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Sham FM | News,Oldies,World Middle East | Syria |
Sout al-shabab | World Middle East | Syria |
Radio Dengê Kobanê | Classical | Syria |
Arabesque FM | World Middle East | Syria |
Version FM 94.4 | Varied | Syria |
"Aquí da la impresión de que todos somos tontos y de que Rusia es un país tan pequeñito y tan insignificante que tiene que mandar armas en aviones civiles", dice la analista independiente Conchetta Dellavernia a RT. "Es inadmisible por completo dar credibilidad a semejante barbaridad", puntualizó analista, que insiste que la historia "no tiene ni pies ni cabeza", y sólo resulta creible para gente que no hace nada más que estar sentada frente al televisor "con unas palomitas transgénicas". Asimismo, la analista agrega que es ridículo y absurdo creer que Rusia, teniendo el puerto de Tartus, vaya a querer enviar armas en un avión civil. La analista subraya además que no es casualidad que Turquía haga un anuncio sobre el supuesto descubrimiento de material militar proveniente de Rusia. De este modo, opina Dellavernia, Turquía aspira a ganar tiempo para obtener armas de fabricación rusa robadas por los rebeldes en cuarteles sirios y mostrar una fotografía con armas para dar alguna credibilidad a la historia. Texto completo en:
Una flotilla de buques de la Armada rusa encabezada por el portaaviones "Almirante Kuznetsov" llegó al puerto sirio de Tartus. teleSUR http://multimedia.tele...
Russian warships in Syrian port of Tartus Syrian Revolution Videos - English Subtitles
UgandaPropaganda Eesti tõlge.
Check out my channel and FB page for more future music :) Show The Tartus some love & support! The Tartus "Lose You" single available for free here: The Tartus: SC: VK: GEOMETRY RECORDINGS: SC: [Free Download!] BC: Photograph by Jessica Smalley: Follow the FC here: FB: VK: SC:
- Parte 1: - Parte 2: - Parte 3: - Siguenos e Informate de la Actualidad del Complot contra Siria: - Facebook - Twitter:
Koolitants 2014 Tartu maakondlik voor.
Rendendamisel juhtus midagi, seega video pole vägahea :// I DONT OWN THE SONG! Song name: Ravager - What You Need
Selles videos olen ma koos Lps Triibukesega. Me oleme Lõunakeskuses ning tegime sellest video. :)
Удмуртский вечер в Тарту (Эстония), 19.03.2015 г.
ringristmik. tartus anne ringil vasakule sõprusest
GREASE Jim Jacobs / Warren Casey Muusikal kahes vaatuses Lavastaja Georg Malvius (Rootsi) Muusikajuht ja dirigent Tarmo Leinatamm Kunstnik Ellen Cairns (Šoti...
2014/2015 aastavahetuse ilutulestik Tartus.
Lõbus avastusretk Tartu linnas joogat tehes. Mobile link: Video: Harald Lepisk ja Maris Tammets ( Jooga juhendaja: Kristi Kass ( Muusika: Israel Kamakawiwo'ole vs. MashMike - Somewhere Over The Rainbow (
Subscribe & Like OthxTV'le :
Arhiivikaadrid Arnold Matteuse filmist "Arhitekti mälestusi" (1981) Eesti Reklaamfilm.
Ööklubis Maxim alguse saanud vene maffia konflikt päädis ootamatu lõpplahendusega. UgandaPropaganda Eesti tõlge. --------------------------------------------...
Protsess Rajacas on loonud ülikoolisõnumi-laule. „Armsas Tartus Vana Ülikool" (1970) esitati Rajacas-laulupoiste poolt esmakordselt osade Rajacas-poiste lõpe...
Tartu - City of Good Thoughts. Winter in Estonia Video Walking Travel Tour. For more videos ► Watch our most popular videos ► Click Here to Subscribe ►
The university city of Tartu sits on the Emajõgi river. The large student population and wealth of museums means that the city is always alive with interesting and new events to entertain you. | Travel Videos;=en&cp;=9&gs;_id=y... Thank you for watching & visiting...
Apicture says a 1000 words;=en&cp;=9&gs;_id=y&xhr;=t&q;=tartous+syria&gs;_upl=&bav;=on.2... Thank you for watching & visiting I love Tartous channel.....
ESN Tartu is waiting for you! Trips, excursions, jam sessions, international food fests, cottage weekends, parties, orientation days... http://www.studyinest...
2015.aasta augustis võõrustab Tartu taaskord Euroopa Meistrivõistlusi Maanteerattasõidus. 4 põnevat päeva toovad Tartu linnaringidele pedaalima sajad ratturi...
Little journey from Jyväskylä, Finland to Tartu, Estonia! Map (Promod): Trailers and Cargo Pack by Jazzycat v3.2: Scania T v1.5.2: University of Tartu - the oldest and the biggest university in Estonia, founded in 1632. Have a look at the web page - there is ...
Preview of Seanpauley's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: This blog preview was made by TravelPod using the TripAdvisor™ TripWow slideshow creator. Learn more about these videos:
A traveling video about a bus ride from Tartu to tallinn, the city in the first minutes in tartu, its a really small city but I love it!
Tallinn Travel Guide - Tallinn, Estonia's crown jewel, boasts cobbled streets and rejuvenated 14th-century dwellings. Dozens of cafés and restaurants make fo...
We take in the major sites of this Estonian city about 200 kilometres southeast of the capital Tallinn. Tartu is a university town of about 100000 people. T...
Zerkala tuleshow "Cherry Kiss" In the video you can see fireshow "Cherry Kiss" from Zerkala, in two different places. One of them was a wedding and the other...
Preview of Austega's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: This blog previe...
Sightseeing video of attractive Estonia. Video is shot 2013. List of sights: Tallinn: -Port of Tallinn -Kadriorg park & palace -President's castle -Kumu art ...
-- Created using PowToon -- Free sign up at . Make your own animated videos and animated presentations for free. PowToon is a free tool that allows you to develop cool animated clips and animated presentations for your website, office meeting, sales pitch, nonprofit fundraiser, product launch, video resume, or anything else you could use an animated explainer video. PowToon's animation templates help you create animated presentations and animated explainer videos from scratch. Anyone can produce awesome animations quickly with PowToon, without the cost or hassle other professional animation services require.
Pictures of Tartu before and after 1941, 1943-1944 bombings.
AEGEE-Tartu, AEGEE-Tallinn & AEGEE-Helsinki present Traveling Summer University 2010: A Guide To A Better Life.
In this travel video I travel to Tallinn, Estonia, and explore Tallinn's Old Town, the historic neighborhood of Tallinn that still looks and feels much like ... Tallinn is the capital and largest city of Estonia. Tallinn is situated on the southern coast of the Gulf of Finland, in north-western Estonia. Tallinn's Old Town is in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. It is ranked as a global city and has been listed among the top 10 digital cities in the world. The city was a European Capital of Culture for 2011. The most important places to visit in Tallinn: Kiek in de Kök, Estonian History Museum - Great Guild Hall, Oleviste Church (St. Olav's Church) and Tower, Estonian Maritime Museum, Bastion Tunnels, Holy Spirit Church Holy Spirit Church, Niguliste Museum (St. Nicholas' Church) and many more. This video offers a lot of tips to help you plan the perfect vacation. If you want to save time and money, the most important Tallinn travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available. Background by Kevin MacLeod ( / Dan-O at
Cities in Estonia - Tallinn, Tartu, Pärnu | Travel Videos
Kristiina Raie loeng ja praktika Tartus, 18oktoobril, 2013.
Liivi Karpištšenko, Relika Metsallik-Koppel, Lauri Leht, Eero Vegmann
Pirjo Künnapuu, Diskussioonis osalejad: Aet Rahe (Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeeriumi riigi infosüsteemide osakonna juhataja); Kalev Pullonen (Tartu Linnavalitsus); Keit Kivisild (Nortal); Erki Kaldjärv (Webware OÜ); Ingrid Pappel (Interinx OÜ)
8. november 2013 Genialistide Klubis Tartus On olemas luba muusikutelt selle video avaldamiseks.
Sai nädalavahetusel Tartus käidud, here´s what happened :P
Tartu Ülikoolis 17. oktoober 2013. a. kell 18:00 Esinejad: Mari laulja: Anna Mišina; Tartu maride antsambel Mari Kumõl; Mokša antsambel Paigonja; Vepsa antasmbel Noid; Tartu umdurtide antsambel Jumšan Gur; Udmurdi antsambel Utšõ Nõl; Komi Antsambel Zarni An'; Ungari antsambel Debreceni Nepi Együttes.
Tartus toimunud Premium7 Grand Prix avaetapi kokkuvõttev saade PEAtoimetaja - Taavi Lüütsepp, operaator - Maria Vita, graafika - Hanno Kase
August Englase näituse ja büsti avamimine Tartus Kalev/Englase maadlusklubi kodusaalis.
11. Veebruaril toimus ülemaailmne ACTA-vastane protest. Mul õnnestus filmida Tartu raekoja platsil toimuvat meeleavaldust. Kahjuks jäin ma algusest ilma aga ...
13. aprillil 2014 Audentese spordihoones toimunud Eesti meistrivõistluste finaalseeria neljandas mängus pidi koduvõistkond Selver Tallinn leppima 0:3 kaotuse...
Performance kunstnikud põikavad Tartus Anu Vask, Mari-Liis Eskusson, Rait Rosin
Tartus toimunud Premium7 Grand Prix avaetapi kokkuvõttev saade Saatejuht - Lauri Laagus, operaator, montaaž - Maria Vita
Thirty-First (031) episode in my Let's Play: SoA:L video series. This video covers Vyse and crew sailing east across Valuan airspace. Along the way we get into a couple of fights of minor consequence but eventually stumble a giant door called the Maw of Tartus. We look around for a while and run into some guards but then we're left trying to figure out how to open it. We move towards a canyon to wait but a heavy fog rolls in, similar to the fog that appears when Rhaknam is near. AwesomeMattG on Twitter:!/awesomemattg
Железнодорожная линия Таллин-Тапа-Тарту-Валга, Эстония, 10.2013 Railway line: Tallinn-Tapa-Tartu-Valga, Estonia, 10.2013 Музыка от: / Music from: Youtube Aud...
Oli kord 70 aastat tagasi... kontsert armastatud klaverimuusikast (valik) Evi Ross Elleri muusikakooli sügisfestivalil PÄRIS.
Summer in Tartu and Tartu County.
Eesti Vabariigi 94. aastapäeva paraad Tartus 2012. a.
Avasõnad Madis Masingult vabatahtliku tegevuse seminaril Tartust, seejärel Tartu abilinnapea Jüri Sasi sõnavõtt, peale seda etteaste Anna Grambergilt, Vabatahtliku Tegevuse Arenduskeskusest.
Jaanika Värton räägib elust vabatahtlikuna Mehhikos.
22. november 2013 Genialistide Klubis On olemas luba muusikutelt selle video avaldamiseks
Kokkuvõte tänavusest SEB Tartu Rulluisumaratonist, mille üritused toimusid 24. ja 25. augustil Tartus ja Jõgeval.
Kultuuripealinn Tallinn 2011 vabatahtlike koordinaator Piret Ehavald jagab oma kogemusi.
Удмуртский вечер в Тарту (Эстония), 19.03.2015 г.
Удмуртский вечер в Тарту (Эстония), 19.03.2015 г.
Удмуртский вечер в Тарту (Эстония), 19.03.2015 г.
Удмуртский вечер в Тарту (Эстония), 19.03.2015 г.
Удмуртский вечер в Тарту (Эстония), 19.03.2015 г.
Удмуртский вечер в Тарту (Эстония), 19.03.2015 г.
Удмуртский вечер в Тарту (Эстония), 19.03.2015 г.
Удмуртский вечер в Тарту (Эстония), 19.03.2015 г.
Удмуртский вечер в Тарту (Эстония), 19.03.2015 г.
Удмуртский вечер в Тарту (Эстония), 19.03.2015 г.
Удмуртский вечер в Тарту (Эстония), песня "Италмас". 19.03.2015 г.
Удмуртский вечер в Тарту (Эстония), 19.03.2015 г.
Удмуртский вечер в Тарту (Эстония), 19.03.2015 г.
Web: Studio “ Holiday” offers services in production of: - corporate films for business - portfolio videos - promotional films - romantic videos for loving couples or newly-weds - personal films We have latest technology, ambitious creative friendly team and best models. Only licensed music is used in videos. “Holiday” is also travel agency. We can organize trip and shoot your video in the most beautiful places in the world. We are proud of our videos because they lead your business successful and make your dreams true. Студия «Холидей» предлагает услуги по созданию : - корпоративного видео для бизнеса - портфолио-видео - рекламные ролики - романтическое видео для молодоженов или влюбленных - фильмы о вас Мы используем новейшие технологии, у нас есть амбициозная креативная доброжелательная команда и лучшие модели. «Холидей» также туристическое агентство. Мы можем организовать путешествие и снимать ваше видео в лучших уголках мира. Мы гордимся нашим видео помятому что оно ведет ваш бизнес к успеху и ваши мечты превращаю в реальность. Web:
Web: Studio “ Holiday” offers services in production of: - corporate films for business - portfolio videos - promotional films - romantic videos for loving couples or newly-weds - personal films We have latest technology, ambitious creative friendly team and best models. Only licensed music is used in videos. “Holiday” is also travel agency. We can organize trip and shoot your video in the most beautiful places in the world. We are proud of our videos because they lead your business successful and make your dreams true. Студия «Холидей» предлагает услуги по созданию : - корпоративного видео для бизнеса - портфолио-видео - рекламные ролики - романтическое видео для молодоженов или влюбленных - фильмы о вас Мы используем новейшие технологии, у нас есть амбициозная креативная доброжелательная команда и лучшие модели. «Холидей» также туристическое агентство. Мы можем организовать путешествие и снимать ваше видео в лучших уголках мира. Мы гордимся нашим видео помятому что оно ведет ваш бизнес к успеху и ваши мечты превращаю в реальность. Web:
Web: Studio “ Holiday” offers services in production of: - corporate films for business - portfolio videos - promotional films - romantic videos for loving couples or newly-weds - personal films We have latest technology, ambitious creative friendly team and best models. Only licensed music is used in videos. “Holiday” is also travel agency. We can organize trip and shoot your video in the most beautiful places in the world. We are proud of our videos because they lead your business successful and make your dreams true. Студия «Холидей» предлагает услуги по созданию : - корпоративного видео для бизнеса - портфолио-видео - рекламные ролики - романтическое видео для молодоженов или влюбленных - фильмы о вас Мы используем новейшие технологии, у нас есть амбициозная креативная доброжелательная команда и лучшие модели. «Холидей» также туристическое агентство. Мы можем организовать путешествие и снимать ваше видео в лучших уголках мира. Мы гордимся нашим видео помятому что оно ведет ваш бизнес к успеху и ваши мечты превращаю в реальность. Web:
The Tartus facility is used for maintenance and resupplying Russian Mediterranean-based warships ... It wants Iran isolated ... net.
The People's Voice 2015-03-27... (87%); Homs (87%); Daraa (74%); Deir ez-Zor (90%); Rif Dimashq (78%); Tartus (87%); Damascus (33%).
noodls 2015-03-14... (87%); Homs (87%); Daraa (74%); Deir ez-Zor (90%); Rif Dimashq (78%); Tartus (87%); Damascus (33%).
noodls 2015-03-13... (87%); Homs (87%); Daraa (74%); Deir ez-Zor (90%); Rif Dimashq (78%); Tartus (87%); Damascus (33%).
noodls 2015-03-12... (87%); Homs (87%); Daraa (74%); Deir ez-Zor (90%); Rif Dimashq (78%); Tartus (87%); Damascus (33%).
noodls 2015-03-12... now, on getting Russia out of the Mediterranean and out of the Russian naval base at Tartus, Syria?
Press TV 2015-02-27... now, on getting Russia out of the Mediterranean and out of the Russian naval base at Tartus, Syria?
CounterPunch 2015-02-26Included in the deal was a major expansion of the Russian naval base at the port city of Tartus, ...
Huffington Post 2015-02-26... ships currently at a small naval dockyard in Tartus, on Syria's coast, Rossiiskaya Gazeta reports.
BBC News 2015-02-09The Russian navy has a base in the Syrian city of Tartus ... access to the naval facilities in Tartus.
Huffington Post 2015-01-28It was allegedly headed for the southern French port of Sete after a journey between Tartus, Syria ...
Kathimerini 2015-01-12... (ISIS) inside Lebanon from the border of occupied Palestine south up to Tartus Syria up north.
CounterPunch 2015-01-08... port of Sete, but had first stopped at the Syrian port of Tartus, according to a shipping website.
The Siasat Daily 2015-01-03Tartus (Arabic: طرطوس / ALA-LC: Ṭarṭūs; also transliterated Tartous) is a city on the Mediterranean coast of Syria. Tartus is the second largest port city in Syria (after Latakia), and the largest city in Tartus Governorate. The population size is 115,769 (2004 census).
The city lies on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea bordered by the Alawite Mountains to the east. Arwad, the only inhabited island on the Syrian coast, is located a few kilometers off the shore of Tartus.
Tartus occupies most of a flat area, surrounded to the east by hills composed mainly of limestone and, in certain places around the town of Souda, basalt.
The climate is Mediterranean, with short winter months and a moderate temperature from April to October. The hills to the east of the city create an alternative environment and climate. Tartus is known for its mild weather and high precipitation. Humidity in the summer can reach 80%.
The History of Tartus goes back to the 2nd millennium BC when it was founded as a Phoenician colony of Aradus. The colony was known as Antaradus (from Greek "Anti-Arados → Antarados", Anti-Aradus, meaning "The town facing Arwad"). Not much remains of the Phoenician Antaradus, the mainland settlement that was linked to the more important and larger settlements of Aradus, off the shore of Tartus, and the nearby site of Amrit.
Come back my love, don't go away
Come back my love, come back to stay
I love you so, well, I want you to know
I need your love so badly
Oh, won't you
Come back my love, don't go away
I need your loving everyday
I love you so and I want you to know
I need your love so badly
You said goodbye, I wonder why
All because of those silly lies
I love you so, well, I want you to know
I need your love so badly
Well, everbody makes big mistakes in this game of
Well, I'm asking you, darling
Why don't you come back and give me a chance?
Come back my love, don't go away
I need your loving everyday
I love you so, well, I want you to know
I need your love so badly
Well, everbody makes big mistakes in this game of
Now I'm asking you, darling
Why don't you come back and give me a chance, oh, baby?
Come back my love, yeah, don't go away
I need your loving everyday
I love you so, well, I want you to know
I need your love so badly
I need your love so badly (Oh, b-b-b-baby)
Ooo wah, ooo wah cool, cool kitty
Tell us about the boy from new york city
Ooo wah, ooo wah cmon kitty
Tell us about the boy from new york city
Hes kind of tall
Hes really fine
Some day I hope to make him mine, all mine
And hes neat
And oh so sweet
And just the way he looked at me
He swept me off my feet
Ooo whee, you ought to come and see
How he walks
And how he talks
Ooo wah, ooo wah cool, cool kitty
Tell us about the boy from new york city
Hes really down
And hes no clown
He has the finest penthouse Ive ever seen in town
And hes cute
In his mohair suit
And he keeps his pockets full of spending loot
Ooo whee, say you ought to come and see
His dueling scar
And brand new car
Every time he says he loves me
Chills run down my spine
Every time he wants to kiss me
He makes me feel so fine
Ooo wah, ooo wah cool, cool kitty
Tell us about the boy from new york city
Well he can dance
(he can dance, take a chance with a little ro-)
And make romance
(mance baby, cause hes a looker)
Thats when I feel in love
With just one glance
(hes sweet talking and cool)
He was shy
And so was i
And now I know Ill never, ever say goodbye
Ooo whee, say you ought to come and see
Hes the most
From coast to coast
Ooo wah, ooo wah cool, cool kitty
Tell us about the boy from new york city
Ooo wah, ooo wah cmon kitty
Du Didle Doo
Dum De Dum Dum
Du Didle Doo
Dum De Dum Dum
Dear, when you smile at me
I hear a melody
It haunted me from the start
Something inside of me
Started a symphony
Zing went the strings of my heart
Whoa like a breath of spring
(Whoa like a breath of spring)
Whoa I heard a robin sing
(Whoa I heard a robin sing)
About a nest... apart (About a nest... apart)
All that you seem to be
End up in harmony
Zing went the strings of my heart
I still recall the thrill
I guess I always will
I hope we'll never depart
Dear, with your lips to mine
A rhapsody divine
Zing went the strings of my heart
Zing went the strings of my heart
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
Just like the ones I used to know
Where the treetops glisten,
and children listen
To hear sleigh bells in the snow
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
With every Christmas card I write
May your days be merry and bright
And may all your Christmases be white
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
With every Christmas card I write
May your days be merry and bright
Oooh, ah, oooh, ah, oooh, oooh, Kitty
Tell us about the boy from New York City
Oooh, ah, oooh, ah, come on Kitty
Tell us about the boy from New York City.
He's kinda tall
He's really fine (Yeah, yeah)
Some day I hope to name him mine, all mine (Yeah, yeah)
And he's neat
And, oh, so sweet
And the way he looked at me just swept me off my feet
(Yeah, yeah)
ooohooohooo, eeeheee
You oughta come and see
How he walks (Yeah, yeah)
And how he talks
Get this
Oooh, ah, oooh, ah, oooh, oooh, Kitty
Tell us about the boy from New York City (well,
Oooh, ah, oooh, ah, come on Kitty (Oh, yeaheah)
Tell us about the boy from New York City.
He's really down
And he's no clown (Yeah, yeah)
he has got the finest penthouse I've ever seen in town
yeah (Yeah, yeah)
And he's cute
In his mohair suit
And he keeps his pockets full of spending loot (Yeah,
Ooohooohooo, eeeheee, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Well, alright (Yeah, yeah)
Oh, oh, oh (Yeah, yeah)
Ev'ry time he says he loves me
Chills run down my spine
Ev'ry time he wants to kiss me
He makes me feel so fine
Gee, that's him
(Yeah, yeah)
(Yeah, yeah)
(Yeah, yeah)
Oh, oh, oh, oh
That's him
He's the boy from New York City
And we call him Jill
Hey, hey, hey
Well alright.
he's gonna take me to the ball and gonna make me a
sunny day
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Oh, life could be a dream (sh-boom)
If I could take you up in paradise up above (sh-boom)
If you would tell me I'm the only one that you love
Life could be a dream, sweetheart
(Hello, hello again, sh-boom and hopin' we'll meet
Oh, life could be a dream (sh-boom)
If only all my precious plans would come true (sh-boom)
If you would let me spend my whole life lovin' you
Life could be a dream, sweetheart
Now every time I look at you
Something is on my mind (dat-dat-dat-dat-dat-duh)
If you do what I want you to
Baby, we'd be so fine!
Oh, life could be a dream (sh-boom)
If I could take you up in paradise up above (sh-boom)
If you would tell me I'm the only one that you love
Life could be a dream, sweetheart
Sh-boom sh-boom Ya-da-da Da-da-da Da-da-da Da
Sh-boom sh-boom Ya-da-da Da-da-da Da-da-da Da
Sh-boom sh-boom Ya-da-da Da-da-da Da-da-da Da, sh-boom!
Sh-boom sh-boom Ya-da-da Da-da-da Da-da-da Da
Sh-boom sh-boom Ya-da-da Da-da-da Da-da-da Da
Sh-boom sh-boom Ya-da-da Da-da-da Da-da-da Da, sh-boom!
Every time I look at you
Somethin' is on my mind
If you do what I want you to
Baby, we'd be so fine!
Life could be a dream
If I could take you up in paradise up above
If you would tell me I'm the only one that you love
Life could be a dream, sweetheart
(Hello hello again, sh-boom and hopin' we'll meet
again) boom sh-boom
Hey nonny ding dong, alang alang alang (sh-boom)
Ba-doh, ba-doo ba-doodle-ay
Life could be a dream
Life could be a dream, sweetheart!
Life could be a dream
If only all my precious plans would come true
If you would let me spend my whole life loving you
Life could be a dream, sweetheart
(dee-oody-ooh, sh-boom, sh-boom)
(dee-oody-ooh, sh-boom, sh-boom)
(dee-oody-ooh, sh-boom, sh-boom)
Well, look-a there, look-a there, look-a there, look-a
there, ooh wee!
Look-a there, look-a there, look-a there, look-a there,
ooh wee!
Oh! Ah! Oh! Ah! Ooh wee!
Well, she's so fine, fine, fine, she's so fine, f- f-
she's so fi-yi-yi-yi-yi-yine, she's so fine, fine,
She's really sweet, the finest girl you ever wanna
Oh, oh, oh, oh, - Oh, oh, oh, oh, -
Reet petite, the finest girl you ever wanna meet.
Well, have you ever seen a girl for whom your soul
you'd give,
for who you'd fight for, die for, pray to God to live?
'Cause she's so fine, she's so fine,
She's really sweet, the finest girl you ever wanna
Well, she really fills her clothes from head to toe,
I want the world to know I love her, love her so!
She's all right, she's all right,
She's all right, she loves me day and night.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, - Oh, oh, oh, oh, -
Reet petite, the finest girl you ever wanna meet.
Well, she's like honey from a bee, like peaches from a
I love her, need her, she means so much to me!
She's all right, she's got what it takes,
she's got what it takes and with me she really rates.
Well, she's my cutie, my tutti frutti, my heart, my
love, my bathing
She's all right, she's got just what it takes.
She's got what it takes and with me she really rates.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, - Oh, oh, oh, oh, -
Reet petite, the finest girl you ever wanna meet,
Reet petite, the finest girl you ever wanna meet,
There ain't no good in our goodby-in'
True love takes a lot of tryin' oh I'm cryin'
Let's hang on to what we've got
Don't let go girl we've got a lot
Got a lot of love between us
Hang on hang on hang on
To what we've got
You say you're gonna go and call it quits
Gonna chuck it all and break our love to bits
(breakin up) I wish you'd never said it
(breakin up) No no we'll both regret it
That little chip of diamond on your hand
Ain't a fortune baby but you know it stands
(for your love) A love to try and bind ya
We just can't leave behind us
Baby (don't you go) Baby (oh no no)
(think it over and) Stay
Let's hang on to what we've got
Don't let go girl we've got a lot
Got a lot of love between us
Hang on hang on hang on
To what we've got
There isn't anything I wouldn't do
I'd pay any price to get in good with you
(patch it up) Give me a second turning
(patch it up) Don't cool off while I'm burning
You've got me cryin dyin at your door
Don't shut me out let me in once more
(open up) Your arms I need to hold you
(open up) Your heart oh girl I told you
Baby (don't you go) Baby (oh no no)
(think it over and) Stay
Let's hang on to what we've got
Don't let go girl we've got a lot
Got a lot of love between us
Hang on hang on hang on
It's raining, raining down on me, yeah
I'm drowning, I'm drowning in misery, yeah
I'm thinking that now I'm alone
I just want to be going home
I wish you were by me to hold me
And help me pull through
Girl, I'm crying, crying out to you
And I'm hoping, hoping I'm getting through
I've never been feeling so low
But I can't let my pain ever show
But from your eyes
I have to hide these feelings inside
That's why I'm crying
That's why I'm saying
It's raining, I'm crying, I'm sinking, I'm dying
It's raining, I'm crying, I'm sinking, I'm dying
Oh I'm sinking, I'm sinking in the crowd
Sinking in the crowd
I'm praying
I'm praying out loud
I'm praying out loud
Well there's ache in my soul never seen
Ache in my soul never seen
Can I sit back find myself something
Find myself something
Outside I play cool
But inside I'm hurting for you
Oh darlin', outside I play cool
But inside I'm hurting for you
Oh little darling, I'm crying inside
Oh, I'm thinking about you, yeah
Duke, Duke, Duke, Duke of Earl
Duke, Duke, Duke of Earl
Duke, Duke, Duke of Earl
Duke, Duke, Duke of Earl
Duke, Duke, Duke, Duke of Earl
Duke, Duke, Duke of Earl
Duke, Duke, Duke of Earl
Duke, Duke, Duke of Earl
As I I wander through this world
Nothing can stop the Duke of Earl
And you, you are my girl
And no one can hurt you, no no
Cause I, I really love you, oh oh
Come on baby hold me
'Cause I'm the Duke of Earl
So hey yea yea yeah
And when I hold you
You are my Duchess, Duchess of Earl
We'll walk through my dukedom
And a paradise we will share
Yeah I, I really love you, oh oh
So c'mon baby hug me
Yeah I'm the Duke of Earl
Oh oh oh oh...
Yeah I, I really could be no one
No one is gonna stop me
'Cause I'm the Duke of Earl
Hey yeah yeah yeah
As I i'm walking through this world
Nothing's gonna stop me the Duke of Earl
And you, you are my girl
And no one can hurt you, no no
Cause I, I really love you, oh oh
Nothing can hurt you
don't let it fade away
be strong enough to tell me goodbye
don't let it fade away
just because you don't want to see me cry
if it's over now i'll be ok
just don't let it fade away
don't let it fade away...
you keep me dangling
from a string you cannot severe
it's time to end all indecision
curiosity is killing me
look me in the eye and tell me you don't love me
put me out of my misery
your silence is giving me too much hope
I saw a crazy chick a-running down the street
I said, a-whoo, pretty baby, why the rigged beat?
She said, wow, what a square, don't you dig the scene?
Daddy Cool's playing his piano machine
Well, Daddy who? (Daddy Cool!)
Daddy who? (Daddy Cool!)
Daddy Cool, Daddy Cool (Cool daddy, cool, ahaha)
Daddy Cool, Daddy Cool (Cool daddy, cool)
Daddy Cool, Daddy Coooool
Daddy Cool, Daddy Cool (Ahaha, ahaha)
She led me by the hand (Cool daddy, cool, ahaha)
Down to the railroad track (Cool daddy, cool)
There in a tin roof honky tonk
Cool Daddy shook the shack (Ahaha, ahaha)
The joint was dim and dark (Cool daddy, cool, ahaha)
Except for one spotlight (Cool daddy, cool)
A-shining on to frantic hands
That rock like dynamite (Ahaha, ahaha)
Daddy Cool, Daddy Cool (Rock, Cool daddy, rock, rock,
Daddy Cool, Daddy Cool (Rock, Cool daddy, honky tonk
Cool Daddy)
Daddy Cool, Daddy Cool
Daddy Cool, Daddy Cool (Rock, rock, rock, rock)
Rock, rock, rock, rock
When she walks by the men all stand engrossed
(She can't help it, the girl can't help it)
When she passes by the flashlights turn to toast
(She can't help it, the girl can't help it)
That girl's got a lot of what they call the most
(She can't help it, the girl can't help it)
Well, the girl can't help it if she was born to please
(She can't help it, the girl can't help it)
And if she's got a figure made to squeeze
(She can't help it, the girl can't help it)
Now won't you kindly be aware (Ahaha, ahaha)
Daddy Cool, Daddy Cool (Cool daddy, cool, ahaha)
Daddy Cool, Daddy Cool (Cool daddy, cool)
Daddy Cool, Daddy Cool
Daddy Cool, Daddy Cool (Ahaha, ahaha)
Daddy Cool, Daddy Cool (Cool daddy, ahaha)
Daddy Cool, Daddy Cool (Cool daddy)
Daddy Cool, Daddy Cool
Daddy Cool, Daddy Cool (Ahaha, ahaha)
There's a dying breed of realest why they searching
They listen to the fake so the real they aint hearing
I always been a gangsta so I aint shit that I'm fearing
I been through it all something I sould be teaching
Gotta lil son more reason why I'm reaching
I already got money but ill tell u what I'm seeking
to show the whole world I'm one of the realest breatheing
454(better get it right) more than black and white eating
I knw its a long road u gotta stay on it
Success comes to those who really want it
So I stretch my arm and reach for the moon
cause lord knows I was born wit a dirty spoon
When I was a kid I used to wish upon a star
None of it came true the reason I go hard
I see the vision clearly we got this far
I come from the bottom so the stars is the limit
I'm true to myself so I'm far from a gimmick
Hating ass niggas jealous of they way I'm livin
Rags to riches I belved in my vision
Hated by many confronted by none
Respected by all cause the use of a gun
I speak of the pain I speak of the bubble
I stay so hungry yet so humble
Heart so solid that I made it through the struggle
I had to give my people something to trust in
I rep asian and polynesian
They say we couldn't do it so I'm here I aint leaving
Gotta prove them wrong drew deez is the reason
Ima push hard every breath that I'm breathin'
Yeaah Bobby V Yeaah
Blue colours yeaah
454 yeaah
This for my ladies yeaah
Im a catch you ladies yeaah
This for my ladies yeaah
Im a catch you ladies
Lyris: Bobby V.
I dont see nothing wrong with us
hangin out after we leave this club
if you leave with me we poppin if you leave with me aint stopping
we going get it here we going turn it up get a little freaky when we leave this club
if you leave with me we poppin if you leave with me we aint stopping
Baby girl i dont see na
i dont see na
i dont see nothin wrong
Drew Deezy : see the bottles poppin
the party is right here my swag turned up
im the playa of the year we can sip some champaign or down some some xo's come in a ferrai and leave in a lambo
i aint seen the little ligs your boys all pro
you can have what you want im not worried about the dough
go ahead tell the waiter we need 5 more this all a complimentary a 454 the times 2:30 is you leavin with the boss bring your girlfriends you aint got to drop them off take em to the mansion make em all get lost i live magnificent like rig ross
pull out your camera phone ill take a picture update your facebook and put me on your twitter ill make em say arghh and im not talking trey song
Lyrics: Booby V.
I dont see nothing wrong with us
hangin out after we leave this club
if you leave with me we poppin if you leave with me aint stopping
we going get it here we going turn it up get a little freaky when we leave this club
if you leave with me we poppin if you leave with me we aint stopping
Baby girl i dont see na
i dont see na
i dont see nothin wrong
Thai: i pull up to the club park the car pop another bottle you dont see us at the bar do you want the clear or do you want the ground just tell the waitress just to bring another round you lookin like the queen im the king of the town dont worry bout any of these other clowns
you leavin with me so no need to run around im so turfed up that you cant turn me down Heres some wristbands for your girlfriends put the rose back let the girls in now fill the cups up and get the drinking you like what you see we can do it every weekend heres the room key to the pen house got the boys with me so bring your girls out there nice real young so it will be real long so if you leave this club i dont see nothing wrong
Lyrics: Bobby V.
I dont see nothing wrong with us
hangin out after we leave this club
if you leave with me we poppin if you leave with me aint stopping
we going get it here we going turn it up get a little freaky when we leave this club
if you leave with me we poppin if you leave with me we aint stopping
Baby girl i dont see na
i dont see na
i dont see nothin wrong
If you leave with me we aint stoppin
if you leave with me we poppin
things couldn't get any worse in my heard,
i have no control over anything in my life.
there is no satisfaction in admitting anything at all.
i get all my inspiration from the worst of places.
from cynics, to cheats and thieves,
i'm growing into something i never want to meet,
confining myself into my insecurities,
confiding myself with my in-secure self.
heroes learn to die young.
i get all my inspiration from the worst of places.
don't ask what's wrong with me,
awkward silence is easy to believe,
walking between the sky and sky where plants and animals
retreat for the heat,
i'm still torn between the city lights and the countries silence,
all i want is to rot with you in my very own funeral home.
no matter where i go the trees around my head block out the sun.
sometimes i get the greatest feeling inside of me.
it's already begun inside these lungs,
this sort of thing is never fun alone.
the cramps feel like an incurable disease.
counting the pulse, at least now i'm trying.
losing touch, losing touch of it all.
i can feel it coming on, no you couldn't be more wrong.
the doctor said he could turn what's sad into numb,
it's too late, fuck it, it's already begun.
i'm breaking into pieces picking through my thoughts.
People miserable as fuck because nothing's as it seems,
Say goodbye to coming clean of your dreams.
It's too hard to relate when I'm full of so much hate.
It doesn't matter if the clocks held up by splinters
The hands still move round
Round and round and round and round
It doesn't matter if you're held up by splinters
You're just mainly sight and sound
Could you even feel falling down?
Getting older, golden age
I guess I can't see the best until I've seen the worst
But there's something in my head,
They're fucking with my head.
Walk any street they're all the same cause winters home too soon again
A generation's vice, slip on ice
Feel it coming down tonight
Getting older, golden age
Can you feel the lies inside?
A place for everything and everything in its place,
It's the same thing every day because we've all run out of things to say.
The skies are holding the weight of the world and gravity
won't let go.
I can't change who I am cuz its too late to be someone
maybe I should have learnt in 19 years
that for every secnd of guilt comes a lifetime of shame.
There has been so many things that I could have said or
of all the world i fall into none.
I am the self-consumer of my woes,
what on earth deserves out trust?
Youth and beaury are but dust.
It just doesn't...
I was born into the wrong place at the wrong time.
you will never understand what is inside of me.
When I have everythin to lose,
I have everything to hide,
I just can't get this look out of my eyes.
It just doesn't m,ake sense cuz i never chose to be like
my back breaksm no lie in it.
I am numb, I am cold, I am nothing.
All I wanted was to look out of the window
and see a night that wasn't cold for me.
No-one is starting to understand who obvious everything
I thought I'd be, I still can't beleive what this world
has done to me.
i'm only as hopeless as you say i am,
here's to good health and bad addictions
just leave me to be on my own, you should be proud
Everything ends and nothing is ever going to last.
If I knew what I was after then
maybe I wouldn't end up with nothing after all.
No-one is ever going to save you, so save yourself.
You said you would, but you wouldn't understand
and if you think that you are there then you probably don't even know yet.
When I can't even trust myself then what hope is there for anyone else?
I can never decide in anything
so I'm always trying to find a new way to fall but fuck it,
sometimes its just better when I'm letting go
and not feeling the ground beneath my feet.
I've not been talking too much lately
Lately I've been doing nothing
Nothing at all
Everyone's sinking into the ground
Death is all around me
Clawing at my fucking feet
This whole thing makes no sense
I never know why,
I wish I could spit out a lie
I'm being honest that it makes me sick,
And I'm sick of honesty,
Honestly getting me nowhere.
Everyone's sinking into the ground,
Death is all around me
Clawing at my fucking feet
This whole thing makes no sense
I never know why,
I wish I could spit out a lie.
Some make the choice to leave
But others go with taking anything they need.
I've lost myself so many times over the years.
One more thing you should know,
I have nothing left after letting go,
I've had enough of everyone and everything they've ever done.
Tell me everything that you've seen
And we can see how right you are about me
I hope you can see past all I lack second best
Fuck all the rest
I resign for whatever I was supposed to become
From day one I was my mother's only son
I've had enough of everyone and everything they've ever done
Fuck love for what it's done for me,
All I ever wanted was a little self peace
Sleepless. Loveless. Hopeless. Faithless.
Tonight you'll feel love in the air.