Socialist Worker


Parents join picket lines to show support for Small Heath school strikers

NUT deputy general secretary Kevin Courtney (centre) joined workers including Simon OHara (left) on the picket line NUT union members at Birmingham’s Small Heath school struck for a second day today, Wednesday, and NASUWT union members joined them.

Muslim women speak out - Cameron's language test plan is Tory racism

Muslim women have spoken out against David Camerons racism Hypocrite Cameron’s proposals are ‘patronising’ and ‘offensive’, Muslim women told Tomáš Tengely-Evans

Jail threat over abortion attempt sparks pro-choice protests

Pro-choice activists have taken to the streets against a decision to prosecute a woman for trying to bring about an abortion.

Cop accused of cover-up in Stephen Lawrence case could get off

A top cop accused of covering up police spying on the family of murdered black teenager Stephen Lawrence could dodge disciplinary action if he retires.

Reports round-up

Pickets at EDF Pickets turn away cars at EDF | Examine any offer carefully at DVSA | FBU ballot over South Yorkshire cuts | Students oppose axing of grants

Lambeth College strike leader in race to become UCU vice president

Mandy Brown on the picket line UCU Left supporters urge a vote for Mandy Brown as the union’s vice president. Elections for UCU’s national executive committee (NEC) run from 1 to 26 February.

University lecturers launch pay campaign

Workers in higher education (HE) have begun a national campaign over pay.

Unison left prepares for battles to come

More than 50 members of the Unison union met in Birmingham last Saturday to discuss the way forward for the left and all who want to fight austerity.

Blacklisted workers kick off at Anfield

Blacklisted workers protested at Liverpool FC’s match against Manchester United last Sunday against the use of Carillion to build the new stand at its Anfield stadium.

Strike vote to save Lambeth’s libraries

Lambeth library workers have voted overwhelmingly to strike to save ten libraries under threat from the south London Labour council’s cuts.

‘Dirty money’ cut is snow joke for school janitors in Glasgow

Some 130 primary school janitors in Glasgow are refusing to clear snow or spread grit in a row over “dirty money” with bosses at council-owned Cordia.

Who is ‘not credible’—the union leaders or Corbyn?

Jeremy Corbyn angered and scared the Tories last weekend when he called for the legalisation of solidarity strikes, unilateral nuclear disarmament and a deal with Argentina over the Falklands.

News in-brief

inquests into the deaths of fans who died as a result of the Hillsborough football disaster are set to resume on Monday of next week.

Second walkout for sacked postal worker in Fife

Postal workers in Cupar, Fife, walked out in defence of a sacked colleague for the second time yesterday, Monday.

Hundreds march against fracking in Upton

Around 400 people marched against fracking in Upton, near Chester, last Saturday.

Housing campaigners plan protests against new Tory bill

Over 100 tenants, trade unionists, councillors and Traveller groups attended an organising meeting against the Tories’ Housing and Planning Bill last Saturday.

Shower of solidarity for recycling strike in Bath

Recycling workers in Keynsham, near Bath, struck against low pay on Thursday and Friday of last week.

Refugees in Calais are forced from the ‘jungle’ into a prison

Less than 100 miles from London, the French authorities are using threats of violence to corral refugees into a new prison camp.

Anti-fascists organise to stop Nazi march in Dover

Anti-racists in Dover are building opposition to a planned anti-refugee march by the Nazi National Front (NF) and other fascists on Saturday 30 January.

Underground workers to strike over jobs, pay and Night Tube

Workers on London Underground were set to strike on Tuesday of next week for 24 hours.

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