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Books I mentioned: Where Angels Fear to Tread - E.M. Forster Aunt Tula - Miguel de Unamuno Les Miserables - Victor Hugo The Law and the Lady - Wilkie Collins The Beautiful and Damned - F. Scott Fitzgerald The Complete Jean Rhys - YEEEES FINALLY IT CAME IN THE MAIL!!!! Goodreads: Twitter:
Gafapastus maximus Sígueme en twitter @VloggingVictor Hazte fan de mi vlog en facebook
Miguel de Unamuno y Jugo (Bilbao, 29 de septiembre de 1864 -- Salamanca, 31 de diciembre de 1936) fue un escritor y filósofo español perteneciente a la gener...
1.Zamba del emigrante (Rodolfo Serrano-Ismael Serrano) con Ismael Serrano (2007) 00:00 2.Gracias a la vida (Violeta Parra) con Guadalupe Pineda (2007) 03:44 3.Tierra de luz (Lila Downs) con Lila Downs (2008) 07:52 4.Zamba del arribeño (Néstor Soria-Juan Falú) con Lilana Herrero (2008) 11:30 5.Vidita agua (Fernando Barrientos-Raúl Orozco) con Orozco-Barrientos (2008) 15:41 6.La media luna (Miguel de Unamuno-Sergio Aschero) con Sebastián Garay (2008) 19:07 7.La tempranera (León Benarós-Carlos Gustavino) con Silvia Pacheco (2008) 21:55 8.Oración del remanso (Jorge Fandermole) con Jorge Fandermole (2007) 26:43 9.Canción del jangadero (Eduardo Falú-Jaime Davalos) con Soledad (2008) 31:32 10.Novicia (Victor Heredia) con Victor Heredia (2007) 35:54 11.Sólo le pido a Dios (León Gieco) con León Gieco y Victor Heredia (2007) 41:00 12.Donde el asfalto termina (Pablo Dumit-Coqui Sosa) con Coqui Sosa (2008) 44:54 13.La maza (Silvio Rodríguez) con Shakira y Pedro Aznar (2008) 48:15 14.Ni si ni no (Alberto Rojo-Luis Gurevich) con Alberto Rojo (2009) 52:35 15.Gringa chaqueña (Félix Luna-Ariel Ramírez) con la Orquesta Nacional Juan De Dios Filiberto (2009) 55:39 16.Los hermanos (Atahualpa Yupanqui) con Anna Saeki (2009) 1:01:23 17.Lo sé - “Fosse vero” (Alberto de Martini- Massimiliano Pani) con Valeria Linch (2009) 1:05:50 18.La soledad (Pablo Milanés) con Pedro Guerra (2009) 1:10:13 19.Aquellas pequeñas cosas (Joan Manuel Serrat) con Joan Manuel Serrat (2009) 1:14:44 20.Zamba para olvidarte (Julio Fontana-Daniel Toro) con Diego Torres y Facundo Ramírez (2009) 1:17:25 21.Un vestido y un amor (Fito Páez) con Luciano Pereyra (2009) 1:22:29 22.Zamba de amor y Piel (Bebe Ponti-Martin Paz) con Motta Luna (2010) 1:27:49 23.Piedra y camino (Atahualpa Yupanqui) con Franco Luciani (2010) 1:32:25 24.Corazón de pájaro (Teresa Parodi-Horacio Molina) con Teresa Parodi (2011) 1:38:07 25.Canción para un niño en la calle (Armando Tejada Gómez-Ángel Ritro) con Diego El Cigala (2013) 1:42:47 26. La luna llena (Nelson Araya Carbajal) con Rubén Rada y La Chilinga (2009) 1:46:50
Premios PLATINO 2015 Año de producción: 2014 Tipo de producción: Ficción Género: Drama Duración: 77 m. País de producción: España Dirección: Gabriel Velazquez Guión: Gabriel Velazquez, Carlos Unamuno, Blanca Torres, Manuel Garcia Intérpretes: Victor Garcia, Juanlu Sevillano, Deborah Borges, Lucia Martinez, Alba Nieto Productoras: ESCORADO PRODUCCION S.L.U. Idiomas: Español País de estreno: España Calificación por edades: NO RECOMENDADA PARA MENORES DE 16 AÑOS Sinopsis: Dos jóvenes "quinquis" de 20 años salen cada día a la calle para buscarse la vida con lo que les salga. Pero además de sus cotidianos robos y trapicheos, algo les revuelve en su interior. Cada uno desea lo que no tiene. Simón quiere ser libre. Está harto de vivir rodeado de su gran familia de feriantes, incluyendo a su mujer y a su hijo. Jota no quiere seguir estando solo y lo único que desea es hacer su nido y tener su propia familia, por encima de lo que sea. Mientras tanto, cada día que se juntan, se sienten unos "Robin Hood" y piensan que no tienen nada que perder. Son chavales de la vida real, cuya vida apenas difiere de la ficción, tan solo son ellos mismos moviéndose entre los arrabales y el campo, en las afueras de una pequeña ciudad. Ártico, después de Amateurs e Iceberg, cierra una etapa de Gabriel Velázquez sobre uno de los grandes dilemas de la vida: "Familia versus soledad".
Vídeo completo (00:56:39) en*/ars-movendi-universidad-de-salamanca-paseando-con-unamuno/ver - Sinopsis "...
carnadas... video de cunado Victor busca carnada viva, a pedido de un pescador.. MORENAS.
Leído por Robert Reinoso (UTPL - RRPP) para la campaña de promoción lectora #SoyLibro
Ana Belén - España camisa blanca de mi esperanza. En estos momentos de incertidumbres, de nacionalismos extremos que quieren la ruptura de España. Ahora más ...
"Amar sin ser querido" - Poema de José Manuel de los Reyes González de Prada y Ulloa, conocido como Manuel González Prada (Lima, 5 de enero de 1844 - Lima, 2...
Mágico lugar observado por Unamuno, pero también por Valdeandemagico que sigue buscando los lugares únicos.
Sin palabras, solo escuchar.
un tio de la cnt cantando en la plaza unamuno de bilbao.
El 21 de febrero de 1924, el directorio militar de Primo de Rivera emitia el decreto de cese de cátedra y destierro de Miguel de Unamuno en respuesta a sus c... Para ver mas videos ir a mi pagina web arriba indicada.
Viktor Frankl nos habla sobre la importancia de la intuición en el hallazgo del sentido de las situaciones que nos ocurren. Subtitulado por el Centro Psicote...
alberto nochevieja 04: en calzoncillos de unamuno al antzoki.
♥♠♣♦ tasmanya1971
Buenaventura Durruti habla.Interview de Buenaventura Durruti.
Seminario 'El teatro del absurdo: Beckett y Cía', impartido por el Dr. Pollux Hernúñez. Organizado por la División de Estudios Superiores del Instituto Mexic...
Philosophical pessimism is often a state of mind or a psychological disposition, although sometimes it can be seen as a worldview or ethic that seeks to face up to the distasteful realities of the world and eliminate irrational hopes and expectations (such as the Idea of Progress and religious faith) which may lead to undesirable outcomes. Ideas which prefigure philosophical pessimism can be seen in ancient texts such as the Dialogue of Pessimism and Ecclesiastes (which maintains that everything is hebel, literally 'vapor' or 'breath', but could also mean 'senseless' and 'absurd'.) In Western philosophy, philosophical pessimism is not a single coherent movement, but rather a loosely associated group of thinkers with similar ideas and a family resemblance to each other.[3] Philosophers who can be said to express pessimistic views include Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Giacomo Leopardi, Arthur Schopenhauer, Friedrich Nietzsche, Albert Camus, E.M. Cioran, Albert Caraco, Michel Foucault, Miguel de Unamuno,[4] Baltasar Gracián, Philipp Mainländer, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Eduard von Hartmann, Carlo Michelstaedter, Peter Wessel Zapffe, Ulrich Horstmann and John N. Gray. Philosophical pessimists have often been associated with related ideas such as anti-theism, romanticism, counter-enlightenment, misanthropy, antinatalism and existentialism. Philosophical pessimism has often been tied to the arts and literature. Schopenhauer's philosophy was very popular with composers (Wagner, Brahms and Mahler).[11] Several philosophical pessimists also wrote novels or poetry (Camus and Leopardi respectively). A distinctive literary form which has been associated with pessimism is aphoristic writing, and this can be seen in Leopardi, Nietzsche and Cioran. Writers which could be said to express pessimistic views in their works or to be influenced by pessimistic philosophers include Miguel de Cervantes, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Joseph Conrad, Charles Bukowski, Thomas Mann, Louis-Ferdinand Céline, Mihai Eminescu, Samuel Beckett, Dino Buzzati, Jorge Luis Borges, HP Lovecraft, Thomas Ligotti, Thomas Bernhard and Camilo Pessanha. Philosophical Pessimism stands opposed to the optimism or even utopianism of Hegelian philosophies such as Marxism. Emil Cioran claimed "Hegel is chiefly responsible for modern optimism. How could he have failed to see that consciousness changes only its forms and modalities, but never progresses?"[33] Philosophical pessimism is differentiated from other political philosophies by having no ideal governmental structure or political project, rather pessimism generally tends to be an anti-systematic philosophy of individual action.[2] This is because philosophical pessimists tend to be skeptical that any politics of social progress can actually improve the human condition. As Cioran states, "every step forward is followed by a step back: this is the unfruitful oscillation of history".[34] Cioran also attacks political optimism because it creates an "idolatry of tomorrow" which can be used to authorize anything in its name. This does not mean however, that the pessimist cannot be politically involved, as Camus argued in The Rebel. There is another strain of thought generally associated with a pessimistic worldview, this is the pessimism of cultural criticism and social decline which is seen in Oswald Spengler's 'The Decline of the West'. Spengler promoted a cyclic model of history similar to the theories of Giambattista Vico. Spengler believed modern western civilization was in the 'winter' age of decline (untergang). Spenglerian theory was immensely influential in interwar Europe, especially in Weimar Germany. Similarly, traditionalist Julius Evola thought that the world was in the Kali Yuga, a dark age of moral decline. Intellectuals like Oliver James correlate economic progress with economic inequality, the stimulation of artificial needs, and affluenza. Anti-consumerists identify rising trends of conspicuous consumption and self-interested, image-conscious behavior in culture. Post-modernists like Jean Baudrillard have even argued that culture (and therefore our lives) now has no basis in reality whatsoever.[1] Conservative thinkers, especially social conservatives, often perceive politics in a generally pessimistic way. William F. Buckley famously remarked that he was "standing athwart history yelling 'stop!'" and Whittaker Chambers was convinced that capitalism was bound to fall to communism, though he was himself violently anti-communist. Social conservatives often see the West as a decadent and nihilistic civilization which has abandoned its roots in Christianity and/or Greek philosophy, leaving it doomed to fall into moral and political decay. Robert Bork's Slouching Toward Gomorrah and Allan Bloom's The Closing of the American Mind are famous expressions of this point of view.
Vídeo completo (00:06:13) en*/entrevista-a-sebastian-hofmann/ver - Sebastián Hofmann, director de la película "Halley", habla sobre la financiación, producción y rodaje de su película.
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Víctor Unamuno Ibarzabal (born May 25, 1909, date of death unknown) was a Spanish footballer who played for Real Betis. In the 1930s, Unamuno played for both Athletic Bilbao and Real Betis. He is noted for being the top goalscorer for Real Betis in their one and only championship winning season with 13 goals in the 1934-1935 season.
In the 1939/1940 Primera Division season, he earned the honor of top goalscorer, winning the Pichichi Trophy. He retired as a footballer in 1942.
Miguel de Unamuno y Jugo (29 September 1864, Bilbao, Biscay, Basque Country, Spain – 31 December 1936, Salamanca, Salamanca, Castile and León, Spain) was a Spanish essayist, novelist, poet, playwright and philosopher.
Miguel de Unamuno was born in Bilbao, a port city of Spain, the son of Félix de Unamuno and Salomé Jugo. As a young man, he was interested in the Basque language, and competed for a teaching position in the Instituto de Bilbao, against Sabino Arana. The contest was finally won by the Basque scholar Resurrección María de Azkue.
Unamuno worked in all major genres: the essay, the novel, poetry and theatre, and, as a modernist, contributed greatly to dissolving the boundaries between genres. There is some debate as to whether Unamuno was in fact a member of the Generation of '98, an ex post facto literary group of Spanish intellectuals and philosophers that was the creation of José Martínez Ruiz — a group that includes Antonio Machado, Azorín, Pío Baroja, Ramón del Valle-Inclán, Ramiro de Maeztu and Ángel Ganivet, among others.