John Collett

John Collett

Writes about personal finance for Fairfax Media, Sydney, Australia.


Take full control of your finances

John Collett The start of a new financial year is a good time to review your financial affairs, especially if they're keeping you awake at night, writes John Collett.


Super savings hit by Greek crisis

Athenians queue up to withdraw money from an ATM. The Greek government has imposed a €60 daily limit.

John Collett The Greek tragedy may not be a problem for the Australian economy, but it is costing super fund members plenty in foregone retirement savings.


Retirees can escape low rates trap

John Collett.

John Collett With term deposits offering so little, other options for a better income and quality of life need to be looked at.


Robo knows how to spot a good ETF

Stockspot is an Australian pioneer of the so-called 'Robo-adviser' model.

John Collett Automated investment advice is the latest fad in the Exchange Traded Funds sector.


High fees eat into super savings

John Collett Superannuation fund members are paying hundreds of millions of dollars a year in fees that they do not need to pay.


Managed funds score 'D' for disclosure

Investors have the right to access the information.

John Collett Australian investors are still in the dark, according to a recent global survey.


Travel cards not all created equal

Travel cards are a good way to pay for an overseas holiday - especially when the Australian currency is weaker.

John Collett A little bit of homework on which card to use when travelling overseas can really pay off.

Burnt by Sydney property prices? Head south

Melbourne, recently.

John Collett As Sydney prices soar, property developer hopes to convince investors to look at opportunities elsewhere.


Squeezing a bit more income from your savings

A cash rate at record lows leaves those living off their savings in a tight spot. <i>Illustration: Sam Bennett</i>

John Collett It's one of the most frequently asked questions: how can I get a decent return without taking on risk?


Too many know too little about loans

John Collett.

John Collett Low levels of financial literacy are leaving consumers without the knowledge to get the best deals on home loans.


Professional investors lift their exposure to global shares

John Collett.

John Collett Professional investors are lifting their investment in overseas shares and reducing their exposure to Australian shares.


Catholic Super members the most satisfied

John Collett.

John Collett The biggest 20 superannuation providers have been put under the spotlight by Roy Morgan Research, with some surprising results.

Credit card tips: 10 ways to beat the banks

Simple solution: Curb your spending by cutting up your credit cards.

John Collett Call it a law of anti-gravity – the lower the cash rate, the higher the credit card interest rates.


Credit card travel insurance under the spotlight

John Collett

John Collett Those heading overseas during the upcoming school holidays could be buying travel insurance they do not need.


Banks likely to weather the storm

Bank shares may be under pressure but the industry remains a solid investment.

John Collett The big four continue to dominate the banking sector by virtue of an economic moat that competitors are unable to breach.

Legal and simple ways to beat the ATO

The Tax Office will focus on unusually high work-related expense claims this financial year.

John Collett Salary sacrificing is perhaps the easiest way to minimise what the Australian Taxation Office takes.

Retirees stung by high-fee retirement products

John Collett Retirees are being stung with high costs for their allocated pensions, leaving them with less income in retirement.


High-cost allocated pensions leave retirees with less

Shop around for the best deal for your retirement.

John Collett Retirees who roll-over their superannuation into an account-based pensions risk paying high costs that will eat into their retirement nest egg.


Age pension 'double dipping' is a myth

John Collett Retirees do not blow their retirement savings and then fall back on the age pension.

Taper rate the killer in age pension changes

John Collett Proposed changes to the assets testing for the age pension in the budget are going to affect more people over time as they retire with larger superannuation balances.