A druid was a member of the priestly class in Britain, Ireland, and Gaul (France), and possibly other parts of Celtic Europe and Galatia during the Iron Age and possibly earlier. Very little is known about the ancient druids. They left no written accounts about themselves and the only evidence is a few descriptions left by Greek, Roman and various scattered authors and artists, also stories created by later medieval Irish writers. While archaeological evidence has been uncovered pertaining to the religious practices of the Iron Age people, "not one single artefact or image has been unearthed that can undoubtedly be connected with the ancient Druids." Various recurring themes emerge in a number of the Greco-Roman accounts of the druids, including that they performed human sacrifice, believed in a form of reincarnation, and that they held a high position in Gaulish society. Next to nothing is known about their cultic practice, except for the ritual of oak and mistletoe as described by Pliny the Elder.
Hearthstone: Kolento plays astral druid (#14)
Druid - Druid (2015) (Full Album)
Hearthstone Aggro Druid #1 - Unleashing the SMOrc within
[Hearthstone] Tanking With Mill Druid
Hearthstone #296 Ranked: Deck Midrange Combo Druid TGT (Druida de Combo) Parte 2
Guild Wars 2 - Druid Teaser & Mount Theory
Hearthstone #295 Ranked: Deck Midrange Combo Druid TGT (Druida de Combo)
Hearthstone: Kolento plays combo druid - TGT version (#13)
Druid - Toward The Sun [1975] [FULL ALBUM]
Hearthstone: Typical Ramp Druid (Druid Constructed)
Hearthstone: Trump Deck Teachings - 02 - Midrange Druid (Druid)
Resto Druid Basic Guide WoD
The Druid Path
Should You Roll A: Druid ?
Young TV Reporter Sloane dreams of doing hard news and gets her wish when she reports on the ongoing war between two mob families fighting over territory in the nation's capital. As the story unfolds, violence erupts in the district as a serial killer causes havoc in the streets.
In whom we trust.
In 140 AD, twenty years after the unexplained disappearance of the entire Ninth Legion in the mountains of Scotland, young centurion Marcus Aquila (Tatum) arrives from Rome to solve the mystery and restore the reputation of his father, the commander of the Ninth. Accompanied only by his British slave Esca (Bell), Marcus sets out across Hadrian's Wall into the uncharted highlands of Caledonia - to confront its savage tribes, make peace with his father's memory, and retrieve the lost legion's golden emblem, the Eagle of the Ninth.
Keywords: ancient-rome, animal-in-title, arena, award, bare-chested-male, based-on-novel, based-on-tv-series, battle, beating, betrayal
The destiny of a soldier. The honour of a slave. The fate of an empire.
[first lines]::Marcus Aquila: Marcus Flavius Aquila, Fourth Cohort of Gaul, Second Legion, come to relieve the command.::Lutorius: Lutorius Drusillus Salinator, acting senior officer.::Marcus Aquila: Where's the garrison commander?::Lutorius: He left this morning, sir. Couldn't wait to get away.
Marcus Aquila: [from trailer] Then I'll take Esca.::Aquila: He's a *slave*, he does what he does because he has to... He will slit your throat the minute you're alone.
Esca: [from trailer] I hate everything you stand for.
Esca: [from trailer] How can a piece of metal mean so much to you?::Marcus Aquila: The eagle is not a piece of metal. The eagle is Rome.
Marcus Aquila: [from trailer] Where is the eagle?::Guern: [pointing to Esca] He knows. He's one of them.
Esca: [from trailer] [coldly] You're my slave. Do as I did for you, and you'll survive.
Marcus Aquila: [to Esca] You are free, my friend.
[last lines]::Esca: So what now?::Marcus Aquila: You decide.
[about Esca]::Marcus Aquila: He's not a slave. And he knows more about honor and freedom than you'll ever know.
[Marcus regains consciousness after his surgery]::Marcus Aquila: Did I shame myself?::[Esca shakes his head]::Marcus Aquila: Thank you.
England; the year is 1066. On the eve of the greatest battle of the Medieval period, William the Duke of Normandy, meets Vidr a mysterious wayfarer, who invites him to accept a game of Claang; a game very similar to chess. As he recounts the legendary origins of this game, Vidr narrates the story of Tyr an ancient leader, who like William is about to risk everything in a battle that all believe to be impossible to win.
Keywords: battle, fight, game, medieval-times, sword, viking
Accept the Challenge.
Death sacrifice...It's a living!
30 men enter, one man leaves: It's the 8th annual Royal Rumble battle royal. WWF Title: Diesel vs. Bret Hart, WWF Intercontinental Title: Razor Ramon vs. Jeff Jarrett, WWF Tag Team Titles: The 1-2-3 Kid & Bob Holly vs. Bam Bam Bigelwo & Tatanka, The Undertaker vs. Irwin R. Schyster
Keywords: african-american, american-hero, bad-guy, bald-man, british-man, brother, canadian, country-singer, fighting-brothers, football-player
Jerry Lawler: Is Dink in there?::Vince McMahon: What?::Jerry Lawler: Is Dink in there?::Vince McMahon: Of course not! You would see him in there!::Jerry Lawler: Heh, you wouldn't be able too...
A baby girl is discovered in a river by Ranon and Mims, the children of Willow Ufgood, a dwarf farmer and magician and the baby girl is taken into the care of Willow's family. But when a terrifying dog-like creature attacks Willow's village, whilst tracking down the baby. Willow consults the village council and the wizard The High Aldwin. The High Aldwin gives Willow a task and Willow leaves the village and embarks on the task to give the baby girl to a responsible person. But Willow soon learns the baby is Elora Danan, the baby girl destined to bring about the downfall of the evil sorceress Queen Bavmorda. Joined by his allies: swordsman Madmartigan, sorceress Fin Razel and the Brownies Franjean and Rool, Willow takes it upon himself to protect Elora from Queen Bavmorda, who intends to kill Elora and prevent Elora from fulfilling her destiny. And Willow and his allies are pursued by Queen Bavmorda's daughter Sorsha and the evil commander of Queen Bavmorda's army General Kael, whom are searching for Elora and bring her back to Queen Bavmorda's castle, where Queen Bavmorda bids to kill Elora in a ritual and prevent the prophecy of her downfall.
Keywords: acorn, adulterous-wife, adultery, adventurer, altar, animal-attack, animal-bite, anti-hero, apple, apprentice
Adventure doesn't come any bigger than this.
Forget all you know, or think you know.
A world where heroes come in all sizes and adventure is the greatest magic of all
Beyond Good... Beyond Evil... Beyond your wildest imagination...
Willow: We need your help!::Madmartigan: [sarcastically] My help? Why would you need my help? You're a *sorcerer*.::Willow: You're a great warrior! And a swordsman!... And you're ten times bigger than I am, stupid!
High Aldwin: Magic is the bloodstream of the universe. Forget all you know, or think you know. All that you require is your intuition.
High Aldwin: [throws an apple into the air which turns into a bird] Go in the direction the bird is flying!::Burgelcutt: He's going back to village!::High Aldwin: Ignore the bird. Follow the river.
Willow: See this acorn? I'll throw it at you and turn you to stone!::Madmartigan: Ooh, I'm really scared. No! Don't! There's a- a peck here with an acorn pointed at me!
Willow: Don't call me a peck!::Madmartigan: Oh, I'm sorry! Peck! Peck! Peck, peck, peck, peck, peck, peck, peck!
Willow: What are you doing?::Madmartigan: I found some blackroot. She loves it.::Willow: Blackroot? I'm the father of two children, and you never, ever give a baby blackroot.::Madmartigan: Well my mother raised us on it. It's good for you! It put's hair on your chest, right Sticks?::Willow: Her name is not Sticks! She's Elora Dannen, the future empress of Tir Asleen and the last thing she's gonna want is a hairy chest!
Madmartigan: Did I really... Did I really say those things, last night, in your tent?::Sorsha: You said you loved me.::Madmartigan: I don't remember that.::Sorsha: You lied to me.::Madmartigan: No, I... I just wasn't myself last night.::Sorsha: I suppose my power enchanted you and you were helpless against it.::Madmartigan: Sort of.::Sorsha: Then what?::Madmartigan: It... went away.::Sorsha: Went away? "I dwell in darkness without you" and it *went away*?
Madmartigan: Well my mother raised me on blackroot. It's good for you. It puts hair on your chest, doesn't it, Sticks?
Sorsha: What are you looking at?::Madmartigan: Your leg. I'd like to break it.
Madmartigan: I love you, Sorsha!::Sorsha: Stop saying that!
Hearthstone: Kolento plays astral druid (#14)
Druid - Druid (2015) (Full Album)
Hearthstone Aggro Druid #1 - Unleashing the SMOrc within
[Hearthstone] Tanking With Mill Druid
Hearthstone #296 Ranked: Deck Midrange Combo Druid TGT (Druida de Combo) Parte 2
Guild Wars 2 - Druid Teaser & Mount Theory
Hearthstone #295 Ranked: Deck Midrange Combo Druid TGT (Druida de Combo)
Hearthstone: Kolento plays combo druid - TGT version (#13)
Druid - Toward The Sun [1975] [FULL ALBUM]
Hearthstone: Typical Ramp Druid (Druid Constructed)
Hearthstone: Trump Deck Teachings - 02 - Midrange Druid (Druid)
Resto Druid Basic Guide WoD
The Druid Path
Should You Roll A: Druid ?
Hearthstone Double Combo Druid #1
Hearthstone - Gnimsh Druid
Crash Course - Druid
Hearthstone - Malygos + Bloodmage Thalnos Druid Combo (30 Damage, OTK Win)
So you wanna play...a Druid?
Hearthstone TGT Druid 'Unleash The Beasts!'
Dota 2 | UNLEASHING MISHA!! | Baumi plays Lone Druid
Hearthstone: Fatigue Druid - Lord of the Gimmicks
Dota 2 Purge plays Lone Druid
Mysteries of life, mysteries of death
Mysteries of mountain and forest, mysteries of nature
Mysteries of the sky, mysteries of the earth
Mysteries of dreams, mysteries of love
Mysteries of the soul, mysteries of mankind
Mysteries of thoughts, mysteries of words
Mysteries of pains, mysteries of healings
Mysteries of answers, mysteries of mysteries
No objectivity lies there to be preached, but yet no relativity
No doctrine shall be found on my lips for it's truth I seek to give
Drus, Animongaro
Lover of God
I give the love, that I am given
With truth against the world
Through the mysteries of life, I wander on my path
And seek to give some wisdom, that I am given
This little flame of mine, I will always let it shine
Through the wasted years and all bitter times
The druid came to heal all our crimes
As long as we're surviving he shall conquer us all
In the book of ancient magic and light
The ancients will obtain the knowledge of their might
To heal the tortured souls, their ultimate goal
Angels of mercy in disguise
Save tortured souls
Freedom is their goal
Onwards they dwell
Druid, a winning streak
Ancients, doom is in your hands
If you want to see the day
The reward is to travel through the skies in times to come
Far within the oaken tower
Exists the one with evil power
Magic channeler of earth's frustration
The Druid sleeps in meditation