Author: simoncopland

01 Jun


Sex and society (3): Capitalism & women’s oppression


Poverty has a woman's face

How are capitalism and women’s oppression connected? In my last blog post we discussed the rise of the nuclear family and the connection between the class system and the shift in roles between men and women. This week we’re going to explore how modern capitalism has perpetuated the oppression of women. *** Let’s start a […]

15 May

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Sex and society (2): The rise of the nuclear family


Before the rise of the plough, society in Egypt was matriarchal

Simon Copland is a freelance writer specialising in sex, culture and the environment. This is the second post in a six-part series examining the history of sex and the family. The first post can be found here. These posts and other work from Simon are available on his blog: How did nuclear families become the […]

Filed under: Featured, gender, Marxism, sexuality

01 Jun


The Left and Tony Abbott’s ‘inevitable downfall’


House of Representatives

GUEST POST BY SIMON COPLAND Eight months in and the Abbott government seems to already be at the point of no return. After the disaster of the budget, the government has hit a new low in polling — one that, given the political “skills” displayed, seems very difficult reverse. As I’ve predicted in the past, […]