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Recent ZNet

Alexis Tsipras: Tsipras slams EU’s ‘blackmail’ and its attempt to ‘hinder democratic processes’

The dignity of the Greek people in the face of blackmail and injustice will send a message of hope and pride to all of Europe

Joao Pedro Stedile: Pope Francis and popular movements

Pope Francis, from the outset of his Pontificate, has pleasantly surprised militants of people’s movements around the world, in contrast with his two predecessors

Victor Grossman: Changing Captains on the Left

Wealthy, powerful heads of state and other bosses high up in the Bavarian Alps, and the vigorous protests from opposing crowds kept out of earshot downhill, largely stole media thunder

Daniel Hellinger: Review: Steve Ellner’s Latin America’s Radical Left

These collected essays successfully contextualize the issues confronting the movements, parties, and governments of Latin America’s radical left

Neve Gordon: The human rights crisis is about domination, not perception

The main crisis of human rights is not about perceptions, but about its complicity with domination

William Astore: America’s Got War

Poverty, Drugs, Afghanistan, Iraq, Terror, or How to Make War on Everything

Bryan Stevenson: On Charleston and Our Real Problem with Race

This country never committed itself to a conversation about the legacy of slavery

Adam Hilton: Bernie and the Search for New Politics

Bernie Sanders has called for a “political revolution.” But the New Politics movement shows the challenges of accomplishing that within the Democratic Party

George Joseph: The New Divestment Movement

After nearly two years of student organizing, Columbia University divested from the private prison industry this week

Peter Wise: Why the left is losing the austerity argument

Unlike voters in Greece, Spain or Ireland, the Portuguese are not turning to left-wing parties – even the moderate mainstream left is failing to turn Portugal’s hardships to its advantage

Yanis Varoufakis: As it happened – Yanis Varoufakis’ intervention during the 27th June 2015 Eurogroup Meeting

We rejected the institutions’ 25th June proposals because of a variety of powerful reasons

Paul Mason: Did the euro just die at 4pm?

Greece referendum

Jack Rasmus: ‘Greek Debt Negotiations at 11th Hour’: The Troika’s ‘Carrot and Stick’

What Syriza represents is an attempt to return to a Social Democracy of a previous day and age. And that’s just not acceptable in the new, global neoliberal world system

Peter Gelderloos: Precarity in Paradise: the Barcelona model

Fusing gentrification, technology, tourism and anti-terrorism, the Barcelona model of urban redevelopment has sparked an upsurge of popular resistance

Adrienne Pine: Disaster Capitalism and Outrage in Post-Coup Honduras

Washington continues to interfere in the internal politics of Honduras six years after the coup

Rory Carroll: San Francisco takes pride in same-sex ruling but caution underlies celebration

Euphoria over same-sex marriage legalisation was tinged by memories of past injustice and warnings of future political battles

Ali Abunimah: Foreign investment in Israel plummets by half since Gaza massacre

The economic damage Israel is doing to itself by continuing its regime of occupation, apartheid, siege and massacres of Palestinians may be mounting faster than previously thought

Alice Lynd: Moral Injury And Conscientious Objection: Saying No To Military Service

There appears to be a link between suicide and guilt for having killed, or failing to prevent death or injury

Vijay Prashad: White rage

The institutional policies based on stereotypes that assume black criminality are not rooted in older forms of discrimination but can be traced to the 1990s

Brian Jones: The Social Construction of Race

Race is a social fiction imposed by the powerful on those they wish to control

Gideon Levy: Another futile report on Israel’s wild adventure in Gaza

If in the wake of the latest UN commission, the international community does not take practical steps against war criminals, then there is no further reason for commissions

Alexander C. Kaufman: Health Care Stocks Soar After Obamacare Victory In Supreme Court

The 6-3 decision in King v. Burwell upheld a key part of the 2010 Affordable Care Act, which offered tax subsidies to states to establish their own health care exchanges

Alexis Tsipras: An End to the Blackmail

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras announces that a referendum will be held on the Troika bailout deal

Cal Winslow: Pawns in their game

California’s healthcare unions are being reorganized. Again

Jérôme Roos: What Greece Needs Is a Plan C

Only an intensification of the struggle from below and the reinvigoration of a project of the commons can save Greece — and turn it, once again, into a beacon of democracy

Patrick Cockburn: Why join Islamic State?

On 16 June, Kurdish militiamen, with the support of US airstrikes, captured the town of Tal Abyad in northern Syria, a major crossing point on the Syrian-Turkish border

Justin Podur: The Beginning of the End for Kagame?

If Kagame can’t shake off the stench of crimes against humanity, he may find himself becoming another one of the West’s dispensable dictators

Sister Eugenia Russia: “Here There is a State That Respects Human Rights”

Liberation Theology entails the transformation of the human being towards unity and harmony with Earth and all other human beings

John Feffer: Welcome to the Post-Apocalypse

Our Refugee World

Jon Queally: Sanders’ Socialist Message Translating to Fresh Gains in Key States

New early-state polling in New Hampshire and Iowa shows populist message is gaining on Clinton’s name recognition

lauren Ornelas: Food Sovereignty and the US Social Forum

Food Empowerment Project seeks to encourage people to look at their food choices as a force for social change

Amy Austin Holmes: As Kobane comes under ISIL attack, Kurds Encircle, cut off “caliphate”

The Kurds of Kobane remained surrounded on all sides by adversaries

Jürgen Habermas: Why Angela Merkel Is Wrong On Greece

The veil cast over this institutional deficit of an empowered European Parliament based on a European-wide system of political parties has not yet been really shredded

Patrick Bond: ‘World Political Economy’ Meets South Africa’s Many Marxisms

The time has not been more ripe for a Marxist regroupment here and globally for at least a quarter century

Peter Van Buren: Five Things That Won’t Work in Iraq

When at First You Don’t Succeed, Fail, Fail Again

Norman Solomon: Would Jeffrey Sterling Be in Prison If He Were White?

Sterling was one of the CIA’s few African-American case officers, and he became the first to file a racial discrimination lawsuit against the agency

Costas Lapavitsas: Greece is being blackmailed. Exiting the eurozone is its way out

Instead of acceding to the troika’s devastating demands, Syriza should free the country from the trap of the common currency – if the Greek people agree

Walden Bello: Great Power Rivalry Threatens Smaller States in Western Pacific

The latest chapter in the superpower collision is Washington’s strategy of holding low altitude aircraft passes on spots in the South China Sea where China is building military structures over reclaimed land

Ellie Mae O'Hagan: For a Global Fight For a Woman’s Right To Choose

It’s time for women across the world to unite to forge a global pro-choice movement

Glenn Greenwald: The Greatest Obstacle to Anti-Muslim Fearmongering and Bigotry: Reality

The think tank New America issued a report today documenting “the lethal terrorist incidents in the United States since 9/11.” It found that a total of 26 Americans have been killed by “deadly jihadist attacks” in the last 14 years, while almost double that number — 48 — have been killed by “deadly right wing attacks.” Read more…

Various Contributors: Statement of The Committee of Concerned Alumni, Students, Faculty and Staff of Brooklyn College

Please join the movement to save worker education at CUNY

Adam Johnson: Federal Documents Debunk Baltimore ‘Gang Threat’ Narrative

The fever pitch of panic resulting from the anonymous “gang” threat and “the purge” narrative is what ultimately led to curfews and a severe dampening of the largely lawful and peaceful protests in the wake of Freddie Gray’s funeral

Labor for Bernie: Over 1,000 local union leaders and members back Bernie Sanders for President

Grassroots labor initiative urges Democratic primary support for Sanders by AFL-CIO and national unions

Adam Serwer: Why We’re Finally Taking Down Confederate Flags

Slavery was the cause of the war, white supremacy was the cornerstone of Confederate society

Hilary Wainwright: Higher aspirations: politics beyond the ballot box

As with the Scottish referendum, electoral defeat can be transformed into political success. A new movement is rising

Lee Sustar: Centuries of Injustice

This is not a protest movement about the actions of a racist gunman, but the renewal of the long struggle for racial justice and equality

Scott Ritter: ‘We ain’t found shit’

The intelligence about the ‘possible military dimensions’ of Iran’s nuclear program is of questionable provenance and most of it is more than a dozen years old

Juan Cole: As 700 Die in Pakistan from Extreme Heat, Pakistanis Deny Climate Change

Despite the severe dangers to Pakistan posed by climate change, opinion polls show that only about a quarter of Pakistanis view the issue as a powerful threat

Gareth Porter: Why the US Military Opposed New Combat Roles in Iraq

The resistance of top US military officials to deepening US military involvement in the war against ISIS came in the wake of a major policy debate within the Obama administration

Pamela D. Palmater: Stephen Harper Continues Canada’s Legacy of Genocide and Denial

Institutionalized racism in Canada is perpetuating the crisis of murdered and missing Indigenous women

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