Tag Archives: America

Return Of The Parasite: List Of Seventy-Five Most Influential Republican Jews Released

This is a pretty accurate assessment of the most optimistic future situation. Perhaps the Chinese will take them in...

An interesting survey of the most prominent/financially supportive Jews of the Republican side of the political aisle was released by Newsmax on Wednesday, demonstrating the level of twisted control the most subversive of creatures now exercises over political/social matters in the United States. Be aware that despite a few of the below personalities being able to talk a good game, their lies know

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Walmart To Stop Selling Items With Confederate Flag and Panders to Queers

The attacks are now entering the economic arena. Just as with the Third Reich, the Jews and Marxists will try to financially strangle their enemies.

In an act proved to generate a wave of rage and grief throughout the Southern regions of America, massive commercial chain Walmart, based in Arkansas, has decided to join the Jew-led anti-Dixie bandwagon, declaring their intention to halt the sale of items bearing the Confederate flag. Little further information is yet available, although more will be provided shortly for the

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Neo-Conservative Traitor Karl Rove Calls For A Repeal Of Constitution’s Second Amendment

Karl Rove

Skip to the five minute mark in the above video, filmed this morning on Fox News Sunday, to witness Republican strategist and devilish worm Karl Rove demand an immediate suspension of the Second Amendment, and subsequent gun confiscation. Using the usual anti-Southern rhetoric common to invasive politicians, the former Senior Adviser to George W. Bush claimed the Charleston shooting of

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Negress Calls For Race War Against White People As Retaliation For Charleston Shooting

Negro Cartoon

Here we have a pack of agitated Blacks demanding violent retribution against Whites, as a response to the Wednesday night shooting at the Mother Emmanuel American Methodist Church. The outburst came after Breitbart Texas managing director Brandon Darby attempted to ask a few questions of those holding a nighttime vigil near the Charleston church, and demonstrates the level of rage apparent

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The Dylann Storm Roof Saga: The Plot Twists, Turns, And Thickens

Dylann Roof published a manifesto explaining his worldview.

In the wake of the release of the full Dylann Roof manifesto, which when read does not come across as all that controversial or fanatical, a bit more discussion must be had, for the situation has continued to grow more bizarre throughout the last twenty-four hours. Therefore, let us go through each important piece of the Charleston Killer’s writing, which

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Utah: Minor League Baseball Team Cancels “Caucasian Heritage Night” After Marxist Intimidation

See? Even the mascot of the team is warning feral Negroes and Latrinos to stay away from the cute little White girls.

A minor league baseball team based in the American state of Utah has been forced to cancel a planned August promotion titled “Caucasian Heritage Night” following the Charleston Negro shootings of Wednesday, and subsequent rage directed at the organization by social justice warriors, and presumably Jews. The Orem Owls, an affiliate of the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim, issued a groveling apology

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Women’s Organization Protests Yogurt Company’s Commercial Featuring Lesbian Degenerates


A faith-based organization and enemy of the Jewish/Marxist SPLC, One Million Moms, is fighting against what is being rightfully perceived as a display of degeneracy, with a popular yogurt company jumping on the homosexual bandwagon to promote their product. The commercial in question, pushed onto media outlets that include children’s channels such as Nickelodeon, features a “married” lesbian couple lying

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Demonic Black Publishes Article Attacking All Whites For Actions Of Drug-Addled Autistic Boy

“Wut, Nigga, wut! Ah cants reads dat raciss honkey azz book.” -African-American explaining his hatred of basic literature.

In the wake of the Black church shooting of Wednesday night, in which a suboxone-addicted, feeble-bodied defective killed nine before being arrested the next morning, Whites in America now look to face a wave of persecution the likes of which have not been seen in quite a long while. For example, let us take a brief look at excerpts of

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Black Church Shooting Suspect Apprehended In North Carolina

Dylan Roof

Dylann Roof, a young White man who is currently the main suspect in a Wednesday night mass shooting inside a historical South Carolina Black church, has been captured by law enforcement near the town of Shelby, North Carolina. The main motive for the massacre has not been discerned, although liberal and Jewish outlets have begun the usual cry of “White Supremacy”

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Pennsylvania: Chinese Incompetents Indicted For College Testing/Visa Fraud

The Asian races have never been known for possessing creative skills, and are notorious for attempting to swindle to get ahead.

Federal court proceedings in the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on Wednesday witnessed the arraignment of fifteen Chinese nationals indicted for schemes involving college aptitude testing in order to obtain American visas. According to prosecutors, several of the Asiatic defendants engaged in crimes including the bribing of test supervisors, the commission of identity fraud during exams, and the forging of passport

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Jew Magazine Publishes Insightful Article Revealing Parasitic Nature Of Christ-Killers

Nothing more need be said after the text of this meme.

It pays for one who despises the Jewish subversion of our civilization to occasionally take a peek at what the publications intended for rodent eyes only have to say on certain issues. Oftentimes, most or all of the material researched lacks any sense of cohesion, reflecting the mental illness so prevalent among Jew populations, although little nuggets of value poke

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Gift That Keeps On Giving: “Transracial” Weirdo Rachel Dolezal Claims She Is Also A Bisexual

Statue Facepalm

When one goes completely off the rails in the mental department, as fake Negress Rachel Dolezal, has obviously done, little nuggets of comedy will often continue to be revealed long after the initial controversy has passed. Below is a little snippet of an interview given by Ms. Dolezal some months ago to Spokane Faith and Values, in which she claims

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Massachusetts: Savage Negro Thug Sentenced To 25 Years In Prison For Maiming White Man

In a healthy society, this barbaric oxygen bandit would be quickly and summarily sentenced to death for his crimes.

Another day in multicultural America, and yet again we witness a subhuman exerting beast-like instinct on the innocent. A Massachusetts Black/Mystery Meat thug by the name of Rodney McCray was sent to state prison for up to twenty-five years last Wednesday for what has been described as one of the more heinous attacks on an unarmed individual in recent memory.

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Imperial Gorilla Overlord of America Seeks Non-White Enrichment of Affluent Neighborhoods


The forces of darkness arrayed against the now-besieged White population of America have prepared yet another strike against our existence, with plans in the works to encourage the rapid “diversification” of currently prosperous, and racially homogeneous, neighborhoods throughout the country. Set to be implemented by both the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and despicable Monkey King Barack Obama, the

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White Woman Working For DHS Nearly Loses Daughter After Outing Immigration Fraud


The above video narrates the trauma that a brave White woman, working for the Department of Homeland Security, who faced a barrage of personal intimidation for her efforts in uncovering a massive EB-5 visas. Taylor Johnson, who testified before Congress on Thursday, managed to reveal the fact that many of those entering the United States through this program, including many

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