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With smart phones, tablets or PCs, you may be "away" but you are never really out of reach and your telecom operator needs to be everywhere -- both locally a...
Director's Cut Concept: Murad Osman Concept/Creative Director: Bibi Asatiani Copywriter: Beqa Meparishvili Account Manager: Kote Chatidi Producer: David Isakadze DOP: Alexandru Dorobantu (Romania) Costume Designer: Tinatin Kvinikadze Model: Mariam Mgebrovi
12 december 2012.
19 december 2012.
Swedish telcoms giant Teliasonera complicit in mass surveillance in the world's worst dictatorships. © Sveriges Television AB.
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Interview with TeliaSonera's new CEO Johan Dennelind at TeliaSonera Group Head Offices, June 16 2013.
TeliaSonera App Market is a cloud based marketplace, where we gather best in class applications for small and medium-sized companies
"Över 2 miljarder försvunna när TeliaSonera köpte 3G-licens av Uzbekistans licensinnehavare som umgås med presidentens dotter. Gulnara Karimova, den uzbekisk...
TeliaSonera brandstory TeliaSonera unifies under new unique brand identity.
TeliaSonera International Carrier (TSIC) CTO Mattias Fridström discusses how Infinera Professional Services help grow their business, while its Director of B...
See how TeliaSonera International Carrier is adding incremental 100G capacity in minutes using Infinera Instant Bandwidth™
The president of TeliaSonera International Carrier presents our vision.
What is the spoiled generation? And what created it? End-user demand has gone exponential. They want access to everything online, from video games to life in...
TeliaSonera CDN (Content Delivery Network) er en cloud baseret tjeneste, hvor Web Performance hjælper kunderne med at skalere og gøre deres hjemmesider hurtigere.
Turkcell'in kurucu ortaklarından olan ve en büyük hissedar konumunda bulunan TeliaSonera grubunun Türkiye reklamı. Kısaca TeliaSonera TeliaSonera kişilerin v...
Sonera Sovelluskauppa on pilvipohjaisten sovellusten kauppapaikka, jonne keräämme parhaat sovellukset pienille ja keskikokoisille yrityksille.
TeliaSonera CDN (Content Delivery Network) är en molnbaserad plattform där Web Performance hjälper kunder att snabba upp och optimera prestandan på sina webbsidor.
TeliaSonera launched the DOVADO TINY together with the ZTE MF820D 4G/LTE USB modem in September 2011. Simply insert the USB modem into the router, and the DO...
An interview filmed at WDM & Next Generation Optical Networking with Dariusz Solowiej, Head of Global Core Network Planning, TeliaSonera. TeliaSonera Interna...
Nordnets sparekonom Günther Mårder intervjuar TeliaSoneras vd Johan Dennelind på Nordnet Live 2014, som gör sitt första framträdande.
TeliaSonera CDN (Content Delivery Network) is a cloud based platform where Web Performance helps customers to speed up and scale their web sites.
Швеция Олий суди мамлакат ҳукуматига қарашли TeliaSonera мобил ширкати Ўзбекистонда пора бергани билан боғлиқ ишнинг Швеция ҳуқуқ-тартибот идоралари томонида...
A ... -- Norwegian telecoms company Telenor and Swedish peer TeliaSonera to combine their Danish mobile businesses (notified Feb.
Reuters 2015-03-19TeliaSonera AB ) TeliaSonera's Annual and Sustainability Report 2014 ... teliasonera ... teliasonera.
noodls 2015-03-18March 18, 2015 TeliaSonera’s Annual and Sustainability Report 2014 is now available at teliasonera ... teliasonera.
Business Wire 2015-03-18The offering consisted of a sale by TeliaSonera of 50 million shares, which represent 25 percent of Kcell's share capital.
noodls 2015-03-18Joors recently announced a partnership with TeliaSonera to bring Affordable Internet to TeliaSoneras Eurasian region.
noodls 2015-03-17The offering consisted of a sale by TeliaSonera of 50 million shares, which represent 25 percent of Kcell's share capital.
noodls 2015-03-17ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Russia's Alfa Telecom offered $2.8 ... UL] as collateral for a loan ... Nordic telecoms group TeliaSonera (TLSN.
Yahoo Daily News 2015-03-17S ... -- Norwegian telecoms company Telenor and Swedish peer TeliaSonera to combine their Danish mobile businesses (notified Feb.
Reuters 2015-03-17(Source: ... billion per annum ... The Minister will take part in the St ... ENDS ... Meeting with Virtual Access and customer TeliaSonera.
noodls 2015-03-16S ... -- Norwegian telecoms company Telenor and Swedish peer TeliaSonera to combine their Danish mobile businesses (notified Feb.
Reuters 2015-03-16S ... -- Norwegian telecoms company Telenor and Swedish peer TeliaSonera to combine their Danish mobile businesses (notified Feb.
Reuters 2015-03-13... of Tele2 Norway to TeliaSonera; the $3.5 bn sale of Tele2 Russia to VTB Capital; TeliaSonera's $1.5
noodls 2015-03-12S ... -- Norwegian telecoms company Telenor and Swedish peer TeliaSonera to combine their Danish mobile businesses (notified Feb.
Reuters 2015-03-12TeliaSonera AB is the dominant telephone company and mobile network operator in Sweden and Finland. The company has operations in other countries in Northern, Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Spain, with a total of 150 million mobile customers (2010). It is headquartered in Stockholm and its stocks are traded on the Stockholm Stock Exchange and on the Helsinki Stock Exchange.
TeliaSonera is the result of a 2002 merger between the Swedish and Finnish telecommunications companies, Telia and Sonera. This merger followed shortly after Telia's failed merger with Norwegian telecommunications company Telenor, now its chief competitor in the Nordic countries.
Telia has a history as a state telephone monopoly, before privatization. Sonera on the other hand used to have monopoly only on trunk network calls, while most (c. 75%) of local telecommunication was provided by telephone cooperatives. The separate brand names Telia and Sonera have continued to be used in the Swedish and Finnish markets respectively. Of the shares, 37 % are owned by the Swedish government, 13.2 % by the Finnish government, and the rest by institutions, companies, and private investors worldwide.