places to visit in Lombok are: Suranadi Temple (in the beautiful island of Lombok, Indonesia, you will find such stunning temples as this one amidst inspiring scenery), Beaches (Lombok's beaches are among the best in the world. Spectacular vistas surround you. Take time to surf and enjoy the sunsets), dance (an ancient art form, truly a captivating experience. It is a religious expression and an integral part of the culture), Pringgasela village, Narmada Temple and many more.
This video offers a lot of tips to help you plan the perfect vacation. If you want to save time and money, the most important Lombok travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
Lombok is an island in West Nusa Tenggara province, Indonesia. It forms part of the chain of the Lesser Sunda Islands, with the Lombok Strait separating it from Bali to the west and the Alas Strait between it and Sumbawa to the east. The provincial capital and largest city on the island is Mataram. It is somewhat similar in size and density with neighboring Bali and shares some cultural heritage, but is administratively part of NTB along with sparsely populated Sumbawa. It is surrounded by a number of smaller islands locally called Gili.
The most important places to visit in Lombok are: Suranadi Temple (in the beautiful island of Lombok, Indonesia, you will find such stunning temples as this one amidst inspiring scenery), Beaches (Lombok's beaches are among the best in the world. Spectacular vistas surround you. Take time to surf and enjoy the sunsets), dance (an ancient art form, truly a captivating experience. It is a religious expression and an integral part of the culture), Pringgasela village, Narmada Temple and many more.
This video offers a lot of tips to help you plan the perfect vacation. If you want to save time and money, the most important Lombok travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
published:16 Sep 2013
THINGS TO DO IN BALI, INDONESIA | Top Attractions Travel Guide
Consider the following eight things to do in Bali, Indonesia as part of the attractions you consider during your travels.
When it comes to islands worth visiting in Southeast Asia, few can compete with the allure of Bali; however, if you're expecting a Utopian pristine paradise, as often is depicted in the movies and popular culture, you'll be in for a rude awakening. Bali is what it is -- unicorns and warts alike. Although there is stunning scenery, world class beaches and enchanting Hindu temples to explore there is also eyesore rubbish piles, filthy beaches and unscrupulous touts to content with.
If you can visit Bali with realistic expectations it certainly offers up a wide spread of activities and attractions worth visiting.
Consider the following eight things to do in Bali, Indonesia as part of your travel itinerary:
Balinese fire dance performance
1) Balinese fire and trance performance
2) Exploring the cultural hub of Ubud
3) Visit the Tegalalang Rice Terraces
4) Explore Hindu Temples
5) View Mount Batur from a distance
6) Explore surrounding beaches and islands
7) Visit Monkey Forest Temple
8) Hike up Mount Batur (an active volcano) for a spectacular sunrise viewing
Welcome to Bali, Indonesia!
After spending nearly a year travelling in Southeast Asia, we couldn't leave without first visiting Bali. We decided to take a 2 week trip to the famed island and split our time between Ubud and Sanur to explore as much as possible.
During one of our first nights on the island, we attended a Balinese fire and trance performance. This dance and music drama originated in the 1930s, depicting stories from Hindu literature.
Ubud is the art and cultural capital of Bali and we enjoyed spending a few days here. Our mornings in the town were spent visiting the various temples, browsing through markets, and soaking in the surroundings.
We also had a chance to visit the Tegalalang Rice Terraces. They were lush, green, and reminded us of our time in Korea because Sam's apartment overlooked rice terraces.
Bali is mainly Hindu and the island is home to many temples. During our time in Bali we visited the Elephant Temple, which is best known for its menacing cave entrance.
We also visited Gunung Kawi, which is nicknamed the Rock Temple. The rock temple gets its name because of the 10 shrines that were carved into the rock wall and stand 7 meters tall. They are truly a sight to behold.
Well, I am supposed to sprinkle water on my head, so here we go.
During our tour around the island, we stopped at a lookout point where we saw the impressive Mount Batur looming in the horizon. Mount Batur is an active volcano, however, when we learned that it was open to hikers, we decided we were up for the challenge.
Bali is a great jump off point for exploring some of the surrounding beaches and islands. Trips to Lombok, Nusa Lembongan, and the Gili Islands are very easy to arrange. There are plenty of water sports to choose from including snorkeling, free diving, scuba diving, surfing and even kayaking.
Ubud is home to the monkey forest where infamous little macaques roam freely. The monkey forest is home to over 600 monkeys, who over time have lost all fear of man. The monkeys are not shy and will approach people and even climb onto their bodies if they believe you have food. If you're feeling adventurous and would like to feed the monkeys, you can purchase bananas right at the entrance of the monkey forest.
One of the highlights of our time in Bali, was climbing Mount Batur for sunrise. The morning of the hike, we got up at 2 in the morning and were driven to the base of the volcano. Armed with a trusty guide and flashlights in hand, we began the steep climb that would take close to 2 hours to complete. We took plenty of breaks along the way, but once we finally reached the top, we were rewarded with a rainbow colored sunrise.
Overall, we really enjoyed our time in Bali! It may not have been the quiet paradise that's depicted in the movies, but it offered culture, natural beauty, and it was a great place to relax.
This is part of our Travel in Bali, Indonesia series. We're making a series of videos showcasing Indonesian culture, Balinese Culture, Indonesian arts, Balinese arts, Indonesian foods, Balinese foods, Indonesian religion, Balinese religion, Indonesian people and Balinese people:
Proudly presented by: , , &
All photos and video taken by Samuel Jeffery (Nomadic Samuel) and Audrey Bergner (That Backpacker).
Consider the following eight things to do in Bali, Indonesia as part of the attractions you consider during your travels.
When it comes to islands worth visiting in Southeast Asia, few can compete with the allure of Bali; however, if you're expecting a Utopian pristine paradise, as often is depicted in the movies and popular culture, you'll be in for a rude awakening. Bali is what it is -- unicorns and warts alike. Although there is stunning scenery, world class beaches and enchanting Hindu temples to explore there is also eyesore rubbish piles, filthy beaches and unscrupulous touts to content with.
If you can visit Bali with realistic expectations it certainly offers up a wide spread of activities and attractions worth visiting.
Consider the following eight things to do in Bali, Indonesia as part of your travel itinerary:
Balinese fire dance performance
1) Balinese fire and trance performance
2) Exploring the cultural hub of Ubud
3) Visit the Tegalalang Rice Terraces
4) Explore Hindu Temples
5) View Mount Batur from a distance
6) Explore surrounding beaches and islands
7) Visit Monkey Forest Temple
8) Hike up Mount Batur (an active volcano) for a spectacular sunrise viewing
Welcome to Bali, Indonesia!
After spending nearly a year travelling in Southeast Asia, we couldn't leave without first visiting Bali. We decided to take a 2 week trip to the famed island and split our time between Ubud and Sanur to explore as much as possible.
During one of our first nights on the island, we attended a Balinese fire and trance performance. This dance and music drama originated in the 1930s, depicting stories from Hindu literature.
Ubud is the art and cultural capital of Bali and we enjoyed spending a few days here. Our mornings in the town were spent visiting the various temples, browsing through markets, and soaking in the surroundings.
We also had a chance to visit the Tegalalang Rice Terraces. They were lush, green, and reminded us of our time in Korea because Sam's apartment overlooked rice terraces.
Bali is mainly Hindu and the island is home to many temples. During our time in Bali we visited the Elephant Temple, which is best known for its menacing cave entrance.
We also visited Gunung Kawi, which is nicknamed the Rock Temple. The rock temple gets its name because of the 10 shrines that were carved into the rock wall and stand 7 meters tall. They are truly a sight to behold.
Well, I am supposed to sprinkle water on my head, so here we go.
During our tour around the island, we stopped at a lookout point where we saw the impressive Mount Batur looming in the horizon. Mount Batur is an active volcano, however, when we learned that it was open to hikers, we decided we were up for the challenge.
Bali is a great jump off point for exploring some of the surrounding beaches and islands. Trips to Lombok, Nusa Lembongan, and the Gili Islands are very easy to arrange. There are plenty of water sports to choose from including snorkeling, free diving, scuba diving, surfing and even kayaking.
Ubud is home to the monkey forest where infamous little macaques roam freely. The monkey forest is home to over 600 monkeys, who over time have lost all fear of man. The monkeys are not shy and will approach people and even climb onto their bodies if they believe you have food. If you're feeling adventurous and would like to feed the monkeys, you can purchase bananas right at the entrance of the monkey forest.
One of the highlights of our time in Bali, was climbing Mount Batur for sunrise. The morning of the hike, we got up at 2 in the morning and were driven to the base of the volcano. Armed with a trusty guide and flashlights in hand, we began the steep climb that would take close to 2 hours to complete. We took plenty of breaks along the way, but once we finally reached the top, we were rewarded with a rainbow colored sunrise.
Overall, we really enjoyed our time in Bali! It may not have been the quiet paradise that's depicted in the movies, but it offered culture, natural beauty, and it was a great place to relax.
This is part of our Travel in Bali, Indonesia series. We're making a series of videos showcasing Indonesian culture, Balinese Culture, Indonesian arts, Balinese arts, Indonesian foods, Balinese foods, Indonesian religion, Balinese religion, Indonesian people and Balinese people:
Proudly presented by: , , &
All photos and video taken by Samuel Jeffery (Nomadic Samuel) and Audrey Bergner (That Backpacker).
Bali, located between the islands of Java and Lombok, is ready to welcome you.
The southern part of the island is a dream for anyone who loves the ocean; it is full of breathtaking beaches and top surfing spots. Visit Kuta, a one-time fishing village turned mecca for restaurants, shopping, and culture. Put on your flip-flops and head north to tranquil Seminyak, where you can grab a bite to eat before exploring the beautiful Petitenget Temple, a fascinating space originally built to ward off mischievous local spirits.
Any Bali sightseeing should include Ubud, the cultural capital of the island. Walk through stalls and galleries spotlighting the work of local artisans. You can also make friends with the varied wildlife at Bali Bird Bark, which houses over 1,000 birds from all over the world, or the Sacred Monkey Forest, home to the Balinese long-tailed macaque.
Whether you’re exploring Bali as a backpacker or have rented a scooter to get around, this enchanting island paradise awaits you.
Visit our Bali travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation!
Follow us on social media:
Follow us on our travel blog, Viewfinder:
Bali, located between the islands of Java and Lombok, is ready to welcome you.
The southern part of the island is a dream for anyone who loves the ocean; it is full of breathtaking beaches and top surfing spots. Visit Kuta, a one-time fishing village turned mecca for restaurants, shopping, and culture. Put on your flip-flops and head north to tranquil Seminyak, where you can grab a bite to eat before exploring the beautiful Petitenget Temple, a fascinating space originally built to ward off mischievous local spirits.
Any Bali sightseeing should include Ubud, the cultural capital of the island. Walk through stalls and galleries spotlighting the work of local artisans. You can also make friends with the varied wildlife at Bali Bird Bark, which houses over 1,000 birds from all over the world, or the Sacred Monkey Forest, home to the Balinese long-tailed macaque.
Whether you’re exploring Bali as a backpacker or have rented a scooter to get around, this enchanting island paradise awaits you.
Visit our Bali travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation!
Follow us on social media:
Follow us on our travel blog, Viewfinder:
Travel video about destination Bali in Indonesia.
Bali - island of the gods and gateway to Paradise -- is a relatively small island, east of Java across the Bali Strait. In recent years, luxurious hotel complexes have appeared, tastefully re-creating the island's ethnic traditions.
Colorful dance and drama play an important part in the lives of the Bali people and almost every village has its own dance group, the favorite dance being the Barong.
In the north of the island, the 1,800 metre high Mount Batur volcano is still active, its slopes covered in lava fields, that extend deep into its crater.
Hindu temples abound, the Pura Kehen being one of the most beautiful terraced temples in Bali and the Pura Besakih, 'The Mother Temple of Besakih', the most revered.
As in ancient times, rice is still cultivated in the traditional way and ox and plough traverse the fields. Sun drenched beaches, cloud-kissed volcanoes, exquisite ethnic architecture and dreamy temples - it's no wonder that Bali is one of the most attractive tourist destinations in East Asia.
Travel video about destination Bali in Indonesia.
Bali - island of the gods and gateway to Paradise -- is a relatively small island, east of Java across the Bali Strait. In recent years, luxurious hotel complexes have appeared, tastefully re-creating the island's ethnic traditions.
Colorful dance and drama play an important part in the lives of the Bali people and almost every village has its own dance group, the favorite dance being the Barong.
In the north of the island, the 1,800 metre high Mount Batur volcano is still active, its slopes covered in lava fields, that extend deep into its crater.
Hindu temples abound, the Pura Kehen being one of the most beautiful terraced temples in Bali and the Pura Besakih, 'The Mother Temple of Besakih', the most revered.
As in ancient times, rice is still cultivated in the traditional way and ox and plough traverse the fields. Sun drenched beaches, cloud-kissed volcanoes, exquisite ethnic architecture and dreamy temples - it's no wonder that Bali is one of the most attractive tourist destinations in East Asia.
published:17 Feb 2014
Bali, Indonesia Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Bali is one of the biggest provinces in Indonesia, and it encompasses a number of islands as well as the isle of Bali. Located in the westernmost point of the Lesser Sunda Islands, just between Java and Lombok, Bali is home to over four million people, with the majority of the population following the Hindu religion and culture. Bali is also the most visited place in Indonesia, and people from all over the world flock to the island to experience historic music, traditional food and a vast array of tourist markets.
The most important places to visit in Bali are: Ulun Danu temple (in the beautiful island of Bali, Indonesia, you will find such stunning temples as this one amidst inspiring scenery), Beaches (Bali's beaches are among the best in the world. Spectacular vistas surround you. Take time to surf and enjoy the sunsets), Balinese dance (an ancient art form, truly a captivating experience. It is a religious expression and an integral part of the culture), Terraced fields (a common sight in Bali, these fields have been cultivated for literally thousands of years and add to the island's allure), Tanah Temple (located on a rock and Bali's famous Sea Temple, it is a part of Balinese mythology, and said to be constructed in the 15th century) and many more.
This video offers a lot of tips to help you plan the perfect vacation. If you want to save time and money, the most important Bali travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
Bali is one of the biggest provinces in Indonesia, and it encompasses a number of islands as well as the isle of Bali. Located in the westernmost point of the Lesser Sunda Islands, just between Java and Lombok, Bali is home to over four million people, with the majority of the population following the Hindu religion and culture. Bali is also the most visited place in Indonesia, and people from all over the world flock to the island to experience historic music, traditional food and a vast array of tourist markets.
The most important places to visit in Bali are: Ulun Danu temple (in the beautiful island of Bali, Indonesia, you will find such stunning temples as this one amidst inspiring scenery), Beaches (Bali's beaches are among the best in the world. Spectacular vistas surround you. Take time to surf and enjoy the sunsets), Balinese dance (an ancient art form, truly a captivating experience. It is a religious expression and an integral part of the culture), Terraced fields (a common sight in Bali, these fields have been cultivated for literally thousands of years and add to the island's allure), Tanah Temple (located on a rock and Bali's famous Sea Temple, it is a part of Balinese mythology, and said to be constructed in the 15th century) and many more.
This video offers a lot of tips to help you plan the perfect vacation. If you want to save time and money, the most important Bali travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
The island of Lombok is situated in the vast Indonesian archipelago, between the islands
of Bali and Sumbawa.
Long overshadowed by it’s brasher, big sister Bali, Lombok offers a quieter, less
developed vacation alternative.
Mataram, the island’s capital, is home to Lombok’s largest Hindu Temple, Pura Meru.
Nearby, spend a quiet hour amid the rows of Mangosteen trees and bathe in the scent of
jasmine at the Mayura Water Palace.
Head north along the scenic west coast road to Senggigi Beach. This laid-back resort town
makes an ideal base to explore the rest of Lombok.
Pay your respects at the Hindu pagodas of Batu Bolong Temple, then enjoy a dip with local
families at the beach below.
When it’s time to move on, follow the inland road north to Pusuk Park Pass, a
mountainous reserve teeming with monkeys.
Wander the local market at Tanjung, a real window into the lives of Lombok’s mostly rural
The Gili Islands are three, tiny islands that lie just off Lombok’s North West coast where life
is refreshingly simple, and the only way to get around is on foot, bicycle, or pony cart.
Whichever Gili Island you choose, a few days here is guaranteed to reboot your body
clock to island time, and put you back in touch with the rhythms of nature.
Welcome to Lombok, Bali’s little sister. A place to remind us that sometimes it’s not always
best to be first, or to grow up too fast, too soon.
The island of Lombok is situated in the vast Indonesian archipelago, between the islands
of Bali and Sumbawa.
Long overshadowed by it’s brasher, big sister Bali, Lombok offers a quieter, less
developed vacation alternative.
Mataram, the island’s capital, is home to Lombok’s largest Hindu Temple, Pura Meru.
Nearby, spend a quiet hour amid the rows of Mangosteen trees and bathe in the scent of
jasmine at the Mayura Water Palace.
Head north along the scenic west coast road to Senggigi Beach. This laid-back resort town
makes an ideal base to explore the rest of Lombok.
Pay your respects at the Hindu pagodas of Batu Bolong Temple, then enjoy a dip with local
families at the beach below.
When it’s time to move on, follow the inland road north to Pusuk Park Pass, a
mountainous reserve teeming with monkeys.
Wander the local market at Tanjung, a real window into the lives of Lombok’s mostly rural
The Gili Islands are three, tiny islands that lie just off Lombok’s North West coast where life
is refreshingly simple, and the only way to get around is on foot, bicycle, or pony cart.
Whichever Gili Island you choose, a few days here is guaranteed to reboot your body
clock to island time, and put you back in touch with the rhythms of nature.
Welcome to Lombok, Bali’s little sister. A place to remind us that sometimes it’s not always
best to be first, or to grow up too fast, too soon.
This country boasts one of the world's largest Muslim populations, though it is not an Islamic state. learns more about the culture of Indonesia.
Help us caption & translate this video!
This country boasts one of the world's largest Muslim populations, though it is not an Islamic state. learns more about the culture of Indonesia.
Help us caption & translate this video!
published:07 Jan 2012
InDonesia 2013 - A Travel Journal Through Bali, Lombok, Komodo and Sumatra
In Sept/Aug 2013, my girl and I spent a month touring the island chain of Indonesia. This is a journal, of sorts, from that adventure. It's messy. Less a story than a mush of video clips strung into more-or-less chronological order. I would apologise for the amateur mistakes with issues like sound, editing, and the slow bits, but I won't. It's not supposed to be a masterpiece.
For those who contributed to our voyage, thank you. This is for you. You know who you are. We'll see you in the world some time. X
In Sept/Aug 2013, my girl and I spent a month touring the island chain of Indonesia. This is a journal, of sorts, from that adventure. It's messy. Less a story than a mush of video clips strung into more-or-less chronological order. I would apologise for the amateur mistakes with issues like sound, editing, and the slow bits, but I won't. It's not supposed to be a masterpiece.
For those who contributed to our voyage, thank you. This is for you. You know who you are. We'll see you in the world some time. X
published:19 Jul 2014
Bali Indonesia Travel Guide - Bali Magic - World Travel
Bali Indonesia Travel Guide - Bali Magic - World Travel
Bali Indonesia
Indonesia Bali
Bali Indonesia Travel
Bali Indonesia Travel Guide
Bali Travel
Travel Guide
Bali Travel Guide
Bali Tourism
Top 10 must-see
top 10
Bali Attractions
Bali must-see
Bali Vacation
Bali Travel Tips
Travel Tips
Ulun Danu temple
Balinese dance
Tanah Temple
jimbaran beach
blanco museum
nusa dua
arma museum
elephant safari
Balinese culture
travel in Singapore
travel video
attractions in Bali
Bali attractions
Things to do in Singapore
Indonesian culture
fire dance
visiting temples
Rice Terrace
Hindu Temple
Elephant Temple
Gunung Kawi
Rock Temple
Mount Batur
climbing a volcano
Nusa Lembongan
scuba diving
Ubud Monkey Forest
tea plucking
green valley
turtle hatchery
reef seen
Sunset (Film)
Hiking (Sport)
Scotty Boxa
Destination Unknown
Travel Tip
Bag Porters
duty free
bali visa
Blue Bird
Blue Bird Taxi
Taxi Metre
Mini Bus
airport taxes
bali travel guide
bali travel
bali attractions
top tips
Seminyak (Location)
Kuta (City/Town/Village)
trip advisor
balit tips and tricks
What really happens in Bali
magic mushrooms
bounty hotel
bali schoolies
indonesia travel
bali nightclubs
Indonesia (Country)
Mount Batur (Mountain)
Pura Kehen
Bali (Indonesian Province)
Tourist Destination
Asia (Continent)
Tourism (Interest)
Gili Islands
Tanjung Monkey Forest
Batu Bolong Temple
Puri Mayura
Pura Meru
bali travel guides
travel to bali
bali travels
bali travel tips
bali indonesia travel
bali indonesia
World Tube
Online world
around the world
Bird (Organism Classification)
Visit The Burung Bird Park in Bali
Bali travel attractions
Bali travel guide
Bali travel information
Bali travel tips
shepherd entertainment
the burung bird park in bali
travel tips
world travel
Tourism (Industry)
World Travel
Travel Videos HD
Indonesia Islands
Travel to Indonesia
Overseas Adventure Travel
Indonesia travel
Indonesia vacation
Indonesia tours
Indonesia tourism
Java tours
Java travel
Java vacation
River Cruise
Small Ship Cruise
Land Tour Videos
Grand Circle
Bali vacation
Bali travel
Bali tours
Bali tourism
travel attraction
things to see
things to do
popular attractions
places to visit
travel guide
Ulun Danu Temple
Balinese Dance
Bali island
best beaches
ancient art dance
sea temple
ancient temple
Nusa Dua (Location)
Visit Nusa Dua in Bali
Barong Performance
Mother Temple Besakih
Nusa Dua in Bali
Nusa Dua in Bali Indonesia
Lombok Indonesia
Indonesia Lombok
Lombok Indonesia Travel
Lombok Indonesia Travel Guide
Lombok Travel
Lombok Travel Guide
Lombok Tourism
Lombok Attractions
Lombok must-see
Lombok Vacation
Lombok Travel Tips
travel indonesia
Bali Indonesia Travel Guide - Bali Magic - World Travel
Bali Indonesia
Indonesia Bali
Bali Indonesia Travel
Bali Indonesia Travel Guide
Bali Travel
Travel Guide
Bali Travel Guide
Bali Tourism
Top 10 must-see
top 10
Bali Attractions
Bali must-see
Bali Vacation
Bali Travel Tips
Travel Tips
Ulun Danu temple
Balinese dance
Tanah Temple
jimbaran beach
blanco museum
nusa dua
arma museum
elephant safari
Balinese culture
travel in Singapore
travel video
attractions in Bali
Bali attractions
Things to do in Singapore
Indonesian culture
fire dance
visiting temples
Rice Terrace
Hindu Temple
Elephant Temple
Gunung Kawi
Rock Temple
Mount Batur
climbing a volcano
Nusa Lembongan
scuba diving
Ubud Monkey Forest
tea plucking
green valley
turtle hatchery
reef seen
Sunset (Film)
Hiking (Sport)
Scotty Boxa
Destination Unknown
Travel Tip
Bag Porters
duty free
bali visa
Blue Bird
Blue Bird Taxi
Taxi Metre
Mini Bus
airport taxes
bali travel guide
bali travel
bali attractions
top tips
Seminyak (Location)
Kuta (City/Town/Village)
trip advisor
balit tips and tricks
What really happens in Bali
magic mushrooms
bounty hotel
bali schoolies
indonesia travel
bali nightclubs
Indonesia (Country)
Mount Batur (Mountain)
Pura Kehen
Bali (Indonesian Province)
Tourist Destination
Asia (Continent)
Tourism (Interest)
Gili Islands
Tanjung Monkey Forest
Batu Bolong Temple
Puri Mayura
Pura Meru
bali travel guides
travel to bali
bali travels
bali travel tips
bali indonesia travel
bali indonesia
World Tube
Online world
around the world
Bird (Organism Classification)
Visit The Burung Bird Park in Bali
Bali travel attractions
Bali travel guide
Bali travel information
Bali travel tips
shepherd entertainment
the burung bird park in bali
travel tips
world travel
Tourism (Industry)
World Travel
Travel Videos HD
Indonesia Islands
Travel to Indonesia
Overseas Adventure Travel
Indonesia travel
Indonesia vacation
Indonesia tours
Indonesia tourism
Java tours
Java travel
Java vacation
River Cruise
Small Ship Cruise
Land Tour Videos
Grand Circle
Bali vacation
Bali travel
Bali tours
Bali tourism
travel attraction
things to see
things to do
popular attractions
places to visit
travel guide
Ulun Danu Temple
Balinese Dance
Bali island
best beaches
ancient art dance
sea temple
ancient temple
Nusa Dua (Location)
Visit Nusa Dua in Bali
Barong Performance
Mother Temple Besakih
Nusa Dua in Bali
Nusa Dua in Bali Indonesia
Lombok Indonesia
Indonesia Lombok
Lombok Indonesia Travel
Lombok Indonesia Travel Guide
Lombok Travel
Lombok Travel Guide
Lombok Tourism
Lombok Attractions
Lombok must-see
Lombok Vacation
Lombok Travel Tips
travel indonesia
published:19 Feb 2015
Close2Lombok - A surf travel guide about Lombok, Indonesia
Let's dip into the beautiful country of Indonesia. Most of you will think about Bali, now. Close2Target doesn't - too much media available already. We decided to travel to the neighboring island Lombok. Tourism there is small and unexplored. Thus we have decided to light up the dark.
People travelling to Lombok waive hotel stars and gain best waves for low budget! You will always be taken to the best wave conditions of the Gerupuk Bay in a traditional fishing boat. A surf mecca will be disclosed which suits to all skill levels. Also Mawi and Ekas are in short distance to the camp located in Kuta.
Besides surfing we will show you the Indonesian culture, etiquette and impressions of the daily routine for an unforgettable journey.
Search phrases:
Sasak, Hati Hati, tube surfing, fish market, beach barbeque, boat trip, surf
Claudia Wasserfallen (CH), Simone Trachsel (CH), Philipp Meir (CH), Gery Zollinger (CH), Ralph Conrad (CH), Michael Schmid (CH), Patrick Rentsch (CH), Thomas Blome (D), Meike (D), Daniel Koenig (D), Indar (RI), Rasiun (RI)
Production-Date: September to October 2008
Production team:
Gerrit Baron (executive producer)
Florian Totzauer (2nd camera)
Isabell Mahr (3rd camera & photographer)
Let's dip into the beautiful country of Indonesia. Most of you will think about Bali, now. Close2Target doesn't - too much media available already. We decided to travel to the neighboring island Lombok. Tourism there is small and unexplored. Thus we have decided to light up the dark.
People travelling to Lombok waive hotel stars and gain best waves for low budget! You will always be taken to the best wave conditions of the Gerupuk Bay in a traditional fishing boat. A surf mecca will be disclosed which suits to all skill levels. Also Mawi and Ekas are in short distance to the camp located in Kuta.
Besides surfing we will show you the Indonesian culture, etiquette and impressions of the daily routine for an unforgettable journey.
Search phrases:
Sasak, Hati Hati, tube surfing, fish market, beach barbeque, boat trip, surf
Claudia Wasserfallen (CH), Simone Trachsel (CH), Philipp Meir (CH), Gery Zollinger (CH), Ralph Conrad (CH), Michael Schmid (CH), Patrick Rentsch (CH), Thomas Blome (D), Meike (D), Daniel Koenig (D), Indar (RI), Rasiun (RI)
Production-Date: September to October 2008
Production team:
Gerrit Baron (executive producer)
Florian Totzauer (2nd camera)
Isabell Mahr (3rd camera & photographer)
published:02 Jan 2012
Indonesia Travel Documentary: Train Journey Across Indonesia, Beautiful Scenery in Jakarta.
Indonesia Travel Documentary: Train Journey Across Indonesia, Beautiful Scenery in Jakarta.
Explore the Indonesian countryside in this beautiful travel documentary, detailing a train journey from the city of Jakarta right through to Jogja in economy class! Stunning scenery is on offer as we rifle through the outskirts of Jakarta and passing towns and villages on the way. See what Indonesia has on offer for its tourists!
Why not join the channel at:
Indonesia officially the Republic of Indonesia, is a sovereign state in Southeast Asia and Oceania. Indonesia is an archipelago comprising 13,466 islands. It encompasses 33 provinces and 1 Special Administrative Region (for being governed by a pre-colonial monarchy) with over 238 million people, making it the world's fourth most populous country. Indonesia's republic form of government comprises an elected legislature and president. The nation's capital city is Jakarta. The country shares land borders with Papua New Guinea, East Timor, and Malaysia. Other neighbouring countries include Singapore, the Philippines, Australia, Palau, and the Indian territory of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Indonesia is a founding member of ASEAN and a member of the G-20 major economies. The Indonesian economy is the world's 16th largest by nominal GDP.
The Indonesian archipelago has been an important trade region since at least the 7th century, when Srivijaya and then later Majapahit traded with China and India. Local rulers gradually absorbed foreign cultural, religious and political models from the early centuries CE, and Hindu and Buddhist kingdoms flourished. Indonesian history has been influenced by foreign powers drawn to its natural resources. Muslim traders brought the now-dominant Islam, while European powers brought Christianity and fought one another to monopolize trade in the Spice Islands of Maluku during the Age of Discovery. Following three and a half centuries of Dutch colonialism, Indonesia secured its independence after World War II. Indonesia's history has since been turbulent, with challenges posed by natural disasters, corruption, separatism, a democratization process, and periods of rapid economic change.
Indonesia consists of hundreds of distinct native ethnic and linguistic groups. The largest -- and politically dominant -- ethnic group are the Javanese. A shared identity has developed, defined by a national language, ethnic diversity, religious pluralism within a majority Muslim population, and a history of colonialism and rebellion against it. Indonesia's national motto, "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika" ("Unity in Diversity" literally, "many, yet one"), articulates the diversity that shapes the country. Despite its large population and densely populated regions, Indonesia has vast areas of wilderness that support the world's second highest level of biodiversity. The country has abundant natural resources, yet poverty remains widespread.
For more on Indonesia:
For more on Jakarta:
For more on Jogja:
To see more train journeys:
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See also:
Indonesia (Country),Jakarta (City/Town/Village),Jogja,indonesia travel documentary,indonesia documentary,indonesia train journey,train journey,train journey through indonesia,jakarta travel,travel through indonesia,great train journeys,Travel,indonesian countryside,indonesian travel,indonesian documentary,travel guide to indonesia,travel to jakarta,travel guide jakarta,indonesia guide,worldnews2100,train journeys,Malaysia,Travel Documentary (TV Genre),economy class train,travel diary indonesia
Indonesia Travel Documentary: Train Journey Across Indonesia, Beautiful Scenery in Jakarta.
Explore the Indonesian countryside in this beautiful travel documentary, detailing a train journey from the city of Jakarta right through to Jogja in economy class! Stunning scenery is on offer as we rifle through the outskirts of Jakarta and passing towns and villages on the way. See what Indonesia has on offer for its tourists!
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Indonesia officially the Republic of Indonesia, is a sovereign state in Southeast Asia and Oceania. Indonesia is an archipelago comprising 13,466 islands. It encompasses 33 provinces and 1 Special Administrative Region (for being governed by a pre-colonial monarchy) with over 238 million people, making it the world's fourth most populous country. Indonesia's republic form of government comprises an elected legislature and president. The nation's capital city is Jakarta. The country shares land borders with Papua New Guinea, East Timor, and Malaysia. Other neighbouring countries include Singapore, the Philippines, Australia, Palau, and the Indian territory of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Indonesia is a founding member of ASEAN and a member of the G-20 major economies. The Indonesian economy is the world's 16th largest by nominal GDP.
The Indonesian archipelago has been an important trade region since at least the 7th century, when Srivijaya and then later Majapahit traded with China and India. Local rulers gradually absorbed foreign cultural, religious and political models from the early centuries CE, and Hindu and Buddhist kingdoms flourished. Indonesian history has been influenced by foreign powers drawn to its natural resources. Muslim traders brought the now-dominant Islam, while European powers brought Christianity and fought one another to monopolize trade in the Spice Islands of Maluku during the Age of Discovery. Following three and a half centuries of Dutch colonialism, Indonesia secured its independence after World War II. Indonesia's history has since been turbulent, with challenges posed by natural disasters, corruption, separatism, a democratization process, and periods of rapid economic change.
Indonesia consists of hundreds of distinct native ethnic and linguistic groups. The largest -- and politically dominant -- ethnic group are the Javanese. A shared identity has developed, defined by a national language, ethnic diversity, religious pluralism within a majority Muslim population, and a history of colonialism and rebellion against it. Indonesia's national motto, "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika" ("Unity in Diversity" literally, "many, yet one"), articulates the diversity that shapes the country. Despite its large population and densely populated regions, Indonesia has vast areas of wilderness that support the world's second highest level of biodiversity. The country has abundant natural resources, yet poverty remains widespread.
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See also:
Indonesia (Country),Jakarta (City/Town/Village),Jogja,indonesia travel documentary,indonesia documentary,indonesia train journey,train journey,train journey through indonesia,jakarta travel,travel through indonesia,great train journeys,Travel,indonesian countryside,indonesian travel,indonesian documentary,travel guide to indonesia,travel to jakarta,travel guide jakarta,indonesia guide,worldnews2100,train journeys,Malaysia,Travel Documentary (TV Genre),economy class train,travel diary indonesia
Bali & Java - Indonesia Tourism & Vacations 2015 - Bali & Java - Indonesia Trip 2015
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide
Indonesia straddles the Equator between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. While it has land borders with Malaysia to the north as well as East Timor and Papua New Guinea to the east, it also neighbors Australia to the south, and Palau, the Philippines, Vietnam, Singapore, and Thailand to the north, India to the northwest.
See in Bali & Java - Indonesia
Natural attractions
Indonesia is home to no less than 167 active volcanoes, far more than any other country. Some of the more accessible for visitors are in the Bromo-Tengger-Semeru National Park and the Ijen Crater in East Java, Mount Rinjani in Lombok and perhaps easiest of all, Mount Batur in Bali. A list of 226 Indonesian mountains has recently been compiled.
Hardly surprisingly in the world's largest archipelago, beaches are significant attractions. Aside from the obvious like Bali, there are wonderful beaches in off-the-beaten-track locations in Maluku, Nusa Tenggara and Sulawesi. In a nation of 18,000+ islands, the options are almost endless.
Indonesia has some of the largest remaining tracts of tropical forest anywhere in the world, and these support an incredibly diverse wildlife from Orangutans and other primates to critically endangered Javan Rhinoceros and Tigers, and an extraordinarily wide range of bird species. Forest areas recognised as UNESCO World Heritage Sites are Ujung Kulon National Park in West Java, and three huge parks in Sumatra, which together comprise the Tropical Rain Forest Heritage of Sumatra: Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park, Gunung Leuser National Park and Kerinci Seblat National Park.
Further east, Komodo Island is the home of the remarkable Komodo Dragon and a very diverse marine life. Close to the very eastern limit of Indonesia, the remote Lorentz National Park in Papua has a permanent glacier, and is the single largest national park anywhere in Southeast Asia.
Historical and cultural attractions
Borobudur in Central Java is the world's largest Buddhist monument, dating from the 8th century, and nearby Prambanan is a remarkable Hindu monument dating from just a few years later. Those two, together with the charm of Yogyakarta, make for a popular cultural combination in Central Java.
Also in Central Java, the Dieng Plateau is home to the oldest extant temples in Indonesia, predating Borobudur by some 100 years, and just north of Solo, the early man archaeological excavation at Sangiran is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
In such a vast archipelago it is hardly surprising that there are some very distinct and unique cultures, often contained in relatively small areas. Bali has a unique Hindu culture, descended from the great Javanese Majapahit Kingdom in the 13th and 14th centuries. The whole island is adorned by beautifully kept temples (pura), and there is a seemingly endless procession of colourful ceremonies. Some of the better known are the mother temple at Besakih, Pura Ulun Danau Bratan, and Pura Uluwatu.
Further east, Sumba is home to one of the few remaining megalithic cultures anywhere on earth. In Sulawesi, the Tana Toraja region is famous for spectacular animist burial rites. Visiting the vast hinterland of Papua in the far east of the country requires considerable planning, an awful lot of money, and a tolerance for extremely challenging conditions. However, for those who want a true wilderness experience and the opportunity to witness first-hand cultures that have had very little contact with the outside world, it is hard to think of a better option anywhere on earth.
Bali & Java - Indonesia Tourism & Vacations 2015 - Bali & Java - Indonesia Trip 2015
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide
Indonesia straddles the Equator between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. While it has land borders with Malaysia to the north as well as East Timor and Papua New Guinea to the east, it also neighbors Australia to the south, and Palau, the Philippines, Vietnam, Singapore, and Thailand to the north, India to the northwest.
See in Bali & Java - Indonesia
Natural attractions
Indonesia is home to no less than 167 active volcanoes, far more than any other country. Some of the more accessible for visitors are in the Bromo-Tengger-Semeru National Park and the Ijen Crater in East Java, Mount Rinjani in Lombok and perhaps easiest of all, Mount Batur in Bali. A list of 226 Indonesian mountains has recently been compiled.
Hardly surprisingly in the world's largest archipelago, beaches are significant attractions. Aside from the obvious like Bali, there are wonderful beaches in off-the-beaten-track locations in Maluku, Nusa Tenggara and Sulawesi. In a nation of 18,000+ islands, the options are almost endless.
Indonesia has some of the largest remaining tracts of tropical forest anywhere in the world, and these support an incredibly diverse wildlife from Orangutans and other primates to critically endangered Javan Rhinoceros and Tigers, and an extraordinarily wide range of bird species. Forest areas recognised as UNESCO World Heritage Sites are Ujung Kulon National Park in West Java, and three huge parks in Sumatra, which together comprise the Tropical Rain Forest Heritage of Sumatra: Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park, Gunung Leuser National Park and Kerinci Seblat National Park.
Further east, Komodo Island is the home of the remarkable Komodo Dragon and a very diverse marine life. Close to the very eastern limit of Indonesia, the remote Lorentz National Park in Papua has a permanent glacier, and is the single largest national park anywhere in Southeast Asia.
Historical and cultural attractions
Borobudur in Central Java is the world's largest Buddhist monument, dating from the 8th century, and nearby Prambanan is a remarkable Hindu monument dating from just a few years later. Those two, together with the charm of Yogyakarta, make for a popular cultural combination in Central Java.
Also in Central Java, the Dieng Plateau is home to the oldest extant temples in Indonesia, predating Borobudur by some 100 years, and just north of Solo, the early man archaeological excavation at Sangiran is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
In such a vast archipelago it is hardly surprising that there are some very distinct and unique cultures, often contained in relatively small areas. Bali has a unique Hindu culture, descended from the great Javanese Majapahit Kingdom in the 13th and 14th centuries. The whole island is adorned by beautifully kept temples (pura), and there is a seemingly endless procession of colourful ceremonies. Some of the better known are the mother temple at Besakih, Pura Ulun Danau Bratan, and Pura Uluwatu.
Further east, Sumba is home to one of the few remaining megalithic cultures anywhere on earth. In Sulawesi, the Tana Toraja region is famous for spectacular animist burial rites. Visiting the vast hinterland of Papua in the far east of the country requires considerable planning, an awful lot of money, and a tolerance for extremely challenging conditions. However, for those who want a true wilderness experience and the opportunity to witness first-hand cultures that have had very little contact with the outside world, it is hard to think of a better option anywhere on earth.
"Gabe's Guide to Budget Travel", packed with practical travel info, is only $10 on Amazon! Click here for more info and to read reviews:
"Gabe's Guide to Budget Travel", packed with practical travel info, is only $10 on Amazon! Click here for more info and to read reviews:
Indonesia is one of the most amazing and diverse countries in the world. It has ancient temples, beautiful beaches, hundreds of volcanoes, exotic wildlife, and abundant natural resources. Indonesia includes some of the largest and most famous islands in the world, including Bali, Borneo, Java, Komodo, New Guinea, and Sumatra—more than 17,500 islands in all.
The real beauty of Indonesia is found in the eyes and smiles of its people. Taking the time to learn some simple Indonesian words and phrases will help you unveil more of this country's wonderful treasures. Most Indonesians are happy, friendly, and curious people. They often will speak to you as you cross paths. They typically will ask where you are from and where you are going. When you have the opportunity, try to converse with locals. It can be educational, informative, and rewarding. Most Indonesian people know at least a few English words and are eager to learn more. Many Indonesians are very articulate in English, especially those involved in tourism, retail, and international business.
This language and travel guide will help you get the most from your trip by guiding you to sites and towns to visit, activities to enjoy, and places to stay. It also will help you find the right Indonesian words to use at the right time. In addition to the book, we are launching a series of video tutorials to help you learn the most important words and how to pronounce them.
For more information about the Language and Travel Guide to Indonesia, visit
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Gary Chandler is the founder of Crossbow Communications, a public affairs and issue management firm based in Denver and Phoenix Chandler is donating all profits to wildlife causes in Indonesia.
Follow us on Twitter @Gary_Chandler @BaliOrBust
Indonesia is one of the most amazing and diverse countries in the world. It has ancient temples, beautiful beaches, hundreds of volcanoes, exotic wildlife, and abundant natural resources. Indonesia includes some of the largest and most famous islands in the world, including Bali, Borneo, Java, Komodo, New Guinea, and Sumatra—more than 17,500 islands in all.
The real beauty of Indonesia is found in the eyes and smiles of its people. Taking the time to learn some simple Indonesian words and phrases will help you unveil more of this country's wonderful treasures. Most Indonesians are happy, friendly, and curious people. They often will speak to you as you cross paths. They typically will ask where you are from and where you are going. When you have the opportunity, try to converse with locals. It can be educational, informative, and rewarding. Most Indonesian people know at least a few English words and are eager to learn more. Many Indonesians are very articulate in English, especially those involved in tourism, retail, and international business.
This language and travel guide will help you get the most from your trip by guiding you to sites and towns to visit, activities to enjoy, and places to stay. It also will help you find the right Indonesian words to use at the right time. In addition to the book, we are launching a series of video tutorials to help you learn the most important words and how to pronounce them.
For more information about the Language and Travel Guide to Indonesia, visit
Like us on Facebook
Gary Chandler is the founder of Crossbow Communications, a public affairs and issue management firm based in Denver and Phoenix Chandler is donating all profits to wildlife causes in Indonesia.
Follow us on Twitter @Gary_Chandler @BaliOrBust
published:17 Oct 2012
Indonesia Travel Guide, luxury Hotels, Holidays, restaurants, Night club
Indonesia Travel Guide, luxury Hotels, Holidays, restaurants, Night club, Resorts, Vacations
InTomorrow Is your luxury Guide
Indonesia Travel Guide, luxury Hotels, Holidays, restaurants, Night club, Resorts, Vacations
InTomorrow Is your luxury Guide
published:05 Jan 2015
Into The Jungle - Indonesia Research and Travel Guide
In 2011, I traveled to the Island of Borneo in Indonesia for a 6-month adventure doing anthropological research. The purpose was to study the behavioral ecology of non-human primates. I invite you to share the experience of overcoming fear, adversity, culture shock and going on to gain knowledge of a foreign world and having the adventure of a lifetime.
In 2011, I traveled to the Island of Borneo in Indonesia for a 6-month adventure doing anthropological research. The purpose was to study the behavioral ecology of non-human primates. I invite you to share the experience of overcoming fear, adversity, culture shock and going on to gain knowledge of a foreign world and having the adventure of a lifetime.
So how much does it really cost to travel through Indonesia? Here I break down accommodation, food, drinks, attractions and transportation!
Warning! Scams in Indonesia:
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So how much does it really cost to travel through Indonesia? Here I break down accommodation, food, drinks, attractions and transportation!
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Bank Indonesia merupakan bank sentral yang tugasnya mengelola perekonomian Indonesia melal...
published:13 Jan 2015
Berkarir di Bank Indonesia
Berkarir di Bank Indonesia
Bank Indonesia merupakan bank sentral yang tugasnya mengelola perekonomian Indonesia melalui pengendalian inflasi dan menjaga stabilitas nilai tukar rupiah.
Dengan inflasi yang rendah dan nilai tukar yang stabil maka pembangunan ekonomi dapat dilakukan secara berkesinambungan.
Bank Indonesia mengajak Putra Putri terbaik Indonesia untuk berkontribusi sebagai upaya besar dan mulia dalam mengantarkan perekonomian menuju kemakmuran bangsa.
Bangga menjadi bagian dalam mengawal perekonomian Indonesia dan membawa negeri dan bangsa ini kearah yang lebih baik.
Ayo! Bergabung bersama kami menjadi keluarga Bank Indonesia
Pantau informasi mengenai lowongan pekerjaan disini :
published:13 Jan 2015
Beginilah Proses Pembuatan Uang Logam Bank Indonesia
Beginilah Proses Pembuatan Uang Logam Bank Indonesia
Uang logam yang kita miliki saat ini ...
published:13 Apr 2015
Beginilah Proses Pembuatan Uang Logam Bank Indonesia
Beginilah Proses Pembuatan Uang Logam Bank Indonesia
Beginilah Proses Pembuatan Uang Logam Bank Indonesia
Uang logam yang kita miliki saat ini mengalami proses pembuatan yang sangat panjang, sebelum akhirnya bisa digunakan dalam transaksi sehari-hari. Sejumlah ahli desain uang yang mayoritas adalah lulusan seni rupa bertugas membuat uang logam tersebut.
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published:13 Apr 2015
Mengenal Kebijakan Moneter Bank Indonesia
Video grafis ini memberikan penjelasan mengenai kebijakan moneter yang dilakukan BI dalam ...
published:06 Apr 2015
Mengenal Kebijakan Moneter Bank Indonesia
Mengenal Kebijakan Moneter Bank Indonesia
Video grafis ini memberikan penjelasan mengenai kebijakan moneter yang dilakukan BI dalam menjaga stabilitas harga. BI berusaha menjaga tingkat inflasi berada dalam target yang ditetapkan oleh Pemerintah setelah berkordinasi dengan BI. Untuk mencapai target inflasi tersebut, BI memiliki beberapa instrumen kebijakan moneter, yang paling penting dan sering digunakan adalah BI Rate.
BI Rate diumumkan setiap bulannya oleh Dewan Gubernur Bank Indonesia melalui Rapat Dewan Gubernur. Cara BI Rate mempengaruhi inflasi adalah melalui transmisi kebijakan moneter baik melalui jalur suku bunga, jalur kredit, jalur nilai tukar, jalur harga aset, maupun jalur ekspektasi..
published:06 Apr 2015
EXPERD Rekrutmen PCPM Bank Indonesia 2013
Seleksi dan Rekrutmen Peserta Program Pendidikan Calon Pegawai Muda Bank Indonesia 2013 be...
[LUAR BIASA! MENGESANKAN!] Pidato Jokowi di Pertemuan Tahunan Bank Indonesia 2014
Pertemuan Tahunan Bank Indonesia 2014
Presiden Jokowi ungkap tiga kunci kesuksesan Tiongk...
published:22 Nov 2014
[LUAR BIASA! MENGESANKAN!] Pidato Jokowi di Pertemuan Tahunan Bank Indonesia 2014
[LUAR BIASA! MENGESANKAN!] Pidato Jokowi di Pertemuan Tahunan Bank Indonesia 2014
Pertemuan Tahunan Bank Indonesia 2014
Presiden Jokowi ungkap tiga kunci kesuksesan Tiongkok
Jokowi Memperoleh Tiga Tips Pembangunan dari Presiden China
Cerita Jokowi Minta Kunci Sukses Tiongkok Jadi Raksasa Ekonomi
20-11-2014 Pertemuan Tahunan Bank Indonesia 2014
Kamis, 20 November 2014 Bank Indonesia menggelar Pertemuan Tahunan Bank Indonesia 2014 di Jakarta. Dalam gelaran tahunan tersebut, Gubernur Bank Indonesia Agus D.W. Martowardojo menyampaikan sambutannya yang bertema “Mengawal Stabilitas, Bersinergi Mempercepat Reformasi Struktural”. Tradisi tahunan yang telah digelar sejak tahun 1969 menjadi lebih strategis mengingat dalam perhelatan kali ini Presiden Republik Indonesia Joko Widodo berkesempatan untuk hadir dan menyampaikan sambutannya di hadapan tamu undangan yang antara lain berasal dari kalangan Pimpinan Lembaga Negara, Menteri Kabinet Kerja dan Pimpinan Lembaga Pemerintah, Pimpinan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK), Pimpinan Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS), Pimpinan DPR RI, Gubernur Kepala Daerah, Pimpinan Badan Supervisi Bank Indonesia (BSBI), seluruh pimpinan perbankan dan korporasi non bank, akademisi, pengamat ekonomi dan perwakilan sejumlah lembaga internasional.
Kawal pemerintahan Jokowi, jangan lupa klik subscribe!
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published:22 Nov 2014
JK: Sri Mulyani Ditipu Bank Indonesia
Rapat Timwas Bank Century dengan Jusuf Kalla - 19 September 2012 Transkrip Pernyataan Jusu...
Rapat Timwas Bank Century dengan Jusuf Kalla - 19 September 2012 Transkrip Pernyataan Jusuf Kalla: Baik terimakasih, jadi tadi kronologis oleh Saudara Bamban...
Video animasi edukasi mengenai sejarah uang dan bank sentral. Website - Twitter - Subscribe to BI on Yo...
[FULL] Pidato Presiden Jokowi Di Pertemuan Tahunan Bank Indonesia
Berita Terbaru Capres Jokowi & Cawapres Jusuf Kalla serta hal lain mengenai Indonesia Heba...
published:23 Nov 2014
[FULL] Pidato Presiden Jokowi Di Pertemuan Tahunan Bank Indonesia
[FULL] Pidato Presiden Jokowi Di Pertemuan Tahunan Bank Indonesia
Berita Terbaru Capres Jokowi & Cawapres Jusuf Kalla serta hal lain mengenai Indonesia Hebat (Salam 2 Jari).
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Terima Kasih.
23 November 2014
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published:23 Nov 2014
Tugas dan Fungsi Bank Indonesia
Setiap 5 Juli diperingati sebagai Hari Bank Indonesia. Dan pasca ditetapkannya Otoritas Ja...
published:05 Jul 2015
Tugas dan Fungsi Bank Indonesia
Tugas dan Fungsi Bank Indonesia
Setiap 5 Juli diperingati sebagai Hari Bank Indonesia. Dan pasca ditetapkannya Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) sebagai pelaksana fungsi pengaturan dan pengawasan bank, BI kini lebih fokus pada tiga fungsi utama lainnya.
Official Website:
published:05 Jul 2015
Jalan-Jalan di Museum Bank Indonesia
Museum Bank Indonesia yang indah ini ternyata menyimpan sejuta cerita tentang sejarah pere...
Weekend List - Museum Bank Indonesia Subscribe Netmediatama Official Youtube Channel: Netmediatama Official Page Homepage...
Bali is one of the biggest provinces in Indonesia, and it encomp...
published:27 Mar 2013
Bali, Indonesia Travel Guide
Bali, Indonesia Travel Guide
Bali is one of the biggest provinces in Indonesia, and it encompasses a number of islands as well as the isle of Bali. Located in the westernmost point of the Lesser Sunda Islands, just between Java and Lombok, Bali is home to over four million people, with the majority of the population following the Hindu religion and culture. Bali is also the most visited place in Indonesia, and people from all over the world flock to the island to experience historic music, traditional food and a vast array of tourist markets.
The most important places to visit in Bali are: Ulun Danu temple (in the beautiful island of Bali, Indonesia, you will find such stunning temples as this one amidst inspiring scenery), Beaches (Bali's beaches are among the best in the world. Spectacular vistas surround you. Take time to surf and enjoy the sunsets), Balinese dance (an ancient art form, truly a captivating experience. It is a religious expression and an integral part of the culture), Terraced fields (a common sight in Bali, these fields have been cultivated for literally thousands of years and add to the island's allure), Tanah Temple (located on a rock and Bali's famous Sea Temple, it is a part of Balinese mythology, and said to be constructed in the 15th century) and many more.
This video offers a lot of tips to help you plan the perfect vacation. If you want to save time and money, the most important Bali travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
Background by Kevin MacLeod ( / Dan-O at
published:27 Mar 2013
Indonesia / Java - Bali
In this movie from our trip through Indonesia, you will see all kinds of highlights from J...
published:23 Apr 2014
Indonesia / Java - Bali
Indonesia / Java - Bali
In this movie from our trip through Indonesia, you will see all kinds of highlights from Java and Bali.
After landing in Jakarta we quickly go to Gunung Halimun National Park. We stay at home with a local guide and visit a tea plantation, a tea factory and of course the surrounding jungles.
It takes us 2 days to get from Citalahab (in Halimun) to get to Pangandaran beach. Here we learn to surf, take a swim in the Green Valley and visit a traditional Wajang puppet maker.
From Pangandaran we head to Yogyakarta by train and visit the Borobudur temple.
From Yogyakarta we travel to the magnificent Bromo volcano and its surroundings, followed by the even more stunning Ijen volcano.
After these long days we have some relaxing time on the route to Sukamade. In the evening we found a turtle on the beach laying eggs and visited the Turtle Hatchery.
At last, we arrive at paradise, Bali!! 4 days of relaxing, diving and snorkeling. From our lovely stay the Reef Seen hotel we have a truly remarkable reef in front of us.
Enjoy watching!!
For more movies, please visit our website:
published:23 Apr 2014
Travel Guide: Indonesia
This country's official motto is 'Unity in diversity.' continues...
published:26 Dec 2011
Travel Guide: Indonesia
Travel Guide: Indonesia
This country's official motto is 'Unity in diversity.' continues our travel series with a look at Indonesia.
Help us caption & translate this video!
published:26 Dec 2011
Indonesia Travel Guide
Welcome in The objective of building this website ...
published:01 Aug 2013
Indonesia Travel Guide
Indonesia Travel Guide
Welcome in The objective of building this website is to provide complete references before or when you travel to Indonesia. One day when we planned to do some traveling in Indonesia, which is our own country, we found that it was so difficult to get the information we required as a guide to do the traveling. Based on that experience we decided to build We hope that would help anybody (either you're foreigner or Indonesian citizen) who plan to travel Indonesia, who may need information as a reference and guide to travel in Indonesia.
At the moment the information provided at might be limited to certain places only. However, our objective and our commitment are to provide travel information as complete as possible. Hence, you could expect that when you come back again to next time, you should see new information about traveling in Indonesia.
We wish and would be very glad if you could feel the benefit from browsing Happy reading, happy browsing, take your time, and come back again next time to see new information.
published:01 Aug 2013
Jakarta Travel Guide
Jakarta Travel Guide: Jakarta is the capital and largest city of Indonesia, located on the...
published:05 May 2014
Jakarta Travel Guide
Jakarta Travel Guide
Jakarta Travel Guide: Jakarta is the capital and largest city of Indonesia, located on the northwest of the island of Java. Jakarta is the country's economic, cultural and political centre and the most populous city not only in Indonesia but in Southeast Asia as a whole.
Despite of the heavy traffic and heavy pollution the city is filled with exciting nightlife and vibrant shopping areas. The city is also the centre and melting pot of Indonesian culture which might be the thing for you to enjoy Jakarta.
One excellent surprise you'll find in Jakarta is that once you past the taxi drivers who offer their services at the airport and really meet the locals, you will find that the people are among the most friendly, hospitable, and helpful people you'll find on earth, if you keep away from the midi-bus drivers who are notorious for being the harshest on earth. However, understand that Jakarta being a melting pot, you are guaranteed to meet people from all sorts of characters.
Jakarta may initially seem a bit overwhelming, but if you can overlook the pollution and indulge in her charms, you can discover what is also one of Asia's most exciting, most lively cities. There is plenty to do in Jakarta, from cosmopolitan shopping at the many luxurious shopping centres to one of the hippest nightlife scenes in Southeast Asia.
Have Fun in your Jakarta Travel Guide!
published:05 May 2014
Lombok, Indonesia Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Lombok is an island in West Nusa Tenggara province, Indonesia. I...
published:16 Sep 2013
Lombok, Indonesia Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Lombok, Indonesia Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Lombok is an island in West Nusa Tenggara province, Indonesia. It forms part of the chain of the Lesser Sunda Islands, with the Lombok Strait separating it from Bali to the west and the Alas Strait between it and Sumbawa to the east. The provincial capital and largest city on the island is Mataram. It is somewhat similar in size and density with neighboring Bali and shares some cultural heritage, but is administratively part of NTB along with sparsely populated Sumbawa. It is surrounded by a number of smaller islands locally called Gili.
The most important places to visit in Lombok are: Suranadi Temple (in the beautiful island of Lombok, Indonesia, you will find such stunning temples as this one amidst inspiring scenery), Beaches (Lombok's beaches are among the best in the world. Spectacular vistas surround you. Take time to surf and enjoy the sunsets), dance (an ancient art form, truly a captivating experience. It is a religious expression and an integral part of the culture), Pringgasela village, Narmada Temple and many more.
This video offers a lot of tips to help you plan the perfect vacation. If you want to save time and money, the most important Lombok travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
published:16 Sep 2013
THINGS TO DO IN BALI, INDONESIA | Top Attractions Travel Guide
Consider the following eight things to do in Bali, Indonesia as part of the attractions yo...
published:28 Mar 2014
THINGS TO DO IN BALI, INDONESIA | Top Attractions Travel Guide
THINGS TO DO IN BALI, INDONESIA | Top Attractions Travel Guide
Consider the following eight things to do in Bali, Indonesia as part of the attractions you consider during your travels.
When it comes to islands worth visiting in Southeast Asia, few can compete with the allure of Bali; however, if you're expecting a Utopian pristine paradise, as often is depicted in the movies and popular culture, you'll be in for a rude awakening. Bali is what it is -- unicorns and warts alike. Although there is stunning scenery, world class beaches and enchanting Hindu temples to explore there is also eyesore rubbish piles, filthy beaches and unscrupulous touts to content with.
If you can visit Bali with realistic expectations it certainly offers up a wide spread of activities and attractions worth visiting.
Consider the following eight things to do in Bali, Indonesia as part of your travel itinerary:
Balinese fire dance performance
1) Balinese fire and trance performance
2) Exploring the cultural hub of Ubud
3) Visit the Tegalalang Rice Terraces
4) Explore Hindu Temples
5) View Mount Batur from a distance
6) Explore surrounding beaches and islands
7) Visit Monkey Forest Temple
8) Hike up Mount Batur (an active volcano) for a spectacular sunrise viewing
Welcome to Bali, Indonesia!
After spending nearly a year travelling in Southeast Asia, we couldn't leave without first visiting Bali. We decided to take a 2 week trip to the famed island and split our time between Ubud and Sanur to explore as much as possible.
During one of our first nights on the island, we attended a Balinese fire and trance performance. This dance and music drama originated in the 1930s, depicting stories from Hindu literature.
Ubud is the art and cultural capital of Bali and we enjoyed spending a few days here. Our mornings in the town were spent visiting the various temples, browsing through markets, and soaking in the surroundings.
We also had a chance to visit the Tegalalang Rice Terraces. They were lush, green, and reminded us of our time in Korea because Sam's apartment overlooked rice terraces.
Bali is mainly Hindu and the island is home to many temples. During our time in Bali we visited the Elephant Temple, which is best known for its menacing cave entrance.
We also visited Gunung Kawi, which is nicknamed the Rock Temple. The rock temple gets its name because of the 10 shrines that were carved into the rock wall and stand 7 meters tall. They are truly a sight to behold.
Well, I am supposed to sprinkle water on my head, so here we go.
During our tour around the island, we stopped at a lookout point where we saw the impressive Mount Batur looming in the horizon. Mount Batur is an active volcano, however, when we learned that it was open to hikers, we decided we were up for the challenge.
Bali is a great jump off point for exploring some of the surrounding beaches and islands. Trips to Lombok, Nusa Lembongan, and the Gili Islands are very easy to arrange. There are plenty of water sports to choose from including snorkeling, free diving, scuba diving, surfing and even kayaking.
Ubud is home to the monkey forest where infamous little macaques roam freely. The monkey forest is home to over 600 monkeys, who over time have lost all fear of man. The monkeys are not shy and will approach people and even climb onto their bodies if they believe you have food. If you're feeling adventurous and would like to feed the monkeys, you can purchase bananas right at the entrance of the monkey forest.
One of the highlights of our time in Bali, was climbing Mount Batur for sunrise. The morning of the hike, we got up at 2 in the morning and were driven to the base of the volcano. Armed with a trusty guide and flashlights in hand, we began the steep climb that would take close to 2 hours to complete. We took plenty of breaks along the way, but once we finally reached the top, we were rewarded with a rainbow colored sunrise.
Overall, we really enjoyed our time in Bali! It may not have been the quiet paradise that's depicted in the movies, but it offered culture, natural beauty, and it was a great place to relax.
This is part of our Travel in Bali, Indonesia series. We're making a series of videos showcasing Indonesian culture, Balinese Culture, Indonesian arts, Balinese arts, Indonesian foods, Balinese foods, Indonesian religion, Balinese religion, Indonesian people and Balinese people:
Proudly presented by: , , &
All photos and video taken by Samuel Jeffery (Nomadic Samuel) and Audrey Bergner (That Backpacker).
published:28 Mar 2014
Bali Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Bali, located between the islands of Java and Lombok, is ready to welcome you.
The south...
published:06 Aug 2013
Bali Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Bali Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Bali, located between the islands of Java and Lombok, is ready to welcome you.
The southern part of the island is a dream for anyone who loves the ocean; it is full of breathtaking beaches and top surfing spots. Visit Kuta, a one-time fishing village turned mecca for restaurants, shopping, and culture. Put on your flip-flops and head north to tranquil Seminyak, where you can grab a bite to eat before exploring the beautiful Petitenget Temple, a fascinating space originally built to ward off mischievous local spirits.
Any Bali sightseeing should include Ubud, the cultural capital of the island. Walk through stalls and galleries spotlighting the work of local artisans. You can also make friends with the varied wildlife at Bali Bird Bark, which houses over 1,000 birds from all over the world, or the Sacred Monkey Forest, home to the Balinese long-tailed macaque.
Whether you’re exploring Bali as a backpacker or have rented a scooter to get around, this enchanting island paradise awaits you.
Visit our Bali travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation!
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published:06 Aug 2013
Bali Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Bali in Indonesia.
Bali - island of the gods and gateway to...
published:17 Feb 2014
Bali Travel Video Guide
Bali Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Bali in Indonesia.
Bali - island of the gods and gateway to Paradise -- is a relatively small island, east of Java across the Bali Strait. In recent years, luxurious hotel complexes have appeared, tastefully re-creating the island's ethnic traditions.
Colorful dance and drama play an important part in the lives of the Bali people and almost every village has its own dance group, the favorite dance being the Barong.
In the north of the island, the 1,800 metre high Mount Batur volcano is still active, its slopes covered in lava fields, that extend deep into its crater.
Hindu temples abound, the Pura Kehen being one of the most beautiful terraced temples in Bali and the Pura Besakih, 'The Mother Temple of Besakih', the most revered.
As in ancient times, rice is still cultivated in the traditional way and ox and plough traverse the fields. Sun drenched beaches, cloud-kissed volcanoes, exquisite ethnic architecture and dreamy temples - it's no wonder that Bali is one of the most attractive tourist destinations in East Asia.
published:17 Feb 2014
Bali, Indonesia Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Bali is one of the biggest provinces in Indonesia, and it encomp...
published:15 Aug 2013
Bali, Indonesia Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Bali, Indonesia Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Bali is one of the biggest provinces in Indonesia, and it encompasses a number of islands as well as the isle of Bali. Located in the westernmost point of the Lesser Sunda Islands, just between Java and Lombok, Bali is home to over four million people, with the majority of the population following the Hindu religion and culture. Bali is also the most visited place in Indonesia, and people from all over the world flock to the island to experience historic music, traditional food and a vast array of tourist markets.
The most important places to visit in Bali are: Ulun Danu temple (in the beautiful island of Bali, Indonesia, you will find such stunning temples as this one amidst inspiring scenery), Beaches (Bali's beaches are among the best in the world. Spectacular vistas surround you. Take time to surf and enjoy the sunsets), Balinese dance (an ancient art form, truly a captivating experience. It is a religious expression and an integral part of the culture), Terraced fields (a common sight in Bali, these fields have been cultivated for literally thousands of years and add to the island's allure), Tanah Temple (located on a rock and Bali's famous Sea Temple, it is a part of Balinese mythology, and said to be constructed in the 15th century) and many more.
This video offers a lot of tips to help you plan the perfect vacation. If you want to save time and money, the most important Bali travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
published:15 Aug 2013
Lombok Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
The island of Lombok is situated in the vast Indonesian archipelago, between the islands
published:10 Sep 2013
Lombok Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Lombok Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
The island of Lombok is situated in the vast Indonesian archipelago, between the islands
of Bali and Sumbawa.
Long overshadowed by it’s brasher, big sister Bali, Lombok offers a quieter, less
developed vacation alternative.
Mataram, the island’s capital, is home to Lombok’s largest Hindu Temple, Pura Meru.
Nearby, spend a quiet hour amid the rows of Mangosteen trees and bathe in the scent of
jasmine at the Mayura Water Palace.
Head north along the scenic west coast road to Senggigi Beach. This laid-back resort town
makes an ideal base to explore the rest of Lombok.
Pay your respects at the Hindu pagodas of Batu Bolong Temple, then enjoy a dip with local
families at the beach below.
When it’s time to move on, follow the inland road north to Pusuk Park Pass, a
mountainous reserve teeming with monkeys.
Wander the local market at Tanjung, a real window into the lives of Lombok’s mostly rural
The Gili Islands are three, tiny islands that lie just off Lombok’s North West coast where life
is refreshingly simple, and the only way to get around is on foot, bicycle, or pony cart.
Whichever Gili Island you choose, a few days here is guaranteed to reboot your body
clock to island time, and put you back in touch with the rhythms of nature.
Welcome to Lombok, Bali’s little sister. A place to remind us that sometimes it’s not always
best to be first, or to grow up too fast, too soon.
published:10 Sep 2013
Travel Guide: Indonesian Culture
This country boasts one of the world's largest Muslim populations, though it is not an Isl...
published:07 Jan 2012
Travel Guide: Indonesian Culture
Travel Guide: Indonesian Culture
This country boasts one of the world's largest Muslim populations, though it is not an Islamic state. learns more about the culture of Indonesia.
Help us caption & translate this video!
published:07 Jan 2012
InDonesia 2013 - A Travel Journal Through Bali, Lombok, Komodo and Sumatra
In Sept/Aug 2013, my girl and I spent a month touring the island chain of Indonesia. This ...
published:19 Jul 2014
InDonesia 2013 - A Travel Journal Through Bali, Lombok, Komodo and Sumatra
InDonesia 2013 - A Travel Journal Through Bali, Lombok, Komodo and Sumatra
In Sept/Aug 2013, my girl and I spent a month touring the island chain of Indonesia. This is a journal, of sorts, from that adventure. It's messy. Less a story than a mush of video clips strung into more-or-less chronological order. I would apologise for the amateur mistakes with issues like sound, editing, and the slow bits, but I won't. It's not supposed to be a masterpiece.
For those who contributed to our voyage, thank you. This is for you. You know who you are. We'll see you in the world some time. X
published:19 Jul 2014
Bali Indonesia Travel Guide - Bali Magic - World Travel
Bali Indonesia Travel Guide - Bali Magic - World Travel
Bali Indonesia
published:19 Feb 2015
Bali Indonesia Travel Guide - Bali Magic - World Travel
Bali Indonesia Travel Guide - Bali Magic - World Travel
Bali Indonesia Travel Guide - Bali Magic - World Travel
Bali Indonesia
Indonesia Bali
Bali Indonesia Travel
Bali Indonesia Travel Guide
Bali Travel
Travel Guide
Bali Travel Guide
Bali Tourism
Top 10 must-see
top 10
Bali Attractions
Bali must-see
Bali Vacation
Bali Travel Tips
Travel Tips
Ulun Danu temple
Balinese dance
Tanah Temple
jimbaran beach
blanco museum
nusa dua
arma museum
elephant safari
Balinese culture
travel in Singapore
travel video
attractions in Bali
Bali attractions
Things to do in Singapore
Indonesian culture
fire dance
visiting temples
Rice Terrace
Hindu Temple
Elephant Temple
Gunung Kawi
Rock Temple
Mount Batur
climbing a volcano
Nusa Lembongan
scuba diving
Ubud Monkey Forest
tea plucking
green valley
turtle hatchery
reef seen
Sunset (Film)
Hiking (Sport)
Scotty Boxa
Destination Unknown
Travel Tip
Bag Porters
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bali visa
Blue Bird
Blue Bird Taxi
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Mount Batur (Mountain)
Pura Kehen
Bali (Indonesian Province)
Tourist Destination
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Tourism (Interest)
Gili Islands
Tanjung Monkey Forest
Batu Bolong Temple
Puri Mayura
Pura Meru
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Ulun Danu Temple
Balinese Dance
Bali island
best beaches
ancient art dance
sea temple
ancient temple
Nusa Dua (Location)
Visit Nusa Dua in Bali
Barong Performance
Mother Temple Besakih
Nusa Dua in Bali
Nusa Dua in Bali Indonesia
Lombok Indonesia
Indonesia Lombok
Lombok Indonesia Travel
Lombok Indonesia Travel Guide
Lombok Travel
Lombok Travel Guide
Lombok Tourism
Lombok Attractions
Lombok must-see
Lombok Vacation
Lombok Travel Tips
travel indonesia
HollywoodLife reports that the 45-year-old British star wore a sparkling mini dress that had a high-neck and sheer underlay. As the report writes, the whole dress was “bedazzling.”. Besides the sheer, elegant dress, Catherine added gold peep-toe stilettos, a large bangle, dangling earrings, and a cream leather and gold clutch. She wore her hair down in loose waves and had on minimal makeup ... ....
The bodies of 36 US Marines have been found on a remote Pacific island more than 70 years after they died in a bloody World War II battle. A member of the recovery team said the remains were discovered after a four-month excavation on BetioIsland in Kiribati....
By Paul RinconScience editor, BBC News website. 8 July 2015. From the section Science & Environment. One of the pairs of stars is a so-called contact binary. Astronomers have discovered a very rare system of five connected stars. The quintuplet consists of a pair of closely linked stars - binaries - one of which has a lone companion; it is the first known system of its kind ... "This is a truly exotic star system ... FollowPaul on Twitter ... ....
Jakarta, 08/07/2015 MoF - WorldBankChief Economist for Indonesia Ndiame Diop warns Indonesia to adapt to external condition, which may impact to economic growth decrease ... The latest report of World Bank states that World Bank projects Indonesia's economic growth only at 4.7 percent in 2015....
PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk) Danamon and the IndonesianHome Minitry SignPartnership to Use Identification Card Data...Jakarta, 7 July 2015 - PT Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk ... PT Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk ... This content was issued by PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk on the 2015-07-07 and was initially posted on
BankIndonesia (BI) says it remains vigilant amid the slide in the Chinese stock market as China is the world’s economic growth-promoting country and one of Indonesia’s main trading partners ...Agus said he was still optimistic that Indonesia’s economic growth would be better in the ......
BankIndonesia governor Agus Martowardojo has projected Indonesia’s domestic economy will grow by 4.7 percent in the second quarter of 2015, similar to the growth ......
Lender Citibank Indonesia remains optimistic about its affluent customers as they continue to be the major growth drivers of its consumer banking business in the cooling economy ...Lauren said that the credit card business remained the major component, making up two-thirds of the consumer banking business ... She acknowledged that the bank was impacted by a BankIndonesia (BI) regulation that limited credit card ownership....
"Therefore, when the prices of commodities drop, it affects the income of Indonesian people," the former central bank governor explained ...Quoting statistics of BankIndonesia, he added that consumption of the business sector and the public had dropped, as reflected by a red indicator in the sale of cement, which is an industrial raw material, and the sale of motor vehicles....
DearPresidentJoko “Jokowi” Widodo,. I do not write letters often ... I hope this letter finds you well ... My simple desktop research using BankIndonesia’s database shows the rupiah exchange (selling) rate has weakened 1,537 basis points from Rp 11,846 (July 27, 2014) to Rp 13,383 per dollar (July 3, 2015) ... The good news is ... These parties manage to alter the face of Indonesia that everyone hoped to achieve after you were elected last year....
BankIndonesia (BI) announced Tuesday that its forex reserves, used by the central bank to supply dollars in the market against greenback demand for imports and debt payments, fell for the fourth consecutive month in June to US$108 billion, equivalent to 6.8 months of imports, well above the international safe standard of three months....
Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia) ... The series of policies were issuing the Perppu number 2 of 2008 concerning Amendment of Law concerning BankIndonesia; Perppu number 3 of 2008 concerning Amendment of Law concerning IndonesiaDeposit InsuranceCorporation; and Perppu number 4 of 2008 concerning JPSK....
Bambang explained that Indonesia currently had various laws regulating the decision-making process at times of crisis, but noted that such regulations were still separated in different legislations. BankIndonesia (BI) Law, the Financial Services Authority (OJK) Law, or the Deposit InsuranceCorporation (LPS) Law, or others ... into the ailing bank....
(Source. BankIndonesia) ... 3) Including credit within the chanelling framework ... This content was issued by BankIndonesia on the 2015-06-30 and was initially posted on
BankIndonesia) Title . ... BankIndonesia considers the burgeoning position of official reserve assets has positive impact on efforts to strengthen the resilience of the external sector and maintain the sustainability of Indonesian economic growth ... This content was issued by BankIndonesia on the 2015-07-07 and was initially posted on