Science (from Latin scientia, meaning "knowledge") is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe. In an older and closely related meaning (found, for example, in Aristotle), "science" refers to the body of reliable knowledge itself, of the type that can be logically and rationally explained (see History and philosophy below). Since classical antiquity science as a type of knowledge was closely linked to philosophy. In the early modern era the words "science" and "philosophy" were sometimes used interchangeably in the English language. By the 17th century, natural philosophy (which is today called "natural science") was considered a separate branch of philosophy. However, "science" continued to be used in a broad sense denoting reliable knowledge about a topic, in the same way it is still used in modern terms such as library science or political science.
John Wilkins - Scientific Realism
7 - 4 - Part Four - Scientific Realism and the No Miracles Argument (0331)
Scientific Realism Day 05 - Clip02
MindChunk: Scientific Realism, AntiRealism, and Consciousness
Realism and anti-realism I: Absolutism and relativism
Carnap on the Scientific Realism Debate
Cormac McCarthy on scientific realism
Kitcher Scientific Realism
Scientific Realism Day05 - Clip01
Scientific realism and proofs of God
Scientific Realism as an Historical Thesis - Prof Stathis Psillos
"Scientific Realism and the Simulation Argument" by Adam Davis
Is Maths Real? Lee Smolin, Peter Hacker, Hilary Lawson on Scientific Realism
Scientific realism and the history of experimentation - Prof Theodore Arabatzis
John Wilkins - Scientific Realism
7 - 4 - Part Four - Scientific Realism and the No Miracles Argument (0331)
Scientific Realism Day 05 - Clip02
MindChunk: Scientific Realism, AntiRealism, and Consciousness
Realism and anti-realism I: Absolutism and relativism
Carnap on the Scientific Realism Debate
Cormac McCarthy on scientific realism
Kitcher Scientific Realism
Scientific Realism Day05 - Clip01
Scientific realism and proofs of God
Scientific Realism as an Historical Thesis - Prof Stathis Psillos
"Scientific Realism and the Simulation Argument" by Adam Davis
Is Maths Real? Lee Smolin, Peter Hacker, Hilary Lawson on Scientific Realism
Scientific realism and the history of experimentation - Prof Theodore Arabatzis
Scientific Realism Day 05 - Clip03
Scientific Realism Day 05 - Clip04
Panel on Scientific Realism
Moral Realism: Arcadia University US275 Scientific Ethics
One Giant Leap for Climate Realism
7 - 5 - Part Five - Scientific Anti-Realism Constructive Empiricism (0726)
Spiritual Realism in the Theology and Science Discourse
Climate Realist Marc Morano Debates Bill Nye the Science Guy on Global Warming
Semantic anti-realism and quantum theory Part1
Quo Vadis Selective Scientific Realism - Dr Peter Vickers
Michela Massimi - Perspectival Realism (Nov. 8th 2013)
Science & the Preservation of Reliability
Fine Arthur "Structural Realism, Then and Now"
Race Realism = Real Racism
The Return of Liberal Realism: The IR Enlightenment and the Ends of IR Theory
A New View of Science: Title Search Realism
Bas van Fraassen: The Semantic Approach to Science, After 50 Years
Carnap on Realism & Instrumentalism
Introduction to Critical Realism Part Two: Critical Naturalism and Applied Critical Realism
Sam Harris: Science can ground moral realism
James Fodor - The Shaky Foundations of Science: An Overview of the Big Issues
Thomas Kuhn as a Perspectival Realist
Kerbal Space Program (0.23.5) - Realism Overhaul 039 - To Mars! Part 2
Non-Dual Conscious Realism ~ Neil Theise
Jurisprudence: Realist School
Philosophy of Science Lecture #7: Realism and Conventionalism
John Derbyshire and James Watson: Black Crime and Crimes Against Science
All About - Realism
For Real Segment on "Dailies" (for Reelz Channel)
John Wilkins - Map & Territory
6.4. INTROPHIL - Scientific Realism and the No Miracles Argument
6.5. INTROPHIL - Scientific Anti Realism Constructive Empiricism
Naturalism Part 4: Webcam video from July 10, 2013 3:17 PM