
Munich Re - Fascination Reinsurance
What will happen if sea levels rise by a metre? How will offshore wind farms affect shippi...
published: 10 Sep 2012
author: Munich Re
Munich Re - Fascination Reinsurance
Munich Re - Fascination Reinsurance
What will happen if sea levels rise by a metre? How will offshore wind farms affect shipping risks? What are the implications for life and health insurance i...- published: 10 Sep 2012
- views: 866
- author: Munich Re

Munich Re: NOT IF, BUT HOW
Tackling the major challenges of the future is something we have been doing for more than ...
published: 05 Jul 2012
author: MunichReUS
Munich Re: NOT IF, BUT HOW
Munich Re: NOT IF, BUT HOW
Tackling the major challenges of the future is something we have been doing for more than 130 years. As a reinsurance company, we operate internationally and...- published: 05 Jul 2012
- views: 736
- author: MunichReUS

Munich Re: Einsteigen nach dem Uni-Abschluss - Traineeprogramm
Sie suchen nach dem erfolgreichen Ende Ihres Studiums die Herausforderung und wollen Ihre ...
published: 17 May 2011
author: Munich Re
Munich Re: Einsteigen nach dem Uni-Abschluss - Traineeprogramm
Munich Re: Einsteigen nach dem Uni-Abschluss - Traineeprogramm
Sie suchen nach dem erfolgreichen Ende Ihres Studiums die Herausforderung und wollen Ihre Kompetenzen in ein interdisziplinäres Team einbringen? Dann sind Si...- published: 17 May 2011
- views: 745
- author: Munich Re

TOUCH SPACE FLIGHT: Insurance solutions for an ambitious industry
As one of the pioneers of space insurance, Munich Re has been the industry's first choice ...
published: 06 Feb 2013
author: Munich Re
TOUCH SPACE FLIGHT: Insurance solutions for an ambitious industry
TOUCH SPACE FLIGHT: Insurance solutions for an ambitious industry
As one of the pioneers of space insurance, Munich Re has been the industry's first choice for over 30 years. Our Space Department offers the ideal combinatio...- published: 06 Feb 2013
- views: 312
- author: Munich Re

Munich Re - Entry as a professional
Manuel Pape joined Munich Re with a background in the energy sector. As an underwriter he ...
published: 10 Sep 2012
author: Munich Re
Munich Re - Entry as a professional
Munich Re - Entry as a professional
Manuel Pape joined Munich Re with a background in the energy sector. As an underwriter he contributes his expertise. Visit our website: http://www.munichre.c...- published: 10 Sep 2012
- views: 206
- author: Munich Re

Knowledge in dialogue -- Munich Re client seminars
Changing parameters and shifts in the market keep the insurance industry in motion and cal...
published: 18 Jun 2013
Knowledge in dialogue -- Munich Re client seminars
Knowledge in dialogue -- Munich Re client seminars
Changing parameters and shifts in the market keep the insurance industry in motion and call for life-long training and intense exchange. Munich Re offers a unique seminar programme to support these aims. Clients from all over the world are brought up to date and share their experience with us -- an exchange at eye level from which both sides learn. Learn more here: http://ow.ly/m8J0h.- published: 18 Jun 2013
- views: 12

10 Jahre Munich Re, Peking
Die Volksrepublik China ist nicht nur das bevölkerungsreichste Land, sondern auch eine der...
published: 16 Oct 2013
10 Jahre Munich Re, Peking
10 Jahre Munich Re, Peking
Die Volksrepublik China ist nicht nur das bevölkerungsreichste Land, sondern auch eine der am schnellsten wachsenden Volkswirtschaften mit einem zunehmend attraktiven Versicherungsmarkt. Dieses Jahr feiert unsere Niederlassung in Peking 10-jähriges Jubiläum. Im Laufe der Jahren haben wir zum nachhaltigen Wachstum des chinesischen Versicherungsmarkts mit traditioneller Rückversicherung sowie mit Spezialprodukten und Risiko-Lösungen in Nischensegmenten beigetragen. 1997 eröffnete Munich Re Vertretungen in Peking und Schanghai. Mit der Eröffnung einer Niederlassung in Peking im Jahr 2003 war Munich Re der erste internationale Rückversicherer, der eine Lizenz für Mehrsparten-Rückversicherungen im ganzen Land erhielt. Heute sind wir in China inallen Sparten des Rückversicherungsgeschäfts vertreten, also in Leben, Schaden/Unfall und Gesundheit, gemeinsam mit unserer Erstversicherungsgruppe ERGO und unserem Vermögensverwalter MEAG. Als Wachstumsregion benötigt China Lösungen, die über traditionelle Rückversicherungen hinausgehen. Diese Lösungen bietet Munich Re dank eines umfassenden weltweiten Netzwerks aus Erstversicherung, Rückversicherung und Gesundheitsvorsorge, gekoppelt mit einer starken Präsenz vor Ort.- published: 16 Oct 2013
- views: 14

Brighter outlook from Munich Re
Munich Re's profit outlook is better than expected but down on the previous year. Lex's Vi...
published: 12 Mar 2013
author: Financial Times
Brighter outlook from Munich Re
Brighter outlook from Munich Re
Munich Re's profit outlook is better than expected but down on the previous year. Lex's Vincent Boland and Oliver Ralph discuss what lower catastrophe losses...- published: 12 Mar 2013
- views: 241
- author: Financial Times

Munich Re - Einstieg als Praktikant
Susanne Ferdinand berichtet von ihrem Einstieg bei Munich Re durch ein Praktikum....
published: 10 Sep 2012
author: Munich Re
Munich Re - Einstieg als Praktikant
Munich Re - Einstieg als Praktikant
Susanne Ferdinand berichtet von ihrem Einstieg bei Munich Re durch ein Praktikum.- published: 10 Sep 2012
- views: 271
- author: Munich Re

After Buffett bought Munich Re: The stock moved above and below his price
Warren Buffett does not worry. He stays always cool. After he bought a stock, the only thi...
published: 13 Dec 2012
author: Tim Schaefer
After Buffett bought Munich Re: The stock moved above and below his price
After Buffett bought Munich Re: The stock moved above and below his price
Warren Buffett does not worry. He stays always cool. After he bought a stock, the only thing he cares about, when he buys a stock, is the long term performan...- published: 13 Dec 2012
- views: 99
- author: Tim Schaefer

Finalist Munich Re
Die Munich Re ist einer der Finalisten des GeoBusiness AWARD 2011.
Die Zunahme an Schäden ...
published: 18 Mar 2014
Finalist Munich Re
Finalist Munich Re
Die Munich Re ist einer der Finalisten des GeoBusiness AWARD 2011. Die Zunahme an Schäden durch Naturkatastrophen ist unbestritten. Ob Überschwemmungen in Asien, Wirbelstürme in der Karibik oder Erdbeben in Haiti. Die Liste lässt sich beliebig fortsetzen. Schäden in Milliardenhöhe, Tote und Verletzte sind die Folgen. Wer heute Risiken ganzheitlich managen will, muss das räumliche Umfeld genau kennen. Mit NATHAN (Natural Hazards Assessment Network) Risk Suite ist es der Munich Re gelungen, die Einschätzung von Naturgefahrenrisiken zu optimieren - und das weltweit. Geoinformationssysteme unterstützen NATHAN und ermöglichen eine angemessene Preiskalkulation für aktuelle und künftige Risiken. http://www.geobusiness.org/Geobusiness/Navigation/root.html- published: 18 Mar 2014
- views: 14

Munich Re: Einsteigen als Azubi (DE)
Der Start ist entscheidend -- erst recht, wenn es um Deine berufliche Zukunft geht. Eine A...
published: 17 May 2011
author: Munich Re
Munich Re: Einsteigen als Azubi (DE)
Munich Re: Einsteigen als Azubi (DE)
Der Start ist entscheidend -- erst recht, wenn es um Deine berufliche Zukunft geht. Eine Ausbildung bei Munich Re öffnet die Tür zu einem spannenden Berufsle...- published: 17 May 2011
- views: 127
- author: Munich Re

OneClimate interviews Thomas Loster - Munich Re Foundation at COP15 - 2
OneClimate interviews Thomas Loster of the Munich Re Foundation at the UNFCCC Climate Chan...
published: 29 Jan 2010
author: OneWorldTV
OneClimate interviews Thomas Loster - Munich Re Foundation at COP15 - 2
OneClimate interviews Thomas Loster - Munich Re Foundation at COP15 - 2
OneClimate interviews Thomas Loster of the Munich Re Foundation at the UNFCCC Climate Change Conference that took place in Copenhagen, Denmark in December 20...- published: 29 Jan 2010
- views: 308
- author: OneWorldTV

Munich Re IT-Experte Franz Koppold beim SAP Forum für Versicherer 2014
Franz Koppold, Leiter der Anwendungsentwicklung bei Munich Re, erläuterte auf dem SAP Foru...
published: 17 Jun 2014
Munich Re IT-Experte Franz Koppold beim SAP Forum für Versicherer 2014
Munich Re IT-Experte Franz Koppold beim SAP Forum für Versicherer 2014
Franz Koppold, Leiter der Anwendungsentwicklung bei Munich Re, erläuterte auf dem SAP Forum für Versicherer in Baden-Baden im Mai 2014 die Strategie von Munich Re für die Implementierung von SAP HANA. Die Technologie bietet neue Möglichkeiten für die Echtzeit-Datenverarbeitung, hohes Potenzial für eine noch tiefer gehende Risikomodellierung sowie für zukünftige Anwendungen, einschließlich Big Data. Franz Koppold, Head of Department Application Development at Munich Re, was interviewed in May 2014 at the "SAP Forum for Insurers" in Baden-Baden, Germany. He shared Munich Re's strategy for the implementation of SAP HANA. The technology offers new opportunities for real-time data processing and increased potential for in depth risk modeling and future applications including big data. Video in German.- published: 17 Jun 2014
- views: 64
Vimeo results:

PLANET SPORTS Munich Store Re-Opening / Cribs with Eero Ettala & Marko Grilc
At Saturday, 26th of May, we opened our brand new store at Munich´s famous Sendlinger Stra...
published: 31 May 2012
author: Planet Sports
PLANET SPORTS Munich Store Re-Opening / Cribs with Eero Ettala & Marko Grilc
At Saturday, 26th of May, we opened our brand new store at Munich´s famous Sendlinger Straße. Check out what Teamriders Eero Ettala & Marko Grilc have to say about their new "crib."
Filming & Cut: David Herbst

The Solar System – our home in space
An Infographic trip through the wonders of the solar system.
The solar system - well know...
published: 22 Aug 2013
author: Kurzgesagt
The Solar System – our home in space
An Infographic trip through the wonders of the solar system.
The solar system - well known from countless documentaries. 3D animation on black background. This infographic videos tries something different. Animated infographics and a focus on minimalistic design puts the information up front. We take the viewer on a trip through the solar system, visiting planets, asteroids and the sun.
Short videos, explaining things. For example Evolution, the Universe, the Stock Market or controversial topics like Fracking. Because we love science.
If you have a suggestion for future videos or feedback, drop us a line! :)
We're a bunch of Information designers from munich, visit us on facebook or behance to say hi!
The Solar System – our home in space

Cheeky Laps
Max hails from Germany but if you heard him talk you'd swear he was from the UK. Originall...
published: 21 Sep 2013
author: Pilchard Productions
Cheeky Laps
Max hails from Germany but if you heard him talk you'd swear he was from the UK. Originally from Germany but studying in Falmouth, UK, Pilchard caught Max in his home country at his local spot Turncable, nr Munich.
With oodles of pop and press you're always going to see something good when Max goes for a cheeky shred.

How Evolution works
The mechanisms of evolution explained in one video.
The theory of evolution explains how ...
published: 29 Jul 2013
author: Kurzgesagt
How Evolution works
The mechanisms of evolution explained in one video.
The theory of evolution explains how the enormous variety of life could come into existence. How it is possible for primitive life forms to spawn the millions of different creatures, that exist today. Unfortunately, evolution is often misunderstood, because it's mechanisms seem counter intuitive. By using visualizations, infographics and appealing characters, the viewer is more likely to understand it the complex information. More than that, by presenting the information in an entertaining way, the information is more likely to sink in.
Short videos, explaining things. For example Evolution, the Universe, Stock Market or controversial topics like Fracking. Because we love science.
If you have a suggestion for future videos or feedback, drop us a line! :)
We're a bunch of Information designers from munich, visit us on facebook or behance to say hi!
How Evolution Works
Youtube results:

Katastrophen-Bilanz der Munich Re
Der Klimawandel - längst auch in der Katastrophen-Bilanz des Münchner Versicherers Munich ...
published: 03 Jan 2013
author: ARD Mittagsmagazin
Katastrophen-Bilanz der Munich Re
Katastrophen-Bilanz der Munich Re
Der Klimawandel - längst auch in der Katastrophen-Bilanz des Münchner Versicherers Munich Re ein wachsender Posten! Der Klimawandel geht um! Hier in Deutschl...- published: 03 Jan 2013
- views: 115
- author: ARD Mittagsmagazin

COP19: Peter Höppe, Munich Re
COP19 (20/11/2013) - Peter Höppe, Meteorologist, Head of Geo Risk Research/Corporate Clima...
published: 03 Dec 2013
COP19: Peter Höppe, Munich Re
COP19: Peter Höppe, Munich Re
COP19 (20/11/2013) - Peter Höppe, Meteorologist, Head of Geo Risk Research/Corporate Climate Center, Munich Reinsurarance Company- published: 03 Dec 2013
- views: 12

Chart Check: Munich Re, RWE, E.on und Infineon
Börsentäglich nimmt Cornelia Zinck die spannendsten Werte im Chart Check unter die Lupe. I...
published: 04 Apr 2014
Chart Check: Munich Re, RWE, E.on und Infineon
Chart Check: Munich Re, RWE, E.on und Infineon
Börsentäglich nimmt Cornelia Zinck die spannendsten Werte im Chart Check unter die Lupe. In dieser Ausgabe: Die Aktien von Munich Re, RWE, E.on und Infineon.- published: 04 Apr 2014
- views: 10

Il Nord America è l'area più colpita da catastrofi naturali collegate al meteo
published: 28 Oct 2012
author: maxrupo
Il Nord America è l'area più colpita da catastrofi naturali collegate al meteo
Il Nord America è l'area più colpita da catastrofi naturali collegate al meteo
- published: 28 Oct 2012
- views: 603
- author: maxrupo