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Initiate a World Peace Conference To: Mikhail S. Gorbachev

category international | anti-war / imperialism | other press author Dé Luain Aibreán 13, 2015 13:42author by International Peace Initiative Report this post to the editors

Dear Anti-War friends,

The German Left Party (DIE LINKE) has recently published an open letter to Mikhail S. Gorbachev to be presented and put up for vote at the main party convention on June 6/7.

The letter calls on the Former President of the Soviet Union to initiate a World Peace Conference in the face of escalating tensions not only in Ukraine but around the globe.

The petition has initially been signed by 20 members of the german parliament and additionally by about 1000 supporters on a german website.

World Beyond War, an international peace network started by us-peace activists has last week published an english-language version of the german petition.

We would like to ask you to consider supporting the initiative, by signing or forwarding it.

Please note that many people who are not affiliated with the german Left Party have also supported the initiative, which is ultimately calling on Mikhail S. Gorbachev to initiate a World Peace Conference. The call for a peaceful transformation and for cooperation, is also a central argument of several initiatives and alliances, namely ALBA, UNASUR, CELAC, BRICS, Shanghai Cooporation, and The Non Aligned Movement. It is a call for a policy of non-interventionism – characterized by the absence of interference by a state or states in the external and internal affairs of a sovereign state without its consent.

The concept of a worldwide appeal of prominent nonpartisan politicians and leaders for desescalation and reconciliation is therefore more urgent than ever and needs our support. -

Here the US-initiative

Initiate a World Peace Conference To: Mikhail S. Gorbachev

We ask you to initiate a world peace conference for the international coordination of nonviolent resistance to highly dangerous U.S. and NATO actions in Eastern Europe, Ukraine, and elsewhere.

Such a conference should seek an end to the practices of bombing, of murdering by drone-warfare, and of deploying troops anywhere in the world. There must be an end to the destabilization of entire countries for the purpose of controlling them. Legal standards must no longer be set aside by arbitrary interpretations.

Why is this important?

The United States of America is moving the world toward a new Cold War, which as you have warned “could become a real war.”

When Germany reunited, the United States promised you that NATO would not expand eastward. Now NATO stands in the Baltic States, in Poland, in Romania and in Bulgaria.

Symbolicly at the end of February, in the Estonian city of Narva, a U.S. tank with stars and stripes positioned itself at the border with Russia. In March 3,000 NATO soldiers with 750 tanks and heavy equipment held maneuvers in the Baltics. NATO naval ships are rehearsing in the Black Sea. Bases on Russia’s borders have been expanded and new military structures have been created there.

Threats to world peace are not limited to Ukraine. At no time since the end of World War II have there been as many military conflicts and wars as now, and at no time have there been so many refugees. These wars are driven by economic power and profit, sources of raw materials, and strategically important spheres of influence. No other power on earth defends its interests so aggressively as NATO with the United States at its helm.

The intelligence services of the U.S. and Britain are actually spying electronically on the whole of humanity.

Germany is moving away from the principle that no war can be launched from German soil. The statement by the German President Joachim Gauck at the Security Conference 2014 in Munich, that Germany must take on more responsibility, means a stronger military commitment. Since then, German military missions abroad have been expanded and more money spent on armaments. The new NATO Secretary General declared that Germany is the second most important power within NATO. Germany is the “leading nation” of the new rapid reaction force of 30,000 NATO soldiers.

This rapid reaction force is being mobilized in reaction to the “danger of Russia” in Eastern Europe. We reject this new role for Germany in world politics. We therefore urge the dissolution of NATO and its replacement by a collective security system involving Russia, a project which has disarmament as a central goal.

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PLEASE CONSIDER SIGNING HERE: German-language Initiative (in the box marked STADT you can fill in yor city, in the box on the bottom FUNKTION/KREISVERBAND you can fill in your position or organisation)

english translation of the German-language Initiative US-initiative (as above)

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