Category: feminism

01 Jun


Sex and society (3): Capitalism & women’s oppression


Poverty has a woman's face

How are capitalism and women’s oppression connected? In my last blog post we discussed the rise of the nuclear family and the connection between the class system and the shift in roles between men and women. This week we’re going to explore how modern capitalism has perpetuated the oppression of women. *** Let’s start a […]

27 Oct


Russell Brand, let’s get this done.



OK Russell, let’s get this done. I’m in Europe and the crisis is everywhere. I landed in Greece and it hit me in the face: people trying to generate an income in any way they can; road works half complete and not touched for months (if not years); teachers on strike against austerity; people sleeping […]

22 Jun


Labor’s crisis, misogyny and the Left’s response



My latest piece at Overland Journal — “Not a crisis of misogyny: a crisis of political authority” — went up yesterday. It was written in response to a series of recent arguments on the Left, most especially “If Julia Gillard isn’t safe from the Liberals’ sexism, who will be?” by Van Badham, which appeared in The Guardian […]

15 Jan

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Debate on patriarchy & the capitalist mode of production



For ease of reference I have copied and pasted a debate on the connections between women’s oppression and the capitalist mode of production that started with a blog post by Richard Seymour at Lenin’s Tomb. I have copied that opening post as well as my reply, Richard’s rejoinder and a further reply from myself. The debate ranged […]

Filed under: Featured, feminism, Marxism

13 Apr

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You are not who I thought you were: Race and ‘The Hunger Games’



This post was first published at Overland Journal earlier this week.  In high school my English teacher gave advanced reading to students who were keen, and the first novel was To Kill A Mockingbird. Harper Lee’s book is a story of racism in the American South, as everyone knows, but it also included a salutary lesson […]

21 Dec

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Interface Journal: New issue on ‘Feminism, women’s movements and women in movement’


Photo of Cairo street art by Hossam el-Hamalawy. A new issue of the journal Interface was released last week, announcement below.  Volume 3/2 (November 2011): Feminism, women’s movements and women in movement Issue editors: Sara Motta, Cristina Flesher Fominaya, Catherine Eschle, Laurence Cox Volume three, issue two of Interface, a peer-reviewed e-journal produced and refereed by social movement practitioners […]

Filed under: feminism, social movements

08 Jan

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Dissecting feminism’s dead end


Now cross-posted at the Overland Journal blog.  One Dimensional Woman is Nina Power’s 69-page treatise and call to arms, articulately railing against contemporary portrayals of women. Power’s anger is at the narrow confines within which women must locate themselves, and the “trademarking” of feminism for a range of projects that are harmful rather than liberatory. Acutely sharp in […]

Filed under: class, feminism, Wikileaks