Sisi not welcome campaign launch

#Sisinotwelcome campaign launches at Downing Street

Activists from Egypt Solidarity, Campaign Against Arms Trade and Platform unfurled a giant banner at Downing Street today to mark the launch of a campaign against the official visit of Egyptian president Abdelfattah el-Sisi to the UK. The call for protests against the visit is also backed by the Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers, Union…

[Egyptian air force ‐ F16 fighter, archive picture from 2011. Credit: Sherif 9282 via Wikimedia Commons]

Civilians killed during military crackdown in Sinai Peninsula

Egyptian army air strikes near Sheikh Zuweid and Rafah town in Northern Sinai killed four civilians on 4 July. The deaths coincided with an unannounced visit to Sinai by Sisi who was quoted saying “I have come to salute the heroes of the armed forces and to express to them my recognition.” Egyptian military positions…

Mourners in Qalyubiyya governorate at the funeral of Hisham Al-Khafagi, killed by security forces in 6th October City -'picture via FJP on Facebook

Brotherhood leaders shot dead as Sisi calls for crackdown

Leading members of the Muslim Brotherhood, including former MP Nasser Al-Hafy and Abdelfattah Mohamed Ibrahim, head of the organisation’s committee to support the families of political prisoners and martyrs, were killed in “cold blood” by the security forces on 1 July, the Brotherhood said in statement. The men were meeting in an apartment in 6th…


Argentinian activists launch drive for solidarity with #Egyprisoners

Activists from Tendencia Piquetera Revolucionaria (TPR) in Argentina launched a drive for solidarity with #Egyprisoners last week. On Tuesday June 23, Lucas Malaspina and Christian Armenteros, leaders of the TPR handed in copies of the Egypt Solidarity Initiative statement in solidarity with political prisoners and against death sentences to the Egyptian Embassy in Buenos Aires.…


Korean trade union confederation and media workers’ union join protest for #Egyprisoners

Jong Kim reports from Seoul On 19 June, 18 organisations that represent the Korean movement, including the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU), National Union of Mediaworkers and Workers’ Solidarity, organized a protest near Egyptian embassy in Seoul. About 20 people demonstrated against El-Sisi regime’s repression on political prisoners. We had speeches and shouted Korean…


Korean activists call solidarity protest for #Egyprisoners

Activists in Korea are mobilising for a protest at the Egyptian embassy this Friday as part of a series of international solidarity actions for political prisoners and against repression, disappearances and executions. We spoke to Jong Kim, one of the protest organisers, about the goals of the demonstration. Who is organising the demonstration? At the…