10 Things to Know for Today 10 Things to Know for Today

ACLU: We're Not Defending RFRA Anymore ACLU: We're Not Defending RFRA Anymore

UK's Cameron Promises Wide, Long-term Response to TerrorUK's Cameron Promises Wide, Long-term Response to Terror

Katie Kieffer Katie Kieffer: If Rihanna Open Carries Her Guns, So Can You

Black pop star Rihanna wins awards and makes millions for wearing guns in public while everyday black Americans risk losing their jobs if they dare to exercise their 2nd Amendment right.

Bethany Blankley Bethany Blankley: Marriage Policies in America Similar to Communist China

Its astounding to review the requirements to be legally married in America. Even more astounding is the reality that Americans, and especially Christians, comply with them.

Terry Paulson Terry Paulson: Not the Land of Opportunity?

Welcome to the state of political correctness run amuck! In training initiated by UC president Janet Napolitano, provides new guidelines for the 200,000-student University of California system faculty.

Rachel Alexander Rachel Alexander: Time for Conservatives to go on the Offensive in the Framing Wars

The left has figured out how to successfully push through its agenda by using one simple tactic: demonizing the right.

Kristan Hawkins Kristan Hawkins: Unpaid Internships Are Worth it: Suck it Up Millennials

A die-hard Hillary Clinton supporter a young, female Millennial recently applied to be a fellow with the campaign and was accepted. However, she was asked to move out of state and work for free.

D.W. Wilber D.W. Wilber: Bye-Bye Second Amendment

Now that the Obama Administration has two wins under their belt with the recent Supreme Court decisions on ObamaCare and Gay Marriage, look for the president and his allies in the Democrat Party and the anti-gun activists to be emboldened, and attempt to capitalize on the Courts willingness to legislate from the bench.

John Hawkins John Hawkins: 5 Mistakes That Will Lead To The Fall of America

Thousands of years after the Roman Empire fell, people are still speculating about how such a powerful empire became too feeble to defend itself.

Gross: Vermin Found Inside Florida VA Hospital Kitchen
1 Escaped Murderer Fatally Shot in NY woods, Other Is on Run
Jindal: SCOTUS Is 'Out of Control, Let's Just Get Rid of the Court'
The Latest: NASCAR Backs Calls to Remove Confederate Flags
"What A Good Man": Obama Eulogizes Clementa Pinckney
One Escaped NY Convict Shot and Killed by Police, Second Still at Large
'Feel The Bern': Is This Sanders Surge Really Happening?
Obama: Same-Sex Marriage Ruling "Reaffirmed" America's Founding Principles
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How Do You Feel About A Version Of RFRA Being Signed Into Law In Indiana?
The Other Bad Supreme Court Decision: Claims of Racism Can Be Filed Without Actual Proof of Racism
McAuliffe Considers Reinstating Dangerous Parole to ‘Safeguard’ Taxpayer Dollars
Supreme Court Rules 5-4 Gay Marriage Is a Constitutional Right
Memphis Mayor Wants to Dig Up Dead Confederate War General
ROUNDUP: 2016 Candidate Reactions to Obergefell v. Hodges Decision