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facebook.com facebook.com

How popular is facebook.com?

We found facebook.com on 1649 keyword phrases in search engine results (Google, Yahoo, Bing). This is great insight into SEO and linking factors that positively and negatively affect facebook.com and how it ranks for important keywords compared to competing websites.

  • Google PageRank: 9
  • Google Links: 154,000
  • Yahoo Links: 232,000,000
  • Bing Related: 33,000
  • Technorati Links: 0
  • Google indexed pages: 207,000,000
  • Subdomains: 123

Rankings(1649): Help
7172michelle obama
59120barak obama
68914barrack obama
7peer one
215make a baby
93115rocket dogs
725heather brooks
32422mean girls quotes
10773shane carson