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Shannon Lush is the ‘sensei’ of stain removal. Her admiring radio audience around the country have complete confidence in her encyclopedic knowledge of the repair of stains, scratches and other disfigurements as the ... More info

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Product is rated 2/5

Throw Out Your Scales - 21 Ways to Ditch the Diet and Lose Fat Forever

Get off the dieting treadmill with Andrew Cate's practical weight loss tools. Why follow a diet designed for no one and everyone when you can have a weight loss plan that's specific to you and your lifestyle? ‘Throw O... More info

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Walk Off Weight

Walking is the least daunting form of exercise. It's cheap, it's easy on the knees and requires no sporty coordination. Learn how to walk for fun, for good health, for fitness and for weight loss. Here is an eight-week progr... More info

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Product is rated 5/5

Debt Free, Cashed Up and Laughing

Debt Free, Cashed Up and Laughing will teach you how to save money on everyday household items with handy practical hints and tips. It will show you how to pay off your credit card and any outstanding debts and begin to save... More info

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Product is rated 3/5

Lighten Up!

Would you like to lose weight and body fat with a new and effective approach that delivers results? It's time for you to take control and Lighten Up. Discover how to: lose three times more weight in half the time, inc... More info

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Heart to Heart Parenting

Heart to Heart Parenting is a book on nurturing your child's emotional intelligence from conception to school age. Raising your children can be the most fulfilling thing you ever do. But your children can also challe... More info

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Product is rated 5/5

Save: Your Money, Your Time, Your Planet

Shannon Lush and Jennifer Fleming’s Save is full of clever ideas to help you get the most from everyday household items. In the process you’ll save money, save time and save the planet! Turn your trash into cash. Th... More info

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Product is rated 1/5

The Memory Book

You won't forget this book! The Memory Book is packed with useful information and practical strategies to help keep your memory in tip-top shape. There’s nothing more frustrating than your memory letting you do... More info

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Product is rated 5/5


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