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ZSchool Now Open

We now have an online school. The first 8 week session for April/May is proceeding.  Faculty for ZSchool so far includes: Michael Albert, Bridget Anderson, Patrick Bond, Avi Chomsky, Rosa Clemente, Bill Fletcher, Eva Gollinger, Andrej Grubacic, Arun Gupta, Pervez Hoodbhoy, Bruno Jantti, Kathy Kelly, Harpreet Paul, Justin Podur, Jack Rasmus, Jerome Roos, Chris Spannos, Paul Street, and Tom Vouloumanos.

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month. The rest become free after 3
months. All are free to Sustainers.

June ZMag
  • Isaacs: From Baltimore to Palestine

    As I witness the increasingly militarized attacks on the rebellious neighborhoods in the “leading democracy” of the world, they seem more and more like the massive armed force brought to bear on Palestinians in the “only democracy in the Middle East.”

  • LaTour: Feminism Unfinished; What Women Want

    Two terrific books have arrived at the same time and serve as complementary entry points to a similar topic. Feminism Unfinished: A Short, Surprising History of American Women’s Movements, is the more accessible—a book in three parts, each by a different author. The historian Dorothy Sue Cobble tackles the period between what is often called the First Wave of the women’s movement

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    Lynd: American Ghandi

    American Gandhi: A.J. Muste and the History of Radicalism in the Twentieth Century is the most comprehensive and thoroughly-researched account of the life of A.J. Muste yet to appear. It is particularly valuable in its treatment of the years that Muste devoted to building a labor movement—1919 to 1936

  • Laursen: Why Things Are Going to Get Worse…And Why We Should Be Glad

    Ask 50 people when the capitalist era began, and you’ll probably get close to 50 different answers, ranging from Italy in the 15th century to England in the 18th.

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    Herman: Soft Power Dictatorships

    The New York Times is a very good newspaper, except where ideology and party line demands intrude. Unfortunately these intrusions occur often and are of great importance.

  • Visram: EU’s Military Strategy to deepen Mediterranean Tragedies

    More than 800 migrants died on April 19 this year when their overcrowded boat capsized in the Mediterranean Sea off the Libyan coast. The tragedy sent soaring this year’s Mediterranean death toll which was by then around 1,500

  • Breiner: Why We Should Spend Billions More On Trains

    Getting cars off the roads would help combat climate change and improve air quality. Government policy could make this happen. From Acela to Alaska, U.S. train travel offers a practical, affordable, and green alternative to travel by car and plane.

Recent Audio/Videos

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Being Left

Spanish activist David Marty extensively interviewed Michael Albert on radicalization, media, vision, debates, Venezuela, Occupy, IOPS, and Chomsky: Being Left

Paulo Rodriquez extensively interviewed Albert on Revolution, Parecon, Winning, Venezuela: Thoughts and Deeds


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ZBooks are a great way to learn, share information, and help ZCommunications!

Most Recent: Global Weirding 37.7 Seconds: Feminist Reader We Own The World: Intl Reader Fanfare for the Future Occupy Theory / Vision / Strategy

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