
Festung Europa: Discrimination Against Roma Rife In Eastern Europe

Roma demonstrate in Czech Republic. Photo taken by author

The tragedy and desperation of this summer’s Mediterranean human trafficking has slowly drawn blood even from the stone of David Cameron’s largely retiring isolationism, and united an unsteady Europe in sharing the… Continue reading

An Anarchist in Love with Mao’s China – Herbert Read’s ‘Letters from China’.

Plus a list of dubious accounts of ‘successful’ revolutions, from Russia to Rojava

In the second year of the Great Leap Forward famine – in which perhaps 30 million died – Herbert Read visited China on an official delegation.

Read’s… Continue reading

Ferguson Legal Defence Fund Smashes Target

The slogan ‘Hands Up Don’t Shoot’ has become emblematic of the protests.

A CROWD funding campaign to get legal reps for people detained during disturbances in Ferguson, Missouri, USA has more than doubled it’s target, reaching as high as $57,000… Continue reading

Inequality… in a road network?

Nikki Ray, from London, has been serving as a human rights monitor in the West Bank for the Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel. She has been writing about her first hand experiences and how Palestinians are affected every… Continue reading

Oliver Law & The Spanish Civil War

Oliver Law

On July 19 1936, General Franco, with the backing of Hitler and Mussolini, led a coup against the democratically elected Government of Spain. It kick started the Spanish civil war which saw a viscous fight between right wing… Continue reading

From the Land of Proudhon

Thom Holterman brings us the first of a regular series of news and book reviews from the French anarchist movement. 


I.          Tarnac affair

On the 11th of Novermber 2008 ten young people were subjected… Continue reading

International news in brief


Protesting garment workers in Cambodia have clashed with police leaving scores injured. Workers employed at SL Garment processing – who make clothes for Nike, H&M, & Gap – marched on the Prime Minister’s house, demanding better pay and working… Continue reading

Ilie Kareli: Albanian prisoner tortured and killed in Greek prison

Three Surveillance cameras

Ilie Kareli, a 42-year-old Albanian prisoner dies in Nigrita Prison in northern Greece on March 28, 2014. Nothing unusual about that given the appalling state of Greek prisons and the notorious violence of the prison guards, many… Continue reading

Notes from the US


Ex vice-president Cheney’s former oil company, Halliburton, pleaded guilty in late September to destroying evidence after the 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. A former Halliburton manager also faces a new charge of destroying computer simulations after… Continue reading

Solitary for being an anarchist

A prisoner at Pontiac Correctional Centre, Mark Neiweem, has been sent into solitary confinement for possessing literature from the Anarchist Black Cross, and for writing essays on the prison industrial complex. Following a disciplinary hearing – at which he was… Continue reading