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Berlin 1935 in Farbe
A Drive Down Wilshire Blvd in Beverly Hills 1935
Triumph des Willens (1935) - Triumph of the Will
Private Worlds (1935) Claudette Colbert, Charles Boyer
No 6207 A Study in Steel 1935
M o n t a g s k i n o - Carola Höhn - April! April! (1935)
The Call of the Wild (1935) - Clark Gable, Loretta Young
Party Wire (1935) Full Movie
ADOLF HITLER's Triumph of the Will (1935, 1080p) - German w/ Eng Subtitles
Colour on the Thames (1935)
Red Salute (1935)
Bride Of Frankenstein (1935) Full Movie | Full Horror Movies Online
'Trains At Hayes' - the world's first stereo film, made in 1935 (clip)
The car carrying the camera that shot this footage starts near Canon Drive and travels east along Wilshire Boulevard through Beverly Hills.This may be as clo...
Triumph of the Will (German: Triumph des Willens) is a propaganda film made by Leni Riefenstahl. It chronicles the 1934 Nazi Party Congress in Nuremberg, which was attended by more than 700,000 Nazi supporters. The film contains excerpts from speeches given by various Nazi leaders at the Congress, including portions of speeches by Adolf Hitler, interspersed with footage of massed party members. Hitler commissioned the film and served as an unofficial executive producer; his name appears in the opening titles. The overriding theme of the film is the return of Germany as a great power, with Hitler as the True German Leader who will bring glory to the nation. Triumph of the Will was released in 1935 and rapidly became one of the best-known examples of propaganda in film history. Riefenstahl's techniques, such as moving cameras, the use of long focus lenses to create a distorted perspective, aerial photography, and revolutionary approach to the use of music and cinematography, have earned Triumph recognition as one of the greatest films in history. Riefenstahl won several awards, not only in Germany but also in the United States, France, Sweden, and other countries. The film was popular in the Third Reich and elsewhere, and has continued to influence movies, documentaries, and commercials to this day.
Claudette Colbert, Charles Boyer. Dramatic love story set in a mental hospital.
A very well done film about the making of a huge steam locomotive from plain bar steel. It is nothing short of incredible to see how these men work to build ...
Montagskino am ersten Montag im Monat 03.03.2014 Der Sonntagsfilm mit Anny Ondra "Knock out" von 1935 musste leider auf Drängen von Youtube entfernt werden.
The Call of the Wild (1935) With Clark Gable, Loretta Young, Jack Oakie, and Reginald Owen Directed by William A. Wellman
When the daughter of the town's leading citizen and a local dairyman have a romance,and the man makes a sudden-and-unexplained trip out of town, the local gossips, employing the small-town's shared telephone lines, start a malicious gossip campaign discussing the assumed-but-incorrect reason.
This is a higher-quality version of one of BFIFilms' most popular titles) This film is tricky to describe: is it a boat study, a film-poem, an experiment, a...
Starring Barbara Stanwyck and Robert Young. I do not own the rights to this material.
Mary Shelley reveals the main characters of her novel survived: Dr. Frankenstein (goaded by an even madder scientist) builds his monster a mate.
Clip from the first ever piece of film footage shot in stereo, ‘Trains At Hayes’, produced by prolific engineer and innovator Alan Dower Blumlein, the inventor of stereo. This film was shot from a window in the EMI offices in Hayes, West London in 1935 onto the local train station to test this new technology which would revolutionise audio recording. While working at EMI Blumlein would develop many ground-breaking and hugely influential technologies including electrical television and airborne radar as well as stereo.
ZDF History xxl Die Jahreschronik des Dritten Reichs - 1. 1933 bis 1935: Gleichschaltung. Der erste Teil der Dokumentation Jahreschronik des Dritten Reichs. ...
The 1935 musical Sweet Music starring Rudy Vallee, Alice White, Ann Dvorak, and Allen Jenkins - See more Alice White at
In 1935 the driving test became compulsory in the UK. Ford made this film, with commentary by Sir Malcolm Campbell, to reassure would-be drivers that the tes...
Seymour Hicks plays the title role in the first sound version of the Dickens classic about the miser who's visited by three ghosts on Christmas Eve. This Bri...
The Academy Film Archive, home to over 160000 items, houses thousands of reels of home movies. From documentation of daily life, birthdays, and holidays, to...
Tak wyglądało życie na ulicach Warszawy w latach 30. XX wieku. Ujęcia filmowe ukazują Warszawę, która nie znała jeszcze II wojny światowej, elegancką, pełną wspaniałej architektury i eleganckich zieleńców.
Нашел недавно этот на удивление глубокий, абсолютно новый для меня, но очень старый фильм о пасхальных евангельских событиях и распятии Иисуса, снятый французами аж в 1935 году! Внешне простой,Иисус очень скромный внешне, но есть очень интересные глубокие мысли, разговор жены Пилата с мужем о мотивах преследования Иисуса синедрионом ("эти ЖУЛИКИ не о государстве радеют, а о своих местах" шото в этом духе), разоблачение политического мотива предательства Иисуса Иудой и лидерами синедриона. Если сравнить по памяти с модерной версией с Джереми Систо в роли Иисуса, то, по моему, небо и земля! Ну французы удивили!!! Описание: Каноническая постановка, воссоздающая последние дни жизни Иисуса из Назарета, основана на текстах Евангелия и Нового завета. Несмотря на скромность декораций, скудость эмоций и образов, фильм, в котором снялись будущие звезды французского кинематографа Ж.Габен и Р.Ле Виган, оказал огромное влияние на более поздние экранизации сюжета. Картина начинается с триумфального входа Христа в Иерусалим. В фильме находят отражение и политические мотивы, и религиозные каноны -- разговор Христа с Пилатом, сцена в Гефсиманском саду, восхождение на Голгофу.
New Adventures of Tarzan (1935) Download @
Regisseur(e): E. W. Emo Komponist: Viktor Corzilius, Siegfried Schulz Sprache: Deutsch FSK: Ohne Altersbeschränkung Spieldauer: 84 Minuten Darsteller: Hans Moser Paul Hörbiger Maria Andergast Oskar Sima Josefine Dora Etta Klingenberg Toni von Bukovicz Olga Limburg Julia Serda Hubert von Meyerinck Handlung Karl Vierthaler ist der gute Geist seiner Wiener Straßenbahn. Für jeden Fahrgast und dessen Probleme hat er ein offenes Ohr. Als die Näherin Anna eine große Hutschachtel mitsamt Hut in ein vornehmes Haus bringen soll, fällt die Schachtel aus der Straßenbahn und wird überfahren. Auch dieses Unglück regelt Vierthaler mit Frau Hofrat höchstpersönlich und verliebt sich unsterblich in die verängstigte kleine Anna. Dabei ahnt er nicht, dass er Rosa, die Tochter der Konditorei von nebenan, heiraten soll. Die Eltern haben es so vereinbart. Am nächsten Samstag ist Verlobung, und Karl, so fordert es der zukünftige Schwiegervater, soll seinen Dienst bei der Straßenbahn aufgeben. Das Fest wird ein Chaos, denn auch Anna kommt, während Karl am Familientisch traktiert wird. Die beiden sprechen sich aus, und Karl erklärt den Familien samt Verlobten, dass er niemals in deren Pläne einwilligen wird. Aber auch die beiden Liebenden tun sich zunächst noch schwer, immer wieder kommt es zu Missverständnissen und Streit. Bis Karl eines Tages seine Straßenbahn mitten auf der Strecke stehen lässt...
W. -Victoria St. S ... Investigators urged anyone with information to call 416-622-1935 or 1-800-787-8529 ext. 1935. dale.
Toronto Sun 2015-04-042 — Gene Sarazen's score on the par-5 15th hole in the 1935 Masters ... albatross in 1935 with a 4-wood.
The Miami Herald 2015-04-04He’d won six Majors heading into the 1935 US Masters, only the second staging of the tournament.
The Irish Times 2015-04-04They might not have gotten here without Lobred’s leadership ... He never pulled anchor ... On April 6, 1935, the Mascot No ... Page:
U~T San Diego 2015-04-04The gardens of Balboa Park today are more a reflection of the 1935 California Pacific International ...
U~T San Diego 2015-04-04He was born on July 24, 1935 in Moon Township, Pennsylvania; he was laid to rest Saturday, March 28, in Orem, Utah.
noodls 2015-04-04Sarazen, when he captured the 1935 Masters; Hogan, when he won the 1953 British Open to get his ...
The Irish Times 2015-04-04Now it's the only major he's missing ... The others are Gary Player (1965), Ben Hogan (1953) and Gene Sarazen (1935).
The Charlotte Observer 2015-04-04(Source: Limelight Networks Inc ) ... Filed: ... of the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935 or Section 30(h) of the Investment.
noodls 2015-04-04(Source: ... co ... The 1931 and 1935 editions contain notes reminding listeners not to ring the BBC to ask for the results ... bbc.
noodls 2015-04-04No ... Masters highlight: ... 4.23 ... --- ... --- ... Gene Sarazen was three shots behind when he hit the "shot heard 'round the world" in 1935.
The Miami Herald 2015-04-04on April 8, 1935," a 2010 "American Rifleman" article on the history of the caliber informed ...
The Examiner 2015-04-03Locally Researched by: ... am EDT ... Copy Me ... million 40,872 Non-federal credit union 1935 Cathy Hufstetler, Vice president, lending.
The Business Review 2015-04-03Year 1935 (MCMXXXV) was a common year starting on Tuesday (link will display full calendar) of the Gregorian calendar.
Adolf Hitler (German: [ˈadɔlf ˈhɪtlɐ] ( listen); 20 April 1889 – 30 April 1945) was an Austrian-born German politician and the leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party (German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP), commonly referred to as the Nazi Party). He was chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945 and dictator of Nazi Germany (as Führer und Reichskanzler) from 1934 to 1945. Hitler is commonly associated with the rise of fascism in Europe, World War II, and the Holocaust.
A decorated veteran of World War I, Hitler joined the German Workers' Party, precursor of the Nazi Party, in 1919, and became leader of the NSDAP in 1921. In 1923, he attempted a coup d'état, known as the Beer Hall Putsch, in Munich. The failed coup resulted in Hitler's imprisonment, during which time he wrote his memoir, Mein Kampf (My Struggle). After his release in 1924, Hitler gained popular support by attacking the Treaty of Versailles and promoting Pan-Germanism, antisemitism, and anticommunism with charismatic oratory and Nazi propaganda. After his appointment as chancellor in 1933, he transformed the Weimar Republic into the Third Reich, a single-party dictatorship based on the totalitarian and autocratic ideology of Nazism. His aim was to establish a New Order of absolute Nazi German hegemony in continental Europe.