Sunday, Aug. 9, 2015
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Handicapping election: Conservatives have narrow path to victory, but losing support in battleground seats

Handicapping election: Conservatives have narrow path to victory, but losing support in battleground seats
They have a very small pool of potential supporters. That said, they have the potential to gain support among conflicted voters if they can raise unease over the alternatives. Increasingly, that means the NDP rather than the Liberals.

Harper could be trying to deplete NDP, Libs to benefit Conservatives after election, say Hill sources

Harper could be trying to deplete NDP, Libs to benefit Conservatives after election, say Hill sources
If the Conservatives can drain the other parties’ coffers during the campaign, it could make a Conservative minority government more stable.

Grit Leader Trudeau, Green Leader May only two federal leaders in for debate on women’s issues, Sept. 21

Grit Leader Trudeau, Green Leader May only two federal leaders in for debate on women’s issues, Sept. 21
The coalition of more than 175 women’s organizations behind ‘Up for Debate’ proposal is planning secondary political activities to push equality issues in the federal election campaign.

Most believe election has already started, says poll

Most believe election has already started, says poll
Prime Minister Stephen Harper is expected to trigger the federal election on Sunday, Aug. 1, but most believe it’s already started.


Flora MacDonald was ‘a force for women in politics’

Flora MacDonald was ‘a force for women in politics’
Flora MacDonald was the first woman to run for the leadership of the Progressive Conservatives and the first female foreign minister in the developed world.

It’s Harper way, or the highway

It’s Harper way, or the highway
Stephen Harper has broken new ground in the re-orientation to accelerate the shift of power away from elected Members of Parliament to the PMO.



July 13, 2015
  • Women & Politics: Female Candidates Nominated 2015, So Far
  • Women & Politics
  • Manning Centre Networking Conference Schedule
Liberals expect to spend maximum limit, ‘fully-funded campaign’: Goodale
Most disapprove of long federal election campaign, but most Conservative voters like it
Ka-ching! Cabinet ministers, backbenchers promise billions in new funding in one month
‘Nervous’ Liberals say Trudeau should counter Conservative attack ads hard, now
Longer campaign means bigger rebates, Conservatives can spend more on ad blitz in final week
Longer campaign means bigger rebates, Conservatives can spend more on ad blitz in final week
Sights and sounds from inside the 2015 media budget lock-up in Ottawa
Armed RCMP clear Sparks Street and seach building tops for shooters
Parliamentary Calendar
Wednesday, December 31, 1969
Leaders arrive at Maclean's televised debate in Toronto, Aug. 6 Aug. 7, 2015

The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Partisans of all stripes gathered outside the CityTV studios in Dundas Square well in advance of the leaders arrival Thursday evening. Omar Alghabra, Liberal candidate in Mississauga Centre
The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Conservative supporters go for the trivial with their giant Trudeau head and line from their anti-Trudeau attack ads.
The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
A Liberal supporter of Mississauga Centre candidate Omar Alghabra, amid Conservative and Green fans.
The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Prime Minister and Leader of the Conservative Party Stephen Harper, joined by his wife Laureen and his daughter Rachel. His son Ben was with them, too.
The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
NDP Leader Tom Mulcair arriving at his first ever national leaders' debate.
The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau waves after getting off his campaign tour bus.
The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Green Party Leader Elizabeth May walks in to her first leaders' debate since 2008, and it could possibly be the only one she's participating in this campaign with the other three leaders.
The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
A handful of Liberal supporters on the street corner.
The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Prime Minister Stephen Harper, looking calm, cool and ready to rumble.
The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
NDP Leader Tom Mulcair waving to supporters, with his wife Catherine Pinhas just one step ahead of him.
The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau.
The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Green Party Leader Elizabeth May and her daughter Victoria Cate May Burton.


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