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Irish Left Review
Joined up thinking for the Irish Left

offsite link Free Education: A Really Modest Proposal Fri Jun 26, 2015 13:04 | Michael Taft

offsite link The June Issue of Socialist Voice is Out Now! Thu Jun 25, 2015 14:01 | Communist Party of Ireland

offsite link Latest Peoples News No. 127 is Out Now Thu Jun 25, 2015 12:27 | The People's Movement

offsite link Syriza?s Moment of Truth Tue Jun 23, 2015 14:17 | Brian O Boyle

offsite link Progressive Film Club: Autumn Sun and Ciutat Morta Tue Jun 23, 2015 14:00 | Irish Left Review

Irish Left Review >>

Cedar Lounge
For lefties too stubborn to quit

offsite link Real flight simulators? 13:28 Sat Jun 27, 2015 | WorldbyStorm

offsite link Patrick Macnee?1922 to 2015 11:07 Sat Jun 27, 2015 | WorldbyStorm

offsite link This Weekend I?ll Mostly Be Listening to? The Wailers 06:46 Sat Jun 27, 2015 | irishelectionliterature

offsite link Greece to have a Referendum 00:13 Sat Jun 27, 2015 | irishelectionliterature

offsite link Pride 2015 19:26 Fri Jun 26, 2015 | WorldbyStorm

Cedar Lounge >>

Dublin Opinion
Life should be full of strangeness, like a rich painting


offsite link ALWAYS THE ARTISTS: WEEK THREE OF THE BANK INQUIRY 23:11 Thu Jan 22, 2015


offsite link PETER NYBERG BANK INQUIRY EVIDENCE, 17 DECEMBER 2014 18:05 Sun Dec 28, 2014

offsite link For Some Vicious Mole of Nature: Making Sense of The Irish Bank Crisis 21:07 Fri Dec 26, 2014

Dublin Opinion >>

NAMA Wine Lake

offsite link Farewell from NWL Sun May 19, 2013 14:00 | namawinelake

offsite link Happy 70th Birthday, Michael Sun May 19, 2013 14:00 | namawinelake

offsite link Of the Week? Sat May 18, 2013 00:02 | namawinelake

offsite link Noonan denies IBRC legal fees loan approval to Paddy McKillen was in breach of E... Fri May 17, 2013 14:23 | namawinelake

offsite link Gayle Killilea Dunne asks to be added as notice party in Sean Dunne?s bankruptcy Fri May 17, 2013 12:30 | namawinelake

NAMA Wine Lake >>

dublin / housing Monday March 23, 2015 22:56 by Grangegorman squat
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Baliffs, hired thugs and Garda try
to force their way in. Later they turn violent.

A massive eviction is underway in Dublin. It is at the complex of occupied houses and former factory spaces in Grangegorman. Reports indicate that at 7am in the morning a very large number of private security angle grinder their way through one of the metal gates, invaded the area en massed and are erecting barriers (pictured) inside and trying to evict the occupants.

national / bin tax / household tax / water tax Friday February 20, 2015 16:34 by anti-austerity alliance
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When government propaganda fails,
political policing kicks in...

The Anti-Austerity Alliance has today condemned the jailing of anti-water meter protestors at the behest of Denis O’Brien’s company GMC Sierra.

Anti-Austerity Alliance TD Paul Murphy said “The jailing of these protestors and the arrests in Tallaght is an attack on the right of communities to protest against the imposition of austerity measures, in this case the water charge and meters, which are being imposed by the government despite the massive opposition to them.

national / consumer issues Friday February 20, 2015 16:29 by missing our buses already
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10% to go in 2016 and then decimation beings in earnest

Just three weeks ago the National Transport Authority (NTA) officially started the tendering for 2016 of initially 10% of Dublin Bus routes and a further 10% of all Bus Eireann routes with most of the routes in Waterford City, and a number of Dublin commuter routes are to be privatised. In the original plan a number of Cork City routes were to go but these will probably happen later. This process has been the culmination of a relentless effort by Fine Gael (FG) in the present government and their predecessors and fellow Neo-Liberal ideologists, Fianna Fáil (FF) in the last government where they have consistently pushed for the break up of both Dublin Bus and Bus Eireann so that it can be handed over to their friends in the private sector to run on a profit basis. The NTA is used as a sort of cloak of respectability to give the impression that they will actually be a regulator with teeth of which we know very few regulators have any teeth, with the banking regulator during the Celtic Tiger coming to mind, plus many other examples and the function of NTA is really for propaganda value to convince the middle class. However this whole scheme is about ideology and is NOT about competition but about privatisation.

international / anti-capitalism Saturday November 29, 2014 17:45 by Shane Cassidy
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This article examines the Transatlantic Free Trade agreement and it's potential repercussions. In 2010 the US mining and gas company, Renco, managed to successfully avoid having to pay compensation to Peruvian locals who were harmed due to pollution by their companies by successfully using a provision of the Peru-US Trade Agreement[1]. Not satisfied with avoiding having to pay compensation, the company has since demanded $800 million from the Peruvian government as they argue that one of the companies they own, Doe Run, was forced into bankruptcy due to an expensive pollution clean-up which the Peruvian government required Doe Run to conduct [2].

national / bin tax / household tax / water tax Sunday November 02, 2014 00:07 by T
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Sligo says No to Water Charges

Over 100 separate local demonstrations took place today (Sat Nov 1st) against the Water Charges and for the Right 2 Water. Organisers estimate conservatively that over 150,000 were out on the streets today to send a message to this government that they won't accept paying for water twice and having it privatised later.

People realize that all the false promises and allowances will eventually be dropped and the long term result will be that a privatised water company will prey on the people with massive hikes in charges and big fat bonuses for themselves.

There were protests from Cork & Kerry to Wexford to Dublin to Limerick to Galway to Sligo to Donegal to Cavan to Dundalk and all over the Midlands. There has never been anything like it perhaps since the foundation of the state. The people are truly fed up and are determined and will not be abused by the political technocrats of big Capital that is robbing every social gain our forebears fought hard to get over the past century.

For lots more pictures check each of the various campaign pages from around the country.
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Sat 27 Jun, 18:04

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textMexican navy in uniform invade Dublin 21:10 Wed 17 Jun by author 4 comments

About 6 uniformed naval officers in complete uniform walked Grafton street around 21.00 hours on the 17th of June 2015.
They went into Mc D. Grafton street.

textThree Cases of Very Rare Blood Disorder Reported after Gardasil Vaccination..In One Week! 22:01 Mon 15 Jun by Martin Healy 9 comments

The REGRET Group recently received a list of all the adverse reactions
reported to the Irish Health Regulatory Authority (HPRA) following
vaccination with the HPV vaccine Gardasil.

image"Fast Track" Hurdles and Development Concerns Remain‎ After House Trade Votes 21:41 Fri 12 Jun by Sophia Har 1 comments

A package of trade bills stalled today when the US House of Representatives defeated one portion of the package while voting in favor of another. Trade Adjustment Assistance, a program to assist US workers who lose their jobs because of trade agreements, failed by a vote of 302-126. This worker assistance is part of the Trade Act of 2015 which would give President Obama Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) to move international trade agreements through Congress without amendment. Congress must pass trade assistance within two remaining legislative days in order for TPA or "fast track" to be sent to President Obama's desk.

2015akbayanbblbangsamoro.jpg imageVarious Groups in the Philippines Conduct a Peace March 14:42 Fri 05 Jun by Akbayan (Citizens Action Party) 0 comments

Various groups unite and conducted a peace march from Sandiganbayan to the House of Representatives in support of the immediate passage of the Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL) and for lasting peace in Muslim Mindanao.

poland_vs_ttip.jpg imagevideoCommission defends inclusion of Health in EU-US TTIP trade talks 23:29 Mon 01 Jun by No to TTIP 1 comments

The EU's negotiating team for pharmaceuticals, medical devices and cosmetics in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) met with civil society organisations inside the Commission on Wednesday (27 May) to defend the inclusion of the health sector in the trade deal.

In Europe, universal healthcare is a source of national pride, as well as a constant subject of debate. So, the inclusion of a healthcare chapter in TTIP has triggered heated reactions from health NGOs and trade unions, who are wary of an American-style liberalisation of a heavily regulated sector.

textIslamic Extremist Lectures in Cork 08:22 Tue 26 May by ACRON 12 comments

I'm writing in to bring to your attention a Muslim extremist who was speaking in Cork,
at the Cork Dawah Centre on Shandon St. on the 24th of May, called Abdurraheem Green.

textGovernments Negotiate UN Agreement on Global Development 18:07 Wed 13 May by Sophia Har 0 comments

The United Nations, International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank and finance ministries are meeting in New York to finalize an agreement for the Financing for Development Conference (FfD) to be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in July.

2015aplnagkaisafilipinoworkersdavao.jpg imagePhilippine President Aquino no longer deserves any support from workers and trade unions 12:53 Mon 11 May by Sentro 0 comments

THE workers and the trade unions throughout the world mark today the International Labor Day – 125th anniversary globally and 112th celebration here in the Philippines. This historic and revered day has been an enduring and stirring symbol for the working class despite serious setbacks caused by multipronged and systematic neoliberal attacks against the workers, the masses and their organizations, which have seriously threatened to dilute if not totally wipe out the hard-fought sociopolitical gains achieved by the labor movement in the past hundred years or so.

textSentenced to six years 7 of the 28 Basque youth tried in December 16:25 Wed 06 May by BelfastBasque 0 comments

The National Court has sentenced to six years in prison to seven of the 28 young court in December on charges of "membership of an armed band", according to legal sources NAIZ.INFO has known.

textAftershocks Pummel Highly Indebted Nepal 16:46 Mon 27 Apr by Sophia Har 0 comments

As Nepal experiences aftershocks from Saturday's earthquake, it may find relief in the IMF's Catastrophe Containment and Relief Trust, a fund that cancels the debt of poor countries in crisis.

more >>

textCoalitionism Jun 24 by Pat Waine 0 comments

The very clear lessons on coalition with the right that now must be re learned by the left in Ireland all over again. The failure so far to rule out a coalition involving Fianna Fail, Labour and Fianna Gael is a failure to learn the lessons of historical compromises of the past. The left in Ireland must set out to build a real alternative to the narrative of austerity propagated by the capitalist parties in Ireland and supported by Labour.

text#NAMA – Vulture Funds Win, Taxpayer Loses… Jun 23 by postman 0 comments

The drip feed of questionable deals carried out by NAMA is well under way. Regularly now, we see information reaching the public domain whereby NAMA have sold stressed assets at less than their real value and the purchasers are turning them over within 2 years, at profit ranging from 30% to 40%/ The purchasers are mostly foreign investment funds – ‘vulture funds ‘ – who have picked on the carcass of the stressed Irish property market. Many of them have retained the assets, and become serious players in the residential rental market in Ireland, especially Dublin, and have developed a controlling influence, managing to drive up rents astronomically in our capital city. This all doesn’t make them evil people – they just do what they do, it’s called unfettered Capitalism - our problem as Irish citizens is that our Government have allowed a situation to develop whereby the vulture funds win and the Irish tax payer loses. And our present Neo Liberal Government think that this is all fine. I believe otherwise. Here’s my Leader’s Questions with Taoiseach Enda Kenny this week, who knows that all is not well. -

textPrivatisation of Postal Services - A great little neoliberal country to do business in… Jun 21 by postman 0 comments

Privatisation of Postal Services - A great little neoliberal country to do business in…

Yesterday afternoon in the Dáil, we discussed the Communications Regulation (Postal Service) (Amendment) Bill 2015 – a piece of legislation that represents the latest push by this Government to further its neoliberal agenda through the privatisation, or “outsourcing,” of public services in this country. Under this new legislation, our new national postcode system – Eircode – will be privatised and administered by Capita Ireland, which is part of the Ł7bn Capita multinational corporation, a global conglomerate with vast experience of snapping up lucrative state contracts around the world.
I asked the Minister why at least €27m of taxpayers’ money is being pumped into a postcode system that many in the delivery industry have described “lacking vision” and utterly useless, while at the same time, rural post offices are being closed down, further isolating the communities they serve. Rural Ireland, and in particular those most vulnerable, are being abandoned in favour of big business. Here’s my contribution in the Chamber. –

textPrinciples for a Left Alternative. May-June 2015 Jun 01 by Pbp 0 comments

The following statement, as a contribution to the debate at the conference organised by the R2W unions on June 13, has been agreed between the People Before Profit Alliance,the Anti-Austerity Alliance, and some independent left-wing activists including Cllr Brendan Young.

The Mayday Conference initiated by the Right2Water Trade Unions was designed to bring union members, community groups and political representatives into dialogue about an alternative to the political and economic establishment. We welcome the fact that these unions initiated such a meeting to build a political movement based on the anti-water charges struggle of the last eight months. Unfortunately, the meeting was a limited and invite-only event, without sufficient space for discussion.

textTrade Agreement represents the sovereignty of Capital May 25 by Ruared 0 comments

Nathan Stuart with a short piece on the transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). Nathan is an RNU student activist from Armagh, currently living and studying in Belfast. He has been heavily involved in numerous campaigns on student, socialist and republican issues.

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textEU’s ‘trade secret’ protection risks health, environment and freedom! Corporations will have right t... Jun 24 0 comments

A new Trade Secrets law to be voted on next week by the European Parliament threatens a massive clampdown on journalists and whistle-blowers, write Anne Friel & Anaďs Berthier, giving corporations the right to sue those who disclose private information even in the public interest to protect health, safety and environment.

imageFree Water Charges Protestor Stephen Bennett Jun 23 0 comments

The Solidarity Times facebook page is reported today that Water charges protestor Stephen Bennett is being sent to prison. Here is their report.

The Water charges protester Stephen Bennett will be in jail for one month tomorrow. He was not convicted of anything, instead the courts attempted to impose 'protest ban' bail conditions which he has continued to refuse to accept. All sections of the water charges movements should be demanding Stephens immediate and unconditional release.

"To my Friends, Comrades and to the Irish Water movement. I send this message of solidarity from my cell in Cloverhill prison, where I have been since May 20th.

textTranscend Ireland Support Forum Jun 20 0 comments

textVisual Artists Ireland shows confidence in the vibrancy of the visual arts of Northern Ireland Jun 19 Visual Artists Ireland 0 comments

Visual Artists Ireland [NI] will open a new dedicated Northern Ireland office on Friday, July 3rd in 109 – 113 Royal Avenue, Belfast BT1 1FF. The office will be a focal point for the advocacy and support of Northern Ireland’s visual artists and will be managed by Rob Hilken, Northern Ireland Manager reporting directly to Noel Kelly, Chief Executive Officer, Visual Artists Ireland who will also have a base there.

imagePDF DocumentIntegrity Ireland Spokesperson Stephen Manning ‘Excluded’ From ‘New Grassroots Political Process’ Jun 18 0 comments

In an increasingly bizarre turn of events that raises fundamental questions about the credibility of the much - publicised ‘1st Independent MAYO’ political initiative, prospective candidate Stephen Manning of Ballhaunis, Co. Mayo was advised last Wednesday by project organiser Eddie Farrell that a decision had been made to exclude Mr Manning from participating in the process.

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