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Lets Fly Documentary Ever wonder what makes an aircraft or helicopter fly ? Watch this fascinating documentary and let your career take-off !! What really ha...
The so called 'Full time Oligarch' and arrogant Matthew C Martino requested a police escort during his US visit in NYC on 27th July 2014, He should concentrate on producing his films and not wasting US taxpayers money getting unnecessary police escorts and taping them !!!
A film by Director Malcolm A Benson based on original British Drama with some Nollywood twists. John Ortega loses everything in his quest for justice and to ...
Unhealthy Intentions (2013) A MetroWestern Pictures Production Directed by Daniel J. De Ath Written & Produced by Matthew C. Martino www.unhealthyintentionsf...
COMING SOON 'The Elusive Roger Banks' From Executive Producer Matthew C. Martino. SYNOPSIS: So Roger is back to his old tricks , known for his sophisticated and mentally draining wind up tactics he uses with the police. Except this time he has a bomb. Will DC Burrows manage to get to his head in time to save innocent civilians ? Or will Roger add more victims to his name ?
LEAVE TO STAY Synopsis London has a juxtaposition of cultures. People who live a million miles apart, in reality live next do...
A Magic Works Media Short Film Synopsis: After months of playing cat and mouse. DC Burrows finally catches up to the elusive roger banks in a cafe. As DC Burrows thinks he has the upper hand on Banks he realises that's he has set himself up for a fall. Will he finally arrest the notorious criminal known as Roger Banks or will Banks have the upper hand yet again? The Elusive Roger Banks IMDB Page: Facebook: Twitter: Website:
THE BLACK BOND DOWNLOADS Download The Black Bond Mp3: Download The Black Bond Soundtrack (6 tracks):
At the age of 21, Tim discovers he can travel in time and change what happens and has happened in his own life. His decision to make his world a better place...
About Time (I) (2013) - Insider Access : Time, Actually [HD] Subscribe Movie Clips Channel to watch more Clips: IMDB:
About Time (I) (2013) - Featurette [HD] Subscribe Movie Clips Channel to watch more Clips: IMDB: R...
Matthew Martino OFFICIAL Twitter @M4tMartino.
Me playing a b flat blues improvisation a second time at summer studios art show.
Me playing Morning Calm by JIm Snidero on my Alto Sax at the Peninsula Grill Restaurant.
Matthew McCounaghey è stato ospite di Maria De Filippi a C'è posta per te, dimostrando tutta la sua disponibilità e la capacità di sapersi adattare a diverse situazioni. L'attore ha subito risposto con un gran sorriso e una gag al fortissimo applauso del pubblico: "Possiamo rifarlo?". E' infatti uscito per poi rientrare, godendosi un'altra standing ovation. Poi è stato il momento della storia, di cui lui è stato solo la ciliegina sulla torta. Una storia molto commovente, quella di una donna rimasta purtroppo paralizzata dopo un incidente in moto, che naturalmente è rimasta anche vittima delle tante incertezze che l'hanno assalita dopo l'incidente e l'handicap che ha dovuto affrontare. A chiamarla in studio sono stati il marito e sua sorella, che hanno deciso di ringraziarla per la forza con la quale è riuscita a rialzarsi, il coraggio dimostrato dopo l'incidente. "Tutto quello che voglio è passare il resto della mia vita con te", le ha detto il marito, mentre sua sorella ha aggiunto: "Sei un esempio da seguire, la donna che ho sempre sognato di essere nella vita. Tutto ciò che stiamo facendo stasera te lo meriti davvero". Le parole di suo marito sono state strazianti, ma hanno fatto di tutto per convincere Fabiola, la donna rimasta in coma per diverse settimane dopo l'incidente, che tutte le sue paure di non essere più utile sono vane ed inconsistenti: Tu distante da me 800 chilometri, non eri più vicina a me, è stata un'esperienza traumatica, terribile. La notte, quando tutti dormivano, io stavo con l'occhio aperto ad ascoltare una ad una tutte le mie paure. Sei una figura per tutti noi irrinunciabile. Ti prego di smetterla di pensare che sarebbe stato meglio se non ti fossi svegliata dal coma. I tuoi figli hanno ancora troppo bisogno della loro mamma. Spazio anche per un po' di ironia, se si vuole ancora più toccante: "Sono anche più geloso di prima: il fatto che hai preso la patente e la macchina e che te ne vada in giro in autonomia, non mi fa stare tanto tranquillo. Ti tengo d'occhio". Poi McCounaghey è entrato in studio, lasciando Fabiola letteralmente di stucco e rivolgendo a Fabiola parole molto profonde e sentite: "Ho apprezzato l'amore che c'è tra te e tuo marito, grazie per avermi permesso di essere qui ed essere stato una piccola parte di tutto questo. Le parole di tuo marito sono state bellissime. Per me è un problema,quando tornerò a casa mia moglie mi chiederà perché non le abbia detto parole simili in sette anni di matrimonio". Poi ha proseguito con il suo regalo anticipandolo con "Mi è stato detto che a te piacciano soprattutto le commedie romantiche". Ha donato uno skateboard, un aquilone e un piccolo aereo giocattolo per i figli. Ma il regalo più bello è stato un viaggio per Fabiola e tutta la sua famiglia per New York. My comment La prima cosa che mi passa per la testa
"La oncena", chacarera de Eduardo Lagos en arreglo para piano a 4 manos de Matías Martino. Por Andrés Pilar y Matías Martino en vivo en La Casa de la Cultura del Fondo Nacional de las Artes, Marzo de 2014. Filmación: Victoria Pereda
C’è posta per te, Belén e Stefano si commuovono davanti ad un padre senza lavoro Belén Rodriguez e Stefano De Martino sono stati invitati a "C'è posta per te" per fare un regalo a Mario. Negli ultimi tempi, l'uomo è molto triste perché non trova lavoro e nonostante tutto, ogni giorno, si incammina per le strade del paese con i suoi attrezzi in mano. Il ballerino e la showgirl non sono riusciti a trattenere le lacrime.
Matthew McConaughey a C’è Posta per Te, lacrime per una stupenda storia d’amore L'attore di Hollywood assiste ad una meravigliosa dedica d'amore di un marito a sua moglie, su una sedia a rotelle perché rimasta vittima di un incidente. Le sue parole sono meravigliose e McCounaghey regala alla famiglia il sogno di un viaggio a New York.
Live at the Zinc Bar in NYC Martino Atangana guitar vocals composition Azouhouni Adou keyboard Yacine Boulares saxophones Lesedi Ntsane trumpet Fred Doumbe b...
Madalena (Gigi De Martino Remix) [feat. Melissa Fortes] Gregor Salto, Anibel Fortes, Wesley Monteiro ℗ Net's Work & Songs S.r.l. Released on: 2011-05-23 Composer: Melissa Fortes Composer: Anibel Fortes Composer: Gregor Van Offeren Composer: Tzvetin Todorov Featured Artist: Melissa Fortes Music Publisher: D.R Remixer: Gigi De Martino Auto-generated by YouTube.
Gigi de Martino & Tore Rizzo - I Wanna See The Way feat. Dani Galenda.
Millburn High School (NJ) vs New Providence High School (NJ) 1981-82 Season Suburban Conference Championship At Stake.
Felipe C.- halloween Selection trip 2013
C'è Posta Per Te puntata 31 Gennaio 2015 : tutte le storie
La Luna de B. Bertolucci (1979) doblada al español, subtítulos en inglés. Jill Clayburgh, Matthew Barry
We are One! The Newbury Park Panthers were the first NP football team to make to a CIF championship in 19 years. Unfortunately they lost in a mud bowl 13-10 to Paso Robles. Overall they were 11-3 and had a record breaking season. Schedule NP vs Birmingham (42 - 14) W NP @ Saugus (44 - 36) W NP vs Agoura (48 - 20) W NP @ Dos Pueblos(51-0) W NP vs Cathedral Catholic (42-28) L NP @ Simi Valley (42-17) W NP @ Westlake (30-27) L NP vs Camarillo (53-28) W NP vs Royal (42-14) W NP @ Thousand Oaks (55-35) W Playoffs NP vs Righetii (56-28) W NP vs St Joseph (42-26) W NP vs Atascadero (49-48) W NP @ Paso Robles (13-10) L (CIF Championship) Roster 2 Darick Holmes Jr. (C) WR, DB Sr. 5-9 175 3 Jordan Hill WR, DB Sr. 6-1 178 4 Scotty Garifo WR, DB Sr. 5-11 170 5 Darnay Holmes WR, DB So. 5-11 185 6 Shane Sipes WR, DB Jr. 6-0 160 7 Matthew Matlock (C) RB, DB Sr. 5-9 190 8 Daniel Prieto (C) QB Sr. 6-0 175 9 Nathaniel Smith RB, LB, LS Sr. 6-1 190 10 Dalton Geringer (C) WR, OLB Sr. 6-1 185 11 Blake Faga RB, DB Sr. 6-0 185 14 Nick Juels QB So. 5-10 160 15 Jack Jensen WR, DB Jr. 5-9 132 16 Kyle Popok QB Jr. 5-10 141 17 Erich Wuesthoff QB Jr. 6-2 175 18 Sam Ellison P, K Jr. 5-7 135 19 John Garcia WR, DB Sr. 6-0 170 20 Dagan Sciamanna WR, DB Jr. 5-9 160 21 Cristian Egurbide WR, OLB Jr. 6-5 197 23 Ryan Mcgee WR, OLB Sr. 6-0 165 24 Nick Alderette WR, OLB Sr. 5-10 175 25 Nick Cellona RB, OLB So. 5-8 162 26 Bryce Wallgard WR, DL Sr. 6-5 185 27 Blake Burgess WR, OLB Sr. 5-11 161 28 Jerrin Hazard WR, DB Jr. 5-9 158 29 Jonas Mello RB, LB Jr. 5-10 185 30 Ryan Matlock WR, DB So. 5-11 175 31 Alfredo Cruz K, P Sr. 5-10 170 31 Luke Smith WR, DB So. 6-1 170 32 Dario Longhetto K, P So. 5-10 140 33 Luke Wuesthoff WR, OLB Jr. 6-0 165 34 Chucky Smith (C) WR, LB Sr. 6-0 185 35 Collins Frovarp RB, DB Jr. 5-4 130 36 Andrew Noble WR, DB So. 5-9 145 40 Kurtis Kuder RB, DL Sr. 6-0 190 41 Daniel Barkett WR, LB Jr. 6-2 145 42 Clay Velarde RB, DB Jr. 5-9 155 43 Zach Mahon RB, OLB Jr. 5-10 147 44 David Hughes OL, DL Sr. 6-3 240 45 Brock Barton TE, DL Jr. 6-3 205 46 Kalani Sanchez RB, LB So. 5-8 160 48 Cameron Rising QB Fr. 6-2 175 50 Anthony Barba OL, DL Sr. 5-11 215 51 Jack Ensey LB So. 6-0 160 52 Easton Jones OL, DL Jr. 6-5 230 53 Cameron Ruggiero OL, LB Jr. 6-0 170 54 Vincent Carreon OL, DL So. 6-0 210 55 Austin Matney LB So. 5-6 175 56 Makani Crosby OL, DL Fr. 6-3 210 57 Robert Geoffrion OL, DL Jr. 6-3 225 58 Danny Mccoy LS, LB So. 6-0 150 60 Aidan Takami OL, LB Sr. 6-1 221 62 Jacob Blackburn OL, DL Jr. 6-4 245 63 Ryan Schmidt OL, DL So. 5-8 147 66 Travis Cundiff OL, DL Jr. 6-0 196 67 Ian Ryan OL, DL Sr. 6-1 217 68 Alexander Rivera (C) OL, DL Sr. 6-0 220 70 James Bonanno OL, LB Sr. 6-1 210 71 Mason Williamson OL, DL Sr. 6-1 195 72 Curtis Pollara OL, DL Sr. 5-10 170 73 Robert Knight OL, DL Sr. 6-4 270 74 Trevor Martens OL, DL So. 6-1 230 77 Seth Evans OL, DL Jr. 5-11 220 79 Zach Okun (C) OL, DL Sr. 6-4 310 80 Austin Young WR, DB, K Jr. 6-0 171 81 Dawson Schmidt WR, LB Jr. 6-1 180 82 Cj Stanziano WR, LB Jr. 6-2 190 83 Tavis Valenzuela WR, DB So. 5-9 150 84 Austin Plambeck WR, DB Sr. 5-11 160 85 Zach Martino TE, LB Sr. 6-0 200 86 David Foldes TE, DL Sr. 6-2 230 87 Tyler Hwang QB So. 5-9 170 89 Kaiden Raduziner WR, OLB So. 6-2 160 Full Games:;=10 (Agoura);=10 (Westlake);=10 (Camarillo);=10 (St Joseph),ca)/football/home.htm ○ © I DO NOT OWN THE RIGHTS TO THE CLIPS OR MUSIC. ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO THEIR RESPECTFUL OWNERS. This video is not intended...
Architectural critic Reyner Banham explores Los Angeles in this 1972 BBC documentary. Including a drive through Tiny Naylors with Ed Ruscha and Mike Salisbury.
Caterina, a beautiful Italian widow (Elizabeth Hess) teaches the Italian language to Peter (Matthew Saldivar), a 17 year old high school boy. Set in Yonkers,...
The Seven Last Words of Our Saviour On the Cross (German: Die sieben letzten Worte unseres Erlösers am Kreuze) is an orchestral work by Joseph Haydn, commiss...
Act 1: Questo 'Mar Rosso' mi ammollisce e assidera - 00:00 Abbasso, abbasso l'autore! - 05:24 Si puo? Chi e la? - 09:06 Al Quartiere Latin ci attende Momus - 13:24 Non sono in vena - 15:09 Che gelida manina! - 19:01 Si. Mi chiamano Mimi - 23:40 Ehil Rodolfo!.. O soave fanciulla - 28:25 Act 2: Aranci, datteri! - 32:59 Chi guardi?.. Odio il profano volgo - 35:49 Beviam... Ch'io beva del tossico! - 40:58 Quando me n'vo - 44:14 Chi l'ha richiesto?.. Vediam - 48:55 Act 3: Ohe, le guardie... Apritel - 51:14 Mimi?!... Speravo di trovarvi qui - 56:33 Marcello. Finalmente - 01:00:55 Donde lieta usci al tuo grido d'amore - 01:06:38 Dunque e proprio finita? - 01:09:47 Act 4: In un coupe?.. Con pariglia e livree - 01:15:24 O Mimi, tu piu non torni - 01:16:48 Che ora sia? - 01:19:55 C'e Mimi... c'e Mimi che mi segue e che sta male - 01:23:51 Vecchia zimarra, senti - 01:29:08 Schaunard, ognuno per diversa via - 01:30:44 Sono andati? - 01:32:27 Oh Dio! Mimi!... Che avvien? - 01:36:29 Performers: Rodolfo - Roberto Alagna Mimi - Leontina Vaduva Marcello - Thomas Hampson Musetta - Ruth Ann Swenson Schaunard - Simon Keenlyside Colline - Samuel Ramey Benoit / Alcindoro - Enrico Fissore Parpignol - Philip Sheffield Sergeant - Jeffrey Carl Policeman - Paul Parfitt London Oratory School London Voices Philharmonia Orchestra conductor - Antonio Pappano
Live-Updated Track Sheet / Mix Notes:;=sharing#gid=0 Check out Past Shaking Through episodes: Download Past Shaking Through Songs for FREE: Become a Member of our non-profit: Watch the making of a Shaking Through episode featuring Mutual Benefit from start to finish! Schedule DAY ONE – Saturday, January 24th, 2015 Crew Call 10:00 Video crew, recording crew, and interns will all arrive at the studio. Band Call 11:00am Band members arrive at studio. Pre-Session Meeting 11:15 (45 min) Executive Producers will arrive. Brian, Gabe, Bill, Miles, and Engineer Matt Schimelfenig will meet members of Mutual Benefit and will talk about the schedule for the weekend. Light Fare - bagels, coffee, juice, etc. Set-up 12:00 (1.5 hours) The band will set up their instruments. Engineer Matt Schimelfenig will position and patch all microphones to record drums, bass, scratch guitar, piano and scratch vocal, and set levels in preparation for recording the basic track. When finished, the band will perform a preliminary “scratch” version of the song that will be recorded for review by the band and production staff, to determine the best possible approach to recording the song. Record Basic Track 1:30 (1 hour) Once a plan is established, the band will record the “basic track” of the song. At this stage we will most likely prioritize a solid drum and piano take of the song. If the piano can be recorded without a scratch vocal, we can use the piano take from the basic. If not, depending on how much scratch vocal bleeds into the piano mics, we may have to quickly recut the piano, and then add a clean scratch vocal track. Record Bass Track 2:30 (45 min) Determine the best approach to recording bass (synth or electric bass guitar), and record it. Record Guitar Track 3:15 (1 hour) Determine the best approach for guitar tracks, whether one sound will be used for the entire song, or if different parts of the song will require different guitar sounds. Set-up and record accordingly. 4:30 - 5:30: LUNCH (Sunset @ 5:10 PM) All crew, production staff, band and Executive Producers will break to EAT (Pizza Brain). Record Violin 5:30 (1.5 hours) Set-up and record violin. This may include multiple layers and parts. Record Lead Vocal 7:00 (1.5 hours) Record multiple passes of the lead vocal. Start slow to warm up Jordan’s voice, and allow for 5 - 6 vocal takes (or more… there’s no limit if the quality improves as we move along). Compile the final take, and consider whether a double vocal take makes sense. If so we’ll record easy passes of the lead to have doubles if we need them. Backup Vocals 8:30 (30 min) Determine if there is a need for backup vocals. If so, record them. Final Odds & Ends 9pm (45 min) Determine if there is a need for addition tracks. Record what is needed here. 9:45 pm: FINISH Shaking Through is a non-profit, community-produced documentary series about the vision and process of recording music. Download & Remix Tracks. Share your work with the Community.
Tcw monsters bash.
JOIN ME ON FACEBOOK: The show is broadcasted live & recorded every Friday: 1pm to 5.30 pm EST (New York Time): www.jus...
Debussy / Pelléas et Mélisande - Act 1 Karajan in Vienna 1962, Live Artificial Stereo & Pitch(speed)-Corrected (1/5) (Expansion of my Artificial Stereo’s sound is narrower than ordinary stereo. But I think it’s nearer to Karajan’s ideal sound than monaural sound. And I just wanted to listen by the correct pitch and the correct tempo as he listened.) I love this Debussy’s opera very much. And as for Karajan’s performance, I prefer this 1962 Live in Vienna to the EMI’s session recording in 1978. Especially I love Güden’s lovely and some mysterious Mélisande. I also have Karajan’s 1954 Live in Rome with Schwarzkopf, but I feel she is too intellectual for Mélisande. I found this source, which is monaural mp3 file, on website. I modified its speed to make the pitch VPO’s 446Hz. Furthermore I exchanged it into Artificial Stereo by computer. I wish you’d enjoy this fantastic opera. Hilde Güden – Mélisande Henri Gui – Pelléas Eberhard Waechter – Golaud Nicola Zaccaria – King Arkel Elisabeth Höngen – Genevieve Adriana Martino – Yniold Chorus and Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera Cond.: Herbert von Karajan Vienna State Opera, 6 January 1962, Premiere
Rescored by Matthew Timmis- Live performance by the composer as part of Silent Remasters@ Mercury Cinema 18th November 2013. For computer controlled cymbals and gong, sustainer electric guitar, fender rhodes, effects pedals, pure data, reed organ and record player random junk percussion instruments. One of the forefathers of silent and sound cinema, D.W. Griffith made such classics as The Birth of a Nation and Intolerance to great reception and reward. Broken Blossoms, his next film and alternatively titled The Yellow Man and The Girl, handled the then-delicate subjects of race relations and child abuse. The film was received with great reviews and has subsequently become a silent classic.
Another dutch house mix. Halfway or something, I took down the levels to give some space for the last bangers! Enjoy! = ) 00:00 Sternenwasser -- ID 02:41 Maraud -- Galactica 03:11 Sebastian Ingrosso & Tommy Trash, Visionaire vs. Tiesto ft. Kyler England, Absinth -- Reload me (Sternenwasser mashup) 04:56 Sultan & Ned Shepard ft. Quilia -- Walls 07:26 Kevin Jeong -- Volta 09:13 Bottai -- L'enfant 09:58 Riggi & Piros -- Carousel 10:43 Visionaire -- Python 12:32 Billy the Kit & Saint Liz -- Fantom 13:39 Billy the Kit & Saint Liz -- Raveheart 14:39 Trentemoller -- Nam Nam 17:24 Angger Dimas -- Jump Floor 18:38 Dope Arcade -- Ascension (IVARR remix) 20:54 Valentino Khan -- Cavepaint 22:24 Bass Kleph -- Tommy's dream 23:13 BVNDITS -- Edges 25:13 Krysztof Chochlow -- Sound (A.M. Version) 26:43 Martino James -- It's a drug
Track List: 00:00 Mr Probz - Waves (DJ Viduta and DJ DimixeR Remix) 02:55 Milky Chance - Stolen Dance (DJ Viduta & DJ DimixeR remix) 07:22 Faul & Wad Ad ft P...
For more info on the natural A=432 Hz. tuning vs. the unnatural standard A=440 (or 442, 444, etc.) Hz. please visit: ************************************************************************************************** Para obtener más información sobre la afinación natural La=432 Hz., por favor visitar: ************************************************************************************************** Giuseppe Verdi - Requiem - 432 Hz. Free Music
Sergei Prokofiev String Quartet No 2 in F major, Op 92 State Borodin Quartet St Petersburg, November 2014
The stuff you can find on now I'm not sure if everything there is public domain or not. maybe. Elvis316 is presenting this for educational p...
On the latest F Stop Lounge Google+ Hangout we discuss Fujifilm's teaser banner picture of the latest un-named X Series camera. For the full story and more i...
9, 2014 file photo, actor Matthew Morrison arrives at he 8th Annual Hamilton Behind The Camera Awards in Los Angeles.
Palm Beach Post 2015-04-14Gorilla in Manchester. Thursday 16th April 2015. 7:30 pm til 11:00 pm. Minimum Age: 18. Matthew E ... Event Info. Venue.
Skiddle 2015-04-14C. W. Matthews Contracting Co.
Big News Network 2015-04-14... indoor track and field athletes of the year, Deep Run’s Matthew Novak and Maggie Walker’s Emma Call.
Richmond Times Dispatch 2015-04-14... Show host films with Jerry Seinfeld before they join Larry David and Matthew Broderick for Opening .
Big News Network 2015-04-14A group of neighbors in Matthews is fighting a proposal to build 300 apartments in their community ...
Big News Network 2015-04-14, accusing them of copying their music.
Big News Network 2015-04-14Matthew Briggs, left, beats Chelsea's Didier Drogba to the ball during his playing days with Fulham in 2010.
The Guardian 2015-04-14Matthews International Funds ("MIF") ... Matthews International Funds ("MIF") is a U ... Matthews International Funds.
noodls 2015-04-14It may sound like fun, but for UWA student Matthew Rowbottom, the high-tech ... Matthew Rowbottom.
noodls 2015-04-14Matthew Lloyd's top 24 - Lance Franklin. Matthew Lloyd's top 24 - Gary Ablett. Matthew Lloyd's top 24 - Nathan Fyfe.
Sydney Morning Herald 2015-04-14Western Bulldogs veteran Matthew Boyd says he's relishing his new role as a defender under coach Luke Beveridge.
noodls 2015-04-14Brunel University ) Dr Matthew Seligmann has cast fresh light on the sinking of the Lusitania.
noodls 2015-04-14Matthew may refer to:
In Christianity:
Rachel Anne McAdams (born November 17, 1978) is a Canadian actress. After graduating from a four-year theatre program at York University in 2001, McAdams initially worked in Canadian television and film productions such as My Name is Tanino, Perfect Pie (for which she received a Genie Award nomination) and Slings and Arrows (for which she won a Gemini Award). Her first Hollywood movie was the 2002 comedy The Hot Chick. McAdams found fame in 2004 with starring roles in the teen comedy Mean Girls and the romantic drama The Notebook. In 2005, she appeared in the romantic comedy Wedding Crashers, the psychological thriller Red Eye and the family drama The Family Stone. She was hailed by the media as "the new Hollywood it girl" and received a BAFTA nomination for Best Rising Star.
However, McAdams withdrew from public life in 2006 and 2007. During this time, she turned down leading roles in high-profile films such as The Devil Wears Prada. She made a low-key return to work in 2008, starring in two limited release films: the film noir Married Life and the road trip movie The Lucky Ones. She returned to prominence in 2009 with appearances in the political thriller State of Play, the science-fiction romance Time Traveler's Wife, TheThe Time Traveler's Wife and the action-adventure film Sherlock Holmes. McAdams's first star vehicle was the 2010 comedy Morning Glory. In 2011, she starred in Woody Allen's romantic comedy Midnight in Paris and made a cameo appearance in the action-adventure sequel Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows. McAdams starred in 2012's romantic drama The Vow, and will next appear in Terrence Malick's To the Wonder and Brian De Palma's Passion.