A Royal christening surprise

Following a private christening ceremony, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are expected to take Prince George and Princess Charlotte outside to meet well-wishers.

As Princess Charlotte's christening approaches, the identity of her godparents is being kept a closely guarded secret.

Dancing mum and girl kill it

Six-year-old Jaylyn Gregory and her mum, Nikki Taylor, have the moves.

One little girl + hip-hop song + preggo mum = 26 million view video sensation.

Losing birth plans and feet

All my plans involved four healthy legs and four healthy feet between baby and me.

I'd already marked myself as high-maintenance by requiring gluten-free food during my stay.

My new mum nerves

I was so worried about what would happen if our baby cried in public.

I can still remember those first few weeks at home with my first baby.

Toilet truths after giving birth

It's not a glamorous topic but toilet expectations after birth are worth talking about.

It's not unheard of for people to say they'd rather give birth again than go through that first post-birth poo.

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Mummy Matters: New mum nerves

I was so worried about what would happen if our baby cried in public.

I can still remember those first few weeks at home with my first baby.

An over-the-top child safety seat

Wild and wacky armoured car maker Dartz has moved into the world of baby protection.

Conchord's vax argument 'nonsense'

Jim Carrey's anti-vax rant


I lost my birth plan and, temporarily, my ability to walk

All my plans involved four healthy legs and four healthy feet between baby and me.

I'd already marked myself as high-maintenance by requiring gluten-free food during my stay.

Baby gender predictions inescapable

OPINION: OPINION: I’d rather wait for a scan to tell me whether I am expecting a boy or a girl, but my friends have it all figured out.

Yep that's right.  There are two buns in the oven.

Double Trouble: The Google Monster

It doesn’t take long before The Google Monster drags you into the shallows of terror stories.

Little Kids

Watch: Dancing mum and girl kill it

Six-year-old Jaylyn Gregory and her mum, Nikki Taylor, have the moves.

One little girl + hip-hop song + preggo mum = video sensation.

New face for 4-year-old boy

Little Yahya given a chance at a "normal life" after the kindness of one stranger led to life-changing surgery.

It’s not easy going to funerals, nor taking kids to them. But it is not our job to make our children’s lives easy.

Do kids belong at funerals?

The same feeling socks me in the gut every time I walk into a wake:  "I don't want to be here. This is sad and uncomfortable."

Big Kids

Girl unplugged: Why I don't use social media

Keira Baker says there are many upsides to not being a "screenager".

Keira Baker is 15 and doesn't have Facebook. Or Instagram. Or any other social media. OMG

What my children have taught me about sex

"It's when mummies and daddies are kissing and then they start weeing all over each other."

Trampoline safety measures not making kids safer.

Big jump in trampoline injuries

The number of children being hospitalised with trampoline injuries is going up.

Family Life

Double Trouble: The Google Monster

Yep that's right.  There are two buns in the oven.

It doesn’t take long before The Google Monster drags you into the shallows of terror stories.

My sister-in-law doesn’t understand that toddlers throw tantrums

How do you react when your own family doesn't understand your kid's tantrums?

Greer Berry claimed the win in the race for her baby to say 'mumma' before 'dadda'.

Greer Berry: Decoding the baby babble

It is the cutest thing hearing your child's voice for the first time.

Mum's Life

Guilt is my new shadow

Guilt. So much guilt. Everywhere.

While guilt has always been in my life to some degree, I never really noticed its magnitude until I became a mum.

Letting the village in to help

I never would've asked for help unless it was practically forced upon me. It wasn't my style.

Kate Winslet says her muffin-top, mum-bod was 'hard won'.

Why Kate Winslet loves her muffin top

Kate Winslet rolls up her black shirt and points to her belly, which has that muffin top familiar to most mums.

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