Kaupapa | Vision

Kaupapa | Vision

Mana, ko te waka whakarei o te iwi

Mana, ko te waka whakarei o te iwi, kua hangaia ake nei hei kōkiri i te pito mata e pūāwai ai ngā moemoea me ōna hiahia otirā o te hunga e pirangi ana ki tētahi huarahi rerekē e puta ai he ora mo te katoa, e ai ki tērā kōrero “He koi ngākau hotahota, kia mau ki te mau a Māui. ” I whakaritea ko Mana he īngoa i roto o ngā hui i whakahāerehia ki te taha o ngā tamatoa, me ngā tamawāhine, ngā koroua me ngā kuia ina rā e whakātu mai ana i te mana i roto o tēna o tēna o te tangata e ana whakamua ai tōna rohe. He kaupapa hoki tēnei e mārama kau ana te iwi o te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa. Ko te manakonui o tēnei rōpu a Mana he tuku mā te kawa me ōna tikanga i whakaritea e ia e whakamāmā te huarahi ana whakamua mo tātou i roto i o tātou roherohe e eke ai tātou ki ngā taumata tiketike e taupokihia ai te hoki whakamuri.

Ko Hone Pani Tamati Waka Nene Harawira te kaiwhakahāere i a Mana koia te mema mo Te Tai Tokerau ki roto o te Whare Miere. E kī ana a Hone Harawira he mea hanga tēnei rōpu e te iwi mo te iwi i roto o ngā āwangawanga o te iwi Māori e hāere pēhea kē ana a Aotearoa.

“Kei te kaha te mamae o te iwi Māori puta noa i te motu i te mea he nui rawa te utu o te pātaka kai, kua piki te nama o te hunga kore mahi, kāhore hoki i te tika ngā mahi a tēnei kāwanatanga. Kīhai te Kawanatanga i te aro ake ki te manāki i te hunga rawakore ēngari kei te huri rātou ki a rātou ano arā i te hunga whai rawa ki te tiaki ano i a rātou. Hei whakawhānui ake i runga o tēra, kua whakaparahakotia ngā tikanga a te iwi Māori ki tētahi raupatu nunui kua kaikanohitia ake e te marea ina rā kua whakaritea ngā whakatāunga o te pire hōu e pā ana ki te takutai moana.”

E toru ngā whāinga matua o te rōpu nei a Mana kua whakaritea arā; He Whakapūtanga o ngā rangatira o Niu Tīreni, ko te Tiriti o Waitangi me te noho pūmau ki ngā kawenga e toka ai ki tōna tuara tōtara. Ko te whakarite a Mana kia tau te mauri o ēnei kawenata tapu arā He Whakapūtanga me Te Tiriti e puta ai tōna māramatanga ki tēna ki tēna otirā ki te iwi whānui puta noa i te motu. Kua whakamanatia ngā kawenga e pūmau ai te hunga e hoe nei i te waka ki tōna tuara tōtara otirā kia kore ai rātou e wareware ki te iwi i whakatau nei i a rātou ki runga i taua waka ra no reira e manako kau ana rātou ki te kōkiri ki te whakarongo i ngā hiahia a te iwi e pā ana ki nga kaupapa katoa ahakoa he iti he uaua rānei. He rōpu a Mana e manakonui ana ki ngā hiahia a te iwi Māori otirā e huaki ana ōna tatau ki o tātou whanaunga o Te Moana-nui-a-kiwa me te hunga Pākeha e orite kau ana ōna hiahia me ōna whakāro ki o tātou.

Mana , te waka whakarei o te iwi, kei te kaha tōna piki ia rā ia rā, nau mai piki mai kake mai ina rā whakapiri mai ki te ao e tū roa ai tātou me a tātou whakatipuranga mauri tū, mauri tau, mauri ora ki a tātou katoa.

Mana, the Movement of the People

MANA, movement of the people, is Aotearoa’s newest political force, led by Hone Harawira, Independent MP for Tai Tokerau.

MANA emerged from hui all over the country and from a competition to find a name that best describes the personal authority that people have to make our society one we can all be proud of, and the commitment it takes to make that happen.

MANA is a concept that all New Zealanders are familiar with.
MANA is the principle of independence recognised in Te Whakaputanga o Te Rangatiratanga o Nui Tireni.
MANA embodies the principle of authority confirmed in Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
MANA includes the principle of autonomy that is the driver behind Mana Motuhake.
MANA comes from a deep and ongoing connection to the people of the Pacific.
MANA embraces the personal responsibility we all have to contribute to society.

MANA also speaks to the pride and dignity of workers who built this country into the special place that we all call home.

MANA is born from a need/ or desire to be a truly independent Maori voice in parliament.”

MANA is also seen as the natural home to a growing number of ordinary Kiwis cast adrift by this National government, and despairing of Labour’s inability to provide a viable alternative.”

“Government is giving tax breaks to the rich, bailing out failed finance companies, selling off our natural resources, turning prisons into private profit ventures, and spending $36 million on a yacht race on the other side of the world, while ordinary New Zealanders are starving, workers are being forced into slavery by the 90-day bill, and Maori rights are being drowned in the Raukumara Basin.

“In the land of milk and honey, those massive inequalities are unacceptable.

MANA will promote the principle that what is good for Maori is good for Aotearoa.
MANA will promote policies that allow all New Zealanders to lead a good life.
MANA will outline a budget to meet those expectations.
MANA will bring courage and honesty to political endeavour.
MANA will guarantee a measure of people power and accountability from its MPs, that has never been seen before in this country.

MANA is a principle we bring out of our history, to serve us in the present, and to provide us with the platform to transform this nation.