
Bmw f800st review
A short review on the bmw f800st....
published: 07 Oct 2012
author: mark pulling
Bmw f800st review
Bmw f800st review
A short review on the bmw f800st.- published: 07 Oct 2012
- views: 18032
- author: mark pulling

BMW F800: Low quality, expensive repairs
Dear visitor,
because of the several production errors at my BMW F800, I argue hard with ...
published: 31 Aug 2013
BMW F800: Low quality, expensive repairs
BMW F800: Low quality, expensive repairs
Dear visitor, because of the several production errors at my BMW F800, I argue hard with the BMW Company of my country (BMW-Switzerland), to get a refund on my high repairing costs. With one exception (my BMW dealer engaged itself for a refund by the breakdown of the rear axle); they refused completely to assume any further costs for the bad manufacturing defect of my F800. Warranty was over, no obligingness... Finally, BMW isn't interested to take responsibility and to deal with the customers honestly. They show up a quite ignored communications, use several tactics to avoid responsibility and to get rid of the customer. The motorcyclist pays for the entire manufacturing defects and the BMW-company gives only a cheap regret to the sad Situation and still wishes a lot of fun to ride a BMW bike ... ...You can count any more on a Premium Brand... Thank you for reading and I wish you very good luck! MrLightstone Musik: Original out of Youtube: http://youtu.be/pgd0zCmpMCQ- published: 31 Aug 2013
- views: 354

Yamaha Fazer8 vs Aprilia Shiver GT vs BMW F800ST
Yamaha's new Fazer8 goes head-to-head against the Aprilia Shiver GT and BMW F800ST. Get al...
published: 05 Aug 2010
author: motorcyclenewsdotcom
Yamaha Fazer8 vs Aprilia Shiver GT vs BMW F800ST
Yamaha Fazer8 vs Aprilia Shiver GT vs BMW F800ST
Yamaha's new Fazer8 goes head-to-head against the Aprilia Shiver GT and BMW F800ST. Get all the latest news at www.motorcyclenews.com.- published: 05 Aug 2010
- views: 92513
- author: motorcyclenewsdotcom

Test Ride: KTM 990 Adventure, BMW F800ST, Buell 1125R,Victory Vision,
After forgoing the ritual last year, we've reinsated our annual fall tour; four riders tes...
published: 19 Nov 2009
author: lcmediacc
Test Ride: KTM 990 Adventure, BMW F800ST, Buell 1125R,Victory Vision,
Test Ride: KTM 990 Adventure, BMW F800ST, Buell 1125R,Victory Vision,
After forgoing the ritual last year, we've reinsated our annual fall tour; four riders testing four different bikes, over five days. The bikes this year, 200...- published: 19 Nov 2009
- views: 56877
- author: lcmediacc

BMW F800ST: Dangerous manufacturing defect
BMW F800ST Modell 2006 1. Inverkehrsetzung 20.7.2006 Bei Kilometerstand 25'000 habe ich di...
published: 18 Jul 2012
author: MrLigthstone
BMW F800ST: Dangerous manufacturing defect
BMW F800ST: Dangerous manufacturing defect
BMW F800ST Modell 2006 1. Inverkehrsetzung 20.7.2006 Bei Kilometerstand 25'000 habe ich die erste Auffälligkeit am Zahnriemenlauf entdeckt. Durch eine Anfrag...- published: 18 Jul 2012
- views: 28367
- author: MrLigthstone

BMW F800 ST broken drive
Damage inspection....
published: 04 Apr 2013
author: Robert Welsh
BMW F800 ST broken drive

Ronel & Alex touring on BMW F800ST
BMW F800ST riding along the coast in South Africa....
published: 18 Jan 2012
author: miragegp
Ronel & Alex touring on BMW F800ST
Ronel & Alex touring on BMW F800ST
BMW F800ST riding along the coast in South Africa.- published: 18 Jan 2012
- views: 14863
- author: miragegp

2008 Middleweight Sport-Touring Shootout BMW F800ST vs Honda VFR800 Interceptor - Motorcycle Review
2008 Middleweight Sport-Touring Shootout BMW F800ST vs Honda VFR800 Interceptor - Motorcyc...
published: 28 Aug 2008
author: Motorcycle.com
2008 Middleweight Sport-Touring Shootout BMW F800ST vs Honda VFR800 Interceptor - Motorcycle Review
2008 Middleweight Sport-Touring Shootout BMW F800ST vs Honda VFR800 Interceptor - Motorcycle Review
2008 Middleweight Sport-Touring Shootout BMW F800ST vs Honda VFR800 Interceptor - Motorcycle Review Motorcycle.com rode from Los Angeles to Monterey, CA on a...- published: 28 Aug 2008
- views: 207202
- author: Motorcycle.com

Mikes new bike :) BMW F800ST
BMW 800st nice....
published: 02 Mar 2011
author: Andrew Bright
Mikes new bike :) BMW F800ST
Mikes new bike :) BMW F800ST
BMW 800st nice.- published: 02 Mar 2011
- views: 23486
- author: Andrew Bright

BMW F800ST Motorbike Roadtest
BMW F800ST - New product from BMW. Road test carried out by Syd Taylor - More bike reviews...
published: 20 Dec 2007
author: 135Liverpool
BMW F800ST Motorbike Roadtest
BMW F800ST Motorbike Roadtest
BMW F800ST - New product from BMW. Road test carried out by Syd Taylor - More bike reviews at www.localmotoring.com.- published: 20 Dec 2007
- views: 176074
- author: 135Liverpool

BMW F800ST swako walvis return jun09
F800ST and GSX R1000mK5 once again....
published: 22 Jun 2009
author: zarco zyrzarco
BMW F800ST swako walvis return jun09
BMW F800ST swako walvis return jun09
F800ST and GSX R1000mK5 once again.- published: 22 Jun 2009
- views: 7645
- author: zarco zyrzarco

First ride BMW F800ST - First GoPro Hero 3 Black test
My new motorbike, first ever time riding, bit rusty after 3 years....
published: 20 Jun 2013
author: Eoghan Hennessy
First ride BMW F800ST - First GoPro Hero 3 Black test
First ride BMW F800ST - First GoPro Hero 3 Black test
My new motorbike, first ever time riding, bit rusty after 3 years.- published: 20 Jun 2013
- views: 154
- author: Eoghan Hennessy

BMW F800ST 1312170652 k
スポーツツーリング F800ST
published: 06 Jan 2014
BMW F800ST 1312170652 k
BMW F800ST 1312170652 k
スポーツツーリング F800ST F800STは兄弟のF800Sよりツーリング向けの装備強化し、カウルのサイドパネルを大型化やロングスクリーン採用でウインドプロテクションアップし、リアフェンダーも長いものが採用されます。 パイプハンドルが採用され前傾の緩やなポジションとの相乗効果で、長距離ツーリングでの疲労軽減負担はかり軽減されます。標準装備のリアキャリアは純正パニアケースマウントを兼ねており、装備追加時の費用負担が少なくて済みます。 オーストリアのロータックスとBMWで共同開発された360度クランク798cc水冷並列2気筒エンジンは、最高出力の90%を5,000rpmで発揮するように設定されており、非常にドライバビリティが高いことで定評があります。360度クランクエンジンはトルクフルですが、左右同時上下動で振動がネックとなります。そこで第3のコンロッドともいえるバランサーアームで、振動を抑え滑らかに吹けあがるように設計されています。 足回りはフロントテレスコピックフォークと、リアに片持ち式スイングアームの組合せ。ベルトドライブ駆動は軽量で静かな上ローメンテナンス、ベルトの寿命はおよそ4万kmと交換サイクルが長いのも特徴の一つです。フロントは320mm径ダブルディスク、リアに265mm径シングルディスク、前後ともブレンボ製キャリパーを採用。またメーカーオプションでABSが設定されています。F800シリーズの日本仕様は全てローシートが標準採用されています。 [カタログスペック] 全長×全幅×全高:2,080mm×770mm×1,160mm、軸距離:1,470mm シート高:790 mm、 装備重量: 210kg、 燃費( 90km/h走行時)ISOモード100km定速走行:29.4km/L 燃料タンク容量:約16L(内予備約4L) 燃料:レギュラーガソリン(ハイオクお勧めします) 最高出力:63kW(85ps)/8,000rpm、 最大トルク:86Nm/5,800rpm タイヤサイズ:(前)120/70 ZR 17、 (後)180/55 ZR 17 [掘出しバイクオークション]詳細画像多数 http://special.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/html/horidashi_bike_auc/- published: 06 Jan 2014
- views: 9

F800 Belt change
Noticed 2 missing teeth on my F800 belt so decied to swap for the spare I carry. less than...
published: 09 Jul 2013
author: Pat Horridge
F800 Belt change
F800 Belt change
Noticed 2 missing teeth on my F800 belt so decied to swap for the spare I carry. less than 13 minutes to do.- published: 09 Jul 2013
- views: 125
- author: Pat Horridge
Youtube results:

BMW F800ST drive belt tracking
This video shows how the drive belt is tracking on the rear pulley of my 2007 BMW F800ST....
published: 02 May 2013
author: Werner Van Aswegen
BMW F800ST drive belt tracking
BMW F800ST drive belt tracking
This video shows how the drive belt is tracking on the rear pulley of my 2007 BMW F800ST.- published: 02 May 2013
- views: 355
- author: Werner Van Aswegen

BMW F800ST Blueflame Titanium Dualport.mpg
BMW F800 original exhaust, then Blue Flame Titanium Dualport standard, then baffles out. S...
published: 10 Aug 2010
author: alfalf25
BMW F800ST Blueflame Titanium Dualport.mpg
BMW F800ST Blueflame Titanium Dualport.mpg
BMW F800 original exhaust, then Blue Flame Titanium Dualport standard, then baffles out. Sounds Great.- published: 10 Aug 2010
- views: 6711
- author: alfalf25

TEST | BMW F800 GT, Roadster ou GT !?
BMW F800 GT 2013 - Dernier volet de la nouvelle gamme 800 twin de BMW, et remplaçante de F...
published: 16 Apr 2013
author: MOTOR LIVE
TEST | BMW F800 GT, Roadster ou GT !?
TEST | BMW F800 GT, Roadster ou GT !?
BMW F800 GT 2013 - Dernier volet de la nouvelle gamme 800 twin de BMW, et remplaçante de F800ST, la F800 GT s'installe dans le paysage GT pour 2013. Pas vrai...- published: 16 Apr 2013
- views: 20287
- author: MOTOR LIVE