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Animal Expert David Mizejewski: Wallaby & Caracal - CONAN on TBS
Pets101 Wallaby
Swamp wallaby joey hopping and playing
Wallaby and puppy playing
Cutest Wallaby
Friendly Wallaby
Irwin the Wallaby
Exotic and Unusual Pets - Bennett's Wallaby
SCP-1515 "Wallaby Wannabes"
Gearing Up - Exercise Wallaby 2011 (Part 1)
Tiny baby wallaby cleaning itself and hopping about
wallaby dad vs red kangaroo at the San Francisco Zoo
Wallaby Eating A Cracker. Funny!
Willoughby Wallaby Woo
Actors Malcolm Stewart (actor), Greg Ellis (actor), Bonnie Judd (miscellaneous crew), Jennifer Coolidge (actress), Richard Kind (actor), Phil Proctor (actor), John Davis (producer), Peter Coyote (actor), Norm MacDonald (actor), Ingrid Kenning (miscellaneous crew), Keith Dallas (actor), Kwesi Ameyaw (actor), Andrew McIlroy (actor), Dan Carr (miscellaneous crew), Kyla Pratt (actress),
The National Wildlife Federation Naturalist brings two furry beasts to Stage 15. More CONAN @
Here is the Pets 101 of a Wallaby. Myself personally love Wallaby's I currently own 1 called Chandler (yes named after the character off the tv show Friends)...
Kit is about 8 months old. He enjoys attacking the camera every time I try to take a photo, hopping on everything, and eating anything he can fit it his mout...
Video of our new puppy and wallaby playing together.
A tammar wallaby that was very friendly and came to see us every day while we were staying at the Kangaroo Island Wilderness Retreat.
First encounter with a wallaby at Healesville Sanctuary outside Melbourne, Australia.
Reporter Joy Hernandez shows us a couple, with a Wallaby as a pet! This mini marsupial ( kangaroo family) is a real hit in the neighborhood. For some, an exo...
Exotic Pets - Bennett's Wallaby - as part of the expert series by GeoBeats. This is a Bennett`s Wallaby. This is a little female. She is about, almost a year...
Read along: Follow me on Twitter: Follow me on Tumblr:
When the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) train overseas, it involves not only soldiers, but also large numbers of vehicles and other training equipment used by ...
A cute little baby wallaby cleaning itself and walking/hopping about in Australia.
The wallaby is keeping everyone away from his family. You can see the baby in the pouch at the top of the screen.
This is my room mates wallaby eating a cracker. Sooooo cute.
Willoughby Wallaby Woo Raffi ℗ 1996 Rounder Records Manufactured and distributed by Concord Music Group Auto-generated by YouTube.
Join the list for free weekly videos: Buy Miss Nina's CD: or (Or find...
When the SAF trains overseas, it involves not only soldiers but large numbers of vehicles and other training equipment used by the troops. Here is the massive 4-month operation conducted by the SAF Forward Support Group (FSG) to prepare and transport all these items to Australia for Exercise Wallaby.
A look back at highlights of the Wallabies back line play over time including the Grand Slam of 1984 - part 1 of 9 - part 2 here
A look back at highlights of the Wallabies back line play over time including the 1991 Rugby World Cup win - part 2 of 9 - part 3 here
A look back at highlights of the Wallabies back line play over time including their World Cup victory in 1999 and victory over the British & Irish Lions in 2...
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Обзор моего EDC рюкзака Tatonka Wallaby. Нюансы использования после года ношения.
Eight song on The Wiggles Yummy Yummy soundtrack. This is for entertainment purposes only all rights reserved for The Wiggles.
The Northern Territory is renowned for throwing up some mind-boggling moments but when ranger Paul O'Neill heard birds making a racket inside the Nitmiluk National Park, he went to investigate. And what he found was one of those double-take moments, he looked as a large python wrapped itself around and began devouring a wallaby.
From the movie, Slim Dusty: Around Australia... Full Movie: I apologise if there is poor video quality!!! All rig...
This is the season finale of 'The Call of the Wallaby,' a 6-part Rugby Doco screened on Fox Sports Australia.
When something starts raiding Ruth's strawberry patch, Timmy and a friend decide to track the creature with Lassie trailing the scent. When Lassie finds the culprit, Timmy is amazed to see it is something he can only describe as "a giant rabbit"! TRIVIA: Wallabies are a native species to Australia and are most closely related to the kangaroos. The two species even share the same designations: their young are known as "joeys", adult females are known as a "doe", "flyer", or "jill", and adult males are "bucks", "boomers", or "jacks", while a herd of wallabies is called a "court", "mob", or "troupe". Although members of most wallaby species are small, some can grow up to six feet in length (from head to tail). They are herbivores with a diet consisting of that similar to an equine: grass, vegetables, leaves, and other foliage. Lassie and the Lassie Trademark are owned by Classic Media, which is owned by Dreamworks Animation.This episode was broadcast (over the air antenna TV) by NBC affiliate COZI TV in 2013.
Be sure to leave a LIKE if you enjoyed the video! Stream: Minecraft server: Twitter: Instagram: (10% off with code "OpTic")
'The Call of the Wallaby' is a 6-part Rugby Doco being screened on Fox Sports. See it Tuesday, 7pm on Fox Sports 1.
'The Call of the Wallaby' is a 6-part Rugby Doco being screened on Fox Sports. See it Tuesday, 7pm on Fox Sports 1.
'The Call of the Wallaby' is a 6-part Rugby Doco being screened on Fox Sports. See it Tuesday, 7pm on Fox Sports 1.
'The Call of the Wallaby' is a 6-part Rugby Doco being screened on Fox Sports. See it Tuesday, 7pm on Fox Sports 1.
3月急遽解散したため レコーディング済みの曲を1つにまとめました アルバムと思って聴いてください.
Heff in a Handbasket: Heffer unknowingly trades his soul for an opportunity to be on a TV game show. Wallaby on Wheels: Rocko takes up roller-skating to impr...
Keith has a hopping good time going after wallaby. But first, he's in for a New Zealand smorgasbord of red stag, himalayan tahr, ram, and sheep. Please Subscribe - Website - Facebook - Twitter - Google+ - Instagram - Keith Warren is an icon in the outdoor television industry and a devoted conservationist. He has been producing and hosting television shows specifically geared to outdoorsmen for thirty years and has appeared on networks such as Outdoor Channel, Sportsman Channel, VERSUS, ESPN, ESPN 2, and Pursuit Channel.
Martin suit la reproduction du perroquet bleu de Ténérife, du wallaby, des numbats, ainsi que les soins portés à Ruppert, le bébé lémurien.
Don't Blame The Koalas - The Monster at Wallaby Park - Episode 7 - Monster at Wallaby Park - Kate, Greg, and Mark invent a mystery creature in order to promo...
Wallaby Ranch Flight Park in Davenport, FL. After 9 Tandem instructional flights with stellar pilot Steve Prepost, I'm given the green light by Malcolm Jon...
Another game in the running for longest title ever! In this deceptively cute game, a poor rabbit bets the last of her life savings in a desperate bid to earn...
První část mého hraní této návykové hry.
Scottface and the Wallaby begin a SimCity world, and prove to the world how incompetent they really are...
We let the new guy have some time out. Tags: LP Let's Lets Let Us Play commentary playthrough walkthrough gameplay part videogame video game THQ Spongebob Squarepants Patrick Star starfish Tak Jimmy Neutron Ren Stimpy Timmy Turner Fairly Oddparents Rocko Rocko's Modern Life Danny Phantom Fenton Sam factory cutscene cut scene
每日一字 : 2014-12-04 今天介紹的單字是 , Tammar Wallaby Macropod South Western Australia Least Concern International Union Conservation,同學、朋友們,你知道該怎麼查字典中的發音方式嗎? 該怎麼判斷該如何發音,查字典有什麼訣竅嗎? 讓 David 老師教你該如何使用字典中的發音規則,如: 音節、音標、自然發音規則來記住單字 ~! 歡迎 "分享" "按讚" 謝謝大家~~!
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Red Necked Wallabies with Joey Deua River & a kookaburra. Filmed from my window in 2012. The music is Chopin meets the penguins at Sea World, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia Travel channel presented by a.
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Welcome to the first installment of the Maddy and Kenzi show! Stay tuned for more episodes if you dare!
مجموعة من الفيديوهات على قناة عالم الحيوانات 2015 مجموعة مقاطع لأفتك الحيوانات المفترسة وهيا تشن هجوم على الحمير الوحشية والجواميس بالفيديو وثائقى عجائب وطرائف حيوانات ناشونال جوغرافيك ابو ظبى الضباع التي تتجمع على جاموس اقوى لقطات هجوم الحيوانات على الانسان اقوى مغامرات الحيوانات المفترسة عندما تثأر الحيوانات المفترسة والأليفة من البشر طرائف الحيوانات ـ مواقف مضحكة وثائقي أكثر الحوادث اثارة - [ هجوم الحيوانات الخطير على الانسان ] خد فكره | اخطر الحيوانات خطوره | 2015 وثائقى/ حيوان يقلد حيوانات سبحان الخالق بالفيديو وثائقى عجائب وطرائف حيوانات ناشونال جوغرافيك ابو ظبى اخطر الحيوانات خطوره مجموعة من الفيديوهات على قناة عالم الحيوانات 2015 مجموعة مقاطع لأفتك الحيوانات المفترسة وهيا تشن هجوم على الحمير الوحشية والجواميس بالفيديو وثائقى عجائب وطرائف حيوانات ناشونال جوغرافيك ابو ظبى الضباع التي تتجمع على جاموس اقوى لقطات هجوم الحيوانات على الانسان اقوى مغامرات الحيوانات المفترسة عندما تثأر الحيوانات المفترسة والأليفة من البشر طرائف الحيوانات ـ مواقف مضحكة وثائقي أكثر الحوادث اثارة - [ هجوم الحيوانات الخطير على الانسان ] خد فكره | اخطر الحيوانات خطوره | 2015 وثائقى/ حيوان يقلد حيوانات سبحان الخالق بالفيديو وثائقى عجائب وطرائف حيوانات ناشونال جوغرافيك ابو ظبى اخطر الحيوانات خطوره مجموعة من الفيديوهات على قناة عالم الحيوانات 2015 مجموعة مقاطع لأفتك الحيوانات المفترسة وهيا تشن هجوم على الحمير الوحشية والجواميس بالفيديو وثائقى عجائب وطرائف حيوانات ناشونال جوغرافيك ابو ظبى الضباع التي تتجمع على جاموس اقوى لقطات هجوم الحيوانات على الانسان اقوى مغامرات الحيوانات المفترسة عندما تثأر الحيوانات المفترسة والأليفة من البشر طرائف الحيوانات ـ مواقف مضحكة وثائقي أكثر الحوادث اثارة - [ هجوم الحيوانات الخطير على الانسان ] خد فكره | اخطر الحيوانات خطوره | 2015 وثائقى/ حيوان يقلد حيوانات سبحان الخالق بالفيديو وثائقى عجائب وطرائف حيوانات ناشونال جوغرافيك ابو ظبى اخطر الحيوانات خطوره مجموعة من الفيديوهات على قناة عالم الحيوانات 2015 مجموعة مقاطع لأفتك الحيوانات المفترسة وهيا تشن هجوم على الحمير الوحشية والجواميس بالفيديو وثائقى عجائب وطرائف حيوانات ناشونال جوغرافيك ابو ظبى الضباع التي تتجمع على جاموس اقوى لقطات هجوم الحيوانات على الانسان اقوى مغامرات الحيوانات المفترسة عندما تثأر الحيوانات المفترسة والأليفة من البشر طرائف الحيوانات ـ مواقف مضحكة وثائقي أكثر الحوادث اثارة - [ هجوم الحيوانات الخطير على الانسان ] خد فكره | اخطر الحيوانات خطوره | 2015 وثائقى/ حيوان يقلد حيوانات سبحان الخالق بالفيديو وثائقى عجائب وطرائف حيوانات ناشونال جوغرافيك ابو ظبى اخطر الحيوانات خطوره
Don't Blame The Koalas - The Monster at Wallaby Park - Episode 7 - Monster at Wallaby Park - Kate, Greg, and Mark invent a mystery creature in order to promo. Don't Blame The Koalas - The Monster at Wallaby Park - Episode 7 - Monster at Wallaby Park - Kate, Greg, and Mark invent a mystery creature in order to promo. Don't Blame The Koalas - All Kings Together - Episode 2 - When the English Kings arrive in Australia they discover that Wallaby Park is far from being the hu. Don't Blame The Koalas - And Justice For All - Episode 26 - Final Episode - The King family must decide whether to accept an offer for Wallaby Park.Don't Bla.
Don't Blame The Koalas - Dropped in It - Episode 20 - Greg applies some lateral thinking when confronted by Wallaby Park's animal manure problem. Don't Blame The Koalas - Dropped in It - Episode 20 - Greg applies some lateral thinking when confronted by Wallaby Park's animal manure problem.Don't Blame . Don't Blame The Koalas - A Star Is Born - Episode 19 - The Kings discover that show business isn't all it's cracked up to be when an episode of the popular A. Don't Blame The Koalas - Things That Go Bump - Episode 10 - Jemma becomes a vegetarian and stages a protest against Wallaby Park's treatment of animals. Greg.
Today we break bedrock (which I don't think you can do anymore) and give the skeleton farm a whole new and improved look. Time laps music: Solar by extraN!ZE : Intro made by Timothy Drew : Intro music- Sunshine by K-391 :
For more information visit 24456 Wallaby Ln Punta Gorda, Florida, 33955 MLS# C7051661 Beds: 3 | Baths: 2 | Half-Baths: 1 | Sq Ft: 2,657 Supreme custom upgrades & lakeview. Distinctive 3BD/2.5BA with two kitchens, fireplace, summer kitchen, & salt water pool. This home is a lakefront with a circular driveway and 2 car garage with an extra 1/2 lot on the side. Contact Agent: Sandi Stricklin CENTURY 21 Sunbelt Realty
Search up a Wallaby, they're like Bandicoots...I swear. Crash Bandicoot 2 takes place after Crash Bandicoot, both made by Naughty Dog and Universal Entertainment Studios. After saving your girlfriend from Dr. Neo Cortex, he falls and crashes into Wumpa Island and plans to get his revenge on Crash and Aku-Aku, along with Crash's sister "Coco". You must go through several levels of crazy and collect Jems, Crystals and Pendants throughout your journey.
VON DUTCH WOMENS FORMATION WALLABY HH BOOTIE NUTELLA SIZE 8 Visit To: DESCRIPTION : SPECIFICATIONS : LEATHER * RUBBER To Buy VON DUTCH WOMENS FORMATION WALLABY HH BOOTIE NUTELLA SIZE 8 Click here : VON DUTCH WOMENS FORMATION WALLABY HH BOOTIE NUTELLA SIZE 8 Review VON DUTCH WOMENS FORMATION WALLABY HH BOOTIE NUTELLA SIZE 8 Product VON DUTCH WOMENS FORMATION WALLABY HH BOOTIE NUTELLA SIZE 8 Check Online Best VON DUTCH WOMENS FORMATION WALLABY HH BOOTIE NUTELLA SIZE 8 Review Review VON DUTCH WOMENS FORMATION WALLABY HH BOOTIE NUTELLA SIZE 8 Product The video does not have sound. The video shows you how to move your tongue and lips to pronounce the word. The tongue is shown on the left from the side view. The tip of the tongue has the syllable being pronounced as part of the motion. The lips are on the right in pink. El vídeo no tiene sonido. El video que muestra cómo mover su lengua y los labios para pronunciar la palabra. La lengua se muestra a la izquierda de la vista lateral. La punta de la lengua tiene la sílaba se pronuncia como parte del movimiento. Los labios están a la derecha en color rosa. Ang video na ito ay walang tunog. Ipinapakita sa iyo ang video kung paano ilipat ang iyong dila at mga labi upang gawaran ng salita. Dila ay ipinapakita sa kaliwa mula sa side view. Ang tungki ay may pantig ina binibigkas bilang bahagi ng paggalaw. Ang mga labi ay sa kanan sa pink. ビデオは音がありません。ビデオでは、単語の発音を舌と唇を移動する方法を示します。舌側面から左側に示されている。舌の先端には、運動の一環として発音されて音節を持っています。唇はピンクの右側にある。 Bideo wa oto ga arimasen. Bideode wa, tango no hatsuon o shita to kuchibiru o idō suru hōhō o shimeshimasu. Zessokumen kara hidarigawa ni shimesa rete iru. Shita no sentan ni wa, undō no ikkan to shite hatsuon sa rete onsetsu o motte imasu. Kuchibiru wa pinku no migigawa ni aru. वीडियो ध्वनि नहीं है। वीडियो कैसे शब्द का उच्चारण करने के लिए अपनी जीभ और होंठ स्थानांतरित करने के लिए आपको दिखाता है। जीभ की ओर देखने से छोड़ दिया पर दिखाया गया है। जीभ की नोक प्रस्ताव के भाग के रूप में सुनाया जा रहा शब्दांश है। होंठ गुलाबी में सही पर हैं। Vīḍiyō dhvani nahīṁ hai. Vīḍiyō kaisē śabda kā uccāraṇa karanē kē li'ē apanī jībha aura hōṇṭha sthānāntarita karanē kē li'ē āpakō dikhātā hai. Jībha kī ōra dēkhanē sē chōṛa diyā para dikhāyā gayā hai. Jībha kī nōka prastāva kē bhāga kē rūpa mēṁ sunāyā jā rahā śabdānśa hai. Hōṇṭha gulābī mēṁ sahī para haiṁ. 视频没有声音。该视频展示了如何将你的舌头和嘴唇发音的单词。舌被显示在左侧从侧面视图。在舌尖有明显被作为运动的一部分音节。嘴唇是正确的粉红色。 Shìpín méiyǒu shēngyīn. Gāi shìpín zhǎn shì liǎo rúhé jiāng nǐ de shétou hé zuǐchún fāyīn de dāncí. Shé bèi xiǎnshì zài zuǒ cè cóng cèmiàn shìtú. Zài shéjiān yǒu míngxiǎn bèi zuòwéi yùndòng de yībùfèn yīnjié. Zuǐchún shì zhèngquè de fěnhóng sè. 視頻沒有聲音。該視頻展示了如何將你的舌頭和嘴唇發音的單詞。舌被顯示在左側從側面視圖。在舌尖有明顯被作為運動的一部分音節。嘴唇是正確的粉紅色。 Shìpín méiyǒu shēngyīn. Gāi shìpín zhǎn shì liǎo rúhé jiāng nǐ de shétou hé zuǐchún fāyīn de dāncí. Shé bèi xiǎnshì zài zuǒcè cóng cèmiàn shìtú. Zài shéjiān yǒu míngxiǎn bèi zuòwéi yùndòng de yībùfèn yīnjié. Zuǐchún shì zhèngquè de fěnhóng sè. Das Video hat keinen Ton. Das Video zeigt, wie Sie Ihre Zunge und Lippen zu bewegen, um das Wort auszusprechen. Die Zunge ist auf der linken Seite von der Seitenansicht dargestellt. Die Spitze der Zunge hat die Silbe, die als Teil der Bewegung ausgeprägt. Die Lippen sind auf der rechten Seite in pink. ليس لدى الفيديو الصوت. الفيديو يوضح لك كيفية تحريك اللسان والشفاه الخاص بك تنطق الكلمة. ويظهر اللسان على اليسار من عرض الجانب. غيض من اللسان لديه مقطع يجري وضوحا كجزء من الحركة. الشفاه هي على اليمين باللون الوردي. Die video het nie klank. Die video wys hoe jy jou tong en lippe te beweeg om die woord te spreek. Die tong is vertoon op die links van die kant sien. Die punt van die tong het lettergreep word uitgespreek as deel van die beweging. Die lippe is op die regte in pienk. 동영상은 소리가 없습니다. 비디오는 어떻게 단어를 발음하는 당신의 혀와 입술을 이동하는 방법을 보여줍니다.혀는 사이드 뷰에서 왼쪽에 표시됩니다. 혀의 끝은 운동의 일환으로 발음되는 음절이있다.입술은 핑크의 오른쪽에 있습니다.
Wallaby Jump Studio Group ℗ 2006 Digital Music Group, Inc., Inc. Released on: 2006-02-01 Auto-generated by YouTube.
kangourou blanc wallaby espèce rare . Le wallaby blanc (albinos) est rare car systématiquement capturé pour alimenter les zoos .
When you conduct a search for LinkedIn members using any search term you like, from "wallaby" to ...
Forbes 2015-04-11... lions, zebra, alligators and wallabies, along with more quotidian animals like horses and goats.
Huffington Post 2015-04-11SHOULD POCOCK BE THE WALLABIES' NO ... The former Wallabies skipper was outstanding in the 16-14 loss to ...
Sydney Morning Herald 2015-04-10A single winter in Japan could net your garden variety, handful-of-Tests Wallaby a minimum of $250,000.
Canberra Times 2015-04-10Sydney 2000 Wallabies and New South Wales Waratahs coach Michael Cheika has been handed a formal ...
Big News Network 2015-04-10Round 9 ... The 50-Test Wallaby missed two games for NSW but trained without symptoms this week ... Advertisement.
Sydney Morning Herald 2015-04-10... force, with coach Stephen Larkham describing the former Wallabies skipper as a "game changer".
Sydney Morning Herald 2015-04-10Former Wallabies captain David Pocock dominated the breakdown, forcing turnovers and denying the ...
Yahoo Daily News 2015-04-10... – and a zoo with animals ranging from armadillos to wallabys and including a rare Javan gibbon.
The Charlotte Observer 2015-04-10... superstar Wallaby Israel Folau, as well as fellow outside backs Brad Takairangi and Bureta Faraimo.
Canberra Times 2015-04-10... 12-12 and social media beginning to light up with calls for Bennett to start coaching the Wallabies.
Canberra Times 2015-04-10Meanwhile, player agent Isaac Moses has confirmed Waratahs and Wallabies second-rower Will Skelton has signed on as a client.
The Guardian 2015-04-10Clive Woodward trolls the Wallaby scrum: "Out of the three southern hemisphere countries, the ...
Canberra Times 2015-04-10A wallaby is any of about thirty species of macropod (Family Macropodidae). It is an informal designation generally used for any macropod that is smaller than a kangaroo or wallaroo that has not been given some other name.
Very small forest-dwelling wallabies are known as "pademelons" (genus Thylogale) and "dorcopsises" (genera Dorcopsis and Dorcopsulus). The name "wallaby" comes from the Eora, who were the first human inhabitants of the Sydney area. Young wallabies are known as "joeys", like many other marsupials. Adult male wallabies are referred to as "bucks", "boomers", or "jacks". An adult female wallaby is known as a "doe", "flyer", or "jill". A group of wallabies is called a "court", "mob", or "troup". Although members of most wallaby species are small, some can grow up to six feet in length (from head to tail).
Wallabies are herbivores whose diet consists of a wide range of grasses, vegetables, leaves, and other foliage. Due to recent urbanization, many wallabies now feed in rural and urban areas. Wallabies cover vast distances for food and water, which is often scarce in their environment. Mobs of wallabies often congregate around the same water hole during the dry season.
David Gordon "Slim Dusty " Kirkpatrick AO, MBE (13 June 1927—19 September 2003) was an Australian country music singer-songwriter and producer, with a career spanning nearly seven decades. He was known to record songs in the legacy of Australian poets Henry Lawson and Banjo Patterson that represented the Australian Bush Lifestyle, and also for his many trucking songs. Dusty was the first Australian to have a No. 1 Hit song with Gordon Parsons (Pub With No Beer). He received an unequalled 37 Golden Guitar and two ARIA awards and was inducted into the ARIA Hall of Fame and the Country Music Roll of Renown. At the time of his death at the age of 76, Dusty had been working on his 106th album for EMI Records. In 2007 his domestic record sales in Australia surpassed seven million.
David Gordon Kirkpatrick was born on 13 June 1927 in Kempsey, New South Wales, the son of a cattle farmer. Kirkpatrick adopted the stage name "Slim Dusty" in 1938 at eleven years of age. His earliest musical influences included Jimmie Rodgers. In 1945, Dusty wrote When the Rain Tumbles Down in July and released his first record that year at the age of eighteen. In 1946, he signed his first recording contract with Columbia Graphophone for the Regal Zonophone label.
Give a little hope to our love
I wish, I wish
Rain could wash your tears away
Give a little time
and give a little hope to our love
Seit Tagen ist mein Leben
Für mich ohne Sinn
Beweg' mich nur im Kreis statt zu dir hin
Weil ich weiß
Wie enttäuscht du von mir bist
Und ehrlich: Wie hab' ich dich vermisst
Du sprichst kein Wort
Kein Ort, der nicht nach dir schmeckt
Und weckt ein Gefühl, das in mir steckt
Dich zurückgewinnen - neue Pläne spinnen
lass uns doch noch mal von vorn beginnen
Love is like a smooth summer rain
I wish that you'll be back again
Holding back the good times
Forget about the past
Won't let you down
Sag nicht was du willst
Sag mir, was ich hören will | Won't let you go -
Sag mir, dass ich ein Teil
Aus deinem Leben bin | Won't let you cry!
Dass ich dir fehle - dein Gewissen quäle
Bereit' dem ein Ende - bereit' dem ein Ende
I wish, I wish
I could take your fears away
Love and hate
Is tearing us apart
Komm' zurück zu mir
I wish, I wish
Rain could wash your tears away
Give a little time
And give a little hope to our love
Ich geb' dir all die Zeit und dauert es ein Jahr
Ich will nie wieder gehen, ich bin für dich da
Und immer schon gewesen
Nur konnt' ich's nie zeigen
Nun lass mich nicht auf ewig leiden
Ein kleines Abenteuer
Ist ein Feuer, was schnell verglüht
Wer einmal lügt, sich selbst betrügt
Ich will's nie wieder wissen
Hab' dein Herz zerrissen
Will zurück zu dir, dich nie mehr missen
Love is like a smooth summer rain
I wish that you'll be back again
Holding back the good times
Forget about the past
Won't let you down
Sag nicht was du willst
Sag mir, was ich hören will | Won't let you go -
Sag mir, dass ich ein Teil
Aus deinem Leben bin | Won't let you cry!
Dass ich dir fehle - dein Gewissen quäle
Bereit' dem ein Ende - bereit' dem ein Ende
I wish, I wish
I could take your fears away
Love and hate
Is tearing us apart
Komm' zurück zu mir
I wish, I wish
Ich wünsch es mir so sehr
Rain could wash your tears away
Give a little time
And give a little hope to our love
Es tut so weh
I wish, I wish
I could take your fears away
Love and hate
Is tearing us apart
Komm' zurück zu mir
I wish, I wish
Rain could wash your tears away
Give a little time
And give a little hope to our love
Für unsere Liebe
Niemals mehr, niemals mehr
Niemals mehr, niemals mehr
Übers Meer
Du sagtst du warst heut in der Gegend,auf nen Sprung kommst du vorbei,
wollst mal wissen wie’s mir geht,ist ja schließlich nichts dabei wenn man sich wieder sieht
so als Freunde
du wolltest mir schon ewig diese Sachen wieder geben,
doch ich frag mich was ne Frau wie du ganz ehrlich gesagt,
aufgedonnert wie ein Model am helllichten Tag
mitten in der Woche, ganz am Ende dieser Stadt,
so ganz zufällig zu tun hat
kaum hab ich dich vergessen stehst du auch schon wieder da
und dein Blick scheint mir zu sagen:
lass es werden wie es wahr, lass es werden wie es wahr
Niemals mehr, niemals mehr
Straße ohne Wiederkehr
So was kann ich dir kein weiteres Mal verzeihen
Niemals mehr, niemals mehr
Das ist auch schon lange her
So was kann ich dir, so was kann ich dir, nicht noch mal verzeihen
Niemals mehr
Im ersten Moment hab ich keinen Stich gesehen.
Du und dieser Typ, ich konnt die Welt nicht mehr verstehen.
Ich konnte nicht mehr denken, meine Seele stand in Flammen.
Du sagtst es sei vergangen und ihr seid nicht mehr zusammen.
Das erklärt ja einiges, dass dir das nicht peinlich ist,
weil dein Motiv jetzt augenscheinlich ist,
und fang nicht an zu weinen, denn das zieht bei mir nicht mehr,
Ich floss mit deinen Tränen, dass ist ziemlich lange her.
Ich sehe du trägst wieder meinen Ring an deinem Finger
die gleichen großen Zeichen, die Bedeutung ist geringer
Ich habe lang genug gelitten und zwar ein für alle mal
Das mit uns ist nicht zu retten, zwei ist meine Unglückszahl.
Denn mein Herz und meine Seele standen lang genug am Marterpfahl
Vor lauter Warten auf Erlösung von der Qual,
hab ich mir das Warten abgewöhnt, aber egal.
Jedenfalls warte ich auf dich sicherlich nicht noch einmal
Nicht noch einmal, niemals
Es war zu jener Zeit,
wir hatten wieder mal Streit.
Da standst du an der Tür,
wolltest zurück zu mir.
Ich sagte "Klar mein Schatz",
und schon bei diesem Satz
hätte ich wissen müssen was ich jetzt erst gerafft hab.
Du machst auf Demi Moore,
sprichst mit deinen Augen nur.
und was du versprichst
ist wahre Liebe pur
Ich habe dir lange vertraut
und das hat mich geglaubt
was die anderen sagen
mir nicht zuwagen wagen.
Laß mich los!
Laß mich endlich allein
Ich unterdrück meine Träume um wieder frei zu sein.
Ich kann allein sein, das weißt du auch
und doch habe ich Flugzeuge in meinem Bauch
Gib mir mein, Gib mir mein Herz zurück
du brauchst meine Liebe nicht
Gib mir mein Herz zurück,
bevor es auseinander bricht
je eher, je eher du gehst
um so leichter, um so leichter wird´s für mich
Gib mir mein Herz zurück (3x ,jedesmal leiser)
Mir scheint als wäre es gestern,
doch es ist schon lange her
ich trau michs kaum zu sagen
doch mein Leben ist jetzt leer
ohne dich, du fehlst mir fürterlich
ganz heimlich, da denk ich nur an dich
Du bist in meinem Kopf, ein Denkmal aus Acryll
doch denke ich heute weiter ignorere ich das Gefühll
des Alleinseins, bin mir selber wieder treu
den heute definiere ich mein Leben wieder neu
Laß mich los!
Laß mich endlich allein
Ich unterdrück meine Träne um wieder frei zu sein.
Ich kann allein sein, das weißt du auch
und doch habe ich Flugzeuge in meinem Bauch
Gib mir mein, Gib mir mein Herz zurück
du brauchst meine Liebe nicht
Gib mir mein Herz zurück,
bevor es auseinander bricht
je eher, je eher du gehst
um so leichter, um so leichter wird´s für mich
Gib mir mein, Gib mir mein Herz zurück
du brauchst meine Liebe nicht
Gib mir mein Herz zurück,
bevor es auseinander bricht
je eher, je eher du gehst
um so leichter, um so leichter wird´s für mich
Verpiss dich, ich weiß genau, du vermißt mich"
Sagte meine Ex, doch ich sagte ihr: "Is´ nicht
Du bist nicht alles auf der Welt für mich, mein Schatz
Ich hab´ noch Freunde, und die hab ´n in meinem Leben auch ´n Platz"
Ratz fatz, mach ´n Satz raus aus meiner Welt
In der es dir eh nicht gefällt, dich also auch nichts mehr hält
Ich biege ab, denn mir sagt mein siebter Sinn
Daß es besser ist, wenn ich ´n Single bin
Mir tut es gar nicht leid ohne dich, ich hab´ mehr Zeit ohne dich
Ich fahr´ auf der linken Spur- immer geradeaus
Leb´ mein Leben wie ich will und im übrigen schau´ gar nicht raus
Im Fernsehen läuft nur Boxen und der Klodeckel bleibt oben
Hab nur Mikrowellenessen, ungebügelte Garderobe
Tja, mit Sex ist leider Ebbe, doch mir sagt mein siebter Sinn
Daß es wirklich besser ist, wenn ich ´n Single bin
Mir sagt mein siebter Sinn, is´ o. k., wenn ich ´n Single bin
Ich weiß, daß ich ´n Single bin, wo sind denn all die Singles hin?
Mir sagt mein siebter Sinn, ich brauch´ ganz schnell ´ne Singlein
Die Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung ist jetzt aufgehoben
Babe, ich drücke voll aufs Gas- die Geschwindigkeit ist crazy
Part after Party- Cappuccino mittendrin
Manchmal hab´ ich so viel Spaß, daß ich nicht weiß. Wo ich grad bin
Probier’s mal mit Gemütlichkeit, mit Ruhe und
Ach, dafür hab´ ich keine Zeit
Bei mir geht’s hektisch übern Ecktisch, halt´ nicht viel von Relaxen
Ich bin wie Michael Jackson, wenn der Kameramann schreit Action
I can´t get no Satisfaction, wie Mick brauch´ ich ´n Kick
Denn der Cappu is ´n Prolo und is´ solo im Augenblick
Also schick´ ich meinen kleinen süßen Hintern auf ´ne Party
Und erhoff´ mir, daß da irgendwo ´n bißchen Spaß am Start ist
Hart ist, daß, egal wohin ich geh, nicht viel passiert
Und da geht es sehr schnell, daß man den Spaß dran verliert
Also ziert mein Gesicht diese Parts auch nicht länger
Denn nach wochenlangen feiern hat man irgendwann ´n Hänger
Ich sitz´ zu Haus, obwohl ich eingeladen bin, dies wird sozusagen
Einer von den besagten Abenden
Alle kommen rum, is´ bestimmt ´ne Menge los
Und Getränke sind umsonst, also Prost, Prost, Prost
Doch ich weiß, daß ich da wie der Frosch im Märchen steh´
Nur Pärchen seh´ und nach ´m kleinen Küßchen fleh´
Und dann sagt mir mal wieder mein siebter Sinn
So bist Du, nur Du
Ich dreh' mich nochmal um
Die Tür ist fast zu
Aber ohne Dich zu sehen weiß ich keine ist wie Du
Ich werd' Dich schrecklich vermissen
Dein Foto küssen
Mir geht's beschissen
Weil wir mehr als alle andern von uns wissen
Wir sind ein Paar wie Romeo und Julia
Wie Bruder und Schwester
Und viel fester was wir beide erlebten
Bleibt für ewig und immer
Doch es macht es mir nicht leichter
Sondern nur noch viel schlimmer
Du bist wie keine mein ablsoluter Star
Bu bist wie keine andre jemals vor Dir war
Und Du gibst alles für mich
Ich bin immer für Dich da
Denn so bist du, nur Du
Und wenn ich geh' dann geht nur ein Teil von mir
Und gehst Du bleibt Deine Wärme hier
So bist Du, nur Du
Und wenn ich schlaf dann schläft nur ein Teil von mir
Und der andre träumt mit Dir
Ich sehe Deine Hand in meine Hand
Und nichts könnte schöner sein
Ich war das erste Mal im Leben mit Dir allein
Wir haben schnell gecheckt und doch ist nichts passiert
Den ganzen Tag gelacht und rumprobiert
So denk ich an Dich und an den Sommer mit Dir
An die Stunden zwischen Blumen bitte glaube mir
Die Zeit mit Dir war wie ein Meer in Flammen
Jetzt geh' ich weit von Dir und trotzdem bleiben wir zusammen
Du bist wie keine mein ablsoluter Star
Bu bist wie keine andre jemals vor Dir war
Und Du gibst alles für mich
Ich bin immer für Dich da
Denn so bist du, nur Du
Und wenn ich geh' dann geht nur ein Teil von mir
Und gehst Du bleibt Deine Wärme hier
So bist Du, nur Du
Und wenn ich schlaf dann schläft nur ein Teil von mir
Und der andre träumt mit Dir
So bist Du
Und wenn ich geh' dann geht nur ein Teil von mir
Und gehst Du bleibt Deine Wärme hier
So bist Du, nur Du
Und wenn ich schlaf dann schläft nur ein Teil von mir
Und der andre träumt mit Dir
Und wenn ich sterb' dann stirbt nur ein Teil von mir
Und stirbst Du bleibt Deine Liebe hier
Und wenn ich wein' dann weint nur ein Teil von mir
Yeah your favorite rapper's a damn lie
Sneak slyin nigga boy I testify
Gotta see you nigga count before
It ain't no way we could be friends...
It ain't gonna be a pretty bitch I swear to God my nigga
I... real silent killer you won't hear my nigga
Blood thirst in the pack like a...
You nigga free bitch I can smell the bitch and the...
Here's the bullet boys nigga digging diamonds and...
Nigga don't step nigga didn't think I come
I'll have a bottle with friends who betray the Judas
I got a real trap hell runs... the shooters
You think there's lie to their teeth
... so we gonna ride in the street...
Religion one crack epidemic
You rappers all get me and throwin all twin me
This ain't no pull the crib bitch ey
This ain't no... bitch ey
The niggas lying their... shit
When I throw down he gonna hit it shit
Your favorite rapper's a damn lie x 8
Your favorite rapper's a damn lie
You can double check this record that I stand by
I really see if you've been painful as blood ties
He blood, he blood out and a blood out
Red cross blue shill, blue still nigga
Gun fighting if you aint' there be still nigga
And who is you to ever question who's a real nigga
You never been you never watch you never real nigga
Huh, but mama's jagging
01 the only hits I had then was a news run
Drop grounding let you hear just how to do slung
The shot the video and eyes by my dope from
... by graphical, yeah and... flows lines and rappers too
Tell me what the fuck I got the proof
To a mother fucker when nothing to lose
Never been chick ever
Your favorite rapper's a damn lie x 8
Just go out to run nigga I got tools for dues
Fuck your labels deals bitch we won't tend meal for school
Your nigga pussy in the streets Hollywood they start
Your favorite rap bills get me and nigga see who you are
But if I say oh my hater got the image of fool
No niggas use to fuck with em say you use to be cool
... for the main day moon
I'ma chest... his best nice got real tools cool
But I hypnotize you see the greed in my eyes
I'm from the streets where ease of money be the really... die
But I got real trust issues I don't fuck with these niggas
I do the... all around me
He ain't gonna... burn slow, burn money
Answer slow label... niggas remind me for
Anything is on my wrist bitch please rap the... from jewels
He the... on their feet some bitch nigga
2 x Hook:
Intro: Lord please if I die right now forgive me for all my sins
Lord forgive me... forgive me
I'm tryna be a billionaire 'foe I die ('foe I die)
Let off the K's in they face if I die (if I die)
Throw up a prayer for a player when I die (when I die)
Labeled the jack of all trades when I die (when I die)
The day that Alley leave please throw up a prayer for me
I hope he Lord forgive a gansta's sins when HE send for me
All the dirt I did I had no choice I had to make some ends I had to feed my
So what else for me to do PRAY, Man I pray everyday
What I'm gon do when you don't hear me IT AIN'T GON WORK W/O NO FAITH
Lord please times was so hard, so hard I had to go hard
Or watch my folk starve
The money was right there
Babymamas calling couldn't afford daycare
So I finnesse and break across to but my own daycare
I gotta billion dollar dreams w/ a mad man's schemes
Grab the MINI 14, black mask, red beam
Repeat hook twice
Blood on my hands, facing that man I hope HE understand
Believed HE'd see me n2 heaven everything didn't go as planned
Sacrificed my soul for small sh*t; jewelry, cars, women
Felt like he died w/o that money, bt he couldn't take it w/him
A lot of niggas cried before they died bt it's too late to pray
So I hit my knees everyday never know it could be my last day
Lord help me, Satan gt me, I'm gon rotten
My heart plotting, another check, another dead body
Am I possessed for all this mess, these material wants
If I repent my sins it ain't no do's or don'ts
Please show mercy, my upbringing felt like someone cursed me
Throw up a prayer for a player on the day they jerk me
Fame di immortalit?
tra raffinata stupidit?
in un angolo di gioia
voglia di immortalit?
sogni sospesi a mezz'aria
in un attimo
che non ho
Nascondo il nero
e mi invento gioia che non c'?
e pioggia che cade gi?
quello che ? gia stato
non sar? mai pi?
tra tutto e niente
crollano le ultime paure
e non c'? pi? niente
che mi tenga in piedi
e soffice cado gi?
mi finger? invincibile
e canceller? le tue paure
se tutto sembra inutile
so che cambier?
un giorno cambier?
tra tutto e niente
crollano le ultime paure
e non c'? pi? niente
che mi tenga in piedi
Non voglio stare qui
non posso
non resisto
Non voglio stare qui
c'e' troppa gente attorno a me
c'e' confusione attorno a me
questo non è il mio mondo
Stato alterato di coscienza
corruzione di sensi e pensiero
corruzione totale
di sensi e pensiero
Stai calmo
devi restare calmo
Non sento piu' le mani
ora non capisco
non sento cio' che dici
sei vuota e lontana
da solo impazzisco
qui nessuno sapra' capire
nessuno mi potra' aiutare
Stai calmo
devi restare calmo
E muoversi in spazi senza fine
per annientarsi
esplodere in spazi senza fine
Assemblea di ottobre
via le prime calze
ipotesi e pornografia
gli anni andati via
Piccole convinzioni
vittorie senza guerre
la moda dell'idea
senza un'idea
Non c'?
non c'? pi? niente
va tutto bene
No,non c'?
non c'? pi? niente
va tutto bene
E' gi? tutto pronto
ma il vuoto
? intorno a noi
colonizzati e liberi
Non c'?
non c'? pi? niente
va tutto bene
No,non c'?
non c'? pi? niente
va tutto bene
Non c'?
non c'? pi? niente
va tutto bene
No,non c'?
non c'? pi? niente
va tutto bene
In silenzio aspetto ancora
qui aspetto ancora
ed attendo la luce
che mi porti lontano
dove tutto ? pi? dolce
dove tutto ? pi? caldo
ma mi perdo
e aspetto ancora
Non pretendo d'essere capito
da te
non credo che tu sia in grado
di vedere tanta luce
di capire questa luce
Va via l'et? della gioia
aspetto che torni l'estate
se torner?... mi vendico
i compiti di francese
dimenticarsi che era estate
tempo fa
tanto tempo fa
Avrei fatto meglio
a non chiedere tanto
a me stesso
la colpa ? solo mia
se attorno ? tutto
Va via l'et? della gioia
aspetto che torni l'estate se torner?... mi vendico
i compiti di francese
dimenticarsi che era estate
tempo fa
tanto tempo fa
Vorrei strisciare
creare nuove parole
movendo verso il centro
piu' in basso
ora fino in fondo
e provocarmi dolore
fino a sentire piacere
Allarga con forza le mie braccia
e asseconda su di me
contorti desideri
che ora muovono violente
le tue mani
lasciati assaggiare ancora
per una volta sola
per una volta ancora
Appena in superficie
non avverto piu' dolore
Falsa l'istinto la tua moderazione
e con estrema precisione e noia
intreccia il tuo futuro
ora lasciami andare a fondo
piu' in basso
Attendo con calma
osservo il vostro corteo
oggi tutti ben vestiti
per il mio ultimo viaggio
e non so per quanto tempo ancora
staro' ad aspettare
restero' sospesa
al desiderio di continuare
Ho imparato ogni gesto vano
ed attendo impaziente
cio' che mi destera' dall'infanzia
e non so se per allora
tutto sara' gia' pronto
non un'ombra
eppure eterna alle memorie
Mi seguirete ancora
tra inutili entusiasmi
mi tradirete ancora
per l'ultima volta
per l'ultima volta
per l'ultima volta
Non potro' piu' fermarmi
e lentamente
attraversando i confini
Non potro' piu' fermarmi
e dolcemente
oltrepassando i confini
Non potro' piu' fermarmi
e lentamente
nessuna forma
La verita' come un riflesso
e' solo pura apparenza
la verita' cambia il contorno
plasmata tra le tue mani
e resta ad osservare
le tue nuove carte
La verita' come un riflesso
e' una strana fantasia
e l'immaginazione
prende il colore
di una contorta bugia
che si mostra perversa
e terribilmente reale
per pochi secondi
mi lascio affascinare
dalle tue parole
il tuo infinito e' solo un riflesso
di cio' che chiami ancora verita'
Umida e trasparente
solo tua
guai a credere
che tutto sia banalmente come vuoi tu
Come rosso
che mi scioglie
mi si muove intorno
forte e dolce
mi confonde e sublima in arte
ed ora rido anch'io
Prova a confondermi
non sai che
non lasci nessun segno su di me
non piu'
Come rosso
ho cancellato l'innocenza
ora che non chiedo piu' verita'
rido anch'io
E mi accendero' come rosso
sorrido pensando
a quanto neghero'
bevendo da quest'istante
i miei nuovi ricordi
Nulla da dimenticare,
come rosso, cosi' leggero
Nulla da annientare dentro me,
Continua a soffocare
tra le sue braccia
Lascia che muova
le sue mani sul tuo corpo
e' un crudele piacere
anche per me
E puoi continuare a illuderti
che io sia qui per te
ancora ad aspettare
ma sto assecondando
la tua falsita'
Ma qui
il tuo corpo e' perfetto
candide immagini di un videotape
come se fossi qui
e tutto cio' che non sei
sarai cio' che non sei stata mai
Ti lasci andare alla curiosita'
sai bene come fare
E vedrai
ti piacera' per un momento
e poi finira'
tra i ricordi peggiori
E puoi continuare a illuderti
ma come vedi
ho smesso di aspettare
e sto assecondando
la tua falsita'
Ma qui
il tuo corpo e' perfetto
candide immagini di un videotape
come se fossi qui
Il tuo corpo e' perfetto
lo sai che brucio ancora
tra le tue gambe
Ma qui il tuo corpo e' perfetto
candide immagini
immaginandoti come sei, qui
e tutto cio' che non sei
Conosci a perfezione
ogni mia mania
ti muovi tra i miei sogni
come un'immagine
confusa nei miei occhi
sei qui da ogni angolo
Illudimi ancora
colora tutto il vuoto
poi torna qui
sopra di me
torna ad essere tutto
Affonda piano dentro me
tra le pagine del tempo
Affonda piano dentro me
colora tutto il vuoto
Come se fossi l'ultimo
attimo di luce
asciuga e sazia gli occhi
potresti essere tutto
potresti essere tutto
potresti essere tutto
Mi stanco facilmente
e mi annoio ancora prima
l'inedia mi assale
e mi lascio cullare
mi arrendo lentamente
poi mi perdo tra le tue dita
bionda onda del mio navigare
e mi lascio cullare
non so pi? cosa fare
e mi lascio cullare
tutto ci? che non posso cambiare
Mondocellofan cadono tutte le convinzioni
perduti in una stanza
la noia uccide la fantasia
le strategie di marketing
prima che sia tardi
nascondersi la verit?
non baster?
mondocellofan non c'? tempo per le spiegazioni
e tutto cambia in fretta
domani il nuovo sar? vecchio
le strategie di marketing
tutto appare pi? bello,
modificare verit?
non cambia niente
giochi erotici nella mia stanza
Cerco intorno a me
le soluzioni possibili
immobile tra mille rimorsi
dolcemente soffocata
ancora un lunghissimo istante
Calda, lenta agonia
nessuna causa apparente
come statica agitazione
il vuoto invade il silenzio
Provo a smuovermi inutilmente
in assenza di stimoli
nuovi pretesti da adottare
resto ferma dentro me
ancora un lunghissimo istante
ancora un lunghissimo istante
Si confondono i ricordi
sulla strada del ritorno
costante movimento
continuo lieve movimento
Quanta pena
nel guardare
cio' che accade intorno
ansia di arrivare
ansia da soddisfare
nient'altro che polvere
Diminuisce la luce
giorno dopo giorno
svanisce piano la luce
E' impossibile sostenere
questi ritmi incandescenti
Ottenere piena soddisfazione
falsa convinzione
di trovare pace
nient'altro che polvere
Muovendo in fretta i pensieri
Allunga le mie ore
e brucia forte tra i nervi
torna a cercare le ultime verita'
ritorna a fare male
La luce dell'ambiguita'
confonde i volti
accende nuovi pensieri
Chissa' con che coraggio
le continui a dire amore
io ormai abbasso anche gli occhi
E presto tornera'
la luce del giorno
a cancellare le alterazioni
che la notte accende
come verita'
mi illudo
e provo a non pensare
che lei non potra' mai cambiare
che adesso si spoglia
si lascia toccare
perche' non riesce a dire no
e poi
torna a cancellare
lascia che io non ricordi
La luce dell'ambiguita'
accende i volti
e infiamma nuovi pensieri
ed ora siamo qui
poca coscienza non basta
...ritorna ancora
Silly me to think
If we could just hold on tight
Our love would make it through
The cold and darkened night
I was wrong
We never saw the morning light
Now you're gone
And I'm alone
And I'm losing sight
No excuses
See i knew it
But the truth is
I was losing
And you proved it
Packed your bags
And now you're moving
Thats another love lost
And my hopes running low
Feel consumed and lost in gloom
It's not me not to believe
Cos I won't be alone
No matter what they say
Break me down
But I won't
Won't let it fade away
The passion burning deep inside
The greatest gift is love and
I refuse to let it die
Here in the fight of my life
Been growing ever since
And now it's worse than ever
Talked myself off the ledge
And right now never means never
But I'm lying to myself
To keep from losing my mind
Truth is, with a broken heart,
Every thought and feeling is justified
No excuses
See I knew it
But the truth is
I was losing
And you proved it
Packed your bags
And now you're moving
That's another love lost
And my hopes running low
Feel consumed and lost in gloom
It's not me not to believe
Cos I won't be alone
No matter what they say
Break me down
But I won't
Won't let it fade away
The passion burning deep inside
The greatest gift is love and
I refuse to let it die
Here in the fight of my life
I'm fighting, fighting
In the fight of my life
I'm fighting, fighting
In the fight of my life
I'm fighting, fighting
In the fight of my life
I'm fighting, fighting
In the fight of my life
Cos I won't be alone
No matter what they say
Break me down
But I won't
Won't let it fade away
The passion burning deep inside
The greatest gift is love and
I refuse to let it die
You can listen to this groove
It's for you
I'll be free for only you
Just for you
Yes my voice is coming near
Near to you
Lovely music in your ear
Just for you
Listen to this new song in your life
You can dance and romance in your home
Fly my sound everywhere you can see
Only music can save you and me
I will make you dream again
Just for you
I can get into your brain
Once agagin
Only music survives
Only music survives
I can play music where you wanna be
E intanto le sue mani
giocavano con l'aria
distesa in mezzo all'erba
sognava di volare
sognava la bambina e si riempiva gli occhi
di sole del mattino
di nuvole d'argento
desidero volare al fianco degli uccelli
abbandonarmi al vento come fossi un aquilone
ma era troppo piccola
e non sapeva andare
pi? in la delle sue favole
nei sogni volteggiare
legata a quel terreno dal suo triste destino
il limite di un essere di libert? sprovvisto
io voler?
cavalcher? l'azzurro
le braccia si distesero cullandosi con l'aria
il corpo levitava pi? in alto ad ogni metro
volava la bambina pi? in la di ogni lacrima
come se
non fosse tutto inutile
ma dolce
inutile e dolce
Uccide pensarci ancora un po'
attorno e' solo vuoto
e niente di te
niente per me
Ed affogo chiedendomi
quale sia l'ironia
la logica di un dio
che mi piega in due
Sei ancora nuda
ancora nuda
torna immobile l'aria
il silenzio di quel mattino
ed io non sento alcun male
resta immobile l'aria
il silenzio come quel mattino
ed io non sento piu' male
Seguendo la linea
scopri che
in fondo e' tutto inutile
ma dolce
quasi non ti riconosco
non so piu' chi sei
mi piega in due
Sei ancora nuda
Ad un passo
da una crisi generazionale
Sembro vera
solo dopo le dieci di sera
Ad un passo da una finta esplosione ormonale
Mi concedo
credimi anche per molto poco
E quasi mi accontento
ma solo fingendo
di non capire che
l'equilibrio e' sottile
Ad un passo
da una crisi generazionale
Sembro vera
solo dopo le dieci di sera
Ad un passo dal restare
a letto fino a pranzo
Questa stanza e' un casino
e mi ripeti non sono nessuno
La colpa su di me
tutta su di me
Che non riesco a reagire
non sono brava quanto te
Lineare e inutile
fantasie vendute
a stipendio fisso
e piu' niente da dire
non spegne la gioia che ho
la lucidit? che non ho cercato
? arrivata cos? improvvisa
? l' errore
luce a questa notte
tutto il resto ? cos? leggero
ho bisogno di calma e curiosit?
solo un attimo di dolore
se la verit? che non ho mai detto
? tornata a parlare per me
chiederei perdono per i vostri occhi che
finalmente piangono per me
chiunque mi trovi domani
dovr? cercare ancora
c'? cos? poca distanza tra tutto e niente
Mi stanco facilmente
E mi annoio ancora prima
L’inedia mi assale
E mi lascio cullare
E mi lascio cullare
Mi arrendo lentamente
Poi mi perdo tra le tue dita
Bionda onda del mio navigare
E mi lascio cullare
E mi lascio cullare
Non so pi? cosa fare
E mi lascio cullare
E mi lascio cullare
Tutto ci? che non posso cambiare
E mi lascio cullare
E mi lascio cullare
Tutto ci? che non posso cambiare
E mi lascio cullare
Mi chiedi una bugia
fingendoti felice
come quando ero li con te
anni spenti dai giorni
costruiti per non capire
tu cerca di convincermi
che ? bello
? tutto bello
anche cos?
se chiudo gli occhi
io sono l? con te
come se non fosse tutto un grande niente
come se non fosse tutto qui
ma ? tutto qui
sei ferma l?
in quell'istante
continuo a cercarti
ma ho perso i contorni
e dimenticare
ora prova a dimenticare
che il tempo ti porta via
se chiudo gli occhi
io sono l? con te
come se non fosse tutto un grande niente
come se non fosse tutto qui