


The Cascadia megaquake: 3 leading experts on what to expect

Is the Pacific Northwest about to be wiped out in a massive earthquake? A New Yorker article on the region's seismic vulnerabilities has provoked widespread interest in the subject, if…

Guest Opinion: What happens if Bertha fails?

The citizens of Washington and, in particular, Seattle are experiencing an unexpected drama: the construction of a waterfront tunnel. Bringing it to a decent conclusion may…

Seattle growth: How to stand up to developers, City Hall

Last week, the U.S. weather service issued a warning that the dry summer was replicating the conditions seen when the Great Seattle Fire of 1889…

Commentary: Court will have a big say on Legislature’s school shortcomings

It’s finally over. After 177 days, the longest session in state history, the 2015 Legislature has finally gone home for the year. Or has it?…

E-bikes picking up speed in Seattle

Given Seattle’s affinity for tech, its traffic issues, and its hilly terrain, so-called "e-bikes" – which contain a battery and can make strenuous hills seem to disappear – would…

Amazon exaggerates its support for affordable housing

This month, Amazon informed the Associated Press that it had “given the city [of Seattle] tens of millions of dollars for affordable housing” for a story that…

Murray group puts Seattle on road to much more housing

On Monday, after nearly a year of anticipation, Mayor Ed Murray’s housing task force unveiled its beefed-up recommendations for adding 50,000 new units in Seattle over…

Getting ready for the Big One

My Roosevelt neighbors sleep with hard hats, boots, flashlights and emergency preparedness booklets under their beds. Some of us are members of our neighborhood First…

To be continued: Argument on school taxes

A $3.5 billion tax fight appears to be brewing in Olympia for 2016 or 2017 over how to overhaul Washington’s school levy system. The overhaul…

All done: Legislature heads home after longest session

In the final act of a record-setting 178-day legislative session, the Washington House on Friday approved $5.3 billion worth of bonds by a 63-29 vote.…

Small nuke reactors: Search for site is planned

  The Washington Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council will begin searching for a potential manufacturing site for small modular reactors. That information came from a…

In Hanford, the hunt for black holes and gravity waves enters new era

In 2000, Betsy Weaver got hooked on a vision of things unseen. As a student at Washington State University, Weaver’s physics program was visited by…

Video: Legislature’s work & where WA goes now

Now that the state legislature has gone home, we look at the final budget compromise with Democratic political and public affairs consultant Sandeep Kaushik and…

Edible gardens: a bounty so far this year

High noon and fruit trees, berries, bee-pleasing orax, and corn as high as an elephant's eye, glisten and ripen in the sun. You may think it's a…

Rich neighborhoods may have a pass on Murray’s housing changes

Behind stone pillars along the shoreline of Lake Washington south of Magnuson Park is Seattle’s Windermere neighborhood. Many of the houses were built in the…

The new face of Seattle’s Aquarium (maybe)

The Seattle Aquarium released its Master Plan For Expansion this week, rolling out a proposal that would increase exhibit space by at least 40 percent…

The great sort: A guide to the crowd running for City Council

With the new district elections format, Seattle city voters face choices, choices and more choices in the City Council primary. To help you sort through…

Black community leaders call for surveillance cameras

Flanked by Police Chief Kathleen O’Toole and Mayor Ed Murray, Reverend Harriett Walden insisted the news conference start with a prayer. The gathering at First…

Rich neighborhoods may have a pass on Murray’s housing changes

Behind stone pillars along the shoreline of Lake Washington south of Magnuson Park is Seattle’s Windermere neighborhood. Many of the houses were built in the…

The Weekend List: Socko ethnicity bender at Intiman. Music and a slam to catch. Cherdonna’s cake party.

* Events that are $15 or less Orpheus Descending Three days later and I’m still thinking about this show. It’s that good. Confession: I’ll go…

Mariners as 2015 champions? The numbers don’t add up

Gather round, boys and girls (you, too, Mariners' fans) for today’s Do the Math Lesson. Today’s problem: Can Seattle win the American League West? The…

Trained in Seattle, a doctor brings new life to his homeland

Making a major impact in your country, improving the lives of countless people. Few ever have the opportunity. Dr. Nixon Niyonzima, a young Ugandan physician, is…

Getting ready for the Big One

My Roosevelt neighbors sleep with hard hats, boots, flashlights and emergency preparedness booklets under their beds. Some of us are members of our neighborhood First…

The Cascadia megaquake: 3 leading experts on what to expect

Is the Pacific Northwest about to be wiped out in a massive earthquake? A New Yorker article on the region's seismic vulnerabilities has provoked widespread interest in the subject, if…

Amazon exaggerates its support for affordable housing

This month, Amazon informed the Associated Press that it had “given the city [of Seattle] tens of millions of dollars for affordable housing” for a story that…

Edible gardens: a bounty so far this year

High noon and fruit trees, berries, bee-pleasing orax, and corn as high as an elephant's eye, glisten and ripen in the sun. You may think it's a…

In Hanford, the hunt for black holes and gravity waves enters new era

In 2000, Betsy Weaver got hooked on a vision of things unseen. As a student at Washington State University, Weaver’s physics program was visited by…

Seattle growth: How to stand up to developers, City Hall

Last week, the U.S. weather service issued a warning that the dry summer was replicating the conditions seen when the Great Seattle Fire of 1889…

Murray group puts Seattle on road to much more housing

On Monday, after nearly a year of anticipation, Mayor Ed Murray’s housing task force unveiled its beefed-up recommendations for adding 50,000 new units in Seattle over…

Small nuke reactors: Search for site is planned

  The Washington Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council will begin searching for a potential manufacturing site for small modular reactors. That information came from a…